Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionManager; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.PlatformDataKeys; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.*; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.*; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManager; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileTypeManager; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettingsManager; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.KeyHandler; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.VimPlugin; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.Argument; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.Command; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.CommandState; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.command.SelectionType; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.Register; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.common.TextRange; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.helper.*; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.key.KeyParser; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.option.BoundListOption; import com.maddyhome.idea.vim.option.Options; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Provides all the insert/replace related functionality * TODO - change cursor for the different modes */ public class ChangeGroup extends AbstractActionGroup { public static final int MAX_REPEAT_CHARS_COUNT = 10000; /** * Creates the group */ public ChangeGroup() { // We want to know when a user clicks the mouse somewhere in the editor so we can clear any // saved text for the current insert mode. EditorFactory.getInstance().addEditorFactoryListener(new EditorFactoryAdapter() { public void editorCreated(@NotNull EditorFactoryEvent event) { Editor editor = event.getEditor(); editor.addEditorMouseListener(listener); EditorData.setChangeGroup(editor, true); } public void editorReleased(@NotNull EditorFactoryEvent event) { Editor editor = event.getEditor(); if (EditorData.getChangeGroup(editor)) { editor.removeEditorMouseListener(listener); EditorData.setChangeGroup(editor, false); } } @NotNull private EditorMouseAdapter listener = new EditorMouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(@NotNull EditorMouseEvent event) { Editor editor = event.getEditor(); if (!VimPlugin.isEnabled()) { return; } if (CommandState.inInsertMode(editor)) { clearStrokes(editor); } } }; }, ApplicationManager.getApplication()); } public void setInsertRepeat(int lines, int column, boolean append) { repeatLines = lines; repeatColumn = column; repeatAppend = append; } /** * Begin insert before the cursor position * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertBeforeCursor(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); } /** * Begin insert before the first non-blank on the current line * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertBeforeFirstNonBlank(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartSkipLeading(editor)); initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); } /** * Begin insert before the start of the current line * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertLineStart(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStart(editor)); initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); } /** * Begin insert after the cursor position * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertAfterCursor(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretHorizontal(editor, 1, true)); initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); } /** * Begin insert after the end of the current line * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertAfterLineEnd(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEnd(editor, true)); initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); } /** * Begin insert before the current line by creating a new blank line above the current line * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertNewLineAbove(@NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final DataContext context) { if (editor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition().line == 0) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStart(editor)); initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); if (!editor.isOneLineMode()) { runEnterAction(editor, context); MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretVertical(editor, -1)); } } else { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretVertical(editor, -1)); insertNewLineBelow(editor, context); } } /** * Begin insert after the current line by creating a new blank line below the current line * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertNewLineBelow(@NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final DataContext context) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEnd(editor, true)); initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); runEnterAction(editor, context); } private void runEnterAction(Editor editor, DataContext context) { CommandState state = CommandState.getInstance(editor); if (state.getMode() != CommandState.Mode.REPEAT) { final ActionManager actionManager = ActionManager.getInstance(); final AnAction action = actionManager.getAction("VimEditorEnter"); if (action != null) { strokes.add(action); KeyHandler.executeAction(action, context); } } } /** * Begin insert at the location of the previous insert * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context */ public void insertAtPreviousInsert(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { int offset = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToMark(editor, '^'); if (offset != -1) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, offset); } insertAfterCursor(editor, context); } /** * Inserts the previously inserted text * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context * @param exit true if insert mode should be exited after the insert, false should stay in insert mode */ public void insertPreviousInsert(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, boolean exit) { repeatInsertText(editor, context, 1); if (exit) { processEscape(editor, context); } } /** * Exits insert mode and brings up the help system * * @param editor The editor to exit insert mode in * @param context The data context */ public void insertHelp(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { processEscape(editor, context); KeyHandler.executeAction("HelpTopics", context); } /** * Inserts the contents of the specified register * * @param editor The editor to insert the text into * @param context The data context * @param key The register name * @return true if able to insert the register contents, false if not */ public boolean insertRegister(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, char key) { final Register register = CommandGroups.getInstance().getRegister().getRegister(key); if (register != null) { final String text = register.getText(); if (text != null) { final int length = text.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { processKey(editor, context, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(text.charAt(i))); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Inserts the character above/below the cursor at the cursor location * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context * @param dir 1 for getting from line below cursor, -1 for getting from line above cursor * @return true if able to get the character and insert it, false if not */ public boolean insertCharacterAroundCursor(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int dir) { boolean res = false; VisualPosition vp = editor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition(); vp = new VisualPosition(vp.line + dir, vp.column); int len = EditorHelper.getLineLength(editor, EditorHelper.visualLineToLogicalLine(editor, vp.line)); if (vp.column < len) { int offset = EditorHelper.visualPositionToOffset(editor, vp); char ch = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence().charAt(offset); processKey(editor, context, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ch)); res = true; } return res; } /** * If the cursor is currently after the start of the current insert this deletes all the newly inserted text. * Otherwise it deletes all text from the cursor back to the first non-blank in the line. * * @param editor The editor to delete the text from * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean insertDeleteInsertedText(@NotNull Editor editor) { int deleteTo = insertStart; int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); if (offset == insertStart) { deleteTo = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartSkipLeading(editor); } if (deleteTo != -1) { deleteRange(editor, new TextRange(deleteTo, offset), SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE, false); return true; } return false; } /** * Deletes the text from the cursor to the start of the previous word * * @param editor The editor to delete the text from * @return true if able to delete text, false if not */ public boolean insertDeletePreviousWord(@NotNull Editor editor) { final int deleteTo = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToNextWord(editor, -1, false); if (deleteTo == -1) { return false; } final TextRange range = new TextRange(deleteTo, editor.getCaretModel().getOffset()); deleteRange(editor, range, SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE, false); return true; } /** * Begin insert/replace mode * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context * @param mode The mode - indicate insert or replace */ private void initInsert(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, @NotNull CommandState.Mode mode) { CommandState state = CommandState.getInstance(editor); insertStart = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, '[', insertStart); // If we are repeating the last insert/replace if (state.getMode() == CommandState.Mode.REPEAT) { if (mode == CommandState.Mode.REPLACE) { processInsert(editor, context); } // If this command doesn't allow repeating, set the count to 1 if ((state.getCommand().getFlags() & Command.FLAG_NO_REPEAT) != 0) { repeatInsert(editor, context, 1, false); } else { repeatInsert(editor, context, state.getCommand().getCount(), false); } if (mode == CommandState.Mode.REPLACE) { processInsert(editor, context); } } // Here we begin insert/replace mode else { lastInsert = state.getCommand(); strokes.clear(); repeatCharsCount = 0; if (document != null && documentListener != null) { document.removeDocumentListener(documentListener); } document = editor.getDocument(); documentListener = new InsertActionsDocumentListener(); editor.getDocument().addDocumentListener(documentListener); oldOffset = -1; inInsert = true; if (mode == CommandState.Mode.REPLACE) { processInsert(editor, context); } state.pushState(mode, CommandState.SubMode.NONE, KeyParser.MAPPING_INSERT); resetCursor(editor, true); } } private class InsertActionsDocumentListener extends DocumentAdapter { @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { final String newFragment = e.getNewFragment().toString(); final String oldFragment = e.getOldFragment().toString(); // Repeat buffer limits if (repeatCharsCount > MAX_REPEAT_CHARS_COUNT) { return; } // <Enter> is added to strokes as an action during processing in order to indent code properly in the repeat // command if (newFragment.startsWith("\n") && newFragment.trim().isEmpty()) { return; } // Ignore multi-character indents as they should be inserted automatically while repeating <Enter> actions if (newFragment.length() > 1 && newFragment.trim().isEmpty()) { return; } final int delta = e.getOffset() + oldFragment.length() - oldOffset; if (oldOffset >= 0 && delta != 0) { final String motionName = delta < 0 ? "VimMotionLeft" : "VimMotionRight"; final AnAction action = ActionManager.getInstance().getAction(motionName); final int count = Math.abs(delta); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { strokes.add(action); } } if (oldFragment.length() > 0) { final AnAction editorBackSpace = ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("VimEditorBackSpace"); for (int i = 0; i < oldFragment.length(); i++) { strokes.add(editorBackSpace); } } strokes.add(newFragment.toCharArray()); repeatCharsCount += newFragment.length(); if (newFragment.length() > 0) { // TODO: If newFragment is shorter than oldFragment? oldOffset = e.getOffset() + newFragment.length(); } else { oldOffset = e.getOffset() - oldFragment.length(); } } } /** * This repeats the previous insert count times * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context * @param count The number of times to repeat the previous insert */ private void repeatInsert(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count, boolean started) { int cpos; if (repeatLines > 0) { int vline = editor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition().line; int lline = editor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line; cpos = editor.logicalPositionToOffset(new LogicalPosition(vline, repeatColumn)); for (int i = 0; i < repeatLines; i++) { if (repeatAppend && repeatColumn < MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN && EditorHelper.getVisualLineLength(editor, vline + i) < repeatColumn) { String pad = EditorHelper.pad(editor, lline + i, repeatColumn); if (pad.length() > 0) { int off = editor.getDocument().getLineEndOffset(lline + i); insertText(editor, off, pad); } } if (repeatColumn >= MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset( CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEnd(editor, lline + i, true)); repeatInsertText(editor, context, started ? (i == 0 ? count : count + 1) : count); } else if (EditorHelper.getVisualLineLength(editor, vline + i) >= repeatColumn) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToVisualPosition(new VisualPosition(vline + i, repeatColumn)); repeatInsertText(editor, context, started ? (i == 0 ? count : count + 1) : count); } } } else { repeatInsertText(editor, context, count); cpos = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretHorizontal(editor, -1, false); } repeatLines = 0; repeatColumn = 0; repeatAppend = false; MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, cpos); } /** * This repeats the previous insert count times * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param context The data context * @param count The number of times to repeat the previous insert */ private void repeatInsertText(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count) { if (lastStrokes == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Treat other keys special by performing the appropriate action they represent in insert/replace mode for (Object lastStroke : lastStrokes) { if (lastStroke instanceof AnAction) { KeyHandler.executeAction((AnAction) lastStroke, context); strokes.add(lastStroke); } else if (lastStroke instanceof char[]) { final char[] chars = (char[]) lastStroke; for (char c : chars) { processKey(editor, context, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(c)); } } } } } /** * Terminate insert/replace mode after the user presses Escape or Ctrl-C * * @param editor The editor that was being edited * @param context The data context */ public void processEscape(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { logger.debug("processing escape"); int cnt = lastInsert != null ? lastInsert.getCount() : 0; // Turn off overwrite mode if we were in replace mode if (CommandState.getInstance(editor).getMode() == CommandState.Mode.REPLACE) { KeyHandler.executeAction("VimInsertReplaceToggle", context); } // If this command doesn't allow repeats, set count to 1 if (lastInsert != null && (lastInsert.getFlags() & Command.FLAG_NO_REPEAT) != 0) { cnt = 1; } if (document != null && documentListener != null) { document.removeDocumentListener(documentListener); documentListener = null; } // Save off current list of keystrokes lastStrokes = new ArrayList<Object>(strokes); // If the insert/replace command was preceded by a count, repeat again N - 1 times repeatInsert(editor, context, cnt == 0 ? 0 : cnt - 1, true); final MarkGroup markGroup = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark(); final int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); markGroup.setMark(editor, '^', offset); markGroup.setMark(editor, ']', offset); markGroup.setMark(editor, '.', offset); CommandState.getInstance(editor).popState(); if (!CommandState.inInsertMode(editor)) { resetCursor(editor, false); } } /** * Processes the user pressing the Enter key. If this is REPLACE mode we need to turn off OVERWRITE before and * then turn OVERWRITE back on after sending the "Enter" key. * * @param editor The editor to press "Enter" in * @param context The data context */ public void processEnter(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { if (CommandState.getInstance(editor).getMode() == CommandState.Mode.REPLACE) { KeyHandler.executeAction("VimEditorToggleInsertState", context); } KeyHandler.executeAction("VimEditorEnter", context); if (CommandState.getInstance(editor).getMode() == CommandState.Mode.REPLACE) { KeyHandler.executeAction("VimEditorToggleInsertState", context); } } /** * Processes the user pressing the Insert key while in INSERT or REPLACE mode. This simply toggles the * Insert/Overwrite state which updates the status bar. * * @param editor The editor to toggle the state in * @param context The data context */ public void processInsert(Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { KeyHandler.executeAction("VimEditorToggleInsertState", context); CommandState.getInstance(editor).toggleInsertOverwrite(); inInsert = !inInsert; } /** * While in INSERT or REPLACE mode the user can enter a single NORMAL mode command and then automatically * return to INSERT or REPLACE mode. * * @param editor The editor to put into NORMAL mode for one command * */ public void processSingleCommand(@NotNull Editor editor) { CommandState.getInstance(editor).pushState(CommandState.Mode.COMMAND, CommandState.SubMode.SINGLE_COMMAND, KeyParser.MAPPING_NORMAL); clearStrokes(editor); } /** * This processes all "regular" keystrokes entered while in insert/replace mode * * @param editor The editor the character was typed into * @param context The data context * @param key The user entered keystroke * @return true if this was a regular character, false if not */ public boolean processKey(@NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final DataContext context, @NotNull final KeyStroke key) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("processKey(" + key + ")"); } if (key.getKeyChar() != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() { public void run() { KeyHandler.getInstance().getOriginalHandler().execute(editor, key.getKeyChar(), context); } }); return true; } return false; } /** * This processes all keystrokes in Insert/Replace mode that were converted into Commands. Some of these * commands need to be saved off so the inserted/replaced text can be repeated properly later if needed. * * @param editor The editor the command was executed in * @param cmd The command that was executed * @return true if the command was stored for later repeat, false if not */ public boolean processCommand(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull Command cmd) { if ((cmd.getFlags() & Command.FLAG_SAVE_STROKE) != 0) { strokes.add(cmd.getAction()); return true; } else if ((cmd.getFlags() & Command.FLAG_CLEAR_STROKES) != 0) { clearStrokes(editor); return false; } else { return false; } } /** * Clears all the keystrokes from the current insert command * * @param editor The editor to clear strokes from. */ private void clearStrokes(@NotNull Editor editor) { strokes.clear(); repeatCharsCount = 0; insertStart = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); } /** * Deletes count characters from the editor * * @param editor The editor to remove the characters from * @param count The number of characters to delete * @return true if able to delete, false if not */ public boolean deleteCharacter(@NotNull Editor editor, int count, boolean isChange) { int offset = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretHorizontal(editor, count, true); if (offset != -1) { boolean res = deleteText(editor, new TextRange(editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(), offset), SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE); int pos = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); int norm = EditorHelper.normalizeOffset(editor, editor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line, pos, isChange); if (norm != pos) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, norm); } return res; } return false; } /** * Deletes count lines including the current line * * @param editor The editor to remove the lines from * @param count The number of lines to delete * @return true if able to delete the lines, false if not */ public boolean deleteLine(@NotNull Editor editor, int count) { int start = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStart(editor); int offset = Math.min( CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEndOffset(editor, count - 1, true) + 1, EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor, true)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("start=" + start); logger.debug("offset=" + offset); } if (offset != -1) { boolean res = deleteText(editor, new TextRange(start, offset), SelectionType.LINE_WISE); if (res && editor.getCaretModel().getOffset() >= EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor) && editor.getCaretModel().getOffset() != 0) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartSkipLeadingOffset(editor, -1)); } return res; } return false; } /** * Delete from the cursor to the end of count - 1 lines down * * @param editor The editor to delete from * @param count The number of lines affected * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean deleteEndOfLine(@NotNull Editor editor, int count) { int offset = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEndOffset(editor, count - 1, true); if (offset != -1) { boolean res = deleteText(editor, new TextRange(editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(), offset), SelectionType.CHARACTER_WISE); int pos = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretHorizontal(editor, -1, false); if (pos != -1) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, pos); } return res; } return false; } /** * Joins count lines together starting at the cursor. No count or a count of one still joins two lines. * * @param editor The editor to join the lines in * @param count The number of lines to join * @param spaces If true the joined lines will have one space between them and any leading space on the second line * will be removed. If false, only the newline is removed to join the lines. * @return true if able to join the lines, false if not */ public boolean deleteJoinLines(@NotNull Editor editor, int count, boolean spaces) { if (count < 2) count = 2; int lline = editor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line; int total = EditorHelper.getLineCount(editor); //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if (lline + count > total) { return false; } return deleteJoinNLines(editor, lline, count, spaces); } /** * Joins all the lines selected by the current visual selection. * * @param editor The editor to join the lines in * @param range The range of the visual selection * @param spaces If true the joined lines will have one space between them and any leading space on the second line * will be removed. If false, only the newline is removed to join the lines. * @return true if able to join the lines, false if not */ public boolean deleteJoinRange(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull TextRange range, boolean spaces) { int startLine = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getStartOffset()).line; int endLine = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getEndOffset()).line; int count = endLine - startLine + 1; if (count < 2) count = 2; return deleteJoinNLines(editor, startLine, count, spaces); } /** * This does the actual joining of the lines * * @param editor The editor to join the lines in * @param startLine The starting logical line * @param count The number of lines to join including startLine * @param spaces If true the joined lines will have one space between them and any leading space on the second line * will be removed. If false, only the newline is removed to join the lines. * @return true if able to join the lines, false if not */ private boolean deleteJoinNLines(@NotNull Editor editor, int startLine, int count, boolean spaces) { // start my moving the cursor to the very end of the first line MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEnd(editor, startLine, true)); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { int start = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEnd(editor, true); MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, start); int offset; if (spaces) { offset = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartSkipLeadingOffset(editor, 1); } else { offset = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartOffset(editor, 1); } deleteText(editor, new TextRange(editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(), offset), null); if (spaces) { insertText(editor, start, " "); MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretHorizontal(editor, -1, false)); } } return true; } /** * Delete all text moved over by the supplied motion command argument. * * @param editor The editor to delete the text from * @param context The data context * @param count The number of times to repeat the deletion * @param rawCount The actual count entered by the user * @param argument The motion command * @param isChange if from a change * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean deleteMotion(@NotNull Editor editor, DataContext context, int count, int rawCount, @NotNull Argument argument, boolean isChange) { final TextRange range = getDeleteMotionRange(editor, context, count, rawCount, argument); if (range == null) { return (EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor) == 0); } // Delete motion commands that are not linewise become linewise if all the following are true: // 1) The range is across multiple lines // 2) There is only whitespace before the start of the range // 3) There is only whitespace after the end of the range if (!isChange && (argument.getMotion().getFlags() & Command.FLAG_MOT_LINEWISE) == 0) { LogicalPosition start = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getStartOffset()); LogicalPosition end = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getEndOffset()); if (start.line != end.line) { if (!SearchHelper.anyNonWhitespace(editor, range.getStartOffset(), -1) && !SearchHelper.anyNonWhitespace(editor, range.getEndOffset(), 1)) { int flags = argument.getMotion().getFlags(); flags &= ~Command.FLAG_MOT_EXCLUSIVE; flags &= ~Command.FLAG_MOT_INCLUSIVE; flags |= Command.FLAG_MOT_LINEWISE; argument.getMotion().setFlags(flags); } } } return deleteRange(editor, range, SelectionType.fromCommandFlags(argument.getMotion().getFlags()), isChange); } public static TextRange getDeleteMotionRange(Editor editor, DataContext context, int count, int rawCount, Argument argument) { TextRange range = MotionGroup.getMotionRange(editor, context, count, rawCount, argument, true, false); // This is a kludge for dw, dW, and d[w. Without this kludge, an extra newline is deleted when it shouldn't be. if (range != null) { String text = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence() .subSequence(range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset()).toString(); final int lastNewLine = text.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (lastNewLine > 0) { final String id = ActionManager.getInstance().getId(argument.getMotion().getAction()); if (id.equals("VimMotionWordRight") || id.equals("VimMotionBigWordRight") || id.equals("VimMotionCamelRight")) { if (!SearchHelper.anyNonWhitespace(editor, range.getEndOffset(), -1)) { final int start = range.getStartOffset(); range = new TextRange(start, start + lastNewLine); } } } } return range; } /** * Delete the range of text. * * @param editor The editor to delete the text from * @param range The range to delete * @param type The type of deletion * @param isChange is from a change action * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean deleteRange(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable TextRange range, @Nullable SelectionType type, boolean isChange) { if (range == null) { return false; } else { final boolean res = deleteText(editor, range, type); final int size = EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor); if (res) { final int pos; if (editor.getCaretModel().getOffset() > size) { pos = size - 1; } else { pos = EditorHelper.normalizeOffset(editor, range.getStartOffset(), isChange); } MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, pos); } return res; } } /** * Begin Replace mode * * @param editor The editor to replace in * @param context The data context * @return true */ public boolean changeReplace(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context) { initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.REPLACE); return true; } /** * Replace each of the next count characters with the character ch * * @param editor The editor to change * @param count The number of characters to change * @param ch The character to change to * @return true if able to change count characters, false if not */ public boolean changeCharacter(@NotNull Editor editor, int count, char ch) { int col = editor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().column; int len = EditorHelper.getLineLength(editor); int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); if (len - col < count) { return false; } // Special case - if char is newline, only add one despite count int num = count; String space = null; if (ch == '\n') { num = 1; space = EditorHelper.getLeadingWhitespace(editor, editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(offset).line); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("space='" + space + "'"); } } StringBuffer repl = new StringBuffer(count); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { repl.append(ch); } replaceText(editor, offset, offset + count, repl.toString()); // Indent new line if we replaced with a newline if (ch == '\n') { insertText(editor, offset + 1, space); int slen = space.length(); if (slen == 0) { slen++; } editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(offset + slen); } return true; } /** * Each character in the supplied range gets replaced with the character ch * * @param editor The editor to change * @param range The range to change * @param ch The replacing character * @return true if able to change the range, false if not */ public boolean changeCharacterRange(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull TextRange range, char ch) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("change range: " + range + " to " + ch); } CharSequence chars = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(); int[] starts = range.getStartOffsets(); int[] ends = range.getEndOffsets(); for (int j = ends.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (int i = starts[j]; i < ends[j]; i++) { if (i < chars.length() && '\n' != chars.charAt(i)) { replaceText(editor, i, i + 1, Character.toString(ch)); } } } return true; } /** * Delete count characters and then enter insert mode * * @param editor The editor to change * @param context The data context * @param count The number of characters to change * @return true if able to delete count characters, false if not */ public boolean changeCharacters(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count) { int len = EditorHelper.getLineLength(editor); int col = editor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().column; if (col + count >= len) { return changeEndOfLine(editor, context, 1); } boolean res = deleteCharacter(editor, count, true); if (res) { initInsert(editor, context, CommandState.Mode.INSERT); } return res; } /** * Delete count lines and then enter insert mode * * @param editor The editor to change * @param context The data context * @param count The number of lines to change * @return true if able to delete count lines, false if not */ public boolean changeLine(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count) { boolean res = deleteLine(editor, count); if (res) { final int lastLine = EditorHelper.getLineCount(editor) - 1; final LogicalPosition pos = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(editor.getCaretModel().getOffset()); if (pos.line >= lastLine) { insertNewLineBelow(editor, context); } else { insertNewLineAbove(editor, context); } } return res; } /** * Delete from the cursor to the end of count - 1 lines down and enter insert mode * * @param editor The editor to change * @param context The data context * @param count The number of lines to change * @return true if able to delete count lines, false if not */ public boolean changeEndOfLine(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count) { boolean res = deleteEndOfLine(editor, count); if (res) { insertAfterLineEnd(editor, context); } return res; } /** * Delete the text covered by the motion command argument and enter insert mode * * @param editor The editor to change * @param context The data context * @param count The number of time to repeat the change * @param rawCount The actual count entered by the user * @param argument The motion command * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean changeMotion(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count, int rawCount, @NotNull Argument argument) { // TODO: Hack - find better way to do this exceptional case - at least make constants out of these strings // Vim treats cw as ce and cW as cE if cursor is on a non-blank character String id = ActionManager.getInstance().getId(argument.getMotion().getAction()); boolean kludge = false; boolean bigWord = false; final CharSequence chars = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(); final int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); final CharacterHelper.CharacterType charType = CharacterHelper.charType(chars.charAt(offset), false); if (EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor) > 0 && charType != CharacterHelper.CharacterType.WHITESPACE) { final boolean lastWordChar = offset <= EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor) ? CharacterHelper.charType(chars.charAt(offset + 1), false) != charType : true; final ImmutableSet<String> wordMotions = ImmutableSet.of("VimMotionWordRight", "VimMotionBigWordRight", "VimMotionCamelRight"); if (wordMotions.contains(id) && lastWordChar) { final boolean res = deleteCharacter(editor, 1, true); if (res) { insertBeforeCursor(editor, context); } return res; } if (id.equals("VimMotionWordRight")) { kludge = true; argument.getMotion().setAction(ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("VimMotionWordEndRight")); argument.getMotion().setFlags(Command.FLAG_MOT_INCLUSIVE); } else if (id.equals("VimMotionBigWordRight")) { kludge = true; bigWord = true; argument.getMotion().setAction(ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("VimMotionBigWordEndRight")); argument.getMotion().setFlags(Command.FLAG_MOT_INCLUSIVE); } else if (id.equals("VimMotionCamelRight")) { kludge = true; argument.getMotion().setAction(ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("VimMotionCamelEndRight")); argument.getMotion().setFlags(Command.FLAG_MOT_INCLUSIVE); } } if (kludge) { int pos = offset; int size = EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor); int cnt = count * argument.getMotion().getCount(); int pos1 = SearchHelper.findNextWordEnd(chars, pos, size, cnt, bigWord, false, false); int pos2 = SearchHelper.findNextWordEnd(chars, pos1, size, -cnt, bigWord, false, false); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("pos=" + pos); logger.debug("pos1=" + pos1); logger.debug("pos2=" + pos2); logger.debug("count=" + count); logger.debug("arg.count=" + argument.getMotion().getCount()); } if (pos2 == pos) { if (count > 1) { count--; rawCount--; } else if (argument.getMotion().getCount() > 1) { argument.getMotion().setCount(argument.getMotion().getCount() - 1); } else { argument.getMotion().setFlags(Command.FLAG_MOT_EXCLUSIVE); } } } boolean res = deleteMotion(editor, context, count, rawCount, argument, true); if (res) { insertBeforeCursor(editor, context); } return res; } public boolean blockInsert(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, @NotNull TextRange range, boolean append) { LogicalPosition start = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getStartOffset()); int lines = range.size(); int line = start.line; int col = start.column; if (!range.isMultiple()) { col = 0; } else if (append) { col += range.getMaxLength(); if (EditorData.getLastColumn(editor) == MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN) { col = MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN; } } int len = EditorHelper.getLineLength(editor, line); if (col < MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN && len < col) { String pad = EditorHelper.pad(editor, line, col); int off = editor.getDocument().getLineEndOffset(line); insertText(editor, off, pad); } if (range.isMultiple() || !append) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(editor.logicalPositionToOffset(new LogicalPosition(line, col))); } if (range.isMultiple()) { setInsertRepeat(lines, col, append); } if (range.isMultiple() || !append) { insertBeforeCursor(editor, context); } else { insertAfterCursor(editor, context); } return true; } /** * Deletes the range of text and enters insert mode * * @param editor The editor to change * @param context The data context * @param range The range to change * @param type The type of the range * @return true if able to delete the range, false if not */ public boolean changeRange(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, @NotNull TextRange range, @NotNull SelectionType type) { int col = 0; int lines = 0; if (type == SelectionType.BLOCK_WISE) { lines = range.size(); col = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getStartOffset()).column; if (EditorData.getLastColumn(editor) == MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN) { col = MotionGroup.LAST_COLUMN; } } boolean after = range.getEndOffset() >= EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor); boolean res = deleteRange(editor, range, type, true); if (res) { if (type == SelectionType.LINE_WISE) { if (after) { insertNewLineBelow(editor, context); } else { insertNewLineAbove(editor, context); } } else { if (type == SelectionType.BLOCK_WISE) { setInsertRepeat(lines, col, false); } insertBeforeCursor(editor, context); } } return res; } /** * Toggles the case of count characters * * @param editor The editor to change * @param count The number of characters to change * @return true if able to change count characters */ public boolean changeCaseToggleCharacter(@NotNull Editor editor, int count) { final int offset = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretHorizontal(editor, count, true); if (offset == -1) { return false; } changeCase(editor, editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(), offset, CharacterHelper.CASE_TOGGLE); MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, EditorHelper.normalizeOffset(editor, offset, false)); return true; } /** * Changes the case of all the character moved over by the motion argument. * * @param editor The editor to change * @param context The data context * @param count The number of times to repeat the change * @param rawCount The actual count entered by the user * @param type The case change type (TOGGLE, UPPER, LOWER) * @param argument The motion command * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean changeCaseMotion(@NotNull Editor editor, DataContext context, int count, int rawCount, char type, @NotNull Argument argument) { TextRange range = MotionGroup.getMotionRange(editor, context, count, rawCount, argument, true, false); return changeCaseRange(editor, range, type); } /** * Changes the case of all the characters in the range * * @param editor The editor to change * @param range The range to change * @param type The case change type (TOGGLE, UPPER, LOWER) * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ public boolean changeCaseRange(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable TextRange range, char type) { if (range == null) { return false; } else { int[] starts = range.getStartOffsets(); int[] ends = range.getEndOffsets(); for (int i = ends.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { changeCase(editor, starts[i], ends[i], type); } MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, range.getStartOffset()); return true; } } /** * This performs the actual case change. * * @param editor The editor to change * @param start The start offset to change * @param end The end offset to change * @param type The type of change (TOGGLE, UPPER, LOWER) */ private void changeCase(@NotNull Editor editor, int start, int end, char type) { if (start > end) { int t = end; end = start; start = t; } CharSequence chars = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (i >= chars.length()) { break; } char ch = CharacterHelper.changeCase(chars.charAt(i), type); if (ch != chars.charAt(i)) { replaceText(editor, i, i + 1, Character.toString(ch)); } } } public void autoIndentLines(@NotNull DataContext context) { KeyHandler.executeAction("OrigAutoIndentLines", context); } public void indentLines(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int lines, int dir) { int start = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); int end = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineEndOffset(editor, lines - 1, false); indentRange(editor, context, new TextRange(start, end), 1, dir); } public void indentMotion(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, int count, int rawCount, @NotNull Argument argument, int dir) { TextRange range = MotionGroup.getMotionRange(editor, context, count, rawCount, argument, false, false); indentRange(editor, context, range, 1, dir); } public void indentRange(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext context, @Nullable TextRange range, int count, int dir) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("count=" + count); } if (range == null) return; Project proj = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(context); // API change - don't merge int tabSize = 8; int indentSize = 8; boolean useTabs = true; VirtualFile file = EditorData.getVirtualFile(editor); if (file != null) { FileType type = FileTypeManager.getInstance().getFileTypeByFile(file); CodeStyleSettings settings = CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(proj); tabSize = settings.getTabSize(type); indentSize = settings.getIndentSize(type); useTabs = settings.useTabCharacter(type); } int sline = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getStartOffset()).line; int eline = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getEndOffset()).line; int eoff = EditorHelper.getLineStartForOffset(editor, range.getEndOffset()); if (eoff == range.getEndOffset()) { eline--; } if (range.isMultiple()) { int col = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getStartOffset()).column; int size = indentSize * count; if (dir == 1) { // Right shift blockwise selection StringBuffer space = new StringBuffer(); int tabCnt = 0; int spcCnt; if (useTabs) { tabCnt = size / tabSize; spcCnt = size % tabSize; } else { spcCnt = size; } for (int i = 0; i < tabCnt; i++) { space.append('\t'); } for (int i = 0; i < spcCnt; i++) { space.append(' '); } for (int l = sline; l <= eline; l++) { int len = EditorHelper.getLineLength(editor, l); if (len > col) { LogicalPosition spos = new LogicalPosition(l, col); insertText(editor, editor.logicalPositionToOffset(spos), space.toString()); } } } else { // Left shift blockwise selection CharSequence chars = editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(); for (int l = sline; l <= eline; l++) { int len = EditorHelper.getLineLength(editor, l); if (len > col) { LogicalPosition spos = new LogicalPosition(l, col); LogicalPosition epos = new LogicalPosition(l, col + size - 1); int wsoff = editor.logicalPositionToOffset(spos); int weoff = editor.logicalPositionToOffset(epos); int pos; for (pos = wsoff; pos <= weoff; pos++) { if (CharacterHelper.charType(chars.charAt(pos), false) != CharacterHelper.CharacterType.WHITESPACE) { break; } } if (pos > wsoff) { deleteText(editor, new TextRange(wsoff, pos), null); } } } } } else { // Shift non-blockwise selection for (int l = sline; l <= eline; l++) { int soff = EditorHelper.getLineStartOffset(editor, l); int woff = CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartSkipLeading(editor, l); int col = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(woff).column; int newCol = Math.max(0, col + dir * indentSize * count); if (dir == 1 || col > 0) { StringBuffer space = new StringBuffer(); int tabCnt = 0; int spcCnt; if (useTabs) { tabCnt = newCol / tabSize; spcCnt = newCol % tabSize; } else { spcCnt = newCol; } for (int i = 0; i < tabCnt; i++) { space.append('\t'); } for (int i = 0; i < spcCnt; i++) { space.append(' '); } replaceText(editor, soff, woff, space.toString()); } } } if (!CommandState.inInsertMode(editor)) { if (!range.isMultiple()) { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, CommandGroups.getInstance().getMotion().moveCaretToLineStartSkipLeading(editor, sline)); } else { MotionGroup.moveCaret(editor, range.getStartOffset()); } } EditorData.setLastColumn(editor, editor.getCaretModel().getVisualPosition().column); } /** * Insert text into the document * * @param editor The editor to insert into * @param start The starting offset to insert at * @param str The text to insert */ public void insertText(@NotNull Editor editor, int start, @NotNull String str) { editor.getDocument().insertString(start, str); editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(start + str.length()); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, '.', start); //CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, context, '[', start); //CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, context, ']', start + str.length()); } /** * Delete text from the document. This will fail if being asked to store the deleted text into a read-only * register. * * @param editor The editor to delete from * @param range The range to delete * @param type The type of deletion * @return true if able to delete the text, false if not */ private boolean deleteText(@NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final TextRange range, @Nullable SelectionType type) { // Fix for if (!range.normalize(EditorHelper.getFileSize(editor, true))) { return false; } if (type == null || CommandGroups.getInstance().getRegister().storeText(editor, range, type, true)) { final Document document = editor.getDocument(); final int[] startOffsets = range.getStartOffsets(); final int[] endOffsets = range.getEndOffsets(); for (int i = range.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { document.deleteString(startOffsets[i], endOffsets[i]); } if (type != null) { int start = range.getStartOffset(); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, '.', start); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, '[', start); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, ']', start); } return true; } return false; } /** * Replace text in the editor * * @param editor The editor to replace text in * @param start The start offset to change * @param end The end offset to change * @param str The new text */ private void replaceText(@NotNull Editor editor, int start, int end, @NotNull String str) { editor.getDocument().replaceString(start, end, str); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, '[', start); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, ']', start + str.length()); CommandGroups.getInstance().getMark().setMark(editor, '.', start + str.length()); } public static void resetCursor(@NotNull Editor editor, boolean insert) { Document doc = editor.getDocument(); VirtualFile vf = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getFile(doc); if (vf != null) { resetCursor(vf, editor.getProject(), insert); } else { editor.getSettings().setBlockCursor(!insert); } } private static void resetCursor(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile, Project proj, boolean insert) { logger.debug("resetCursor"); Document doc = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(virtualFile); if (doc == null) return; // Must be no text editor (such as image) Editor[] editors = EditorFactory.getInstance().getEditors(doc, proj); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("There are " + editors.length + " editors for virtual file " + virtualFile.getName()); } for (Editor editor : editors) { editor.getSettings().setBlockCursor(!insert); } } public boolean changeNumber(@NotNull final Editor editor, final int count) { final BoundListOption nf = (BoundListOption) Options.getInstance().getOption("nrformats"); final boolean alpha = nf.contains("alpha"); final boolean hex = nf.contains("hex"); final boolean octal = nf.contains("octal"); final TextRange range = SearchHelper.findNumberUnderCursor(editor, alpha, hex, octal); if (range == null) { logger.debug("no number on line"); return false; } else { String text = EditorHelper.getText(editor, range); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("found range " + range); logger.debug("text=" + text); } String number = text; if (text.length() == 0) { return false; } char ch = text.charAt(0); if (hex && text.toLowerCase().startsWith("0x")) { for (int i = text.length() - 1; i >= 2; i--) { int index = "abcdefABCDEF".indexOf(text.charAt(i)); if (index >= 0) { lastLower = index < 6; break; } } int num = (int) Long.parseLong(text.substring(2), 16); num += count; number = Integer.toHexString(num); number = StringHelper.pad(number, text.length() - 2, '0'); if (!lastLower) { number = number.toUpperCase(); } number = text.substring(0, 2) + number; } else if (octal && text.startsWith("0") && text.length() > 1) { int num = (int) Long.parseLong(text, 8); num += count; number = Integer.toOctalString(num); number = "0" + StringHelper.pad(number, text.length() - 1, '0'); } else if (alpha && Character.isLetter(ch)) { ch += count; if (Character.isLetter(ch)) { number = "" + ch; } } else if (ch == '-' || Character.isDigit(ch)) { boolean pad = ch == '0'; int len = text.length(); if (ch == '-' && text.charAt(1) == '0') { pad = true; len--; } int num = Integer.parseInt(text); num += count; number = Integer.toString(num); if (!octal && pad) { boolean neg = false; if (number.charAt(0) == '-') { neg = true; number = number.substring(1); } number = StringHelper.pad(number, len, '0'); if (neg) { number = "-" + number; } } } if (!text.equals(number)) { replaceText(editor, range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset(), number); editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(range.getStartOffset() + number.length() - 1); } return true; } } private final List<Object> strokes = new ArrayList<Object>(); private int repeatCharsCount; private List<Object> lastStrokes; private int insertStart; @Nullable private Command lastInsert; private boolean inInsert; private int repeatLines; private int repeatColumn; private boolean repeatAppend; private boolean lastLower = true; private Document document; private DocumentAdapter documentListener; private int oldOffset = -1; private static Logger logger = Logger.getInstance(ChangeGroup.class.getName()); }