Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015 MarkLogic Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.marklogic.client.functionaltest; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Iterator; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.marklogic.client.DatabaseClient; import com.marklogic.client.DatabaseClientFactory; import com.marklogic.client.DatabaseClientFactory.Authentication; import com.marklogic.client.ResourceNotFoundException; import com.marklogic.client.pojo.PojoPage; import com.marklogic.client.pojo.PojoRepository; import com.marklogic.client.pojo.annotation.Id; public class TestPOJOReadWrite1 extends BasicJavaClientREST { private static String dbName = "TestPOJORWDB"; private static String[] fNames = { "TestPOJORWDB-1" }; private static String restServerName = "REST-Java-Client-API-Server"; private static int restPort = 8011; private DatabaseClient client; /* * @Id annotation on String type */ public static class StringPOJO { @Id public String name; public String getName() { return name; } public StringPOJO setName(String name) { = name; return this; } } /* * @Id annotation on Integer type. */ public static class IntegerPOJO { @Id public Integer id; public Integer getId() { return id; } public IntegerPOJO setId(Integer id) { = id; return this; } } /* * @Id annotation on Calender type. */ public static class CalendarPOJO { @Id public Calendar dateId; public Calendar getDateId() { return dateId; } public CalendarPOJO setDateId(Calendar dateId) { this.dateId = dateId; return this; } } /* * @Id annotation on double type. */ public static class DoublePOJO { @Id public double doubleId; public double getDoubleId() { return doubleId; } public DoublePOJO setDoubleId(double doubleId) { this.doubleId = doubleId; return this; } } public static class NumberPOJO { @Id public Number nId; public Number getNumberId() { return nId; } public NumberPOJO setNumberId(Number nId) { this.nId = nId; return this; } } @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { // System.setProperty("", "debug"); System.out.println("In setup"); setupJavaRESTServer(dbName, fNames[0], restServerName, restPort); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { System.out.println("In tear down"); tearDownJavaRESTServer(dbName, fNames, restServerName); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { client = DatabaseClientFactory.newClient("localhost", restPort, "rest-admin", "x", Authentication.DIGEST); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { // release client client.release(); } public Artifact getArtifact(int counter) { Company acme = new Company(); acme.setName("Acme " + counter + ", Inc."); acme.setWebsite("http://www.acme" + counter + ".com"); acme.setLatitude(41.998 + counter); acme.setLongitude(-87.966 + counter); Artifact cogs = new Artifact(); cogs.setId(counter); cogs.setName("Cogs " + counter); cogs.setManufacturer(acme); cogs.setInventory(1000 + counter); return cogs; } public void validateArtifact(Artifact art) { assertNotNull("Artifact object should never be Null", art); assertNotNull("Id should never be Null",; assertTrue("Inventry is always greater than 1000", art.getInventory() > 1000); } //This test is to persist a simple design model objects in ML, read from ML, delete all @Test public void testPOJOWrite() { PojoRepository<Artifact, Long> products = client.newPojoRepository(Artifact.class, Long.class); products.deleteAll(); //Load more than 100 objects for (int i = 1; i < 112; i++) { products.write(this.getArtifact(i)); } assertEquals("Total number of object recods", 111, products.count()); for (long i = 1; i < 112; i++) { assertTrue("Product id " + i + " does not exist", products.exists(i)); this.validateArtifact(; } products.deleteAll(); for (long i = 1; i < 112; i++) { assertFalse("Product id exists ?", products.exists(i)); } } //Issue 192 describes the use case @Test(expected = ResourceNotFoundException.class) public void testPOJOReadInvalidId() { PojoRepository<Artifact, Long> products = client.newPojoRepository(Artifact.class, Long.class); products.deleteAll(); //Load more than 100 objects for (int i = 1; i < 112; i++) { products.write(this.getArtifact(i)); } assertEquals("Total number of object recods", 111, products.count()); for (long i = 1143; i < 1193; i++) { this.validateArtifact(; } products.deleteAll(); for (long i = 1; i < 112; i++) { assertFalse("Product id exists ?", products.exists(i)); } } //This test is to persist objects into different collections, read documents based on Id and delete single object based on Id @Test public void testPOJOWriteWithCollection() { PojoRepository<Artifact, Long> products = client.newPojoRepository(Artifact.class, Long.class); //Load more than 110 objects into different collections products.deleteAll(); for (int i = 112; i < 222; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { products.write(this.getArtifact(i), "even", "numbers"); } else { products.write(this.getArtifact(i), "odd", "numbers"); } } assertEquals("Total number of object recods", 110, products.count("numbers")); assertEquals("Collection even count", 55, products.count("even")); assertEquals("Collection odd count", 55, products.count("odd")); for (long i = 112; i < 222; i++) { // validate all the records inserted are readable assertTrue("Product id " + i + " does not exist", products.exists(i)); this.validateArtifact(; } products.delete((long) 112); assertFalse("Product id 112 exists ?", products.exists((long) 112)); products.deleteAll(); //see any document exists for (long i = 112; i < 222; i++) { assertFalse("Product id " + i + " exists ?", products.exists(i)); } //see if it complains when there are no records products.delete((long) 112); products.deleteAll(); } //This test is to read objects into pojo page based on Ids ,it has a scenario for Issue 192 // until #103 is resolved @Test public void testPOJOWriteWithPojoPage() { PojoRepository<Artifact, Long> products = client.newPojoRepository(Artifact.class, Long.class); //Load more than 110 objects into different collections products.deleteAll(); Long[] ids = new Long[112]; int j = 0; for (int i = 222; i < 333; i++) { ids[j] = (long) i; j++; if (i % 2 == 0) { products.write(this.getArtifact(i), "even", "numbers"); } else { products.write(this.getArtifact(i), "odd", "numbers"); } } ids[j] = (long) 1234234; j++; assertEquals("Total number of object recods", 111, products.count("numbers")); assertEquals("Collection even count", 56, products.count("even")); assertEquals("Collection odd count", 55, products.count("odd")); System.out.println("Default Page length setting on docMgr :" + products.getPageLength()); assertEquals("Default setting for page length", 50, products.getPageLength()); // assertEquals("explicit setting for page length",1,products.getPageLength()); PojoPage<Artifact> p =; // test for page methods System.out.println("Total number of estimated results:" + p.getTotalSize() + ids.length); System.out.println("Total number of estimated pages :" + p.getTotalPages()); long pageNo = 1, count = 0; while (p.hasNext()) { this.validateArtifact(; count++; } assertEquals("document count", 111, count); products.deleteAll(); //see any document exists for (long i = 112; i < 222; i++) { assertFalse("Product id " + i + " exists ?", products.exists(i)); } //see if it complains when there are no records } @Test public void testPOJOWriteWithPojoPageReadAll() { PojoRepository<Artifact, Long> products = client.newPojoRepository(Artifact.class, Long.class); //Load more than 110 objects into different collections products.deleteAll(); for (int i = 222; i < 333; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { products.write(this.getArtifact(i), "even", "numbers"); } else { products.write(this.getArtifact(i), "odd", "numbers"); } } assertEquals("Total number of object recods", 111, products.count("numbers")); assertEquals("Collection even count", 56, products.count("even")); assertEquals("Collection odd count", 55, products.count("odd")); System.out.println("Default Page length setting on docMgr :" + products.getPageLength()); assertEquals("Default setting for page length", 50, products.getPageLength()); products.setPageLength(1); assertEquals("explicit setting for page length", 1, products.getPageLength()); PojoPage<Artifact> p = products.readAll(1); // test for page methods assertEquals("Number of records", 1, p.size()); System.out.println("Page size" + p.size()); assertEquals("Starting record in first page ", 1, p.getStart()); System.out.println("Starting record in first page " + p.getStart()); assertEquals("Total number of estimated results:", 111, p.getTotalSize()); System.out.println("Total number of estimated results:" + p.getTotalSize()); assertEquals("Total number of estimated pages :", 111, p.getTotalPages()); System.out.println("Total number of estimated pages :" + p.getTotalPages()); assertTrue("Is this First page :", p.isFirstPage()); assertFalse("Is this Last page :", p.isLastPage()); assertTrue("Is this First page has content:", p.hasContent()); // Need the Issue #75 to be fixed assertFalse("Is first page has previous page ?", p.hasPreviousPage()); long pageNo = 1, count = 0; do { count = 0; p = products.readAll(pageNo); if (pageNo > 1) { assertFalse("Is this first Page", p.isFirstPage()); assertTrue("Is page has previous page ?", p.hasPreviousPage()); } while (p.iterator().hasNext()) { this.validateArtifact(p.iterator().next()); count++; } assertEquals("document count", p.size(), count); pageNo = pageNo + p.getPageSize(); } while (!(p.isLastPage()) && pageNo < p.getTotalSize()); assertTrue("page count is 111 ", pageNo == p.getTotalPages()); assertTrue("Page has previous page ?", p.hasPreviousPage()); assertEquals("page size", 1, p.getPageSize()); assertEquals("document count", 111, p.getTotalSize()); products.deleteAll(); p = products.readAll(1); assertFalse("Page has any records ?", p.hasContent()); } @Test public void testPOJOgetDocumentUri() { PojoRepository<StringPOJO, String> strPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(StringPOJO.class, String.class); StringPOJO sobj = new StringPOJO(); String uri = "StringUri"; sobj.setName("StringUri"); strPojoRepo.write(sobj); System.out.println(strPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(sobj)); assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$StringPOJO/StringUri.json", strPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(sobj)); PojoRepository<IntegerPOJO, Integer> intPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(IntegerPOJO.class, Integer.class); IntegerPOJO iobj = new IntegerPOJO(); iobj.setId(-12); intPojoRepo.write(iobj); System.out.println(intPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(iobj)); assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$IntegerPOJO/-12.json", intPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(iobj)); PojoRepository<CalendarPOJO, Calendar> calPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(CalendarPOJO.class, Calendar.class); CalendarPOJO cobj = new CalendarPOJO(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cobj.setDateId(cal); calPojoRepo.write(cobj); System.out.println(calPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(cobj)); assertTrue("Uri mismatch", calPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(cobj) .contains("com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$CalendarPOJO")); PojoRepository<DoublePOJO, Double> dPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(DoublePOJO.class, Double.class); DoublePOJO dobj = new DoublePOJO(); double dvar = 2.015; dobj.setDoubleId(dvar); dPojoRepo.write(dobj); System.out.println(dPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(dobj)); assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$DoublePOJO/2.015.json", dPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(dobj)); PojoRepository<NumberPOJO, Number> nPojoRepo = client.newPojoRepository(NumberPOJO.class, Number.class); NumberPOJO nobj = new NumberPOJO(); Number nvar = 99; nvar.intValue(); nobj.setNumberId(nvar); nPojoRepo.write(nobj); System.out.println(nPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(nobj)); assertEquals("Uri mismatch", "com.marklogic.client.functionaltest.TestPOJOReadWrite1$NumberPOJO/99.json", nPojoRepo.getDocumentUri(nobj)); } }