Source code

Java tutorial


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/*   Copyright (c) 2015 Magnet Systems, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.handler;

import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.APNS;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.AppCreate;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.AppDelete;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.AppRead;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.AppUpdate;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.Constants;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.GCM;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.MMXStatus;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.MyAppsRead;
import com.magnet.mmx.protocol.StatusCode;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.db.AppAlreadyExistsException;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.db.AppDAO;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.db.AppDAOImpl;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.db.AppDoesntExistException;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.db.OpenFireDBConnectionProvider;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.util.Helper;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.util.IQUtils;
import com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.util.JIDUtil;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQHandlerInfo;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.AuthFactory;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.handler.IQHandler;
import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xmpp.packet.IQ;
import org.xmpp.packet.JID;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.List;

public class AppHandler extends IQHandler {

    private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppHandler.class);

    private MMXAppManager mmxAppManager = MMXAppManager.getInstance();

    public AppHandler(String moduleName) {

    public IQHandlerInfo getInfo() {
        return new IQHandlerInfo(Constants.MMX_APP_REG, Constants.MMX_NS_APP);

    public IQ handleIQ(IQ iq) throws UnauthorizedException {"AppHandler.handleIQ called");
        String command = IQUtils.getCommand(iq);
        if ("create".equals(command)) {
            return handleCreateApp(iq);
        } else if ("read".equals(command)) {
            return handleReadApps(iq);
        } else if ("readMine".equals(command)) {
            return handleReadMyApps(iq);
        } else if ("update".equals(command)) {
            return handleUpdateApp(iq);
        } else if ("delete".equals(command)) {
            return handleDeleteApp(iq);

        return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, "Unsupported operation " + command, 1);

     * <pre>
     *  <iq type="set" from="admin@jabber-domain/resource" ...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" command="create" type="application/json" ...>
     *    {
     *      "appName": "...",
     *      "gcm":
     *      {
     *        "googleApiKey" : "...",
     *        "googleProjectId" : "..."
     *      },
     *      "apns":
     *      {
     *        "cert" : "...",
     *        "pwd" : "..."
     *      }
     *    }
     *    </reg>
     *  </iq>
     *  <iq type="result"...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" ctype="application/json" ...>
     *    {
     *      "appKey": "...",
     *      "apiKey": "...",
     *      "serverUser": "...",
     *      "serverKey": "..."
     *    }
     *    </reg>
     *  </iq>
     * </pre>
    private IQ handleCreateApp(IQ iq) throws UnauthorizedException {
        Element element = iq.getChildElement();
        JID from = iq.getFrom();

        if (!Helper.isAppMgmtPermitted(from)) {
            Log.warn(from + " has no admin privilege to register application");
            throw new UnauthorizedException("No admin privilege to register application");

        // Register for server push notification and generate app-key/api-key.
        String payload = element.getText();
        AppCreate.Request appRqt = AppCreate.Request.fromJson(payload);

        APNS apns = appRqt.getApns();
        String apnsCertInBase64 = null;
        String apnsPwd = null;
        String apnsEncryptedPwd = null;
        if (apns != null) {
            apnsCertInBase64 = apns.getCert();
            apnsPwd = apns.getPwd();
            apnsEncryptedPwd = AuthFactory.encryptPassword(apnsPwd);

        GCM gcm = appRqt.getGcm();
        String googleApiKey = null;
        String googleProjectId = null;
        if (gcm != null) {
            googleApiKey = appRqt.getGcm().getGoogleApiKey();
            googleProjectId = appRqt.getGcm().getGoogleProjectId();

        AppCreate.Response appResp = null;
        try {
            appResp = mmxAppManager.createApp(appRqt.getAppName(), appRqt.getServerUserId(),
                    appRqt.getServerUserKey(), appRqt.getGuestSecret(), googleApiKey, googleProjectId, apnsPwd,
                    (appRqt.getOwnerId() == null ? from.getNode() : appRqt.getOwnerId()), appRqt.getOwnerEmail(),
        } catch (AppAlreadyExistsException e) {
            Log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, e.getMessage(), StatusCode.CONFLICT);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, e.getMessage(), StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);

        IQ response = IQUtils.createResultIQ(iq, appResp.toJson());

        Log.debug("Sending back: " + response);

        return response;

     * <pre>
     *  <iq type="set" from="admin@jabber-domain/resource" ...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" command="read" type="application/json" ...>
     *    {
     *      "appKey": "...",
     *    }
     *    </reg>
     *  </iq>
     *  <iq type="result"...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" ctype="application/json" ...>
     *    {
     *      "appName": "...",
     *      "apiKey": "...",
     *      "serverUser": "...",
     *      "serverKey": "...",
     *      "gcm":
     *      {
     *        "googleApiKey" : "...",
     *        "googleProjectId" : "..."
     *      },
     *      "apns":
     *      {
     *        "pwd" : "..."
     *      }
     *    }
     *    </reg>
     *  </iq>
     * </pre>
    private IQ handleReadApps(IQ iq) throws UnauthorizedException {
        Element element = iq.getChildElement();

        JID from = iq.getFrom();
        if (Helper.isAppMgmtPermitted(from)) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException("No admin privilege to register application");

        String payload = element.getText();
        AppRead.Request appRqt = AppRead.Request.fromJson(payload);

        AppRead.Response appResp = null;
        try {
            appResp = mmxAppManager.getApp(appRqt.getAppId());
        } catch (AppDoesntExistException e) {
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, e.getMessage(), 1);

        // TODO: How do we set the serverKey?

        IQ response = IQUtils.createResultIQ(iq, appResp.toJson());

        return response;

    private IQ handleReadMyApps(IQ iq) throws UnauthorizedException {
        Element element = iq.getChildElement();

        JID from = iq.getFrom();
        if (!Helper.isAppMgmtPermitted(from)) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException("No admin privilege to register application");

        String payload = element.getText();
        MyAppsRead.Request appRqt = MyAppsRead.Request.fromJson(payload);

        MyAppsRead.Response appResp = new MyAppsRead.Response();
        try {
            AppDAO appDAO = new AppDAOImpl(new OpenFireDBConnectionProvider());
            List<AppEntity> list = appDAO.getAppsForOwner(from.getNode());
            for (AppEntity e : list) {
                AppRead.Response response = new AppRead.Response();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, t.getMessage(), 1);

        IQ response = IQUtils.createResultIQ(iq, appResp.toJson());

        return response;

     * <pre>
     *  <iq type="set" from="admin@jabber-domain/resource" ...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" command="update" type="application/json" ...>
     *    {
     *      "appKey": "...",
     *      "appName": "...",
     *      "gcm":
     *      {
     *        "googleApiKey" : "...",
     *        "googleProjectId" : "..."
     *      },
     *      "apns":
     *      {
     *        "cert" : "...",
     *        "pwd" : "..."
     *      }
     *    }
     *    </reg>
     *  </iq>
     *  <iq type="result"...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" ctype="application/json" ... />
     *  </iq>
     * </pre>
    private IQ handleUpdateApp(IQ iq) throws UnauthorizedException {
        Element element = iq.getChildElement();

        JID from = iq.getFrom();
        if (!Helper.isAppMgmtPermitted(from)) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException("No admin privilege to register application");

        String payload = element.getText();
        AppUpdate appUpdateRqt = AppUpdate.fromJson(payload);

        String apnsCertInBase64 = appUpdateRqt.getApns().getCert();
        /*String apnsCertPath = null;
          if (appUpdateRqt.getApns() != null && apnsCertInBase64 != null) {
             // Save APNS cert to file system.
             try {
        apnsCertPath = databaseHandler.getApnsCertPath(appUpdateRqt.getAppId());
             } catch (AppDoesntExistException e) {
        return IQUtils.createError(iq, Constants.MMX_APP_REG,
        Constants.MMX_NS_APP, e.getMessage(), 1);
             if (apnsCertPath == null) {
        // No APNS cert was stored before. Create one.
        try {
           String userName = databaseHandler.getServerUser(appUpdateRqt.getAppId());
           XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
           User user = server.getUserManager().getUser(userName);
           apnsCertPath = saveAPNSCertForApp(user, apnsCertInBase64);
        } catch (AppDoesntExistException | UserNotFoundException e) {
           return IQUtils.createError(iq, Constants.MMX_APP_REG,
          Constants.MMX_NS_APP, e.getMessage(), 1);
             } else {
        updateAPNSCertForApp(apnsCertPath, apnsCertInBase64);

        AppRead.Response appReadResp = null;
        MMXStatus appResp = null;
        try {
            mmxAppManager.updateApp(appUpdateRqt.getAppId(), appUpdateRqt.getAppName(),
                    appUpdateRqt.getGcm().getGoogleApiKey(), appUpdateRqt.getGcm().getGoogleProjectId(),
                    apnsCertInBase64, appUpdateRqt.getApns().getPwd());
        } catch (AppDoesntExistException e) {
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, e.getMessage(), StatusCode.NOT_FOUND);

        IQ response = IQUtils.createResultIQ(iq, appResp.toJson());

        return response;

     * <pre>
     *  <iq type="set" from="admin@jabber-domain/resource" ...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" command="delete" type="application/json" ...>
     *    {
     *      "app-key": "..."
     *    }
     *    </reg>
     *  </iq>
     *  <iq type="result"...>
     *    <reg xlms="com.magnet:mmx:app" ctype="application/json" ... />
     *  </iq>
     * </pre>
    private IQ handleDeleteApp(IQ iq) throws UnauthorizedException {
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        Element element = iq.getChildElement();

        JID from = iq.getFrom();
        if (!Helper.isAppMgmtPermitted(from)) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException("No admin privilege to register application");

        String payload = element.getText();
        AppDelete.Request appDeleteRqt = AppDelete.Request.fromJson(payload);

        MMXStatus appResp = null;
        try {
            appResp = new MMXStatus();
        } catch (AppDoesntExistException e) {
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, e.getMessage(), StatusCode.NOT_FOUND);
        } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
            return IQUtils.createErrorIQ(iq, e.getMessage(), StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR);
        return IQUtils.createResultIQ(iq, appResp.toJson());
