Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2015 MarkLogic Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.marklogic.client.impl; import; import; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.marklogic.client.MarkLogicIOException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.marklogic.client.query.RawCombinedQueryDefinition; import com.marklogic.client.query.RawQueryDefinition; import com.marklogic.client.query.RawStructuredQueryDefinition; import com.marklogic.client.query.StructuredQueryDefinition; public class CombinedQueryBuilderImpl implements CombinedQueryBuilder { public class CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl extends AbstractQueryDefinition implements CombinedQueryDefinition { private StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery; private RawQueryDefinition rawQuery; private QueryOptionsWriteHandle options; private String qtext; private String sparql; private Format format; public CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext, String sparql) { this.structuredQuery = structuredQuery; this.options = options; this.qtext = qtext; this.sparql = sparql; this.format = Format.XML; } public CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(RawQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext, String sparql) { this.rawQuery = rawQuery; this.options = options; this.qtext = qtext; this.sparql = sparql; // if a query has been supplied, it's either in JSON or in XML if (rawQuery != null) { this.format =; } else { if (options != null) { this.format =; } else { // there's only qtext -- we choose format. this.format = Format.JSON; } } if (format != Format.XML && format != Format.JSON) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Format of rawQuery must be XML or JSON"); } } public String serialize() { return CombinedQueryBuilderImpl.this.serialize(this); } @Override public Format getFormat() { return format; } } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery, String qtext) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(structuredQuery, null, qtext, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(structuredQuery, options, null, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(structuredQuery, options, qtext, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext, String sparql) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(structuredQuery, options, qtext, sparql); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawStructuredQueryDefinition rawQuery, String qtext) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, null, qtext, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawStructuredQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, options, null, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawStructuredQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, options, qtext, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawStructuredQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext, String sparql) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, options, qtext, sparql); } public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawCombinedQueryDefinition rawQuery, String qtext) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, null, qtext, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawCombinedQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, options, null, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawCombinedQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, options, qtext, null); } @Override public CombinedQueryDefinition combine(RawCombinedQueryDefinition rawQuery, QueryOptionsWriteHandle options, String qtext, String sparql) { return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(rawQuery, options, qtext, sparql); } private String serialize(CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl qdef) { try { if (qdef.format != null) { if (Format.XML == qdef.format) { return makeXMLCombinedQuery(qdef); } else if (Format.JSON == qdef.format) { return makeJSONCombinedQuery(qdef); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "A RawStructuredQueryDefinition must " + "be XML or JSON, not " + qdef.format); } } return makeXMLCombinedQuery(qdef); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MarkLogicIOException(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private String makeJSONCombinedQuery(CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl qdef) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().configure(Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true) .configure(Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES, true); ObjectNode rootNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); ObjectNode searchNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); rootNode.replace("search", searchNode); if (qdef.sparql != null) searchNode.put("sparql", qdef.sparql); if (qdef.qtext != null) searchNode.put("qtext", qdef.qtext); if (qdef.options != null) { HandleImplementation optionsBase =; if (Format.JSON != optionsBase.getFormat()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot combine a JSON-format structured " + "query with " + optionsBase.getFormat() + "-format options"); } String json = HandleAccessor.contentAsString(qdef.options); JsonNode optionsNode = mapper.readTree(json); searchNode.replace("options", optionsNode.get("options")); } if (qdef.rawQuery != null) { String json = HandleAccessor.contentAsString(qdef.rawQuery.getHandle()); JsonNode rawQueryNode = mapper.readTree(json); JsonNode queryNode = rawQueryNode.get("query"); if (queryNode == null) queryNode = rawQueryNode.path("search").get("query"); if (queryNode != null) searchNode.replace("query", queryNode); if (qdef.options == null) { JsonNode optionsNode = rawQueryNode.path("search").get("options"); if (optionsNode != null) searchNode.replace("options", optionsNode); } if (qdef.qtext == null) { JsonNode qtextNode = rawQueryNode.path("search").get("qtext"); if (qtextNode != null) searchNode.replace("qtext", qtextNode); } if (qdef.sparql == null) { JsonNode sparqlNode = rawQueryNode.path("search").get("sparql"); if (sparqlNode != null) searchNode.replace("sparql", sparqlNode); } } return rootNode.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MarkLogicIOException(e); } } private XMLStreamWriter makeXMLSerializer(OutputStream out) { XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); factory.setProperty(XMLOutputFactory.IS_REPAIRING_NAMESPACES, true); try { XMLStreamWriter serializer = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); serializer.setDefaultNamespace(""); serializer.setPrefix("xs", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); return serializer; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MarkLogicIOException(e); } } private String makeXMLCombinedQuery(CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl qdef) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String qtext = qdef.qtext; StructuredQueryDefinition structuredQuery = qdef.structuredQuery; RawQueryDefinition rawQuery = qdef.rawQuery; QueryOptionsWriteHandle options = qdef.options; String sparql = qdef.sparql; if (rawQuery != null && rawQuery instanceof RawCombinedQueryDefinition) { CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl combinedQdef = parseCombinedQuery( (RawCombinedQueryDefinition) rawQuery); rawQuery = combinedQdef.rawQuery; if (qtext == null) qtext = combinedQdef.qtext; if (options == null) options = combinedQdef.options; if (sparql == null) sparql = combinedQdef.sparql; } XMLStreamWriter serializer = makeXMLSerializer(out); serializer.writeStartDocument(); serializer.writeStartElement("search"); if (qtext != null) { serializer.writeStartElement("qtext"); serializer.writeCharacters(qtext); serializer.writeEndElement(); } else { serializer.writeCharacters(""); } if (sparql != null) { serializer.writeStartElement("sparql"); serializer.writeCharacters(sparql); serializer.writeEndElement(); } serializer.flush(); String structure = ""; if (structuredQuery != null) structure = structuredQuery.serialize(); if (rawQuery != null) structure = HandleAccessor.contentAsString(rawQuery.getHandle()); out.write(structure.getBytes("UTF-8")); out.flush(); if (options != null) { HandleImplementation handleBase =; Object value = handleBase.sendContent(); if (value instanceof OutputStreamSender) { ((OutputStreamSender) value).write(out); } else { out.write(HandleAccessor.contentAsString(options).getBytes("UTF-8")); } out.flush(); } serializer.writeEndElement(); serializer.writeEndDocument(); serializer.flush(); serializer.close(); return out.toString("UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MarkLogicIOException(e); } } private CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl parseCombinedQuery(RawCombinedQueryDefinition qdef) { DOMHandle handle = new DOMHandle(); HandleAccessor.receiveContent(handle, HandleAccessor.contentAsString(qdef.getHandle())); Document combinedQueryXml = handle.get(); DOMImplementationLS domImplementation = (DOMImplementationLS) combinedQueryXml.getImplementation(); LSSerializer lsSerializer = domImplementation.createLSSerializer(); lsSerializer.getDomConfig().setParameter("xml-declaration", false); NodeList nl = combinedQueryXml.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "options"); Node n = nl.item(0); String options = null; StringHandle optionsHandle = null; if (n != null) { options = lsSerializer.writeToString(n); optionsHandle = new StringHandle(options).withFormat(Format.XML); } //TODO this could be more than one string... nl = combinedQueryXml.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "qtext"); n = nl.item(0); String qtext = null; if (n != null) { qtext = lsSerializer.writeToString(n); } nl = combinedQueryXml.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "sparql"); n = nl.item(0); String sparql = null; if (n != null) { sparql = lsSerializer.writeToString(n); } nl = combinedQueryXml.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "query"); n = nl.item(0); String query = null; if (n != null) { query = lsSerializer.writeToString(nl.item(0)); } StringHandle structuredQueryHandle = new StringHandle().with(query).withFormat(Format.XML); RawStructuredQueryDefinition structuredQueryDefinition = new RawQueryDefinitionImpl.Structured( structuredQueryHandle); return new CombinedQueryDefinitionImpl(structuredQueryDefinition, optionsHandle, qtext, sparql); } }