Java tutorial
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenTripPlanner GWT Client Copyright (C) 2015 Mecatran - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.view; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.PlannerResources; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.i18n.I18nUtils; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.AlertBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.ItineraryBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.ItineraryLegBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.ItineraryRoadLegBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.ItineraryRoadStepBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.ItineraryTransitLegBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.TransitRouteBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.TransportMode; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.model.Wgs84LatLonBean; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.utils.FormatUtils; import com.mecatran.otp.gwt.client.view.ItineraryWidget.ItineraryListener; public class ItineraryDetailsWidget extends Composite { private ItineraryListener listener; private boolean selected; public ItineraryDetailsWidget(ItineraryBean itinerary, ItineraryListener aListener) { this.listener = aListener; VerticalPanel rootPanel = new VerticalPanel(); /* Alerts on top */ for (AlertBean alert : itinerary.getAlerts()) { AlertWidget alertWidget = new AlertWidget(alert); alertWidget.setStyleName("itinerary-alert"); rootPanel.add(alertWidget); } /* Departure */ rootPanel.add(getEndPointDetails("departure", itinerary.getDepartureTime(), itinerary.getStartAddress(), itinerary.getStartLocation())); /* Details */ for (ItineraryLegBean leg : itinerary.getLegs()) { switch (leg.getTravelType()) { case ROAD: rootPanel.add(getRoadDetails(leg.getAsRoadLeg())); break; case TRANSIT: rootPanel.add(getTransitDetails(leg.getAsTransitLeg())); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported leg type: " + leg.getTravelType()); } } /* Arrival */ rootPanel.add(getEndPointDetails("arrival", itinerary.getArrivalTime(), itinerary.getEndAddress(), itinerary.getEndLocation())); /* Copyrights */ Label copyrightLabel = new Label(itinerary.getCopyrights()); copyrightLabel.addStyleName("itinerary-copyrights"); rootPanel.add(copyrightLabel); initWidget(rootPanel); } public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } private Widget getEndPointDetails(final String css, Date time, String address, final Wgs84LatLonBean position) { HTML line = new HTML(); line.addStyleName("itinerary-details-line"); line.addStyleName("itinerary-details-" + css); line.addStyleName(css + "-icon"); String html = "<span class='time'>" + FormatUtils.formatTime(time) + "</span> - " + FormatUtils.formatAddress(address); line.setHTML(html); final String infoHtml = "<div class='info-panel-" + css + " " + css + "-icon'>" + html + "</div>"; line.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (selected) listener.onItineraryStepClicked(infoHtml, position); } }); return line; } private Widget getRoadDetails(ItineraryRoadLegBean leg) { VerticalPanel rootPanel = new VerticalPanel(); rootPanel.addStyleName("itinerary-details-line"); styleComponentWithMode(rootPanel, leg.getMode(), null); // Header: main instruction // TODO Use templating HTML instructionsLabel = new HTML(leg.getInstructions()); instructionsLabel.addStyleName("itinerary-details-road-first-line"); rootPanel.add(instructionsLabel); final String mainRoadHtml = "<div class='info-panel-road " + FormatUtils.getCssClassNameFromTransportMode(leg.getMode()) + "-icon'>" + leg.getInstructions() + "</div>"; leg.setCustomHtmlDetails(mainRoadHtml); final Wgs84LatLonBean mainRoadPosition = leg.getStartLocation(); instructionsLabel.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (selected) listener.onItineraryStepClicked(mainRoadHtml, mainRoadPosition); } }); // Duration and distance + details link FlowPanel distanceAndLinkPanel = new FlowPanel(); rootPanel.add(distanceAndLinkPanel); HTML distanceDurationLabel = new HTML(FormatUtils.formatDistance(leg.getDistanceMeters()) + " - " + FormatUtils.formatDuration(leg.getDurationSeconds())); distanceDurationLabel.addStyleName("itinerary-details-road-second-line"); distanceAndLinkPanel.add(distanceDurationLabel); // Open/close details link final Anchor showHideDetailsLink = new Anchor("show.road.details")); distanceAndLinkPanel.add(showHideDetailsLink); showHideDetailsLink.addStyleName("itinerary-details-show-hide"); // Details final VerticalPanel detailsPanel = new VerticalPanel(); rootPanel.add(detailsPanel); detailsPanel.setVisible(false); int nDetails = 0; for (ItineraryRoadStepBean step : leg.getRoadSteps()) { if (step.getInstructions() == null) { // Can happen in case of transfers between two transit legs continue; } // TODO Use templating String html = step.getInstructions() + (step.getDistanceMeters() >= 5 ? " <span class='distance'>(" + FormatUtils.formatDistance(step.getDistanceMeters()) + " - " + FormatUtils.formatDuration(step.getDurationSeconds()) + ")</span>" : ""); final String infoHtml = "<div class='info-panel-road-step'>" + html + "</div>"; final Wgs84LatLonBean startLocation = step.getStartLocation(); HTML stepLabel = new HTML(html); stepLabel.addStyleName("itinerary-details-road-step"); stepLabel.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (selected) listener.onItineraryStepClicked(infoHtml, startLocation); } }); detailsPanel.add(stepLabel); nDetails++; } // Open/close behavior showHideDetailsLink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (detailsPanel.isVisible()) { showHideDetailsLink.setText("show.road.details")); detailsPanel.setVisible(false); } else { showHideDetailsLink.setText("hide.road.details")); detailsPanel.setVisible(true); } event.stopPropagation(); } }); // Can happen: no detail instructions. if (nDetails == 0) showHideDetailsLink.setVisible(false); return rootPanel; } private Widget getTransitDetails(ItineraryTransitLegBean leg) { VerticalPanel line = new VerticalPanel(); TransitRouteBean route = leg.getRoute(); line.addStyleName("itinerary-details-line"); styleComponentWithMode(line, leg.getMode(), route.getBackgroundColor()); // line.addStyleName(ItineraryWidget.getCssClassNameFromTransportMode(leg // .getMode()) + "-icon"); // First line: time - departure stop name HTML departureLine = new HTML(); departureLine.addStyleName("itinerary-details-transit-departure"); departureLine.setHTML("<span class='time'>" + FormatUtils.formatTime(leg.getDepartureTime()) + "</span> " + leg.getDepartureStop().getName()); String codeHtml = "<span class='route-code' style='color:" + route.getForegroundColor() + "; background-color:" + route.getBackgroundColor() + "'>" + route.getCode() + "</span>"; String transitHtml = "<div class='info-panel-transit " + FormatUtils.getCssClassNameFromTransportMode(leg.getMode()) + "-icon'>"; final String departureHtml = transitHtml + "<span class='time'>" + FormatUtils.formatTime(leg.getDepartureTime()) + "</span> - <span class='stop'>" + leg.getDepartureStop().getName() + "</span><br/>" + codeHtml + " " + (route.getName() != null ? route.getName() : "") + "<br/>" +"") + " <span class='headsign'>" + leg.getHeadsign() + "</span></div>"; final Wgs84LatLonBean departureLocation = leg.getDepartureStop().getLocation(); leg.setCustomHtmlDetails(departureHtml); departureLine.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (selected) listener.onItineraryStepClicked(departureHtml, departureLocation); } }); line.add(departureLine); // Second line: Route code and headsign HTML headsignLine = new HTML(); headsignLine.addStyleName("itinerary-details-transit-headsign"); headsignLine.setHTML(codeHtml + " " +"") + " " + leg.getHeadsign()); line.add(headsignLine); // Third line: time - arrival stop name HTML arrivalLine = new HTML(); arrivalLine.addStyleName("itinerary-details-transit-arrival"); arrivalLine.setHTML("<span class='time'>" + FormatUtils.formatTime(leg.getArrivalTime()) + "</span> " + leg.getArrivalStop().getName()); final String arrivalHtml = transitHtml + "<span class='time'>" + FormatUtils.formatTime(leg.getArrivalTime()) + "</span> - <small>" +"") + "</small> <span class='stop'>" + leg.getArrivalStop().getName() + "</span></div>"; final Wgs84LatLonBean arrivalLocation = leg.getArrivalStop().getLocation(); arrivalLine.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (selected) listener.onItineraryStepClicked(arrivalHtml, arrivalLocation); } }); line.add(arrivalLine); return line; } /** * Build the background image for the widget, according to the mode. Draw * the mode image and a solid line below it with the route color (if in * transit mode) or a dotted line (if in road mode). Set the * background-image to the generated image for the given widget. */ public static void styleComponentWithMode(final Widget widget, TransportMode mode, String color) { PlannerResources resources = PlannerResources.INSTANCE; ImageResource baseImage = null; boolean road = false; switch (mode) { case WALK: road = true; color = "#666666"; baseImage = resources.modeWalkPng(); break; case BICYCLE: road = true; color = "#23C30B"; baseImage = resources.modeBicyclePng(); break; case BICYCLE_RENTAL: road = true; color = "#23C30B"; baseImage = resources.modeBikeRentalPng(); break; case CAR: road = true; color = "#333333"; baseImage = resources.modeCarPng(); break; default: case BUS: baseImage = resources.modeBusPng(); break; case TRAM: baseImage = resources.modeTramPng(); break; case FERRY: baseImage = resources.modeFerryPng(); break; case GONDOLA: baseImage = resources.modeGondolaPng(); break; case PLANE: baseImage = resources.modePlanePng(); break; case RAIL: baseImage = resources.modeRailPng(); break; case SUBWAY: baseImage = resources.modeSubwayPng(); break; case TROLLEY: baseImage = resources.modeTrolleyPng(); break; } final String url = baseImage.getSafeUri().asString(); final Canvas canvas = Canvas.createIfSupported(); if (canvas != null) { int width = baseImage.getWidth(); int height = 1000; canvas.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(width); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(height); final Context2d context = canvas.getContext2d(); context.setLineCap(LineCap.BUTT); if (road) { context.setStrokeStyle(CssColor.make(color)); context.setLineWidth(4); for (int y = baseImage.getHeight(); y < 1000; y += 7) { context.moveTo(width / 2, y); context.lineTo(width / 2, y + 5); } context.stroke(); } else { context.setStrokeStyle(CssColor.make("#000000")); context.setLineWidth(5); context.moveTo(width / 2, 0); context.lineTo(width / 2, height - 1); context.stroke(); context.setStrokeStyle(CssColor.make(color)); context.setLineWidth(4); context.moveTo(width / 2, 0); context.lineTo(width / 2, height - 1); context.stroke(); } /* * HACK ALERT! Image.onLoad event does not fire up when using * internal resources (URL is internal data), but using the image * immediately does not work (image does not seems to be ready). We * defer the processing of the image rendering to a timer delayed a * bit. */ Timer timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { Image image = new Image(url); ImageElement e =; context.drawImage(e, 0, 0); String url2 = canvas.toDataUrl("image/png"); widget.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundImage("url('" + url2 + "')"); } }; timer.schedule(500); } else { widget.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundImage("url('" + url + "')"); } } }