Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Marvelution under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Marvelution licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.servlet.Filter; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.cache.activity.ActivitiesCache; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.cache.activity.BuildActivityCache; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.cache.activity.JobActivityCache; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.cache.issue.IssueCache; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.cache.issue.IssueKey; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.cache.issue.IssuesCache; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.servlet.filter.HudsonAPIV2ServletFilter; import com.marvelution.hudson.plugins.apiv2.utils.JiraKeyUtils; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import hudson.Plugin; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException; import hudson.util.CopyOnWriteList; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.PluginServletFilter; /** * Main Plugin implementation of the Hudson REST plugin. * This class is responsible for the registration of the * <a href="">Wink Application</a> implementation * * @author <a href="">Mark Rekveld</a> * @plugin */ public class APIv2Plugin extends Plugin { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(APIv2Plugin.class.getName()); private static final XStream XSTREAM = new XStream(); private static final String APIV2_DIRECTORY_NAME = "APIv2"; private static final String ACTIVITIES_CACHE_FILE = "activities-cache.xml"; private static final String ISSUES_CACHE_FILE = "issues-cache.xml"; private static final String APIV2_ISSUE_KEY_PATTERN = "apiv2.issue.key.pattern"; private static final String APIV2_PATTERN_KEY = "apiv2.pattern"; private static APIv2Plugin plugin; private transient List<Filter> filters = Lists.newArrayList(); private transient ActivitiesCache activitiesCache = new ActivitiesCache(); private transient IssuesCache issuesCache = new IssuesCache(); private final CopyOnWriteList<String> patterns = new CopyOnWriteList<String>(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void start() throws Exception { plugin = this; load(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Adding the APIv2 Filters"); filters.add(new HudsonAPIV2ServletFilter()); for (Filter filter : filters) { PluginServletFilter.addFilter(filter); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Loading the Activity Cache"); File activityCacheFile = getFile(ACTIVITIES_CACHE_FILE); if (activityCacheFile.exists()) { try { activitiesCache = (ActivitiesCache) XSTREAM.fromXML(new FileInputStream(activityCacheFile)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.severe( "Failed to load the activity-cache.xml and will thus not be available for the REST APIs"); } } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Loading the Issues Cache"); File issuesCacheFile = getFile(ISSUES_CACHE_FILE); if (issuesCacheFile.exists()) { try { issuesCache = (IssuesCache) XSTREAM.fromXML(new FileInputStream(issuesCacheFile)); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.severe( "Failed to load the issue-cache.xml and will thus not be available for the REST APIs"); } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(issuesCache.getIssueKeyRegex())) { // Make sure the pattern is set issuesCache.setIssueKeyRegex(JiraKeyUtils.DEFAULT_JIRA_ISSUE_KEY_PATTERN.pattern()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void stop() throws Exception { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Removing the APIv2 Filters"); for (Filter filter : filters) { PluginServletFilter.removeFilter(filter); } filters.clear(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Storing the Activity Cache"); XSTREAM.toXML(activitiesCache, new FileOutputStream(getFile(ACTIVITIES_CACHE_FILE))); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Storing the Issue Cache"); XSTREAM.toXML(issuesCache, new FileOutputStream(getFile(ISSUES_CACHE_FILE))); save(); plugin = null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { if (req.hasParameter(APIV2_ISSUE_KEY_PATTERN) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(req.getParameter(APIV2_ISSUE_KEY_PATTERN))) { issuesCache.setIssueKeyRegex(req.getParameter(APIV2_ISSUE_KEY_PATTERN)); // TODO Also trigger a full index rescan } String[] newPatterns = req.getParameterValues(APIV2_PATTERN_KEY); if (newPatterns != null && !Arrays.equals(newPatterns, patterns.toArray(new String[patterns.size()]))) { // TODO Also trigger a full index rescan patterns.replaceBy(newPatterns); save(); } } /** * Web Method to validate a given {@link Pattern} * * @param value the {@link Pattern} to validate * @return validation result * @throws IOException in case of errors * @throws ServletException in case of errors */ public FormValidation doCheckPattern(@QueryParameter final String value) throws IOException, ServletException { if (!Hudson.getInstance().hasPermission(Hudson.ADMINISTER) || StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return FormValidation.ok(); } try { Pattern.compile(value); return FormValidation.ok(); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(e.getDescription()); if (e.getIndex() >= 0) { builder.append(" near index ").append(e.getIndex()); } builder.append("<pre>"); builder.append(e.getPattern()).append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); if (e.getIndex() >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < e.getIndex(); ++i) { builder.append(' '); } builder.append('^'); } builder.append("</pre>"); return FormValidation.errorWithMarkup(builder.toString()); } } /** * Getter for patterns * * @return the patterns */ public String[] getPatterns() { return patterns.toArray(new String[patterns.size()]); } /** * Getter for the pattern used to index issue key * * @return the Issue Key pattern * @since 4.5.0 */ public String getIssueKeyPattern() { return issuesCache.getIssueKeyRegex(); } /** * Getter for the {@link ActivitiesCache} * * @return the {@link ActivitiesCache} */ public static ActivitiesCache getActivitiesCache() { return plugin.activitiesCache; } /** * Getter for the {@link IssuesCache} * * @return the {@link IssuesCache} */ public static IssuesCache getIssuesCache() { return plugin.issuesCache; } /** * Getter for a {@link File} by name * * @param filename the file name to get * @return the {@link File} */ public File getFile(String filename) { File dir = new File(getConfigXml().getFile().getParent(), APIV2_DIRECTORY_NAME); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } return new File(dir, filename); } /** * Initialize the {@link XStream} object */ static { XSTREAM.autodetectAnnotations(true); XSTREAM.processAnnotations(ActivitiesCache.class); XSTREAM.processAnnotations(JobActivityCache.class); XSTREAM.processAnnotations(BuildActivityCache.class); XSTREAM.processAnnotations(IssuesCache.class); XSTREAM.processAnnotations(IssueCache.class); XSTREAM.processAnnotations(IssueKey.class); } }