Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2015 MapR Technologies * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.mapr.db.utils; import com.mapr.db.MapRDB; import com.mapr.db.DBDocument; import com.mapr.db.Table; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Scanner; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; public class ImportTPCHJSONFiles { public static final String CUSTOMER_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/customer"; public static final String LINEITEM_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/lineitem"; public static final String ORDERS_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/orders"; public static final String PART_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/part"; public static final String PARTSUPP_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/partsupp"; public static final String NATION_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/nation"; public static final String SUPPLIER_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/supplier"; public static final String REGION_JSON_TABLE_PATH = "/maprdb/json/tpch/sf0.01/region"; public static final String CUSTOMER_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/customer.json"; public static final String LINEITEM_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/lineitem.json"; public static final String ORDERS_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/orders.json"; public static final String PART_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/part.json"; public static final String PARTSUPP_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/partsupp.json"; public static final String NATION_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/nation.json"; public static final String SUPPLIER_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/supplier.json"; public static final String REGION_JSON_FILE_PATH = "/root/tpch/region.json"; public Table c_table; public Table l_table; public Table o_table; public Table p_table; public Table ps_table; public Table n_table; public Table s_table; public Table r_table; public Customer c; public Lineitem l; public Orders o; public Part p; public Partsupp ps; public Nation n; public Supplier s; public Region r; public static long c_count = 0; public static long l_count = 0; public static long o_count = 0; public static long p_count = 0; public static long ps_count = 0; public static long n_count = 0; public static long s_count = 0; public static long r_count = 0; public ImportTPCHJSONFiles() { } static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImportTPCHJSONFiles.class); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.ERROR); ImportTPCHJSONFiles reader = new ImportTPCHJSONFiles(); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("CUSTOMER", CUSTOMER_JSON_TABLE_PATH, CUSTOMER_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("LINEITEM", LINEITEM_JSON_TABLE_PATH, LINEITEM_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("ORDERS", ORDERS_JSON_TABLE_PATH, ORDERS_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("PART", PART_JSON_TABLE_PATH, PART_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("PARTSUPP", PARTSUPP_JSON_TABLE_PATH, PARTSUPP_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("NATION", NATION_JSON_TABLE_PATH, NATION_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("SUPPLIER", SUPPLIER_JSON_TABLE_PATH, SUPPLIER_JSON_FILE_PATH); reader.readFileAndWriteToTable("REGION", REGION_JSON_TABLE_PATH, REGION_JSON_FILE_PATH); } public void readFileAndWriteToTable(String maprdbJsonTableName, String maprdbJsonTablePath, String jsonFilePath) { System.out.println("Importing " + maprdbJsonTableName); try { Scanner scan = new Scanner(new FileReader(jsonFilePath)); StringBuilder jsonFileContents = new StringBuilder(); while (scan.hasNextLine()) { jsonFileContents.append(scan.nextLine()); } scan.close(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(jsonFileContents.toString(), "%"); String record = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { record = st.nextToken(); //System.out.println(record); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { Object obj = parser.parse(record); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Customer")) { c = new Customer(); c = c.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(c.toString()); c_table = this.getTable(c_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); c.insertDocument(c_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Lineitem")) { l = new Lineitem(); l = l.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(l.toString()); l_table = this.getTable(l_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); l.insertDocument(l_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Orders")) { o = new Orders(); o = o.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(o.toString()); o_table = this.getTable(o_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); o.insertDocument(o_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Part")) { p = new Part(); p = p.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(p.toString()); p_table = this.getTable(p_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); p.insertDocument(p_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Partsupp")) { ps = new Partsupp(); ps = ps.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(ps.toString()); ps_table = this.getTable(ps_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); ps.insertDocument(ps_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Nation")) { n = new Nation(); n = n.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(n.toString()); n_table = this.getTable(n_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); n.insertDocument(n_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Supplier")) { s = new Supplier(); s = s.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(s.toString()); s_table = this.getTable(s_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); s.insertDocument(s_table); } else if (maprdbJsonTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Region")) { r = new Region(); r = r.getDocument(jsonObject); //System.out.println(r.toString()); r_table = this.getTable(r_table, maprdbJsonTablePath); r.insertDocument(r_table); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } switch (maprdbJsonTableName) { case "CUSTOMER": System.out.println("Imported " + c_count + " Records\n"); break; case "LINEITEM": System.out.println("Imported " + l_count + " Records\n"); break; case "ORDERS": System.out.println("Imported " + o_count + " Records\n"); break; case "PART": System.out.println("Imported " + p_count + " Records\n"); break; case "PARTSUPP": System.out.println("Imported " + ps_count + " Records\n"); break; case "NATION": System.out.println("Imported " + n_count + " Records\n"); break; case "SUPPLIER": System.out.println("Imported " + s_count + " Records\n"); break; case "REGION": System.out.println("Imported " + r_count + " Records\n"); break; } } public Table getTable(Table table, String tableName) throws IOException { if (!MapRDB.tableExists(tableName)) { table = MapRDB.createTable(tableName); // Create table if not exists } else { table = MapRDB.getTable(tableName); } return table; } public void deleteTable(String tableName) throws IOException { if (MapRDB.tableExists(tableName)) { MapRDB.deleteTable(tableName); } } } class Customer { String _id; Long c_custkey; String c_name; String c_address; Long c_nationkey; String c_phone; Double c_acctbal; String c_mktsegment; String c_comment; public String toString() { return "Customer\n\t" + c_custkey + "\n\t" + c_name + "\n\t" + c_address + "\n\t" + c_nationkey + "\n\t" + c_phone + "\n\t" + c_acctbal + "\n\t" + c_mktsegment + "\n\t" + c_comment + "\n"; } public Customer getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.c_count++; this.c_custkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("C_CUSTKEY"); this.c_name = (String) jsonObject.get("C_NAME"); this.c_address = (String) jsonObject.get("C_ADDRESS"); this.c_nationkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("C_NATIONKEY"); this.c_phone = (String) jsonObject.get("C_PHONE"); this.c_acctbal = (Double) jsonObject.get("C_ACCTBAL"); this.c_mktsegment = (String) jsonObject.get("C_MKTSEGMENT"); this.c_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("C_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("C_CUSTKEY", this.c_custkey) .set("C_NAME", this.c_name).set("C_ADDRESS", this.c_address).set("C_NATIONKEY", this.c_nationkey) .set("C_PHONE", this.c_phone).set("C_ACCTBAL", this.c_acctbal) .set("C_MKTSEGMENT", this.c_mktsegment).set("C_COMMENT", this.c_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Lineitem { String _id; Long l_orderkey; Long l_partkey; Long l_suppkey; Long l_linenumber; Long l_quantity; Double l_extendedprice; Double l_discount; Double l_tax; String l_returnflag; String l_linestatus; String l_shipdate; String l_commitdate; String l_receiptdate; String l_shipinstruct; String l_shipmode; String l_comment; public String toString() { return "Lineitem\n\t" + l_orderkey + "\n\t" + l_partkey + "\n\t" + l_suppkey + "\n\t" + l_linenumber + "\n\t" + l_quantity + "\n\t" + l_extendedprice + "\n\t" + l_discount + "\n\t" + l_tax + "\n\t" + l_returnflag + "\n\t" + l_linestatus + "\n\t" + l_shipdate + "\n\t" + l_commitdate + "\n\t" + l_receiptdate + "\n\t" + l_shipinstruct + "\n\t" + l_shipmode + "\n\t" + l_comment + "\n"; } public Lineitem getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.l_count++; this.l_orderkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("L_ORDERKEY"); this.l_partkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("L_PARTKEY"); this.l_suppkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("L_SUPPKEY"); this.l_linenumber = (Long) jsonObject.get("L_LINENUMBER"); this.l_quantity = (Long) jsonObject.get("L_QUANTITY"); this.l_extendedprice = (Double) jsonObject.get("L_EXTENDEDPRICE"); this.l_discount = (Double) jsonObject.get("L_DISCOUNT"); this.l_tax = (Double) jsonObject.get("L_TAX"); this.l_returnflag = (String) jsonObject.get("L_RETURNFLAG"); this.l_linestatus = (String) jsonObject.get("L_LINESTATUS"); this.l_shipdate = (String) jsonObject.get("L_SHIPDATE"); this.l_commitdate = (String) jsonObject.get("L_COMMITDATE"); this.l_receiptdate = (String) jsonObject.get("L_RECEIPTDATE"); this.l_shipinstruct = (String) jsonObject.get("L_SHIPINSTRUCT"); this.l_shipmode = (String) jsonObject.get("L_SHIPMODE"); this.l_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("L_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("L_ORDERKEY", this.l_orderkey) .set("L_PARTKEY", this.l_partkey).set("L_SUPPKEY", this.l_suppkey) .set("L_LINENUMBER", this.l_linenumber).set("L_QUANTITY", this.l_quantity) .set("L_EXTENDEDPRICE", this.l_extendedprice).set("L_DISCOUNT", this.l_discount) .set("L_TAX", this.l_tax).set("L_RETURNFLAG", this.l_returnflag) .set("L_LINESTATUS", this.l_linestatus).set("L_SHIPDATE", this.l_shipdate) .set("L_COMMITDATE", this.l_commitdate).set("L_RECEIPTDATE", this.l_receiptdate) .set("L_SHIPINSTRUCT", this.l_shipinstruct).set("L_SHIPMODE", this.l_shipmode) .set("L_COMMENT", this.l_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Orders { String _id; Long o_orderkey; Long o_custkey; String o_orderstatus; Double o_totalprice; String o_orderdate; String o_orderpriority; String o_clerk; String o_shippriority; String o_comment; public String toString() { return "Orders\n\t" + o_orderkey + "\n\t" + o_custkey + "\n\t" + o_orderstatus + "\n\t" + o_totalprice + "\n\t" + o_orderdate + "\n\t" + o_orderpriority + "\n\t" + o_clerk + "\n\t" + o_shippriority + "\n\t" + o_comment + "\n"; } public Orders getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.o_count++; this.o_orderkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("O_ORDERKEY"); this.o_custkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("O_CUSTKEY"); this.o_orderstatus = (String) jsonObject.get("O_ORDERSTATUS"); this.o_totalprice = (Double) jsonObject.get("O_TOTALPRICE"); this.o_orderdate = (String) jsonObject.get("O_ORDERDATE"); this.o_orderpriority = (String) jsonObject.get("O_ORDERPRIORITY"); this.o_clerk = (String) jsonObject.get("O_CLERK"); this.o_shippriority = (String) jsonObject.get("O_SHIPPRIORITY"); this.o_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("O_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("O_ORDERKEY", this.o_orderkey) .set("O_CUSTKEY", this.o_custkey).set("O_ORDERSTATUS", this.o_orderstatus) .set("O_TOTALPRICE", this.o_totalprice).set("O_ORDERDATE", this.o_orderdate) .set("O_ORDERPRIORITY", this.o_orderpriority).set("O_CLERK", this.o_clerk) .set("O_SHIPPRIORITY", this.o_shippriority).set("O_COMMENT", this.o_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Partsupp { String _id; Long ps_partkey; Long ps_suppkey; Long ps_availqty; Double ps_supplycost; String ps_comment; public String toString() { return "Partsupp\n\t" + ps_partkey + "\n\t" + ps_suppkey + "\n\t" + ps_availqty + "\n\t" + ps_supplycost + "\n\t" + ps_comment + "\n"; } public Partsupp getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.ps_count++; this.ps_partkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("PS_PARTKEY"); this.ps_suppkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("PS_SUPPKEY"); this.ps_availqty = (Long) jsonObject.get("PS_AVAILQTY"); this.ps_supplycost = (Double) jsonObject.get("PS_SUPPLYCOST"); this.ps_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("PS_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("PS_PARTKEY", this.ps_partkey) .set("PS_SUPPKEY", this.ps_suppkey).set("PS_AVAILQTY", this.ps_availqty) .set("PS_SUPPLYCOST", this.ps_supplycost).set("PS_COMMENT", this.ps_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Supplier { String _id; Long s_suppkey; String s_name; String s_address; Long s_nationkey; String s_phone; Double s_acctbal; String s_comment; public String toString() { return "Supplier\n\t" + s_suppkey + "\n\t" + s_name + "\n\t" + s_address + "\n\t" + s_nationkey + "\n\t" + s_phone + "\n\t" + s_acctbal + "\n\t" + s_comment + "\n"; } public Supplier getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.s_count++; this.s_suppkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("S_SUPPKEY"); this.s_name = (String) jsonObject.get("S_NAME"); this.s_address = (String) jsonObject.get("S_ADDRESS"); this.s_nationkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("S_NATIONKEY"); this.s_phone = (String) jsonObject.get("S_PHONE"); this.s_acctbal = (Double) jsonObject.get("S_ACCTBAL"); this.s_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("S_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("S_SUPPKEY", this.s_suppkey) .set("S_NAME", this.s_name).set("S_ADDRESS", this.s_address).set("S_NATIONKEY", this.s_nationkey) .set("S_PHONE", this.s_phone).set("S_ACCTBAL", this.s_acctbal).set("S_COMMENT", this.s_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Part { String _id; Long p_partkey; String p_name; String p_mfgr; String p_brand; String p_type; Long p_size; String p_container; Double p_retailprice; String p_comment; public String toString() { return "Part\n\t" + p_partkey + "\n\t" + p_name + "\n\t" + p_mfgr + "\n\t" + p_brand + "\n\t" + p_type + "\n\t" + p_size + "\n\t" + p_container + "\n\t" + p_retailprice + "\n\t" + p_comment + "\n"; } public Part getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.p_count++; this.p_partkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("P_PARTKEY"); this.p_name = (String) jsonObject.get("P_NAME"); this.p_mfgr = (String) jsonObject.get("P_MFGR"); this.p_brand = (String) jsonObject.get("P_BRAND"); this.p_type = (String) jsonObject.get("P_TYPE"); this.p_size = (Long) jsonObject.get("P_SIZE"); this.p_container = (String) jsonObject.get("P_CONTAINER"); this.p_retailprice = (Double) jsonObject.get("P_RETAILPRICE"); this.p_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("P_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("P_PARTKEY", this.p_partkey) .set("P_NAME", this.p_name).set("P_MFGR", this.p_mfgr).set("P_BRAND", this.p_brand) .set("P_TYPE", this.p_type).set("P_SIZE", this.p_size).set("P_CONTAINER", this.p_container) .set("P_RETAILPRICE", this.p_retailprice).set("P_COMMENT", this.p_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Nation { String _id; Long n_nationkey; String n_name; Long n_regionkey; String n_comment; public String toString() { return "Nation\n\t" + n_nationkey + "\n\t" + n_name + "\n\t" + n_regionkey + "\n\t" + n_comment + "\n"; } public Nation getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.n_count++; this.n_nationkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("N_NATIONKEY"); this.n_name = (String) jsonObject.get("N_NAME"); this.n_regionkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("N_REGIONKEY"); this.n_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("N_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("N_NATIONKEY", this.n_nationkey) .set("N_NAME", this.n_name).set("N_REGIONKEY", this.n_regionkey).set("N_COMMENT", this.n_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } } class Region { String _id; Long r_regionkey; String r_name; String r_comment; public String toString() { return "Region\n\t" + r_regionkey + "\n\t" + r_name + "\n\t" + r_comment + "\n"; } public Region getDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) { this._id = (String) "" + ImportTPCHJSONFiles.r_count++; this.r_regionkey = (Long) jsonObject.get("R_REGIONKEY"); this.r_name = (String) jsonObject.get("R_NAME"); this.r_comment = (String) jsonObject.get("R_COMMENT"); return this; } public void insertDocument(Table t) { DBDocument document = MapRDB.newDocument().set("_id", this._id).set("R_REGIONKEY", this.r_regionkey) .set("R_NAME", this.r_name).set("R_COMMENT", this.r_comment); t.insertOrReplace(document); } }