Java tutorial
/* * Druid - a distributed column store. * Copyright (C) 2012 Metamarkets Group Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.metamx.druid.index.v1; import; import; import; import; import com.metamx.common.ISE; import com.metamx.common.logger.Logger; import com.metamx.druid.index.QueryableIndex; import com.metamx.druid.index.column.BitmapIndex; import com.metamx.druid.index.column.Column; import com.metamx.druid.index.column.ComplexColumn; import com.metamx.druid.index.column.DictionaryEncodedColumn; import com.metamx.druid.index.column.GenericColumn; import com.metamx.druid.index.column.ValueType; import com.metamx.druid.kv.ArrayBasedIndexedInts; import com.metamx.druid.kv.ConciseCompressedIndexedInts; import com.metamx.druid.kv.EmptyIndexedInts; import com.metamx.druid.kv.Indexed; import com.metamx.druid.kv.IndexedInts; import com.metamx.druid.kv.IndexedIterable; import com.metamx.druid.kv.ListIndexed; import org.joda.time.Interval; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; /** */ public class QueryableIndexIndexableAdapter implements IndexableAdapter { private static final Logger log = new Logger(QueryableIndexIndexableAdapter.class); private final int numRows; private final QueryableIndex input; private final List<String> availableDimensions; public QueryableIndexIndexableAdapter(QueryableIndex input) { this.input = input; numRows = input.getNumRows(); // It appears possible that the dimensions have some columns listed which do not have a DictionaryEncodedColumn // This breaks current logic, but should be fine going forward. This is a work-around to make things work // in the current state. This code shouldn't be needed once github tracker issue #55 is finished. this.availableDimensions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String dim : input.getAvailableDimensions()) { final Column col = input.getColumn(dim); if (col == null) { log.warn("Wtf!? column[%s] didn't exist!?!?!?", dim); } else if (col.getDictionaryEncoding() != null) { availableDimensions.add(dim); } else {"No dictionary on dimension[%s]", dim); } } } @Override public Interval getDataInterval() { return input.getDataInterval(); } @Override public int getNumRows() { return numRows; } @Override public Indexed<String> getAvailableDimensions() { return new ListIndexed<String>(availableDimensions, String.class); } @Override public Indexed<String> getAvailableMetrics() { final Set<String> columns = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(input.getColumnNames()); final HashSet<String> dimensions = Sets.newHashSet(getAvailableDimensions()); return new ListIndexed<String>(Lists.newArrayList(Sets.difference(columns, dimensions)), String.class); } @Override public Indexed<String> getDimValueLookup(String dimension) { final Column column = input.getColumn(dimension); if (column == null) { return null; } final DictionaryEncodedColumn dict = column.getDictionaryEncoding(); if (dict == null) { return null; } return new Indexed<String>() { @Override public Class<? extends String> getClazz() { return String.class; } @Override public int size() { return dict.getCardinality(); } @Override public String get(int index) { return dict.lookupName(index); } @Override public int indexOf(String value) { return dict.lookupId(value); } @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return IndexedIterable.create(this).iterator(); } }; } @Override public Iterable<Rowboat> getRows() { return new Iterable<Rowboat>() { @Override public Iterator<Rowboat> iterator() { return new Iterator<Rowboat>() { final GenericColumn timestamps = input.getTimeColumn().getGenericColumn(); final Object[] metrics; final Map<String, DictionaryEncodedColumn> dimensions; final int numMetrics = getAvailableMetrics().size(); int currRow = 0; boolean done = false; { dimensions = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (String dim : getAvailableDimensions()) { dimensions.put(dim, input.getColumn(dim).getDictionaryEncoding()); } final Indexed<String> availableMetrics = getAvailableMetrics(); metrics = new Object[availableMetrics.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < metrics.length; ++i) { final Column column = input.getColumn(availableMetrics.get(i)); final ValueType type = column.getCapabilities().getType(); switch (type) { case FLOAT: metrics[i] = column.getGenericColumn(); break; case COMPLEX: metrics[i] = column.getComplexColumn(); break; default: throw new ISE("Cannot handle type[%s]", type); } } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { final boolean hasNext = currRow < numRows; if (!hasNext && !done) { Closeables.closeQuietly(timestamps); for (Object metric : metrics) { if (metric instanceof Closeable) { Closeables.closeQuietly((Closeable) metric); } } done = true; } return hasNext; } @Override public Rowboat next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } int[][] dims = new int[dimensions.size()][]; int dimIndex = 0; for (String dim : dimensions.keySet()) { final DictionaryEncodedColumn dict = dimensions.get(dim); final IndexedInts dimVals; if (dict.hasMultipleValues()) { dimVals = dict.getMultiValueRow(currRow); } else { dimVals = new ArrayBasedIndexedInts(new int[] { dict.getSingleValueRow(currRow) }); } int[] theVals = new int[dimVals.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < theVals.length; ++j) { theVals[j] = dimVals.get(j); } dims[dimIndex++] = theVals; } Object[] metricArray = new Object[numMetrics]; for (int i = 0; i < metricArray.length; ++i) { if (metrics[i] instanceof GenericColumn) { metricArray[i] = ((GenericColumn) metrics[i]).getFloatSingleValueRow(currRow); } else if (metrics[i] instanceof ComplexColumn) { metricArray[i] = ((ComplexColumn) metrics[i]).getRowValue(currRow); } } Map<String, String> descriptions = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String columnName : input.getColumnNames()) { if (input.getColumn(columnName).getSpatialIndex() != null) { descriptions.put(columnName, "spatial"); } } final Rowboat retVal = new Rowboat(timestamps.getLongSingleValueRow(currRow), dims, metricArray, currRow, descriptions); ++currRow; return retVal; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } }; } @Override public IndexedInts getInverteds(String dimension, String value) { final Column column = input.getColumn(dimension); if (column == null) { return new EmptyIndexedInts(); } final BitmapIndex bitmaps = column.getBitmapIndex(); if (bitmaps == null) { return new EmptyIndexedInts(); } return new ConciseCompressedIndexedInts(bitmaps.getConciseSet(value)); } @Override public String getMetricType(String metric) { final Column column = input.getColumn(metric); final ValueType type = column.getCapabilities().getType(); switch (type) { case FLOAT: return "float"; case COMPLEX: return column.getComplexColumn().getTypeName(); default: throw new ISE("Unknown type[%s]", type); } } }