Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 mfizz. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mfizz.ruby.marshal; /* * #%L * mfz-ruby-marshal * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 mfizz * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import com.mfizz.ruby.core.Ruby; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyArray; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyBignum; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyBoolean; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyFixnum; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyHash; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyObject; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyString; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubySymbol; import com.mfizz.ruby.types.RubyType; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; /** * * * @author mfizz */ public class UnmarshalTest { static public byte[] hextobytes(String hex) throws DecoderException { return Hex.decodeHex(hex.toCharArray()); } @Test public void unmarshalNil() throws Exception { // ruby: Marshal.dump(nil).unpack('H*') byte[] bytes = hextobytes("040830"); RubyType rt = Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertNull(rt); } @Test public void unmarshalFixnum() throws Exception { // ruby: Marshal.dump(12345678).unpack('H*') byte[] bytes = hextobytes("040869034e61bc"); RubyFixnum rt = (RubyFixnum) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertEquals(12345678, rt.getValue()); } @Test public void unmarshalBignum() throws Exception { // ruby: Marshal.dump(12345678910111212333).unpack('H*') byte[] bytes = hextobytes("04086c2b092de335fc8ea954ab"); RubyBignum rt = (RubyBignum) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertEquals(new BigInteger("12345678910111212333"), rt.getValue()); } /** irb(main):024:0> Marshal.dump(true).unpack('H*') => ["040854"] */ @Test public void unmarshalBooleanTrue() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes("040854"); RubyBoolean rt = (RubyBoolean) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertTrue(rt.getValue()); } /** irb(main):025:0> Marshal.dump(false).unpack('H*') => ["040846"] */ @Test public void unmarshalBooleanFalse() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes("040846"); RubyBoolean rt = (RubyBoolean) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertFalse(rt.getValue()); } /** irb(main):005:0> Marshal.dump("hello world").unpack('H*') => ["0408221068656c6c6f20776f726c64"] */ @Test public void unmarshalString() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes("0408221068656c6c6f20776f726c64"); RubyString rt = (RubyString) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertArrayEquals("hello world".getBytes(), rt.getBytes()); } /** irb(main):004:0> Marshal.dump(12345678.1).unpack('H*') => ["0408661231323334353637382e31003333"] */ //@Test public void unmarshalFloat() throws Exception { // ruby: Marshal.dump(12345678.1).unpack('H*') byte[] bytes = hextobytes("0408661231323334353637382e31003333"); RubyType rt = Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertTrue(rt instanceof RubyBignum); Assert.assertEquals(new BigInteger("12345678910111212333"), ((RubyBignum) rt).getValue()); } /** irb(main):021:0> Marshal.dump(:testsym).unpack('H*') => ["04083a0c7465737473796d"] */ @Test public void unmarshalSymbol() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes("04083a0c7465737473796d"); RubySymbol rt = (RubySymbol) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertEquals("testsym", rt.getName()); // make sure "testsym" string and this aren't equal Assert.assertFalse(rt.equals("testsym")); } /** irb(main):022:0> Marshal.dump({"hello" => "world", :testsym => 1, "testsym" => 2}).unpack('H*') => ["04087b08220a68656c6c6f220a776f726c64220c7465737473796d69073a0c7465737473796d6906"] */ @Test public void unmarshalHash() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes( "04087b08220a68656c6c6f220a776f726c64220c7465737473796d69073a0c7465737473796d6906"); RubyHash rt = (RubyHash) Marshal.load(bytes); System.out.println(Ruby.toString(rt)); Assert.assertEquals(3, rt.size()); RubyString key1 = new RubyString("hello".getBytes()); RubyString value1 = (RubyString) rt.get(key1); Assert.assertArrayEquals("world".getBytes(), value1.getBytes()); RubySymbol key2 = new RubySymbol("testsym"); RubyFixnum value2 = (RubyFixnum) rt.get(key2); Assert.assertEquals(1, value2.getValue()); RubyString key3 = new RubyString("testsym".getBytes()); RubyFixnum value3 = (RubyFixnum) rt.get(key3); Assert.assertEquals(2, value3.getValue()); } /** irb(main):023:0> Marshal.dump(["hello", "world", :testsym, 1, "testsym", 2]).unpack('H*') => ["04085b0b220a68656c6c6f220a776f726c643a0c7465737473796d6906220c7465737473796d6907"] */ @Test public void unmarshalArray() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes( "04085b0b220a68656c6c6f220a776f726c643a0c7465737473796d6906220c7465737473796d6907"); RubyArray rt = (RubyArray) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertEquals(6, rt.size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("hello".getBytes(), ((RubyString) rt.get(0)).getBytes()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("world".getBytes(), ((RubyString) rt.get(1)).getBytes()); Assert.assertEquals("testsym", ((RubySymbol) rt.get(2)).getName()); Assert.assertEquals(1, ((RubyFixnum) rt.get(3)).getValue()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("testsym".getBytes(), ((RubyString) rt.get(4)).getBytes()); Assert.assertEquals(2, ((RubyFixnum) rt.get(5)).getValue()); } /** irb(main):026:0> class TestA irb(main):027:1> attr_accessor :name irb(main):028:1> end => nil irb(main):029:0> irb(main):030:0* e = => #<TestA:0x7f3083ff68f0> irb(main):031:0> = "55617890db6868a4" => "55617890db6868a4" irb(main):032:0> irb(main):033:0* Marshal.dump(e).unpack('H*') => ["04086f3a0a5465737441063a0a406e616d65221535353631373839306462363836386134"] */ @Test public void unmarshalObject() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = hextobytes("04086f3a0a5465737441063a0a406e616d65221535353631373839306462363836386134"); RubyObject rt = (RubyObject) Marshal.load(bytes); Assert.assertEquals(1, rt.count()); Assert.assertEquals("TestA", rt.getName().getName()); RubyString name = (RubyString) rt.get(new RubySymbol("@name")); Assert.assertArrayEquals("55617890db6868a4".getBytes(), name.getBytes()); } }