Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Tim Boudreau * * This file is part of Scamper. * * Scamper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.mastfrog.scamper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mastfrog.giulius.Dependencies; import com.mastfrog.giulius.DependenciesBuilder; import com.mastfrog.guicy.annotations.Namespace; import static com.mastfrog.scamper.ProtocolModule.GUICE_BINDING_SCAMPER_BOSS_THREADS; import static com.mastfrog.scamper.ProtocolModule.GUICE_BINDING_SCAMPER_CODEC; import static com.mastfrog.scamper.ProtocolModule.GUICE_BINDING_SCAMPER_WORKER_THREADS; import static com.mastfrog.scamper.ProtocolModule.SETTINGS_KEY_SCTP_PORT; import com.mastfrog.settings.Settings; import com.mastfrog.settings.SettingsBuilder; import com.mastfrog.util.Checks; import com.mastfrog.util.ConfigurationError; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.logging.LogLevel; import io.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Builder for SCTP servers and clients. To use, simply configure the settings * you want and use one of the <code>build()</code> methods to build what you * need. The {@link Control} object you get back from those methods can be used * to cleanly shut down and unload the server/client/sender, such that all * related objects <i>should</i> be able to be garbage collected. * * @author Tim Boudreau */ public class SctpServerAndClientBuilder { private int port = -1; private String host = ""; private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> options = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> serverOptions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> clientOptions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private int eventThreads = 1; private int workerThreads = -1; private final List<ProtocolModule.Entry> bindings = new LinkedList<>(); private final List<Module> modules = new LinkedList<>(); private final List<Settings> settings = new LinkedList<>(); private boolean built; private final String settingsName; private DataEncoding dataEncoding = DataEncoding.BSON; private ErrorHandler errors; private boolean useLoggingHandler = true; private final List<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module> jacksonModules = new LinkedList<>(); public SctpServerAndClientBuilder() { this("scamper"); } public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withJacksonModule(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module... modules) { jacksonModules.addAll(Arrays.asList(modules)); return this; } /** * Create a new builder. * * @param settingsName Settings (port and other configuration that can be * found using Guice's @Named annotation) are looked up by merging * properties files named $ in /etc /opt/local/etc, * ~/ and ./ if they are present. If command-line arguments are passed to * the build methods, these can be overridden there */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder(String settingsName) { Checks.notNull("settingsName", settingsName); this.settingsName = settingsName; option(SctpChannelOption.SCTP_NODELAY, true); } /** * Set the host - only useful if you're building a client. If not set, the * default of <code></code> will be used. * * @param host The host * @return This */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withHost(String host) { Checks.notNull("host", host); = host; return this; } /** * Set the way data should be encoded on the wire - BSON, JSON or * JAVA_SERIALIZATION. Note this has nothing to do with any encryption or * compression that may be layered on top of the data format. * * @param encoding The encoding * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withDataEncoding(DataEncoding encoding) { Checks.notNull("dataEncoding", encoding); this.dataEncoding = encoding; return this; } private void checkBuilt() { if (built) { throw new ConfigurationError("build method already called"); } built = true; } /** * Build a wrapper for the Guice injector, which can be used to instantiate * server, client, sender or other objects. * * @param cmdlineArgs The command line arguments to parse * @return The injector * @throws IOException If something goes wrong */ public Dependencies buildInjector(String... cmdlineArgs) throws IOException { checkBuilt(); Settings settings = settings(cmdlineArgs); DependenciesBuilder builder = deps(settings); Dependencies deps =; return deps; } /** * Build an sctp server * * @param cmdlineArgs Command-line arguments in the form * <code>--name value</code> to parse * @return A control object which can be used to get the server or shut it * down * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ public Control<SctpServer> buildServer(String... cmdlineArgs) throws IOException { Dependencies deps = buildInjector(cmdlineArgs); return new ControlImpl<SctpServer>(deps.getInstance(SctpServer.class), deps); } /** * Build an sctp client * * @param cmdlineArgs Command-line arguments in the form * <code>--name value</code> to parse * @return A control object which can be used to get the client or shut it * down * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ public Control<SctpClient> buildClient(String... cmdlineArgs) throws IOException { Dependencies deps = buildInjector(cmdlineArgs); return new ControlImpl<SctpClient>(deps.getInstance(SctpClient.class), deps); } /** * Build an object which can send messages to an sctp server * * @param cmdlineArgs Command-line arguments in the form * <code>--name value</code> to parse * @return A control object which can be used to get the server or shut it * down * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ public Control<Sender> buildSender(String... cmdlineArgs) throws IOException { Dependencies deps = buildInjector(cmdlineArgs); return new ControlImpl<Sender>(deps.getInstance(Sender.class), deps); } /** * Add a Guice module that should be used in the application. * * @param m A guice module * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withModule(Module m) { this.modules.add(m); return this; } private ProtocolModule protoModule() { ProtocolModule m = new ProtocolModule(eventThreads, workerThreads, dataEncoding); for (ProtocolModule.Entry e : this.bindings) { m.addEntry(e); } for (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module jm : jacksonModules) { m = m.withJacksonModule(jm); } return m; } private DependenciesBuilder deps(Settings settings) { DependenciesBuilder builder = Dependencies.builder().add(settings, Namespace.DEFAULT); for (Module m : this.modules) { builder.add(m); } builder.add(protoModule()); builder.add(new Mod(options, serverOptions, clientOptions, errors, useLoggingHandler)); return builder; } public Module buildModule() { return new CombinedModule(modules, protoModule(), new Mod(options, serverOptions, clientOptions, errors, useLoggingHandler)); } /** * Set the error handler that will receive uncaught exceptions in message * processing. If not set, the default implementation simply prints a stack * trace and closes the channel (which may cause the application to exit). * * @param errors The error handler * @return This */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errors) { this.errors = errors; return this; } /** * Bind a Netty logging handler which will log events (connect, active, * read, write) * * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder useLoggingHandler() { this.useLoggingHandler = true; return this; } /** * Do not bind a Netty logging handler which will log events (connect, * active, read, write) * * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder noLoggingHandler() { this.useLoggingHandler = false; return this; } private static class ControlImpl<T> extends Control<T> { private final T object; private final Dependencies deps; public ControlImpl(T object, Dependencies deps) { this.object = object; this.deps = deps; } @Override public void shutdown() { deps.shutdown(); } @Override public T get() { return object; } @Override public Dependencies getInjector() { return deps; } } private static final TypeLiteral<Set<OptionEntry<?>>> OPTION_ENTRY_TYPE = new TypeLiteral<Set<OptionEntry<?>>>() { }; static final class Mod extends AbstractModule { private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> bothOptions; private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> serverOptions; private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> clientOptions; private final ErrorHandler errors; private final boolean useLoggingHandler; public Mod(Set<OptionEntry<?>> entries, Set<OptionEntry<?>> serverOptions, Set<OptionEntry<?>> clientOptions, ErrorHandler errors, boolean useLoggingHandler) { this.bothOptions = entries; this.serverOptions = serverOptions; this.clientOptions = clientOptions; this.errors = errors; this.useLoggingHandler = useLoggingHandler; } @Override protected void configure() { bind(OPTION_ENTRY_TYPE).annotatedWith(Names.named("both")).toInstance(bothOptions); bind(OPTION_ENTRY_TYPE).annotatedWith(Names.named("server")).toInstance(clientOptions); bind(OPTION_ENTRY_TYPE).annotatedWith(Names.named("client")).toInstance(serverOptions); bind(Boolean.TYPE).annotatedWith(Names.named("_log")).toInstance(useLoggingHandler); bind(ChannelConfigurer.class).to(Config.class); if (errors != null) { bind(ErrorHandler.class).toInstance(errors); } } @Singleton static final class Config extends ChannelConfigurer { private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> bothOptions; private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> serverOptions; private final Set<OptionEntry<?>> clientOptions; private final boolean useLoggingHandler; @Inject public Config(@Named(value = GUICE_BINDING_SCAMPER_BOSS_THREADS) EventLoopGroup boss, @Named(GUICE_BINDING_SCAMPER_WORKER_THREADS) EventLoopGroup worker, Init init, @Named("both") Set<OptionEntry<?>> bothOptions, @Named("server") Set<OptionEntry<?>> severOptions, @Named("client") Set<OptionEntry<?>> clientOptions, @Named("_log") boolean useLoggingHandler, @Named(GUICE_BINDING_SCAMPER_CODEC) ByteBufAllocator alloc) { super(boss, worker, init, alloc); this.bothOptions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(bothOptions); this.serverOptions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(severOptions); this.clientOptions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(clientOptions); this.useLoggingHandler = useLoggingHandler; } @Override public ServerBootstrap init(ServerBootstrap b) { // Set default options - the builder can override them b =, worker).channel(NioSctpServerChannel.class) .option(SctpChannelOption.SCTP_NODELAY, true).option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1000) .option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, alloc); if (useLoggingHandler) { b = b.handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO)); } for (OptionEntry<?> entry : bothOptions) { b = entry.apply(b); } for (OptionEntry<?> entry : serverOptions) { b = entry.apply(b); } b = b.handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO)).childHandler(init); return b; } @Override public Bootstrap init(Bootstrap b) { // Set default options - the builder can override them b =, true) .option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, alloc); if (useLoggingHandler) { b = b.handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO)); } for (OptionEntry<?> entry : bothOptions) { b = entry.apply(b); } for (OptionEntry<?> entry : clientOptions) { b = entry.apply(b); } return b.handler(init); } } } /** * Add a settings to be included in Guice @Named bindings. * * @param settings The settings * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withSettings(Settings settings) { this.settings.add(settings); return this; } private Settings settings(String... cmdlineArgs) throws IOException { SettingsBuilder b = new SettingsBuilder(settingsName); if ( != null) { b.add("host", host); } if (this.port != -1) { b.add(SETTINGS_KEY_SCTP_PORT, this.port + ""); } b.addDefaultLocations(); for (Settings s : this.settings) { b.add(s); } b.parseCommandLineArguments(cmdlineArgs); return; } /** * Map a message type to a handler which will receive messages of that type * * @param type The type * @param handlerType The handler type (will be instantiated by Guice) * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder bind(MessageType type, Class<? extends MessageHandler<?, ?>> handlerType) { Checks.notNull("type", type); Checks.notNull("handlerType", handlerType); if (!MessageHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(handlerType)) { throw new ClassCastException("Not a subclass of MessageHandler: " + handlerType); } for (ProtocolModule.Entry entry : bindings) { if (entry.message.equals(type)) { throw new ConfigurationError(entry.type + " was already " + "registered for " + type); } } bindings.add(new ProtocolModule.Entry(type, handlerType)); return this; } /** * Set a channel option for the NioSctpChannel to be used on all client and * server connections. * * @param <T> The option type * @param option The option * @param value The value to set the option to * @return this */ public <T> SctpServerAndClientBuilder option(ChannelOption<T> option, T value) { Checks.notNull("option", option); Checks.notNull("value", value); OptionEntry<T> entry = new OptionEntry<>(option, value); options.remove(entry); options.add(entry); return this; } /** * Set a channel option for NioSctpChannels created for server connections * (Netty's ServerBootstrap) but not to be used for client connections. Use * in the case you will create a server that will also make client * connections to other servers if you want independent settings for server * and client. * * @param <T> The option type * @param option The option * @param value The value to set the option to * @return this */ public <T> SctpServerAndClientBuilder serverOption(ChannelOption<T> option, T value) { Checks.notNull("option", option); Checks.notNull("value", value); OptionEntry<T> entry = new OptionEntry<>(option, value); serverOptions.remove(entry); serverOptions.add(entry); return this; } /** * Set a channel option for NioSctpChannels created for client connections * (Netty's Bootstrap) but not to be used for server connections. Use in the * case you will create a server that will also make client connections to * other servers if you want independent settings for server and client. * * @param <T> The option type * @param option The option * @param value The value to set the option to * @return this */ public <T> SctpServerAndClientBuilder clientOption(ChannelOption<T> option, T value) { Checks.notNull("option", option); Checks.notNull("value", value); OptionEntry<T> entry = new OptionEntry<>(option, value); clientOptions.remove(entry); clientOptions.add(entry); return this; } /** * Set the port. For clients, this is the port that will be connected to. * For servers it is the local port that will be bound. * * @param port The port * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder onPort(int port) { Checks.nonZero("port", port); Checks.nonNegative("port", port); if (port > 65535) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid port " + port); } this.port = port; return this; } /** * Set the number of event threads that will initially receieve incoming * events. * * @param eventThreads The number of threads * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withEventThreads(int eventThreads) { Checks.nonZero("eventThreads", eventThreads); Checks.nonNegative("eventThreads", eventThreads); this.eventThreads = eventThreads; return this; } /** * Set the number of worker threads (applies to servers only) that will be * used to post-process incoming messages. The default value is to use * Netty's default for <code>NioEventLoopGroup</code>, which can also be set * by passing -1 here. It is always preferable to know how many threads you * want to use based on your hardware configuration. * * @param workerThreads The number of threads * @return this */ public SctpServerAndClientBuilder withWorkerThreads(int workerThreads) { Checks.nonZero("workerThreads", workerThreads); if (workerThreads < -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative worker thread count"); } this.workerThreads = workerThreads; return this; } static final class OptionEntry<T> { private final ChannelOption<T> option; private final T value; public OptionEntry(ChannelOption<T> option, T value) { this.option = option; this.value = value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof OptionEntry && ((OptionEntry) o).option.equals(option); } @Override public int hashCode() { return; } Bootstrap apply(Bootstrap bootstrap) { return bootstrap.option(option, value); } ServerBootstrap apply(ServerBootstrap bootstrap) { return bootstrap.option(option, value); } public String toString() { return option + "=" + value; } } private static class CombinedModule extends AbstractModule { private final List<Module> modules; private final Module proto; private final Mod mod; public CombinedModule(List<Module> modules, Module proto, Mod mod) { this.modules = modules; this.proto = proto; this.mod = mod; } @Override protected void configure() { for (Module m : modules) { install(m); } install(proto); install(mod); } } }