Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (c) 2014 Max Lungarella
This file is part of Aips2SQLite.
Aips2SQLite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Entities.EscapeMode;

import com.opencsv.CSVReader;

public class RealPatientInfo {

    List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> m_med_list = null;

    // Map to list with all the relevant information
    // HashMap is faster, but TreeMap is sort by the key :)
    private static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> m_package_info;

    // Map to String of atc classes, key is the ATC-code or any of its substrings
    private static Map<String, String> m_atc_map;

    // Map to String of additional info, key is the SwissmedicNo5
    private static Map<String, String> m_add_info_map;

     * Constructors
    public RealPatientInfo(List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> med_list) {
        m_med_list = med_list;

        // Initialize maps
        m_package_info = new TreeMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
        m_atc_map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        m_add_info_map = new TreeMap<String, String>();

     * Getters / setters
    public void setMedList(List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> med_list) {
        m_med_list = med_list;

    public List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation> getMedList() {
        return m_med_list;

     * Extracts package info from Swissmedic package Excel file
    private void extractPackageInfo() {
        try {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                System.out.print("- Processing packages xlsx... ");
            // Load Swissmedic xls file         
            FileInputStream packages_file = new FileInputStream(Constants.FILE_PACKAGES_XLSX);
            // Get workbook instance for XLSX file (XSSF = Horrible SpreadSheet Format)
            XSSFWorkbook packages_workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(packages_file);
            // Get first sheet from workbook
            XSSFSheet packages_sheet = packages_workbook.getSheetAt(0);

            if (SHOW_LOGS)
               System.out.print("- Processing packages xls... ");
            // Load Swissmedic xls file         
            FileInputStream packages_file = new FileInputStream(FILE_PACKAGES_XLS);
            // Get workbook instance for XLS file (HSSF = Horrible SpreadSheet Format)
            HSSFWorkbook packages_workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(packages_file);
            // Get first sheet from workbook
            HSSFSheet packages_sheet = packages_workbook.getSheetAt(0);
            // Iterate through all rows of first sheet
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = packages_sheet.iterator();

            int num_rows = 0;
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                Row row =;
                if (num_rows > 5) {
                    String swissmedic_no5 = ""; // SwissmedicNo5 registration number (5 digits)
                    String sequence_name = "";
                    String package_id = "";
                    String swissmedic_no8 = ""; // SwissmedicNo8 = SwissmedicNo5 + Package id (8 digits)
                    String heilmittel_code = "";
                    String package_size = "";
                    String package_unit = "";
                    String swissmedic_cat = "";
                    String application_area = "";
                    String public_price = "";
                    String exfactory_price = "";
                    String therapeutic_index = "";
                    String withdrawn_str = "";
                    String speciality_str = "";
                    String plimitation_str = "";
                    String add_info_str = ""; // Contains additional information separated by ;
                    String ean_code_str = "";

                    // 0: Zulassungsnummer, 1: Dosisstrkenummer, 2: Prparatebezeichnung, 3: Zulassunginhaberin, 4: Heilmittelcode, 5: IT-Nummer, 6: ATC-Code
                    // 7: Erstzulassung Prparat, 8: Zulassungsdatum Sequenz, 9: Gltigkeitsdatum, 10: Packungscode, 11: Packungsgrsse
                    // 12: Einheit, 13: Abgabekategorie Packung, 14: Abgabekategorie Dosisstrke, 15: Abgabekategorie Prparat, 
                    // 16: Wirkstoff, 17: Zusammensetzung, 18: Anwendungsgebiet Prparat, 19: Anwendungsgebiet Dosisstrke, 20: Gentechnisch hergestellte Wirkstoffe
                    // 21: Kategorie bei Insulinen, 22: Betubungsmittelhaltigen Prparaten

                    // @cybermax: 15.10.2013 - work around for Excel cells of type "Special" (cell0 and cell10)
                    if (row.getCell(0) != null)
                        swissmedic_no5 = String.format("%05d", (int) (row.getCell(0).getNumericCellValue())); // Swissmedic registration number (5 digits)
                    if (row.getCell(2) != null)
                        sequence_name = row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue(); // Sequence name
                    if (row.getCell(4) != null)
                        heilmittel_code = row.getCell(4).getStringCellValue(); // Heilmittelcode               
                    if (row.getCell(11) != null)
                        package_size = row.getCell(11).getStringCellValue(); // Packungsgrsse
                    if (row.getCell(12) != null)
                        package_unit = row.getCell(12).getStringCellValue(); // Einheit
                    if (row.getCell(13) != null)
                        swissmedic_cat = row.getCell(13).getStringCellValue(); // Abgabekategorie   
                    if (row.getCell(18) != null)
                        application_area = row.getCell(18).getStringCellValue(); // Anwendungsgebiet            
                    if (row.getCell(10) != null) {
                        package_id = String.format("%03d", (int) (row.getCell(10).getNumericCellValue())); // Verpackungs ID
                        swissmedic_no8 = swissmedic_no5 + package_id;
                        // Fill in row
                        ArrayList<String> pack = new ArrayList<String>();
                        pack.add(swissmedic_no5); // 0
                        pack.add(sequence_name); // 1
                        pack.add(heilmittel_code); // 2
                        pack.add(package_size); // 3
                        pack.add(package_unit); // 4
                        pack.add(swissmedic_cat); // 5
                        if (!application_area.isEmpty())
                            pack.add(application_area + " (Swissmedic);"); // 6 = swissmedic + bag
                        pack.add(public_price); // 7
                        pack.add(exfactory_price); // 8
                        pack.add(therapeutic_index);// 9
                        // By default the meds are "ausser Handel"
                        if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                            withdrawn_str = "a.H."; // ausser Handel
                        else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                            withdrawn_str = "p.c."; // 
                        else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                            withdrawn_str = "f.c."; // fuori commercio
                        pack.add(withdrawn_str); // 10
                        pack.add(speciality_str); // 11
                        pack.add(plimitation_str); // 12
                        pack.add(add_info_str); // 13
                        // 22.03.2014: EAN-13 barcodes - initialization
                        ean_code_str = "7680" + swissmedic_no8;
                        pack.add(ean_code_str); // 14

                        m_package_info.put(swissmedic_no8, pack);
            long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS) {
                        (m_package_info.size() + 1) + " packages in " + (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0f + " sec");
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                System.out.print("- Processing atc classes xls... ");
            if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de")) {
                // Load ATC classes xls file
                FileInputStream atc_classes_file = new FileInputStream(Constants.FILE_ATC_CLASSES_XLS);
                // Get workbook instance for XLS file (HSSF = Horrible SpreadSheet Format)
                HSSFWorkbook atc_classes_workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(atc_classes_file);
                // Get first sheet from workbook
                HSSFSheet atc_classes_sheet = atc_classes_workbook.getSheetAt(1);
                // Iterate through all rows of first sheet
                rowIterator = atc_classes_sheet.iterator();
                num_rows = 0;
                while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                   Row row =;
                   if (num_rows > 2) {
                      String atc_code = "";
                      String atc_class = "";
                      if (row.getCell(0) != null) {
                 atc_code = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue().replaceAll("\\s", "");
                      if (row.getCell(2) != null) {
                 atc_class = row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue();
                      // Build a full map atc code to atc class
                      if (atc_code.length() > 0) {
                 m_atc_map.put(atc_code, atc_class);
                CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(Constants.FILE_EPHA_ATC_CODES_CSV), "UTF-8"));
                List<String[]> myEntries = reader.readAll();
                num_rows = myEntries.size();
                for (String[] s : myEntries) {
                    if (s.length > 2) {
                        String atc_code = s[0];
                        String atc_class = s[1];
                        m_atc_map.put(atc_code, atc_class);
            } else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr")) {
                // Load multilinguagl ATC classes txt file
                String atc_classes_multi = FileOps.readFromFile(Constants.FILE_ATC_MULTI_LINGUAL_TXT);
                // Loop through all lines
                Scanner scanner = new Scanner(atc_classes_multi);
                while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                    String line = scanner.nextLine();
                    List<String> atc_class = Arrays.asList(line.split(": "));
                    String atc_code = atc_class.get(0);
                    String[] atc_classes_str = atc_class.get(1).split(";");
                    String atc_class_french = atc_classes_str[1].trim();
                    m_atc_map.put(atc_code, atc_class_french);
            } else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it")) {
                // Load multilinguagl ATC classes txt file
                String atc_classes_multi = FileOps.readFromFile(Constants.FILE_ATC_MULTI_LINGUAL_TXT);
                // Loop through all lines
                Scanner scanner = new Scanner(atc_classes_multi);
                while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                    String line = scanner.nextLine();
                    List<String> atc_class = Arrays.asList(line.split(": "));
                    String atc_code = atc_class.get(0);
                    String[] atc_classes_str = atc_class.get(1).split(";");
                    String atc_class_french = atc_classes_str[1].trim();
                    m_atc_map.put(atc_code, atc_class_french);
            stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                        (m_atc_map.size() + 1) + " classes in " + (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0f + " sec");

            // Load Refdata xml file
            File refdata_xml_file = new File(Constants.FILE_REFDATA_PHARMA_XML);
            FileInputStream refdata_fis = new FileInputStream(refdata_xml_file);

            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                System.out.print("- Unmarshalling Refdatabase for " + CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE + "... ");

            JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Refdata.class);
            Unmarshaller um = context.createUnmarshaller();
            Refdata refdataPharma = (Refdata) um.unmarshal(refdata_fis);
            List<Refdata.ITEM> pharma_list = refdataPharma.getItem();

            String smno8;
            for (Refdata.ITEM pharma : pharma_list) {
                String ean_code = pharma.getGtin();
                if (ean_code.length() == 13) {
                    smno8 = ean_code.substring(4, 12);
                    // Extract pharma corresponding to swissmedicno8 (source: swissmedic package file)
                    ArrayList<String> pi_row = m_package_info.get(smno8);
                    // Replace sequence_name
                    if (pi_row != null) {
                        // Prparatname + galenische Form
                        if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                            pi_row.set(1, pharma.getNameDE());
                        else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                            pi_row.set(1, pharma.getNameFR());
                        // If med is in refdata file, then it is "in Handel!!" ;)
                        pi_row.set(10, "");
                        // 22.03.2014: EAN-13 barcodes - replace with refdata if package exists
                        pi_row.set(14, ean_code);
                    } else {
                        if (CmlOptions.SHOW_ERRORS) {
                                    ">> Does not exist in BAG xls: " + smno8 + " (" + pharma.getNameDE() + ")");
                } else if (ean_code.length() < 13) {
                    if (CmlOptions.SHOW_ERRORS)
                        System.err.println(">> EAN code too short: " + ean_code + ": " + pharma.getNameDE());
                } else if (ean_code.length() > 13) {
                    if (CmlOptions.SHOW_ERRORS)
                        System.err.println(">> EAN code too long: " + ean_code + ": " + pharma.getNameDE());

            stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                System.out.println(pharma_list.size() + " medis in " + (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0f + " sec");

            // Load BAG xml file
            File bag_xml_file = new File(Constants.FILE_PREPARATIONS_XML);
            FileInputStream fis_bag = new FileInputStream(bag_xml_file);

            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                System.out.print("- Processing preparations xml... ");

            context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Preparations.class);
            um = context.createUnmarshaller();
            Preparations prepInfos = (Preparations) um.unmarshal(fis_bag);
            List<Preparations.Preparation> prep_list = prepInfos.getPreparations();

            int num_preparations = 0;
            for (Preparations.Preparation prep : prep_list) {
                String swissmedicno5_str = prep.getSwissmedicNo5();
                if (swissmedicno5_str != null) {
                    String orggencode_str = ""; // "O", "G" or empty -> ""
                    String flagSB20_str = ""; // "Y" -> 20% or "N" -> 10%
                    if (prep.getOrgGenCode() != null)
                        orggencode_str = prep.getOrgGenCode();
                    if (prep.getFlagSB20() != null) {
                        flagSB20_str = prep.getFlagSB20();
                        if (flagSB20_str.equals("Y")) {
                            if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                                flagSB20_str = "SB 20%";
                            else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                                flagSB20_str = "QP 20%";
                            else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                                flagSB20_str = "QP 20%";
                        } else if (flagSB20_str.equals("N")) {
                            if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                                flagSB20_str = "SB 10%";
                            else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                                flagSB20_str = "QP 10%";
                            else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                                flagSB20_str = "QP 10%";
                        } else
                            flagSB20_str = "";
                    m_add_info_map.put(swissmedicno5_str, orggencode_str + ";" + flagSB20_str);

                List<Preparation.Packs> packs_list = prep.getPacks();
                for (Preparation.Packs packs : packs_list) {
                    // Extract codes for therapeutic index / classification
                    String bag_application = "";
                    String therapeutic_code = "";
                    List<Preparations.Preparation.ItCodes> itcode_list = prep.getItCodes();
                    for (Preparations.Preparation.ItCodes itc : itcode_list) {
                        List<Preparations.Preparation.ItCodes.ItCode> code_list = itc.getItCode();
                        int index = 0;
                        for (Preparations.Preparation.ItCodes.ItCode code : code_list) {
                            if (index == 0) {
                                if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                                    therapeutic_code = code.getDescriptionDe();
                                else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                                    therapeutic_code = code.getDescriptionFr();
                                else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                                    therapeutic_code = code.getDescriptionIt();
                            } else {
                                if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                                    bag_application = code.getDescriptionDe();
                                else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                                    bag_application = code.getDescriptionFr();
                                else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                                    bag_application = code.getDescriptionIt();
                    // Generate new package info
                    List<Preparation.Packs.Pack> pack_list = packs.getPack();
                    for (Preparation.Packs.Pack pack : pack_list) {
                        // Get SwissmedicNo8 and used it as a key to extract all the relevant package info
                        String swissMedicNo8 = pack.getSwissmedicNo8();
                        ArrayList<String> pi_row = null;
                        if (swissMedicNo8 != null)
                            pi_row = m_package_info.get(swissMedicNo8);
                        // Preparation also in BAG xml file (we have a price)
                        if (pi_row != null) {
                            // Update Swissmedic catory if necessary ("N->A", Y->"A+")
                            if (pack.getFlagNarcosis().equals("Y"))
                                pi_row.set(5, pi_row.get(5) + "+");
                            // Extract point limitations
                            List<Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.PointLimitations> point_limits = pack
                            for (Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.PointLimitations limits : point_limits) {
                                List<Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.PointLimitations.PointLimitation> plimits_list = limits
                                if (plimits_list.size() > 0)
                                    if (plimits_list.get(0) != null)
                                        pi_row.set(12, ", LIM" + plimits_list.get(0).getPoints() + "");
                            // Extract exfactory and public prices
                            List<Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.Prices> price_list = pack.getPrices();
                            for (Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.Prices price : price_list) {
                                List<Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.Prices.PublicPrice> public_price = price
                                List<Preparations.Preparation.Packs.Pack.Prices.ExFactoryPrice> exfactory_price = price
                                if (exfactory_price.size() > 0) {
                                    try {
                                        float f = Float.valueOf(exfactory_price.get(0).getPrice());
                                        String ep = String.format("%.2f", f);
                                        pi_row.set(8, "CHF " + ep);
                                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                        if (CmlOptions.SHOW_ERRORS)
                                            System.err.println("Number format exception (exfactory price): "
                                                    + swissMedicNo8 + " (" + public_price.size() + ")");
                                if (public_price.size() > 0) {
                                    try {
                                        float f = Float.valueOf(public_price.get(0).getPrice());
                                        String pp = String.format("%.2f", f);
                                        pi_row.set(7, "CHF " + pp);
                                        if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                                            pi_row.set(11, ", SL");
                                        else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                                            pi_row.set(11, ", LS");
                                        else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                                            pi_row.set(11, ", LS");
                                    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                                        if (CmlOptions.SHOW_ERRORS)
                                            System.err.println("Null pointer exception (public price): "
                                                    + swissMedicNo8 + " (" + public_price.size() + ")");
                                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                        if (CmlOptions.SHOW_ERRORS)
                                            System.err.println("Number format exception (public price): "
                                                    + swissMedicNo8 + " (" + public_price.size() + ")");
                                // Add application area and therapeutic code
                                if (!bag_application.isEmpty())
                                    pi_row.set(6, pi_row.get(6) + bag_application + " (BAG)");
                                pi_row.set(9, therapeutic_code);

            stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (CmlOptions.SHOW_LOGS)
                        num_preparations + " preparations in " + (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0f + " sec");

            // Loop through all SwissmedicNo8 numbers
            for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> entry : package_info.entrySet()) {
               String swissmedicno8 = entry.getKey();
               ArrayList<String> pi_row = entry.getValue();

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (JAXBException e) {

    public void process() {
        // Extract package information (this is the heavy-duty bit)

        // Load CSS file
        String amiko_style_v1_str = FileOps.readCSSfromFile(Constants.FILE_STYLE_CSS_BASE + "v1.css");

        // Initialize counters for different languages
        int med_counter = 0;
        int tot_med_counter = 0;
        String pi_complete_xml = "";

        HtmlUtils html_utils = null;

        System.out.println("Processing Patient Infos...");

        for (MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation m : m_med_list) {
            // --> Read PATIENTENINFOS! <--            
            if (m.getLang().equals(CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE) && m.getType().equals("pi")) {
                if (tot_med_counter < 5000) {
                    if (m.getTitle().trim().toLowerCase().startsWith(CmlOptions.OPT_MED_TITLE.toLowerCase())
                            && m.getAuthHolder().toLowerCase().startsWith(CmlOptions.OPT_MED_OWNER.toLowerCase())) {

                        // Extract section titles and section ids
                        MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation.Sections med_sections = m.getSections();
                        List<MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation.Sections.Section> med_section_list = med_sections.getSection();
                        String ids_str = "";
                        String titles_str = "";
                        for( MedicalInformations.MedicalInformation.Sections.Section s : med_section_list ) {
                           ids_str += (s.getId() + ",");
                           titles_str += (s.getTitle() + ";");

                        System.out.println(tot_med_counter + " - " + m.getTitle() + ": " + m.getAuthNrs());// + " ver -> "+ m.getVersion());                  

                        // Clean html
                        html_utils = new HtmlUtils(m.getContent());
                        // Remove spans 

                        // Sanitize html, the function returns nicely formatted html                                    
                        String html_sanitized = html_utils.sanitizePatient(m.getTitle(), m.getAuthHolder(),
                                m.getAuthNrs(), CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE);
                        String mContent_str = html_sanitized;

                         * Update "Packungen" section and extract therapeutisches index
                        List<String> mTyIndex_list = new ArrayList<String>();
                        mContent_str = updateSectionPackungen(m.getTitle(), m.getAtcCode(), m_package_info,
                                m.getAuthNrs(), html_sanitized, mTyIndex_list);

                        if (CmlOptions.XML_FILE == true) {
                            // Add header to html file                     
                            mContent_str = mContent_str.replaceAll("<head>", "<head>"
                                    + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"
                                    + "<style>" + amiko_style_v1_str + "</style>");
                            // --> Note: following line is not really necessary...
                            // m.setContent(mContent_str);

                            // Add header to xml file
                            String xml_str = html_utils.convertHtmlToXml("pi", m.getTitle(), mContent_str,
                            xml_str = html_utils.addHeaderToXml("singlepi", xml_str);
                            pi_complete_xml += (xml_str + "\n");

                            // Write to html and xml files to disk
                            String name = m.getTitle();
                            // Replace all "Sonderzeichen"
                            name = name.trim().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "_");
                            if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de")) {
                                FileOps.writeToFile(mContent_str, Constants.PI_FILE_XML_BASE + "pi_de_html/",
                                        name + "_pi_de.html");
                                FileOps.writeToFile(xml_str, Constants.PI_FILE_XML_BASE + "pi_de_xml/",
                                        name + "_pi_de.xml");
                            } else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr")) {
                                FileOps.writeToFile(mContent_str, Constants.PI_FILE_XML_BASE + "pi_fr_html/",
                                        name + "_pi_fr.html");
                                FileOps.writeToFile(xml_str, Constants.PI_FILE_XML_BASE + "pi_fr_xml/",
                                        name + "_pi_fr.xml");
                            } else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it")) {
                                FileOps.writeToFile(mContent_str, Constants.PI_FILE_XML_BASE + "pi_it_html/",
                                        name + "_pi_it.html");
                                FileOps.writeToFile(xml_str, Constants.PI_FILE_XML_BASE + "pi_it_xml/",
                                        name + "_pi_it.xml");

        System.out.println("Total number of med infos in database: " + m_med_list.size());
        System.out.println("Number of PI with package information: " + tot_med_counter);
        System.out.println("Number of PI which were processed: " + med_counter);

    private String updateSectionPackungen(String title, String atc_code, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> pack_info,
            String regnr_str, String content_str, List<String> tIndex_list) {
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(content_str, "UTF-16");

        // package info string for original
        List<String> pinfo_originals_str = new ArrayList<String>();
        // package info string for generika
        List<String> pinfo_generics_str = new ArrayList<String>();
        // package info string for the rest
        List<String> pinfo_str = new ArrayList<String>();

        int index = 0;

        // Extract swissmedicno5 registration numbers
        List<String> swissmedicno5_list = Arrays.asList(regnr_str.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
        for (String s : swissmedicno5_list) {
            // Extract original / generika info + Selbstbehalt info from
            // "add_info_map"
            String orggen_str = ""; // O=Original, G=Generika
            String flagsb_str = ""; // SB=Selbstbehalt 
            String addinfo_str = m_add_info_map.get(s);
            if (addinfo_str != null) {
                List<String> ai_list = Arrays.asList(addinfo_str.split("\\s*;\\s*"));
                if (ai_list != null) {
                    if (!ai_list.get(0).isEmpty())
                        orggen_str = ", " + ai_list.get(0); // O + G
                    if (!ai_list.get(1).isEmpty())
                        flagsb_str = ", " + ai_list.get(1); // SB
            // Now generate many swissmedicno8 = swissmedicno5 + ***, check if they're keys and retrieve package info
            String swissmedicno8_key = "";
            for (int n = 0; n < 1000; ++n) {
                if (n < 10)
                    swissmedicno8_key = s + String.valueOf(n).format("00%d", n);
                else if (n < 100)
                    swissmedicno8_key = s + String.valueOf(n).format("0%d", n);
                    swissmedicno8_key = s + String.valueOf(n).format("%d", n);
                // Check if swissmedicno8_key is a key of the map
                if (pack_info.containsKey(swissmedicno8_key)) {
                    ArrayList<String> pi_row = m_package_info.get(swissmedicno8_key);
                    if (pi_row != null) {

                        // Remove double spaces in title and capitalize
                        // String medtitle = capitalizeFully(pi_row.get(1).replaceAll("\\s+", " "), 1);
                        String medtitle = capitalizeFully(pi_row.get(1).replaceAll("\\s+", " "));
                        // Remove [QAP?] -> not an easy one!
                        medtitle = medtitle.replaceAll("\\[(.*?)\\?\\] ", "");
                        // --> Add "ausser Handel" information
                        String withdrawn_str = "";
                        if (pi_row.get(10).length() > 0)
                            withdrawn_str = ", " + pi_row.get(10);
                        // --> Add public price information
                        if (pi_row.get(7).length() > 0) {
                            // The rest of the package information
                            String append_str = ", " + pi_row.get(7) + withdrawn_str + " [" + pi_row.get(5)
                                    + pi_row.get(11) + pi_row.get(12) + flagsb_str + orggen_str + "]";
                            // Generate package info string
                            if (orggen_str.equals(", O"))
                                pinfo_originals_str.add("<p class=\"spacing1\">" + medtitle + append_str + "</p>");
                            else if (orggen_str.equals(", G"))
                                pinfo_generics_str.add("<p class=\"spacing1\">" + medtitle + append_str + "</p>");
                                pinfo_str.add("<p class=\"spacing1\">" + medtitle + append_str + "</p>");
                        } else {
                            // @maxl (10.01.2014): Price for swissmedicNo8 pack is not listed in bag_preparations.xml!!
                            pinfo_str.add("<p class=\"spacing1\">" + medtitle + withdrawn_str + " [" + pi_row.get(5)
                                    + "]</p>");

                        // --> Add "tindex_str" and "application_str" (see
                        if (index == 0) {
                            tIndex_list.add(pi_row.get(9)); // therapeutic index
                            tIndex_list.add(pi_row.get(6)); // application area
        // Re-order the string alphabetically
        if (!pinfo_originals_str.isEmpty()) {
            Collections.sort(pinfo_originals_str, new AlphanumComp());
        if (!pinfo_generics_str.isEmpty()) {
            Collections.sort(pinfo_generics_str, new AlphanumComp());
        if (!pinfo_str.isEmpty()) {
            Collections.sort(pinfo_str, new AlphanumComp());
        // Concatenate lists...
        // Put everything in pinfo_str
        pinfo_str = pinfo_originals_str;

        // In case nothing was found
        if (index == 0) {

        * Replace package information
        if (CmlOptions.PLAIN == false) {
            // Replace original package information with pinfo_str   
            String p_str = "<p class=\"spacing2\"> </p>";
            for (String p : pinfo_str) {
                p_str += p;

            Elements elems = null;
            if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("de"))
                elems ="div[id^=section]").select("div:matchesOwn(Welche Packungen sind erhltlich?)");
            else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("fr"))
                elems ="div[id^=section]")
                        .select("div:matchesOwn(Quels sont les emballages  disposition)");
            else if (CmlOptions.DB_LANGUAGE.equals("it"))
                elems ="div[id^=section]").select("div:matchesOwn(Quali confezioni sono disponibili?)");
            if (elems != null) {
                for (Element e : elems) {
                    Elements siblings = e.siblingElements();
                    if (siblings != null) {
                        // ** Chapter "Packungen"                  
                        // System.out.println(e.siblingElements().last().html());
                        // Note: do not use "append"
                        if (siblings.last() != null)

        return doc.html();

    private String capitalizeFully(String s) {
        // Split string
        String[] tokens = s.split("\\s");
        // Capitalize only first word!
        tokens[0] = tokens[0].toUpperCase();
        // Reassemble string
        String full_s = "";
        if (tokens.length > 1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i++) {
                full_s += (tokens[i] + " ");
            full_s += tokens[tokens.length - 1];
        } else {
            full_s = tokens[0];
        return full_s;