Java tutorial
/* * * Certain versions of software and/or documents (Material?) accessible here may contain branding from * Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. As of September 1, 2017, * the Material is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company. Any reference to the HP * and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE * marks are the property of their respective owners. * __________________________________________________________________ * MIT License * * Copyright 2012-2018 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates. * * The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates * and licensors (Micro Focus?) are set forth in the express warranty statements * accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as * constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical * or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. * The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. * ___________________________________________________________________ * */ package; import com.hp.octane.integrations.uft.UftTestDiscoveryUtils; import com.hp.octane.integrations.uft.items.*; import com.hp.octane.integrations.utils.SdkConstants; import com.hp.octane.integrations.utils.SdkStringUtils; import; import; import hudson.ExtensionList; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.model.*; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet; import hudson.scm.EditType; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.FieldUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Service is responsible to detect changes according to SCM change and to put it to queue of UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher */ public class UFTTestDetectionService { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(UFTTestDetectionService.class); private static final String INITIAL_DETECTION_FILE = "INITIAL_DETECTION_FILE.txt"; private static final String DETECTION_RESULT_FILE = "detection_result.xml"; public static UftTestDiscoveryResult startScanning(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, String configurationId, String workspaceId, String scmRepositoryId, BuildListener buildListener) { ChangeLogSet<? extends ChangeLogSet.Entry> changeSet = build.getChangeSet(); Object[] changeSetItems = changeSet.getItems(); UftTestDiscoveryResult result = null; try { boolean fullScan = build.getId().equals("1") || !initialDetectionFileExist(build.getWorkspace()) || isFullScan((build)); if (fullScan) { printToConsole(buildListener, "Executing full sync"); result = UftTestDiscoveryUtils.doFullDiscovery(new File(build.getWorkspace().getRemote())); } else { printToConsole(buildListener, "Executing changeSet sync"); result = doChangeSetDetection(changeSetItems, new File(build.getWorkspace().getRemote())); removeTestDuplicatedForUpdateTests(result); removeFalsePositiveDataTables(result, result.getDeletedTests(), result.getDeletedScmResourceFiles()); removeFalsePositiveDataTables(result, result.getNewTests(), result.getNewScmResourceFiles()); } Map<OctaneStatus, Integer> testStatusMap = computeStatusMap(result.getAllTests()); for (Map.Entry<OctaneStatus, Integer> entry : testStatusMap.entrySet()) { printToConsole(buildListener, String.format("Found %s tests with status %s", entry.getValue(), entry.getKey())); } Map<OctaneStatus, Integer> resourceFilesStatusMap = computeStatusMap(result.getAllScmResourceFiles()); for (Map.Entry<OctaneStatus, Integer> entry : resourceFilesStatusMap.entrySet()) { printToConsole(buildListener, String.format("Found %s data tables with status %s", entry.getValue(), entry.getKey())); } if (!result.getDeletedFolders().isEmpty()) { printToConsole(buildListener, String.format("Found %s deleted folders", result.getDeletedFolders().size())); //This situation is relevant for SVN only. //Deleting folder - SCM event doesn't supply information about deleted items in deleted folder - only top-level directory. //In this case need to do for each deleted folder - need to check with Octane what tests and data tables were under this folder. //so for each deleted folder - need to do at least 2 requests. In this situation - decided to activate full sync as it already tested scenario. //Full sync wil be triggered with delay of 60 secs to give the dispatcher possibility to sync other found changes //triggering full sync printToConsole(buildListener, "To sync deleted items - full sync required. Triggering job with full sync parameter."); FreeStyleProject proj = (FreeStyleProject) build.getParent(); List<ParameterValue> newParameters = new ArrayList<>(); for (ParameterValue param : build.getAction(ParametersAction.class).getParameters()) { ParameterValue paramForSet; if (param.getName().equals(UftConstants.FULL_SCAN_PARAMETER_NAME)) { paramForSet = new BooleanParameterValue(UftConstants.FULL_SCAN_PARAMETER_NAME, true); } else { paramForSet = param; } newParameters.add(paramForSet); } ParametersAction parameters = new ParametersAction(newParameters); CauseAction causeAction = new CauseAction(new FullSyncRequiredCause(build.getId())); proj.scheduleBuild2(60, parameters, causeAction); } if (result.isHasQuotedPaths()) { printToConsole(buildListener, "This run may not have discovered all updated tests. \n" + "It seems that the changes in this build included filenames with Unicode characters, which Git did not list correctly.\n" + "To make sure Git can properly list such file names, configure Git as follows : git config --global core.quotepath false\n" + "To discover the updated tests that were missed in this run and send them to ALM Octane, run this job manually with the \"Full sync\" parameter selected.\n"); } result.setScmRepositoryId(scmRepositoryId); result.setConfigurationId(configurationId); result.setWorkspaceId(workspaceId); result.setFullScan(fullScan); //we add test runner only for discovery jobs that were created for test runners ParametersAction parameterAction = build.getAction(ParametersAction.class); if (parameterAction != null) { ParameterValue testRunnerParameter = parameterAction .getParameter(UftConstants.TEST_RUNNER_ID_PARAMETER_NAME); if (testRunnerParameter != null && testRunnerParameter.getValue() instanceof String) { result.setTestRunnerId((String) testRunnerParameter.getValue()); } } result.sortItems(); publishDetectionResults(getReportXmlFile(build), buildListener, result); if (result.hasChanges()) { UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher dispatcher = getExtension(UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher.class); dispatcher.enqueueResult(build.getProject().getName(), build.getNumber()); } createInitialDetectionFile(build.getWorkspace()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Fail in startScanning : " + e.getMessage()); } return result; } private static Map<OctaneStatus, Integer> computeStatusMap(List<? extends SupportsOctaneStatus> entities) { Map<OctaneStatus, Integer> statusMap = new HashMap<>(); for (SupportsOctaneStatus item : entities) { if (!statusMap.containsKey(item.getOctaneStatus())) { statusMap.put(item.getOctaneStatus(), 0); } statusMap.put(item.getOctaneStatus(), statusMap.get(item.getOctaneStatus()) + 1); } return statusMap; } /** * Deleted data table might be part of deleted test. During discovery its very hard to know. * Here we pass through all deleted data tables, if we found data table parent is test folder - we know that the delete was part of test delete * * @param tests * @param scmResourceFiles */ private static void removeFalsePositiveDataTables(UftTestDiscoveryResult result, List<AutomatedTest> tests, List<ScmResourceFile> scmResourceFiles) { if (!scmResourceFiles.isEmpty() && !tests.isEmpty()) { List<ScmResourceFile> falsePositive = new ArrayList<>(); for (ScmResourceFile item : scmResourceFiles) { int parentSplitterIndex = item.getRelativePath() .lastIndexOf(SdkConstants.FileSystem.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER); if (parentSplitterIndex != -1) { String parentName = item.getRelativePath().substring(0, parentSplitterIndex); for (AutomatedTest test : tests) { String testPath = SdkStringUtils.isEmpty(test.getPackage()) ? test.getName() : test.getPackage() + SdkConstants.FileSystem.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER + test.getName(); if (parentName.contains(testPath)) { falsePositive.add(item); break; } } } } result.getAllScmResourceFiles().removeAll(falsePositive); } } private static boolean isFullScan(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { ParametersAction parameters = build.getAction(ParametersAction.class); if (parameters != null) { ParameterValue parameterValue = parameters.getParameter(UftConstants.FULL_SCAN_PARAMETER_NAME); if (parameterValue != null) { return (Boolean) parameterValue.getValue(); } } return false; } private static <T> T getExtension(Class<T> clazz) { ExtensionList<T> items = Jenkins.getInstance().getExtensionList(clazz); return items.get(0); } private static void removeTestDuplicatedForUpdateTests(UftTestDiscoveryResult result) { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); List<AutomatedTest> testsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (AutomatedTest test : result.getUpdatedTests()) { String key = test.getPackage() + "_" + test.getName(); if (keys.contains(key)) { testsToRemove.add(test); } keys.add(key); } result.getAllTests().removeAll(testsToRemove); } private static void printToConsole(BuildListener buildListener, String msg) { if (buildListener != null) { buildListener.getLogger().println("UFTTestDetectionService : " + msg); } } private static UftTestDiscoveryResult doChangeSetDetection(Object[] changeSetItems, File workspace) { UftTestDiscoveryResult result = new UftTestDiscoveryResult(); if (changeSetItems.length == 0) { return result; } for (int i = 0; i < changeSetItems.length; i++) { ChangeLogSet.Entry changeSet = (ChangeLogSet.Entry) changeSetItems[i]; for (ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile affectedFileChange : changeSet.getAffectedFiles()) { if (affectedFileChange.getPath().startsWith("\"")) { result.setHasQuotedPaths(true); } boolean isDir = isDir(affectedFileChange); String affectedFileFullPath = workspace + File.separator + affectedFileChange.getPath(); if (!isDir) { if (UftTestDiscoveryUtils.isTestMainFilePath(affectedFileChange.getPath())) { File testFolder = UftTestDiscoveryUtils.getTestFolderForTestMainFile(affectedFileFullPath); File affectedFile = new File(affectedFileFullPath); boolean fileExist = affectedFile.exists(); UftTestType uftTestType = UftTestDiscoveryUtils .getUftTestType(affectedFileChange.getPath()); AutomatedTest test = UftTestDiscoveryUtils.createAutomatedTest(workspace, testFolder, uftTestType); addChangeSetSrcAndDst(test, affectedFileChange); if (EditType.ADD.equals(affectedFileChange.getEditType())) { if (fileExist) { result.getAllTests().add(test); } } else if (EditType.DELETE.equals(affectedFileChange.getEditType())) { if (!fileExist) { test.setOctaneStatus(OctaneStatus.DELETED); test.setExecutable(false); result.getAllTests().add(test); } } else if (EditType.EDIT.equals(affectedFileChange.getEditType())) { if (fileExist) { test.setOctaneStatus(OctaneStatus.MODIFIED); result.getAllTests().add(test); } } } else if (UftTestDiscoveryUtils.isUftDataTableFile(affectedFileChange.getPath())) { File affectedFile = new File(affectedFileFullPath); ScmResourceFile resourceFile = UftTestDiscoveryUtils.createDataTable(workspace, affectedFile); addChangeSetSrcAndDst(resourceFile, affectedFileChange); if (EditType.ADD.equals(affectedFileChange.getEditType())) { UftTestType testType = UftTestDiscoveryUtils .isUftTestFolder(affectedFile.getParentFile().listFiles()); if (testType.isNone()) { if (affectedFile.exists()) { result.getAllScmResourceFiles().add(resourceFile); } } } else if (EditType.DELETE.equals(affectedFileChange.getEditType())) { if (!affectedFile.exists()) { resourceFile.setOctaneStatus(OctaneStatus.DELETED); result.getAllScmResourceFiles().add(resourceFile); } } } } else //isDir { if (EditType.DELETE.equals(affectedFileChange.getEditType())) { FilePath filePath = new FilePath(new File(affectedFileChange.getPath())); String deletedFolder = filePath.getRemote().replace( SdkConstants.FileSystem.LINUX_PATH_SPLITTER, SdkConstants.FileSystem.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER); result.getDeletedFolders().add(deletedFolder); } } } } return result; } private static boolean isDir(ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile path) { //ONLY for SVN plugin : Check if path is directory if (path.getClass().getName().equals("hudson.scm.SubversionChangeLogSet$Path")) { try { String value = (String) FieldUtils.readDeclaredField(path, "kind", true); return "dir".equals(value); } catch (Exception e) { //treat it as false } } return false; } private static void addChangeSetSrcAndDst(SupportsMoveDetection entity, ChangeLogSet.AffectedFile affectedFile) { if (affectedFile != null) { ScmPluginHandler handler = ScmPluginFactory .getScmHandlerByChangePathClass(affectedFile.getClass().getName()); if (handler != null) { entity.setChangeSetSrc(handler.getChangeSetSrc(affectedFile)); entity.setChangeSetDst(handler.getChangeSetDst(affectedFile)); } } } private static boolean initialDetectionFileExist(FilePath workspace) { try { File rootFile = new File(workspace.toURI()); File file = new File(rootFile, INITIAL_DETECTION_FILE); return file.exists(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private static void createInitialDetectionFile(FilePath workspace) { try { File rootFile = new File(workspace.toURI()); File file = new File(rootFile, INITIAL_DETECTION_FILE);"Initial detection file path : " + file.getPath()); file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Failed to createInitialDetectionFile : " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Serialize detectionResult to file in XML format * * @param fileToWriteTo * @param taskListenerLog * @param detectionResult */ public static void publishDetectionResults(File fileToWriteTo, TaskListener taskListenerLog, UftTestDiscoveryResult detectionResult) { try { detectionResult.writeToFile(fileToWriteTo); } catch (JAXBException e) { String msg = "Failed to persist detection results because of JAXBException : " + e.getMessage(); if (taskListenerLog != null) { taskListenerLog.error(msg); } logger.error(msg); } } public static UftTestDiscoveryResult readDetectionResults(Run run) { File file = getReportXmlFile(run); try { return UftTestDiscoveryResult.readFromFile(file); } catch (JAXBException | FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public static File getReportXmlFile(Run run) { return new File(run.getRootDir(), DETECTION_RESULT_FILE); } }