Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Amon * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.magicpwd._util; import com.magicpwd.__i.IBackCall; import com.magicpwd._comn.Task; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JViewport; import com.magicpwd.r.AmonFF; import com.magicpwd._cons.ConsEnv; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Node; import; /** * @author Amon */ public final class Util { /** * ? * @param l * @param bigCase * @return */ public static String encodeLong(long l, boolean bigCase) { // ?? char[] digits = bigCase ? ConsEnv.UPPER_DIGEST : ConsEnv.LOWER_DIGEST; // char[] buf = new char[16]; int charPos = 16; do { buf[--charPos] = digits[(int) (l & 0xF)]; l >>>= 4; } while (charPos > 0); // ??? return new String(buf); } public static BufferedImage getImage(String name) { return getImage(new File(name)); } public static BufferedImage getImage(File file) { if (file == null || !file.exists() || !file.isFile() || !file.canRead()) { return null; } try { stream = new; BufferedImage img =; stream.close(); return img; } catch (Exception exp) { Logs.log(file.getName()); Logs.exception(exp); return null; } } public static File nextBackupFile(String bakDir, int bakCnt) throws Exception { File bak = new File(bakDir); if (!bak.isDirectory()) { bak.mkdir(); } File[] list = bak.listFiles(new AmonFF("^amon_[^.]+\\.backup$", false)); File backup; if (list != null) { int len = list.length; if (len == bakCnt) { backup = list[0]; for (int i = 1; i < len; i += 1) { if (backup.lastModified() > list[i].lastModified()) { backup = list[i]; } } backup.delete(); } else if (len > bakCnt) { sortFileByLastModified(list); len -= bakCnt; while (len > -1) { list[len--].delete(); } } } backup = new File(bakDir, Char.format(ConsEnv.FILE_BACK, currTime())); backup.createNewFile(); return backup; } private static String currTime() { return new SimpleDateFormat(ConsEnv.FILE_DATE).format(new Date()); } private static void sortFileByLastModified(File[] list) { File temp; for (int i = 0, j = list.length; i < j; i += 1) { temp = list[i]; for (int m = i + 1, n = j; m < n; m += 1) { if (temp.lastModified() > list[m].lastModified()) { list[i] = list[m]; list[m] = temp; temp = list[i]; } } } } /** * ????? * * @param v * ? * @param bigCase * ?truefalse? * @return */ public static String bytesToString(byte[] v, boolean bigCase) { return bytesToString(v, bigCase ? ConsEnv.UPPER_NUMBER : ConsEnv.LOWER_NUMBER); } /** * ????? * * @param c * ?????16 * @param v * ? * @return */ public static String bytesToString(byte[] v, char[] c) { // ????? if (c == null || c.length < 16 || v == null || v.length < 1) { return ""; } // ?? int len = v.length; StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder(len << 1); // ???? byte tmp; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { tmp = v[i]; strBuf.append(c[(tmp >>> 4) & 0xF]); strBuf.append(c[tmp & 0xF]); } return strBuf.toString(); } public static char[] nextRandomKey(char[] sets, int size, boolean loop) throws Exception { if (sets == null) { throw new Exception("??????"); } if (!loop && sets.length < size) { throw new Exception( "???? " + size + " ? " + sets.length + " ???????"); } char[] r = new char[size]; Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0, l = sets.length, t; i < size; i++) { t = random.nextInt(l); r[i] = sets[t]; if (!loop) { l -= 1; sets[t] = sets[l]; } } return r; } /** * ??? * * @param text */ public static void setClipboardContents(String text) { copy2Clipboard(text); if (Time.getInstance().getAction("clip-mon") != null) { Time.getInstance().deActive("clip-mon"); return; } } public static void copy2Clipboard(String text) { StringSelection stringSelection = new StringSelection(text); Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(stringSelection, null); } public static void setClipboardContents(String text, int maxDelay) { copy2Clipboard(text); if (Time.getInstance().getAction("clip-mon") != null) { Time.getInstance().reActive("clip-mon", 0, maxDelay); return; } Time.getInstance().registerAction(new Task(0, maxDelay, "clip-mon", ""), new IBackCall<String, Task>() { @Override public boolean callBack(String options, Task object) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new StringSelection(null), null); return true; } }); } public static void scrollToVisible(JTable table, int rowIndex, int colIndex, boolean center) { if (!(table.getParent() instanceof JViewport)) { return; } JViewport viewport = (JViewport) table.getParent(); Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(rowIndex, colIndex, true); Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect(); rect.setLocation(rect.x - viewRect.x, rect.y - viewRect.y); if (center) { int centerX = (viewRect.width - rect.width) >> 1; int centerY = (viewRect.height - rect.height) >> 1; if (rect.x < centerX) { centerX = -centerX; } if (rect.y < centerY) { centerY = -centerY; } rect.translate(centerX, centerY); } viewport.scrollRectToVisible(rect); } public static char[] nextRandomKey(String sets, int size, boolean loop) throws Exception { if (sets == null) { throw new Exception("??????"); } return nextRandomKey(sets.toCharArray(), size, loop); } public static boolean checkUpdate(String sid, String ver) throws Exception { if (!Char.isValidate(sid, 8)) { throw new IOException("??"); } if (!Char.isValidate(ver)) { throw new IOException("??"); } // ? Document document = new SAXReader().read(new URL(ConsEnv.HOMEPAGE + "soft/soft0001.ashx?sid=" + sid)); Node node = document.selectSingleNode("/amonsoft/version"); if (node == null) { throw new Exception("???"); } // ? String tmp = node.getText(); if (!Char.isValidate(tmp)) { return false; } tmp = tmp.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\s+", ""); if (tmp.charAt(0) == 'V') { tmp = tmp.substring(1); } String[] newVer = tmp.split("\\."); // ?? ver = ver.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\s+", ""); if (ver.charAt(0) == 'V') { ver = ver.substring(1); } String[] oldVer = ver.split("\\."); if (newVer == null || newVer.length != 4 || newVer.length != oldVer.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < newVer.length; i += 1) { if (oldVer[i].length() < newVer[i].length()) { return true; } int x = oldVer[i].compareTo(newVer[i]); if (x > 0) { return false; } if (x < 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * ???? * @param text * @return */ public static String text2DB(String text) { return text != null ? text.replace("'", "''") : ""; } public static String db2Text(String text) { return ""; } public static boolean isWindows() { return isWindows(System.getProperty("")); } public static boolean isWindows(String osName) { return Char.isValidate(osName) ? osName.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1 : false; } public static boolean isMac() { return isMac(System.getProperty("")); } public static boolean isMac(String osName) { return Char.isValidate(osName) ? osName.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") > -1 : false; } public static boolean isLinux() { return isLinux(System.getProperty("")); } public static boolean isLinux(String osName) { return Char.isValidate(osName) ? osName.toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") > -1 : false; } }