Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2003-2016 MarkLogic Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.marklogic.contentpump; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.ContentOutputFormat; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.MarkLogicCounter; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.ContentType; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.ContentWriter; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.DocumentURI; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.MarkLogicConstants; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.MarkLogicDocument; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.utilities.AssignmentManager; import com.marklogic.mapreduce.utilities.InternalUtilities; import com.marklogic.xcc.AdhocQuery; import com.marklogic.xcc.Content; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentCreateOptions; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentFactory; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentPermission; import com.marklogic.xcc.ContentSource; import com.marklogic.xcc.Session; import com.marklogic.xcc.Session.TransactionMode; import com.marklogic.xcc.exceptions.RequestException; /** * MarkLogicRecordWriter that can * 1) insert content from Archive to MarkLogic Server * 2) copy content from source MarkLogic Server to destination MarkLogic Server * * @author ali * */ public class DatabaseContentWriter<VALUE> extends ContentWriter<VALUE> implements MarkLogicConstants { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DatabaseContentWriter.class); private URIMetadata[][] metadatas; protected boolean isCopyProps; protected boolean isCopyColls; protected boolean isCopyPerms; protected boolean isCopyQuality; public static final String XQUERY_VERSION_1_0_ML = "xquery version \"1.0-ml\";\n"; public DatabaseContentWriter(Configuration conf, Map<String, ContentSource> forestSourceMap, boolean fastLoad) { this(conf, forestSourceMap, fastLoad, null); } public DatabaseContentWriter(Configuration conf, Map<String, ContentSource> forestSourceMap, boolean fastLoad, AssignmentManager am) { super(conf, forestSourceMap, fastLoad, am); if (countBased) { metadatas = new URIMetadata[1][batchSize]; } else { metadatas = new URIMetadata[forestIds.length][batchSize]; } isCopyProps = conf.getBoolean(ConfigConstants.CONF_COPY_PROPERTIES, true); isCopyPerms = conf.getBoolean(ConfigConstants.CONF_COPY_PERMISSIONS, true); isCopyColls = conf.getBoolean(ConfigConstants.CONF_COPY_COLLECTIONS, true); isCopyQuality = conf.getBoolean(ConfigConstants.CONF_COPY_QUALITY, true); } /** * fetch the options information from conf and metadata, set to the field * "options" */ protected ContentCreateOptions newContentCreateOptions(DocumentMetadata meta) { ContentCreateOptions opt = (ContentCreateOptions) options.clone(); if (meta != null) { if (opt.getQuality() == 0) { opt.setQuality(meta.quality); } HashSet<String> colSet = new HashSet<String>(meta.collectionsList); if (opt.getCollections() != null) { // union copy_collection and output_collection for (String s : opt.getCollections()) { colSet.add(s); } } opt.setCollections(colSet.toArray(new String[colSet.size()])); HashSet<ContentPermission> pSet = new HashSet<ContentPermission>(meta.permissionsList); if (opt.getPermissions() != null) { // union of output_permission & copy_permission for (ContentPermission p : opt.getPermissions()) { pSet.add(p); } } opt.setPermissions(pSet.toArray(new ContentPermission[pSet.size()])); } return opt; } @Override public void write(DocumentURI key, VALUE value) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String uri = InternalUtilities.getUriWithOutputDir(key, outputDir); String csKey; int fId = 0; if (fastLoad) { if (!countBased) { // placement for legacy or bucket fId = am.getPlacementForestIndex(key); sfId = fId; } else { if (sfId == -1) { sfId = am.getPlacementForestIndex(key); } fId = sfId; } csKey = forestIds[fId]; } else { csKey = forestIds[hostId]; } int sid = fId; Content content = null; DocumentMetadata meta = null; if (value instanceof DatabaseDocumentWithMeta) { meta = ((DatabaseDocumentWithMeta) value).getMeta(); ContentCreateOptions opt = newContentCreateOptions(meta); MarkLogicDocument doc = (MarkLogicDocument) value; if (!meta.isNakedProps()) { opt.setFormat(doc.getContentType().getDocumentFormat()); if (doc.getContentType() == ContentType.BINARY) { content = ContentFactory.newContent(uri, doc.getContentAsByteArray(), opt); } else { content = ContentFactory.newContent(uri, doc.getContentAsText().toString(), opt); } } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(value.getClass() + " is not supported."); } if (countBased) { fId = 0; } pendingUris[sid].put(content, new DocumentURI(key)); boolean inserted = false; if (batchSize > 1) { if (!meta.isNakedProps()) { // add new content forestContents[fId][counts[fId]] = content; metadatas[fId][counts[fId]++] = new URIMetadata(uri, meta); } else { // naked properties if (isCopyProps) { if (sessions[sid] == null) { sessions[sid] = getSession(csKey); } setDocumentProperties(uri, meta.getProperties(), isCopyPerms ? meta.getPermString() : null, isCopyColls ? meta.getCollectionString() : null, isCopyQuality ? meta.getQualityString() : null, sessions[sid]); stmtCounts[sid]++; } } if (counts[fId] == batchSize) { if (sessions[sid] == null) { sessions[sid] = getSession(csKey); } insertBatch(forestContents[fId], sid); stmtCounts[sid]++; if (isCopyProps) { // insert properties for (int i = 0; i < counts[fId]; i++) { DocumentMetadata m = metadatas[fId][i].getMeta(); String u = metadatas[fId][i].getUri(); if (m != null && m.getProperties() != null) { setDocumentProperties(u, m.getProperties(), null, null, null, sessions[sid]); stmtCounts[sid]++; } } } //reset forest index for statistical if (countBased) { sfId = -1; } counts[fId] = 0; inserted = true; } } else { // batchSize <= 1 if (sessions[sid] == null) { sessions[sid] = getSession(csKey); } if (content != null) { insertContent(content, sid); stmtCounts[sid]++; } //reset forest index for statistical if (countBased) { sfId = -1; } if (isCopyProps && meta.getProperties() != null) { boolean naked = content == null; setDocumentProperties(uri, meta.getProperties(), isCopyPerms && naked ? meta.getPermString() : null, isCopyColls && naked ? meta.getCollectionString() : null, isCopyQuality && naked ? meta.getQualityString() : null, sessions[sid]); stmtCounts[sid]++; } inserted = true; } boolean committed = false; if (stmtCounts[sid] == txnSize && needCommit) { commit(sid); stmtCounts[sid] = 0; commitUris[sid].clear(); committed = true; } if ((!fastLoad) && ((inserted && (!needCommit)) || committed)) { // rotate to next host and reset session hostId = (hostId + 1) % forestIds.length; sessions[0] = null; } } protected Session getSession(String forestId, TransactionMode mode) { Session session = null; ContentSource cs = forestSourceMap.get(forestId); if (fastLoad) { session = cs.newSession(forestId); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Connect to forest " + forestId + " on " + session.getConnectionUri().getHost()); } } else { session = cs.newSession(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Connect to " + session.getConnectionUri().getHost()); } } session.setTransactionMode(mode); return session; } @Override public void close(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (batchSize > 1) { int len, sid; if (countBased) { len = 1; sid = sfId; } else { len = fastLoad ? forestIds.length : 1; sid = 0; } if (isCopyProps) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, sid++) { if (counts[i] > 0) { Content[] remainder = new Content[counts[i]]; System.arraycopy(forestContents[i], 0, remainder, 0, counts[i]); if (sessions[sid] == null) { String forestId = forestIds[i]; sessions[sid] = getSession(forestId); } insertBatch(remainder, sid); stmtCounts[sid]++; if (!isCopyProps) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < counts[i]; j++) { DocumentMetadata m = metadatas[i][j].getMeta(); String u = metadatas[i][j].getUri(); if (m != null && m.getProperties() != null) { setDocumentProperties(u, m.getProperties(), null, null, null, sessions[sid]); stmtCounts[sid]++; } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) { if (sessions[i] != null) { if (stmtCounts[i] > 0 && needCommit) { try { sessions[i].commit(); succeeded += commitUris[i].size(); } catch (RequestException e) { // log error and continue on RequestServerException LOG.error("Error commiting transaction", e); failed += commitUris[i].size(); for (DocumentURI failedUri : commitUris[i]) { LOG.warn("Failed document " + failedUri); } commitUris[i].clear(); } finally { sessions[i].close(); } } else { sessions[i].close(); } } } context.getCounter(MarkLogicCounter.OUTPUT_RECORDS_COMMITTED).increment(succeeded); context.getCounter(MarkLogicCounter.OUTPUT_RECORDS_FAILED).increment(failed); } /** * * @param uri * uri of the document whose property is to be set * @param xmlString * property in xml string * @param forestId * @throws RequestException */ protected void setDocumentProperties(String uri, String xmlString, String permString, String collString, String quality, Session s) { String query = XQUERY_VERSION_1_0_ML + "declare variable $URI as xs:string external;\n" + "declare variable $XML-STRING as xs:string external;\n" + "declare variable $PERM-STRING as xs:string external;\n" + "declare variable $COLL-STRING as xs:string external;\n" + "declare variable $QUALITY-STRING as xs:string external;\n" + "xdmp:document-set-properties($URI,\n" + " xdmp:unquote($XML-STRING)/prop:properties/node() )\n" + ", if('' eq ($PERM-STRING)) then () else \n" + "xdmp:document-set-permissions($URI, \n" + "xdmp:unquote($PERM-STRING)/node()/sec:permission)\n" + ", if('' eq ($COLL-STRING)) then () else \n" + "let $f := fn:function-lookup(xs:QName('xdmp:from-json-string'), 1)\n" + "return if (fn:exists($f)) then \n" + "xdmp:document-set-collections($URI,json:array-values($f($COLL-STRING)))\n" + "else xdmp:document-set-collections($URI,json:array-values(xdmp:from-json($COLL-STRING)))\n" + ", if('' eq ($QUALITY-STRING)) then () else xdmp:document-set-quality($URI,xs:integer($QUALITY-STRING))\n"; AdhocQuery req = s.newAdhocQuery(query); req.setNewStringVariable("URI", uri); req.setNewStringVariable("XML-STRING", xmlString); req.setNewStringVariable("PERM-STRING", permString == null ? "" : permString); req.setNewStringVariable("COLL-STRING", collString == null || collString.isEmpty() ? "" : collString); req.setNewStringVariable("QUALITY-STRING", quality == null ? "" : quality); try { s.submitRequest(req); } catch (RequestException ex) { LOG.error("Error setting document properties for " + uri, ex); } } } class URIMetadata { String uri; DocumentMetadata meta; public URIMetadata(String uri, DocumentMetadata meta) { super(); this.uri = uri; this.meta = meta; } public String getUri() { return uri; } public DocumentMetadata getMeta() { return meta; } }