Source code

Java tutorial


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 *  Certain versions of software and/or documents (Material?) accessible here may contain branding from
 *  Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company.  As of September 1, 2017,
 *  the Material is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company.  Any reference to the HP
 *  and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE
 *  marks are the property of their respective owners.
 * __________________________________________________________________
 * MIT License
 *  Copyright 2012-2018 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.
 * The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates
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import com.hp.octane.integrations.OctaneSDK;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.ExtensionList;
import hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet;
import hudson.model.*;
import jenkins.model.GlobalConfiguration;
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
import net.minidev.json.JSONObject;
import net.minidev.json.JSONValue;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.interceptor.RequirePOST;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: gullery
 * Date: 8/10/14
 * Time: 12:47 PM
 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.

public class Webhooks implements UnprotectedRootAction {
    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(Webhooks.class);
    // url details
    public static final String WEBHOOK_PATH = "webhooks";
    public static final String NOTIFY_METHOD = "/notify";

    // json parameter names
    private final String PROJECT = "project";
    private final String SONAR_PROJECT_KEY_NAME = "key";
    private final String IS_EXPECTING_FILE_NAME = "is_expecting.txt";
    private final String JOB_NAME_PARAM_NAME = "sonar.analysis.jobName";
    private final String BUILD_NUMBER_PARAM_NAME = "sonar.analysis.buildNumber";
    private static final String PROJECT_KEY_HEADER = "X-SonarQube-Project";

    public String getIconFileName() {
        return null;

    public String getDisplayName() {
        return null;

    public String getUrlName() {
        return WEBHOOK_PATH;

    public ConfigApi getConfiguration() {
        return new ConfigApi();

    public void doNotify(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse res) throws IOException {"Received POST from " + req.getRemoteHost());
        // legal user, handle request
        JSONObject inputNotification = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(req.getInputStream());
        Object properties = inputNotification.get("properties");
        // without build context, could not send octane relevant data
        if (!req.getHeader(PROJECT_KEY_HEADER).isEmpty() && properties instanceof Map) {
            // get relevant parameters
            Map sonarAttachedProperties = (Map) properties;
            // filter notifications from sonar projects, who haven't configured listener parameters
            if (sonarAttachedProperties.containsKey(BUILD_NUMBER_PARAM_NAME)
                    && sonarAttachedProperties.containsKey(JOB_NAME_PARAM_NAME)) {
                String buildId = (String) (sonarAttachedProperties.get(BUILD_NUMBER_PARAM_NAME));
                String jobName = (String) sonarAttachedProperties.get(JOB_NAME_PARAM_NAME);
                // get sonar details from job configuration
                TopLevelItem jenkinsJob = Jenkins.getInstance().getItem(jobName);
                if (isValidJenkinsJob(jenkinsJob)) {
                    AbstractProject jenkinsProject = ((AbstractProject) jenkinsJob);
                    Integer buildNumber = Integer.valueOf(buildId, 10);
                    if (isValidJenkinsBuildNumber(jenkinsProject, buildNumber)) {
                        AbstractBuild build = getBuild(jenkinsProject, buildNumber);
                        if (build != null && isBuildExpectingToGetWebhookCall(build)
                                && !isBuildAlreadyGotWebhookCall(build)) {
                            WebhookExpectationAction action = build.getAction(WebhookExpectationAction.class);
                            ExtensionList<GlobalConfiguration> allConfigurations = GlobalConfiguration.all();
                            GlobalConfiguration sonarConfiguration = allConfigurations
                            if (sonarConfiguration != null) {
                                String sonarToken = SonarHelper.getSonarInstallationTokenByUrl(sonarConfiguration,
                                HashMap project = (HashMap) inputNotification.get(PROJECT);
                                String sonarProjectKey = (String) project.get(SONAR_PROJECT_KEY_NAME);

                                // use SDK to fetch and push data
                                        .forEach(octaneClient -> octaneClient.getSonarService()
                                                .enqueueFetchAndPushSonarCoverage(jobName, buildId, sonarProjectKey,
                                                        action.getServerUrl(), sonarToken));
                                res.setStatus(HttpStatus.SC_OK); // sonar should get positive feedback for webhook
                        } else {
                            logger.warn("Got request from sonarqube webhook listener for build ," + buildId
                                    + " which is not expecting to get sonarqube data");
                    } else {
                        logger.warn("Got request from sonarqube webhook listener, but build " + buildId
                                + " context could not be resolved");

     * this method checks if build already got webhook call.
     * we are only handling the first call, laters call for the same build
     * will be rejected
     * @param build build
     * @return result
    private Boolean isBuildAlreadyGotWebhookCall(AbstractBuild build) {
        try {
            // build is promised to be exist at this point
            File rootDir = build.getRootDir();
            File isExpectingFile = new File(rootDir, IS_EXPECTING_FILE_NAME);
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(isExpectingFile);
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
            return (Boolean) ois.readObject();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;

     * use build action to decide whether we need to get a webhook call from sonarqube
     * @param build build
     * @return true or false
    private Boolean isBuildExpectingToGetWebhookCall(AbstractBuild build) {
        WebhookExpectationAction action = build.getAction(WebhookExpectationAction.class);
        return action != null && action.getExpectingToGetWebhookCall();

    // we may get notifications from sonar project of jobs without sonar configuration
    // or jobs of other CI servers, using this method, we ignore these notifications
    private boolean isValidJenkinsJob(TopLevelItem jenkinsJob) {
        return jenkinsJob instanceof AbstractProject;

    // get build build number and jenkins job
    private AbstractBuild getBuild(AbstractProject jenkinsProject, int buildNumber) {
        if (jenkinsProject instanceof MavenModuleSet) {
            return ((MavenModuleSet) jenkinsProject).getBuildByNumber(buildNumber);
        } else if (jenkinsProject instanceof Project) {
            return (jenkinsProject).getBuildByNumber(buildNumber);
        return null;

    // we may get notifications from sonar project of jobs without sonar configuration
    // or jobs of other CI servers, using this method, we ignore these notifications
    private boolean isValidJenkinsBuildNumber(AbstractProject jenkinsProject, Integer buildNumber) {
        // in jenkins, all build ids are numbers
        try {
            return getBuild(jenkinsProject, buildNumber) != null;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return false;

     * this method persist the fact a specific build got webhook call.
     * @param build build
     * @throws IOException exception
    private void markBuildAsRecievedWebhookCall(AbstractBuild build) throws IOException {
        if (build == null) {
        File buildBaseFolder = build.getRootDir();
        File isExpectingFile = new File(buildBaseFolder, IS_EXPECTING_FILE_NAME);
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(isExpectingFile);
        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);