Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2009, Monte Alto Research Center, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Monte Alto Research Center ("Confidential Information"). You shall not * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Monte Alto Research Center */ package com.marc.lastweek.extractionengine.extractors; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.marc.lastweek.extractionengine.helpers.DomHelper; import com.marc.lastweek.extractionengine.naming.UrlNaming; import com.meterware.httpunit.HTMLElement; import com.meterware.httpunit.WebImage; public class EbayAnunciosProvinceExtractor extends EbayProvinceExtractor { public EbayAnunciosProvinceExtractor(String provinceUrlSuffix, List<String> alreadyExtractedAds) { super(provinceUrlSuffix, alreadyExtractedAds); this.setBaseUrl(UrlNaming.EBAY_ANUNCIOS_BASE_URL); } @Override protected String getTitleFromDetailPage() throws SAXException { String title = ""; HTMLElement[] possibleTitles = DomHelper.getElementsWithClassName(this.getAdDetailWebResponse(), "tit-head"); if (possibleTitles.length > 0) { title = possibleTitles[0].getText(); } return title; } @Override protected String getDescriptionFromDetailPage() throws SAXException { String description = ""; HTMLElement descriptionDiv = this.getAdDetailWebResponse().getElementWithID("section1"); description = StringUtils.abbreviate(descriptionDiv.getText(), 450); return description; } @Override protected String getImgUrlFromDetailPage() throws SAXException { String imgUrl = ""; WebImage[] images = this.getAdDetailWebResponse().getImages(); if (images != null) { for (WebImage image : images) { if (image.getSource().contains("")) { imgUrl = image.getSource(); break; } } } return imgUrl; } @Override protected String getPlaceFromDetailTable() { return this.getDetailTable().getTableCell(0, 1).getText(); } @Override protected String getPriceFromDetailTable() { return this.getDetailTable().getTableCell(1, 1).getText(); } @Override protected String getDateFromDetailTable() { return this.getDetailTable().getTableCell(2, 1).getText(); } @Override protected String getCategoryFromDetailTable() { return this.getDetailTable().getTableCell(3, 1).getText(); } }