Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-2011 Martin Kamp Jensen
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.martinkampjensen.thesis;

import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.ACTIONS;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.ANALYZE;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.ANALYZE_OUTPUT;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_ENERGY;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_NEIGHBOR;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_POSTSCRIPT;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_PRUNING;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_STRUCTURE;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_TOPOLOGY;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.BARRIERS_TRAJECTORY;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.CHECK;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.CONNECT;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.EVALUATE;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.EXECUTE;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.EXTRACT;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.EXTRACT_CONFORMATION;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.EXTRACT_TRAJECTORY;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.MINIMIZE;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.MINIMIZE_RANDOM;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.OPTIONS;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.PRINT;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.SAMPLE;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.SAMPLE_ANGLEIDS;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.SAMPLE_RANDOM;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.SEED;
import static com.martinkampjensen.thesis.Argument.VISUALIZE;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.commons.cli2.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.Group;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionException;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.ArgumentBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.DefaultOptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.GroupBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.commandline.Parser;
import org.apache.commons.cli2.util.HelpFormatter;

import com.martinkampjensen.thesis.model.Model;
import com.martinkampjensen.thesis.util.Debug;
import com.martinkampjensen.thesis.util.Util;

 * The {@link Main} class contains the only {@link #main(String[])} method in
 * this project, that is, start here!
public final class Main {
    private static final GroupBuilder GB = new GroupBuilder();
    private static final DefaultOptionBuilder OB = new DefaultOptionBuilder();
    private static final ArgumentBuilder AB = new ArgumentBuilder();
    private static Option _oSeed;
    private static Option _oAnalyze, _oAnalyzeOutput;
    private static Option _oBarriers, _oBarriersTopology;
    private static Option _oBarriersPostScript, _oBarriersStructure;
    private static Option _oBarriersTrajectory, _oBarriersEnergy;
    private static Option _oBarriersPruning, _oBarriersNeighbor;
    private static Option _oCheck;
    private static Option _oConnect;
    private static Option _oEvaluate;
    private static Option _oExecute;
    private static Option _oExtract, _oExtractConformation, _oExtractTrajectory;
    private static Option _oMinimize, _oMinimizeRandom;
    private static Option _oPrint;
    private static Option _oSample, _oSampleAngleIds, _oSampleRandom;
    private static Option _oVisualize;

    private Main() {

     * The one and only Java main method in this project.
     * <p>
     * After parsing command line arguments and setting options, control will be
     * delegated to the {@link Application} class.
     * @param args an array containing command line arguments.
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Debug.line("Application started");

        final Group optionGroup = createOptionGroup();
        final CommandLine cmdLine = parse(args, optionGroup);

        if (!query(cmdLine)) {

        Debug.line("Application ended");

     * Shut downs the JVM.
     * @param statusCode the exit status.
     * @see System#exit(int)
    public static void exit(StatusCode statusCode) {

     * Prints a message to {@link System#err} and shut downs the JVM.
     * @param message the message to print.
     * @param statusCode the exit status.
     * @see System#exit(int)
    public static void errorExit(String message, StatusCode statusCode) {

     * Prints a stack trace of an {@link Exception} to {@link System#err} and
     * shut downs the JVM.
     * @param exception the exception containing the stack trace.
     * @param statusCode the exit status.
     * @see System#exit(int)
    public static void errorExit(Exception exception, StatusCode statusCode) {

    private static Group createOptionGroup() {
        // A local GroupBuilder is needed here because the global one would have
        // its state changed when the individual options are created.
        final GroupBuilder gb = new GroupBuilder();

        final Group options = gb.withName(OPTIONS.groupName()).withOption(createSeed()).create();

        final Group actions = gb.withName(ACTIONS.groupName()).withOption(createAnalyze())

        final Group group = gb.withOption(options).withOption(actions).create();

        return group;

    private static Option createSeed() {
        return _oSeed = OB.withLongName(SEED.longName()).withDescription(SEED.description())

    private static Option createAnalyze() {
        _oAnalyzeOutput = OB.withLongName(ANALYZE_OUTPUT.longName()).withDescription(ANALYZE_OUTPUT.description())

        final Group gAnalyze = GB.withName(ANALYZE.groupName()).withOption(_oAnalyzeOutput).create();

        return _oAnalyze = OB.withLongName(ANALYZE.longName()).withDescription(ANALYZE.description())

    private static Option createBarriers() {
        _oBarriersTrajectory = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_TRAJECTORY.longName())

        _oBarriersEnergy = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_ENERGY.longName())

        _oBarriersPruning = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_PRUNING.longName())

        _oBarriersNeighbor = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_NEIGHBOR.longName())

        final Group gBarriersTrajectory = GB.withName(BARRIERS_TRAJECTORY.groupName())

        _oBarriersTopology = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_TOPOLOGY.longName())

        _oBarriersPostScript = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_POSTSCRIPT.longName())

        _oBarriersStructure = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS_STRUCTURE.longName())

        final Group gBarriers = GB.withName(BARRIERS.groupName()).withOption(_oBarriersTopology)

        return _oBarriers = OB.withLongName(BARRIERS.longName()).withDescription(BARRIERS.description())

    private static Option createCheck() {
        return _oCheck = OB.withLongName(CHECK.longName()).withDescription(CHECK.description())

    private static Option createConnect() {
        return _oConnect = OB.withLongName(CONNECT.longName()).withDescription(CONNECT.description())
                .withArgument(AB.withName(CONNECT.argumentName()).withMinimum(1).withMaximum(2) // TODO: This approach means that a PDB and a TOP file can be specified, but it is maybe not pretty. It works for now.

    private static Option createEvaluate() {
        return _oEvaluate = OB.withLongName(EVALUATE.longName()).withDescription(EVALUATE.description())

    private static Option createExecute() {
        return _oExecute = OB.withLongName(EXECUTE.longName()).withDescription(EXECUTE.description())

    private static Option createExtract() {
        _oExtractConformation = AB.withName(EXTRACT_CONFORMATION.longName())

        _oExtractTrajectory = OB.withLongName(EXTRACT_TRAJECTORY.longName())

        final Group gExtract = GB.withName(EXTRACT.groupName()).withOption(_oExtractConformation)

        return _oExtract = OB.withLongName(EXTRACT.longName()).withDescription(EXTRACT.description())

    private static Option createMinimize() {
        _oMinimizeRandom = OB.withLongName(MINIMIZE_RANDOM.longName())

        final Group gMinimize = GB.withName(MINIMIZE.groupName()).withOption(_oMinimizeRandom).create();

        return _oMinimize = OB.withLongName(MINIMIZE.longName()).withDescription(MINIMIZE.description())

    private static Option createPrint() {
        return _oPrint = OB.withLongName(PRINT.longName()).withDescription(PRINT.description())

    private static Option createSample() {
        _oSampleAngleIds = AB.withName(SAMPLE_ANGLEIDS.longName()).withDescription(SAMPLE_ANGLEIDS.description())

        _oSampleRandom = OB.withLongName(SAMPLE_RANDOM.longName()).withDescription(SAMPLE_RANDOM.description())

        final Group gSample = GB.withName(SAMPLE.groupName()).withOption(_oSampleAngleIds)

        return _oSample = OB.withLongName(SAMPLE.longName()).withDescription(SAMPLE.description())

    private static Option createVisualize() {
        return _oVisualize = OB.withLongName(VISUALIZE.longName()).withDescription(VISUALIZE.description())

    private static CommandLine parse(String[] args, Group group) {
        final Parser parser = new Parser();
        CommandLine cmdLine = null;

        try {
            cmdLine = parser.parse(args);
        } catch (OptionException e) {

        return cmdLine;

    private static boolean query(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        // Options.
        if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oSeed)) {

        // Actions.
        if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oAnalyze)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oBarriers)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oCheck)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oConnect)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oEvaluate)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oExecute)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oExtract)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oMinimize)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oPrint)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oSample)) {
        } else if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oVisualize)) {
        } else {
            return false;

        return true;

    private static void printHelp(Group group) {
        final HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter();



    private static void seed(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final long seed = parseLong(cmdLine, _oSeed);


    private static void analyze(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oAnalyze);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName);
        final String output = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oAnalyzeOutput);
        final File file = (output == null ? null : new File(output));

        Application.analyze(model, file);

    private static void barriers(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oBarriers);
        final String postScript = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oBarriersPostScript);
        final String structure = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oBarriersStructure);
        final File moleculeFile = new File(fileOrClassName);
        final File postScriptFile = (postScript == null ? null : new File(postScript));
        final File structureFile = (structure == null ? null : new File(structure));

        if (cmdLine.hasOption(_oBarriersTrajectory)) {
            final String trajectory = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oBarriersTrajectory);
            final String energy = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oBarriersEnergy);
            final File trajectoryFile = new File(trajectory);
            final File energyFile = new File(energy);
            final double pruning = parseDouble(cmdLine, _oBarriersPruning);
            final double neighbor = parseDouble(cmdLine, _oBarriersNeighbor);
            Application.barriers(moleculeFile, trajectoryFile, energyFile, postScriptFile, structureFile, pruning,
        } else {
            final String topology = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oBarriersTopology);
            final File topologyFile = (topology == null ? null : new File(topology));
            final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName, topologyFile);
            Application.barriers(moleculeFile, model, postScriptFile, structureFile);

    private static void check(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oCheck);
        final File file = new File(fileName);


    private static void connect(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        // TODO: This approach means that a PDB and a TOP file can be specified, but it is maybe not pretty. It works for now.
        final List<?> values = cmdLine.getValues(_oConnect);
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) values.get(0);
        final File topologyFile = (values.size() == 2 ? new File((String) values.get(1)) : null);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName, topologyFile);


    private static void evaluate(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oEvaluate);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName);


    private static void execute(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oExecute);
        final File file = new File(fileName);


    private static void extract(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oExtract);
        final int[] conformationIds = parseIntArray(cmdLine, _oExtractConformation);
        final String trajectory = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oExtractTrajectory);

        final File trajectoryFile = (trajectory == null ? null : new File(trajectory));

        if (trajectoryFile != null) {
            if (conformationIds.length != 2) {
                errorExit("Specify exactly two ids", StatusCode.ARGUMENT);

            Application.extract(new File(fileName), conformationIds[0], conformationIds[1], trajectoryFile);
        } else {
            Application.extract(new File(fileName), conformationIds);

    private static void minimize(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oMinimize);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName);
        final boolean random = cmdLine.hasOption(_oMinimizeRandom);

        Application.minimize(model, random);

    private static void print(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oPrint);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName);


    private static void sample(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oSample);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName);
        final int[] angleIds = parseIntArray(cmdLine, _oSampleAngleIds);
        final boolean random = cmdLine.hasOption(_oSampleRandom);

        Application.sample(model, angleIds, random);

    private static void visualize(CommandLine cmdLine) {
        final String fileOrClassName = (String) cmdLine.getValue(_oVisualize);
        final Model model = Util.instantiateModel(fileOrClassName);


    private static long parseLong(CommandLine cmdLine, Option option) {
        long value = 0L;

        try {
            value = Long.parseLong((String) cmdLine.getValue(option));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            errorExit(e, StatusCode.ARGUMENT);

        return value;

    private static double parseDouble(CommandLine cmdLine, Option option) {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = Double.parseDouble((String) cmdLine.getValue(option));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            errorExit(e, StatusCode.ARGUMENT);

        return value;

    private static int[] parseIntArray(CommandLine cmdLine, Option option) {
        final List<?> list = cmdLine.getValues(option);
        final int values[] = new int[list.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            values[i] = parseInt(list.get(i));

        return values;

    private static int parseInt(Object stringObj) {
        int value = 0;

        try {
            value = Integer.parseInt((String) stringObj);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            errorExit(e, StatusCode.ARGUMENT);

        return value;