Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2014 mgm technology partners GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.generation;

import static;
import static;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.BaseLoadProfileEvent;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.Client;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadCurve;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadCurveAssignment;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadEvent;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadEventComparator;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadTestConfiguration;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.MarkerEvent;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.Operation;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.Target;

 * Distribute loadtest events to clients balancing the load on each client according to the relative
 * power of the given clients and taking the relative load of each operation (caused on the client
 * by this operation) into account.
 * @author mvarendo
public class EventDistributor {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventDistributor.class);

    private static final String eventSeparator = ";";

     * Distributes events from different operations with different client loads to Clients with
     * different performance. The events from the given list of events, which must be sorted
     * according to time (not verified in this method) are distributed onto processes within daemons
     * on clients. All processes of all daemons of one client should get the same load The daemon is
     * only introduced, since it exists in the configuration of perfload It is not necessary to
     * balance the distribution of events between daemons. The load of all processes of one client
     * and the total load per client is balanced by this algorithm. While looping over all events,
     * the algorithm derives for each event which client has up to now the lowest total load,
     * assigns the client load of the operation of this event to the client and then continues with
     * the next event. The algorithm for the distribution on processes is analogous. This algorithn
     * takes only the time sequence of the events into account, the time difference between the
     * events is not considered. To correct for this, not the total load per client up to the time
     * of the event to be distributed has to be taken into account, but the load distributed over
     * time, taking into account, that after a certain time, the 'current load' of a client might be
     * 0. I have no idea yet how to do this.
     * @param allEvents
     *            ArrayList of all load events
     * @return Lists of Events. For each event the client, daemon and process is now defined.
    private static List<LoadEvent> distributeEvents(final List<LoadEvent> allEvents,
            final LoadTestConfiguration loadTestConfiguration, final double totalWeightedNevent) {

        List<Client> clients = loadTestConfiguration.getClients();
        int numClients = clients.size();
        List<Operation> operations = loadTestConfiguration.getOperations();
        double[] relativeClientPower = getRelativeClientPower(loadTestConfiguration);

        // distribute events to processes and daemons of all clients
        ArrayList<LoadEvent> clientEventList = newArrayList();
        double[][] cumulatedProcessLoad = new double[numClients][];
        double[][] deficitProcessLoad = new double[numClients][];
        int[] processesPerClient = new int[numClients];

        for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
            processesPerClient[iClient] = 1 * clients.get(iClient).getNumProcesses();
            cumulatedProcessLoad[iClient] = new double[processesPerClient[iClient]];
            deficitProcessLoad[iClient] = new double[processesPerClient[iClient]];
        double cumulatedClientLoad[] = new double[numClients];
        double desiredClientLoad[] = new double[numClients];
        double deficitClientLoad[] = new double[numClients];

        // log input parameter"totalWeightedNevent = " + totalWeightedNevent);"nClient = " + numClients);
        for (Client client : clients) {
  "daemonId = " + client.getDaemonId() + " , nProcess = " + client.getNumProcesses()
                    + ", relativeClientPower = " + client.getRelativePower());
        for (Operation operation : operations) {
  "operation " + operation.getName() + " relativeClientLoad = "
                    + operation.getRelativeClientLoad());

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("weight; cumulatedWeightedNevent;");
            for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
                log.debug("targetClientLoad[" + iClient + "]; ");
            for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
                log.debug("deficitClientLoad[" + iClient + "]; ");
            log.debug("iClientMax; OperationType; StartTime");

        double cumulatedWeightedNevent = 0.;
        for (LoadEvent event : allEvents) {
            double weight = event.getOperation().getRelativeClientLoad();
            cumulatedWeightedNevent += weight;
            for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
                desiredClientLoad[iClient] = cumulatedWeightedNevent * relativeClientPower[iClient];
                deficitClientLoad[iClient] = desiredClientLoad[iClient] - cumulatedClientLoad[iClient];

            int iClientMax = findHighestDeficit(deficitClientLoad);
            cumulatedClientLoad[iClientMax] += weight;
            double desiredProcessLoad = desiredClientLoad[iClientMax] / processesPerClient[iClientMax];
            for (int iProcess = 0; iProcess < processesPerClient[iClientMax]; iProcess++) {
                deficitProcessLoad[iClientMax][iProcess] = desiredProcessLoad
                        - cumulatedProcessLoad[iClientMax][iProcess];
            int iProcessMax = findHighestDeficit(deficitProcessLoad[iClientMax]);
            cumulatedProcessLoad[iClientMax][iProcessMax] += weight;


            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(weight + "; " + cumulatedWeightedNevent + "; ");
                for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
                    log.debug(desiredClientLoad[iClient] + "; ");
                for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
                    log.debug(deficitClientLoad[iClient] + "; ");
                log.debug(iClientMax + "; " + event.getOperation().getName() + "; " + event.getTime());

        // numeric check
        double numericRelativeDifference = (cumulatedWeightedNevent - totalWeightedNevent) / totalWeightedNevent;"Numeric relative difference cumulatedWeightedNevent - totalWeightedNevent "
                + numericRelativeDifference);

        // check residua for clients
        for (int iClient = 0; iClient < numClients; iClient++) {
            deficitClientLoad[iClient] = desiredClientLoad[iClient] - cumulatedClientLoad[iClient];
  "Residuum Client " + iClient + ": " + deficitClientLoad[iClient]);

        return clientEventList;

     * Create events according to the given load curve assignment and distribute the events onto the
     * targets according to the given partition between targets. The distribution algorithm is
     * analogous to the distribution of events to clients described in the method distributeEvents()
     * in this class. The shift value is used to shift each event within its time interval. The time
     * interval is the time for which the integral over the load curve increases from the last
     * integer number of events to the next integer number of events. The value indicates the
     * relative shift within this interval. A value of 0.5 puts the event at the time, where the
     * integral value is equal to the last integer number plus 0.5. The shifting is used to be able
     * to smooth out the distribution of events on small time scales. If the load of an operation
     * following a load curve is created separately for parts of the load, then it is possible to
     * shift the start time of each event to smooth out the distribution. Creating events for half
     * the load of a load curve with a shift value of 0. and another list of events with a shift
     * value of 0.5 and combining them is equal to creating a list of events with the full load and
     * a shift value of 0.
     * @param loadCurveAssignment
     *            The assignment of a load curve to targets
     * @param shift
     *            The shift of all events for the given assignment
     * @return list of load events
    private static ArrayList<LoadEvent> createEvents(final LoadCurveAssignment loadCurveAssignment,
            final double shift) {

        LoadCurve loadCurve = loadCurveAssignment.getLoadCurve();
        List<Target> targets = loadCurveAssignment.getTargets();
        Operation operation = loadCurveAssignment.getOperation();

        String targetList = "";
        for (Target target : targets) {
            targetList += target.getName() + ", ";
        }"Creating events according to loadCurve " + loadCurve.getName() + "\n\tof operation "
                + operation.getName() + "\n\tfor targets " + targetList);

        int nEvents = (int) loadCurve.getNEvents();
        ArrayList<LoadEvent> events = new ArrayList<LoadEvent>(nEvents);

        // calculate events from load curve in given time interval
        for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; iEvent++) {
            double eventIndex = iEvent + shift;
            double Tn = LoadCurveCalculator.deriveStartTime(loadCurve, eventIndex);
            LoadEvent event = new LoadEvent(Tn, operation);
            events.add(iEvent, event);

        // assign events to targets according to load part for each targets
        double[] desiredTargetLoad = new double[targets.size()];
        double[] cumulatedTargetLoad = new double[targets.size()];
        double[] deficitTargetLoad = new double[targets.size()];
        double cumulatedNevent = 0.;
        for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < events.size(); iEvent++) {
            LoadEvent event = events.get(iEvent);
            cumulatedNevent += 1.;
            for (int iTarget = 0; iTarget < targets.size(); iTarget++) {
                desiredTargetLoad[iTarget] = cumulatedNevent * targets.get(iTarget).getLoadPart();
                deficitTargetLoad[iTarget] = desiredTargetLoad[iTarget] - cumulatedTargetLoad[iTarget];
            int iTargetMax = findHighestDeficit(deficitTargetLoad);
            cumulatedTargetLoad[iTargetMax] += 1.;

        return events;

     * Create a list of events containing events for each client according to the given load test
     * configuration. The events are first created for each load curve assignment and then merged to
     * one event list sorted by time. Then the events are distributed to clients (and daemons and
     * processes). The algorithm for the distribution on clients and targets is described in the
     * methods performing the task. The resulting event list contains events, which are sorted by
     * time and contain defined values for the targets (server), the operation and the client (and
     * daemon and process), which executes this operation against the given targets. The serialized
     * form (.csv-file) of this list is used as an input file for the perfload clients.
     * @param loadTestConfiguration
     *            configuration data of the load test
    public static List<LoadEvent> createClientEventList(final LoadTestConfiguration loadTestConfiguration) {


        // convert load curve units to hours if necessary
        List<LoadCurveAssignment> loadCurveAssignments = loadTestConfiguration.getLoadCurveAssignments();
        for (LoadCurveAssignment loadCurveAssignment : loadCurveAssignments) {
            LoadCurve loadCurve = loadCurveAssignment.getLoadCurve();
            if (!LoadCurveCalculator.timeUnit_hour.equals(loadCurve.getTimeUnit())) {

        int numAssignments = loadCurveAssignments.size();
        // derive relative shift for each assignment. The relative shifts are evenly distributed
        // from 0 to 1. The assignment with the highest client load gets the shift nearest to 0.5,
        // then the others are distributed around this value going from the highest client load to lowest.
        // This avoids that all clients start simultaneously.
        double shiftValues[] = new double[numAssignments];
        // implement the sorting here!
        log.warn("Sorting by relative client load for optimisation of shiftValues not yet implemented!");
        for (int iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < numAssignments; iAssignment++) {
            shiftValues[iAssignment] = (iAssignment + 0.5) / numAssignments;

        // derive for all assignments an event list
        List<LoadEvent> allAssignmentsEventList = new ArrayList<LoadEvent>();

        for (int iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < numAssignments; iAssignment++) {
            LoadCurveAssignment loadCurveAssignment = loadCurveAssignments.get(iAssignment);
            allAssignmentsEventList.addAll(createEvents(loadCurveAssignment, shiftValues[iAssignment]));

        Collections.sort(allAssignmentsEventList, new LoadEventComparator());

        // for numeric check
        double totalWeightedNevent = 0.;
        for (LoadCurveAssignment loadCurveAssignment : loadCurveAssignments) {
            LoadCurve loadCurve = loadCurveAssignment.getLoadCurve();
            totalWeightedNevent += loadCurve.getNEvents()
                    * loadCurveAssignment.getOperation().getRelativeClientLoad();

        //      double relativeOperationClientLoads[] = new double[numAssignments];
        //      for (int iAssignment = 0; iAssignment < numAssignments; iAssignment++) {
        //         LoadCurveAssignment loadCurveAssignment = loadCurveAssignments.get(iAssignment);
        //         relativeOperationClientLoads[iAssignment] = loadCurveAssignment.getOperation().getRelativeClientLoad();
        //      }
        List<LoadEvent> clientEventList = distributeEvents(allAssignmentsEventList, loadTestConfiguration,

        return clientEventList;

     * Write the List of load test events for a perfLoadClient The list contains following values: -
     * start time of the operation in milliseconds since start of the load test - name of the
     * operation (i.e. UStVA) - name of the host on which this operation is triggered - port of the
     * host over which the operation is triggered - number of daemon executing this test
     * (=identifier of operation) - number of the process of the daemon (here always 1) The format
     * of the file is one load test event per line, arguments separated by the given eventSeparator.
     * @param file
     *            The events file
     * @param eventList
     *            List of load test events
    public static void writeEventListForPerfLoadClientsToFile(final File file, final String headerLines,
            final List<? extends BaseLoadProfileEvent> eventList) throws IOException {
        PrintWriter pw = null;
        try {
            pw = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8");

            for (BaseLoadProfileEvent event : eventList) {
                if (event instanceof LoadEvent) {
                    LoadEvent loadEvent = (LoadEvent) event;
                    // convert time from hours to milliseconds
                    long t = Math.round(loadEvent.getTime() * 60. * 60. * 1000.);
                    String operation = loadEvent.getOperation().getName();
                    String target = loadEvent.getTarget().getName();
                    int daemonId = loadEvent.getDaemonId();
                    int processId = loadEvent.getProcessId() + 1;
                    pw.println(t + eventSeparator + operation + eventSeparator + target + eventSeparator + daemonId
                            + eventSeparator + processId);
                } else if (event instanceof MarkerEvent) {
                    MarkerEvent marker = (MarkerEvent) event;
                    long t = Math.round(marker.getTime() * 60. * 60. * 1000.);
                    pw.println(t + eventSeparator + "[[marker]]" + eventSeparator + marker.getName()
                            + eventSeparator + marker.getType() + eventSeparator);
        } finally {

    // search for the maximum (currently the first found maximum is taken, a different
    // distribution algorithm might be useful
    private static int findHighestDeficit(final double deficitLoad[]) {
        double deficitMax = deficitLoad[0];
        int iMax = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < deficitLoad.length; i++) {
            if (deficitLoad[i] > deficitMax) {
                deficitMax = deficitLoad[i];
                iMax = i;
        return iMax;

     * verifies the validity of the given arguments. Throws an IllegalArgumentException, if an
     * argument is invalid. For load curves it is checked, that the array and its elements are not
     * null. Additionally it is verified, that the time values of the points in the load curve are
     * strictly increasing.
    public static void verifyArguments(final LoadTestConfiguration loadTestConfiguration) {
        for (LoadCurveAssignment assignment : loadTestConfiguration.getLoadCurveAssignments()) {
            LoadCurve loadCurve = assignment.getLoadCurve();
            if (loadCurve == null) {
                throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("load curve of assignment " + assignment + " is null");
            double[] timeValues = loadCurve.getTimeValues();
            if (timeValues == null) {
                throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(
                        "time values of load curve with name " + loadCurve.getName() + " is null");
            int nPoint = timeValues.length;
            for (int iPoint = 1; iPoint < nPoint; iPoint++) {
                if (timeValues[iPoint] <= timeValues[iPoint - 1]) {
                    throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("In loadCurve of assignment " + assignment
                            + "], timeValues[" + Integer.toString(iPoint - 1) + "] >= timeValues[" + iPoint
                            + "], time value of lower point must be smaller than time value of upper point.");

     * Get the relative client power of all clients in the load test configuration as an array of
     * doubles. The sequence of the values in the array is according to their occurence in the
     * clients definition of the load test configuration.
     * @param loadTestConfiguration
     *            The load test configuration, for which the relative client power are returned
     * @return Array of realtive client powers
    public static double[] getRelativeClientPower(final LoadTestConfiguration loadTestConfiguration) {
        List<Client> clients = loadTestConfiguration.getClients();
        int size = clients.size();
        double[] relativeClientPower = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            relativeClientPower[i] = clients.get(i).getRelativePower();
        return relativeClientPower;

     * In assignments of a load test configuration load curves are referenced by name. In this
     * method the given load curves are scaled with the given scaling factor of the assignment and
     * then added as a direct reference. Since load curves can be used in more than one assignment,
     * load curves are cloned before they are scaled.
     * @param loadTestConfiguration
     *            The load test configuration to which scaled load curves are be added
     * @param loadCurves
     *            The load curves to be added to the assignments
    public static void addScaledLoadCurvesToAssignments(final LoadTestConfiguration loadTestConfiguration,
            final List<LoadCurve> loadCurves) {
        for (LoadCurve loadCurve : loadCurves) {

        List<LoadCurveAssignment> loadCurveAssignments = loadTestConfiguration.getLoadCurveAssignments();
        for (LoadCurveAssignment loadCurveAssignment : loadCurveAssignments) {
            String loadCurveName = loadCurveAssignment.getLoadCurveName();
            boolean found = false;
            for (LoadCurve loadCurve : loadCurves) {
                if (loadCurve.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(loadCurveName)) {
                    LoadCurve clonedLoadCurve = loadCurve.clone();
                    LoadCurve scaledLoadCurve = LoadCurveCalculator.scaleLoadCurve(clonedLoadCurve,
                    found = true;

            checkState(found, "No matching load curve found for load curve: " + loadCurveName);