Java tutorial
/* * jBrowserDriver (TM) * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Machine Publishers, LLC and the jBrowserDriver contributors * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.machinepublishers.jbrowserdriver; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.Platform; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; /** * An immutable class which contains settings for the browser. * * @see Settings#builder() * @see JBrowserDriver#JBrowserDriver(Settings) */ public class Settings implements Serializable { private static final Logger defaultLogger; static { if (LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("com.machinepublishers.jbrowserdriver") == null) { defaultLogger = Logger.getLogger("com.machinepublishers.jbrowserdriver"); defaultLogger.setUseParentHandlers(false); defaultLogger.addHandler(new LogHandler()); defaultLogger.setLevel(Level.ALL); } else { defaultLogger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("com.machinepublishers.jbrowserdriver"); } } /** * A script to guard against canvas fingerprinting and also add some typical navigator properties. */ public static final String HEAD_SCRIPT; static { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(window, 'external', "); builder.append( "{value:{AddSearchProvider:function(){},IsSearchProviderInstalled:function(){},addSearchEngine:function(){}}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(window.external.AddSearchProvider, 'toString', "); builder.append("{value:function(){return 'function AddSearchProvider() { [native code] }';}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled, 'toString', "); builder.append("{value:function(){return 'function IsSearchProviderInstalled() { [native code] }';}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(window.external.addSearchEngine, 'toString', "); builder.append("{value:function(){return 'function addSearchEngine() { [native code] }';}});"); //TODO FIXME handle shift key event in case of headless browser // builder.append("(function(){"); // builder.append("var windowOpen =;Object.defineProperty(window,'open',"); // builder.append("{value:function(url, target, props){if(event && event.shiftKey){windowOpen(url);}else{windowOpen(url,'_self');}}}"); // builder.append(")})();"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, "); builder.append("'toBlob', {value:function(){return undefined;}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, "); builder.append("'toDataURL', {value:function(){return undefined;}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, "); builder.append("'getImageData', {value:function(){return undefined;}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, "); builder.append("'measureText', {value:function(){return undefined;}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, "); builder.append("'isPointInPath', {value:function(){return undefined;}});"); builder.append("Object.defineProperty(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, "); builder.append("'isPointInStroke', {value:function(){return undefined;}});"); HEAD_SCRIPT = builder.toString(); } /** * Convenience method for getting a Settings builder, which * configures jBrowserDriver. Settings objects can safely be re-used * across different instances of {@link JBrowserDriver}. * <p>This is equivalent to calling <code> new Settings.Builder()</code> * * @return Settings.Builder * @see JBrowserDriver#JBrowserDriver(Settings) */ public static Settings.Builder builder() { return new Settings.Builder(); } private enum PropertyName { @Deprecated PORTS("jbd.ports"), PORT_RANGES("jbd.portranges"), PROCESSES("jbd.processes"), HOST(""), HEADLESS( "jbd.headless"), AJAX_WAIT("jbd.ajaxwait"), AJAX_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT( "jbd.ajaxresourcetimeout"), BLOCK_ADS("jbd.blockads"), QUICK_RENDER( "jbd.quickrender"), MAX_ROUTE_CONNECTIONS( "jbd.maxrouteconnections"), MAX_CONNECTIONS("jbd.maxconnections"), SSL( "jbd.ssl"), USER_AGENT("jbd.useragent"), SCREEN_WIDTH( "jbd.screenwidth"), SCREEN_HEIGHT( "jbd.screenheight"), TIMEZONE( "jbd.timezone"), HEAD_SCRIPT( "jbd.headscript"), PROXY_HOST( "jbd.proxyhost"), PROXY_PORT( "jbd.proxyport"), PROXY_TYPE( "jbd.proxytype"), PROXY_USERNAME( "jbd.proxyusername"), PROXY_PASSWORD( "jbd.proxypassword"), PROXY_EXPECT_CONTINUE( "jbd.proxyexpectcontinue"), SAVE_MEDIA( "jbd.savemedia"), SAVE_ATTACHMENTS( "jbd.saveattachments"), IGNORE_DIALOGS( "jbd.ignoredialogs"), CACHE( "jbd.cache"), CACHE_DIR( "jbd.cachedir"), CACHE_ENTRIES( "jbd.cacheentries"), CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE( "jbd.cacheentrysize"), HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION( "jbd.hostnameverification"), JAVASCRIPT( "jbd.javascript"), SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS( "jbd.sockettimeout"), CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS( "jbd.connecttimeout"), CONNECTION_REQ_TIMEOUT_MS( "jbd.connectionreqtimeout"), RESPONSE_INTERCEPTORS( "jbd.responseinterceptors"), LOG_WIRE( "jbd.logwire"), LOG_JAVASCRIPT( "jbd.logjavascript"), LOG_TRACE( "jbd.logtrace"), LOG_WARNINGS( "jbd.logwarnings"), LOGS_MAX( "jbd.logsmax"), LOGGER( "jbd.logger"), JAVA_OPTIONS( "jbd.javaoptions"), JAVA_BINARY( "jbd.javabinary"), JAVA_EXPORT_MODULES( "jbd.javaexportmodules"), USER_DATA_DIRECTORY( "jbd.userdatadirectory"), CSRF_REQUEST_TOKEN( "jbd.csrfreqtoken"), CSRF_RESPONSE_TOKEN( "jbd.csrfresptoken"), @Deprecated WIRE_CONSOLE("jbd.wireconsole"), @Deprecated TRACE_CONSOLE("jbd.traceconsole"), @Deprecated WARN_CONSOLE("jbd.warnconsole"), @Deprecated MAX_LOGS("jbd.maxlogs"); private final String propertyName; PropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } } /** * Helps build a Settings object which configures jBrowserDriver. * Settings objects can safely be re-used * across different instances of {@link JBrowserDriver}. * * @see JBrowserDriver#JBrowserDriver(Settings) */ public static class Builder { private RequestHeaders requestHeaders = RequestHeaders.TOR; private org.openqa.selenium.Dimension screen = new org.openqa.selenium.Dimension(1000, 600); private UserAgent userAgent = UserAgent.TOR; private Timezone timezone = Timezone.UTC; private String headScript = HEAD_SCRIPT; private ProxyConfig proxy = new ProxyConfig(); private boolean saveMedia; private boolean saveAttachments; private boolean ignoreDialogs = true; private boolean cache; private File cacheDir; private int cacheEntries = 10 * 1000; private long cacheEntrySize = 1000 * 1000; private String portRanges; private int processes = 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); private boolean headless = true; private long ajaxWait = 150; private long ajaxResourceTimeout = 2000; private boolean blockAds; private boolean quickRender; private int maxRouteConnections = 8; private int maxConnections = 300; private String ssl; private boolean logWire; private boolean logJavascript; private boolean logTrace; private boolean logWarnings = true; private Logger logger = defaultLogger; private int logsMax = 1000; private boolean hostnameVerification = true; private boolean javascript = true; private int socketTimeout = -1; private int connectTimeout = -1; private int connectionReqTimeout = -1; private String host = ""; private String[] javaOptions; private String javaBinary; private boolean javaExportModules; private File userDataDirectory; private String csrfRequestToken; private String csrfResponseToken; /** * Headers to be sent on each request. * <p> * Defaults to {@link RequestHeaders#TOR}. * <p> * (Not configurable via Java system properties or {@link Capabilities}. See {@link Settings.Builder#userAgent(UserAgent)} instead.) * * @param requestHeaders * * @return this Builder * @see Builder#userAgent(UserAgent) */ public Builder requestHeaders(RequestHeaders requestHeaders) { this.requestHeaders = requestHeaders; return this; } /** * Size of the screen and initial size of the window. * <p> * Defaults to 1000x600. This is a typical size for Tor Browser but if you're not using the * Tor user agent you might want to specify a more common size such as 1366x768. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system properties <code>jbd.screenwidth</code> and <code>jbd.screenheight</code> override this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} names <code>jbd.screenwidth</code> and <code>jbd.screenheight</code> alternately configure this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param screen * Screen and window size. * * @return this Builder */ public Builder screen(org.openqa.selenium.Dimension screen) { this.screen = screen; return this; } /** * User agent and window.navigator properties. * <p> * Defaults to {@link UserAgent#TOR}. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.useragent</code> overrides this setting and the {@link Builder#requestHeaders(RequestHeaders)} setting. The value must be one of: tor, chrome.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.useragent</code> alternately configures this setting and the {@link Builder#requestHeaders(RequestHeaders)} setting. The value must be one of: tor, * chrome.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param userAgent * Browser's user agent * * @return this Builder * @see Builder#requestHeaders(RequestHeaders) */ public Builder userAgent(UserAgent userAgent) { this.userAgent = userAgent; return this; } /** * Timezone of the browser. * <p> * Defaults to {@link Timezone#UTC}. * This is the timezone of Tor Browser but if you're not using the Tor user agent * you might want to use a locale nearer your actual computer, * such as {@link Timezone#AMERICA_LOSANGELES} if you're in San Francisco. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.timezone</code> overrides this setting. For value, see {@link Timezone#name()}.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.timezone</code> alternately configures this setting. For value, see {@link Timezone#name()}.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param timezone * Timezone of the browser. * * @return this Builder */ public Builder timezone(Timezone timezone) { this.timezone = timezone; return this; } /** * Script to be injected in the HTML Head section. * <p> * Omit <script> tags; they will be added automatically. * <p> * Defaults to {@link Settings#HEAD_SCRIPT}. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.headscript</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.headscript</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param headScript * Script to be injected * * @return this Builder */ public Builder headScript(String headScript) { this.headScript = headScript; return this; } /** * Proxy server to be used. * <p> * Defaults to a direct connection (no proxy). * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system properties <code>jbd.proxytype</code>, <code>jbd.proxyhost</code>, <code>jbd.proxyport</code>, <code>jbd.proxyusername</code>, <code>jbd.proxypassword</code>, and * <code>jbd.proxyexpectcontinue</code> override this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} names <code>jbd.proxytype</code>, <code>jbd.proxyhost</code>, <code>jbd.proxyport</code>, <code>jbd.proxyusername</code>, <code>jbd.proxypassword</code>, and * <code>jbd.proxyexpectcontinue</code> alternately configure this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param proxy * Proxy configuration or <code>null</code>. * * @return this Builder */ public Builder proxy(ProxyConfig proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; return this; } /** * Whether to save media (e.g., images) to disk. * <p> * Media is saved as two files in the mediaDir: <identifier>.content (which * has the binary content) and <identifier>.metadata (the first line of this * file is the URL of the request for this media, the second line is * the Content-Type header, and the third line is the Content-Disposition header). * <p> * Saved media files are deleted when the JVM exits, so copy them to a different * location to persist them permanently. * <p> * The temporary directory where these files are saved is availble from * {@link JBrowserDriver#mediaDir()} * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.savemedia</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.savemedia</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param saveMedia * Whether to save media (e.g., images) to disk. * * @return this Builder */ public Builder saveMedia(boolean saveMedia) { this.saveMedia = saveMedia; return this; } /** * Whether to save links to disk when prompted by the browser. * <p> * Attachments are saved as two files in the mediaDir: <identifier>.content (which * has the binary content) and <identifier>.metadata (the first line of this * file is the URL of the request for this media, the second line is * the Content-Type header, and the third line is the Content-Disposition header). * <p> * Saved files are deleted when the JVM exits, so copy them to a different * location to persist them permanently. * <p> * The temporary directory where these files are saved is availble from * {@link JBrowserDriver#attachmentsDir()} * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.saveattachments</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.saveattachments</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param saveAttachments * * @return this Builder */ public Builder saveAttachments(boolean saveAttachments) { this.saveAttachments = saveAttachments; return this; } /** * Whether JavaScript alerts, prompts, and confirm dialogs should be auto-dismissed * and ignored. Otherwise, you will need to use JBrowserDriver.switchTo().alert() * to accept/dismiss these dialogs. * <p> * Note that if dialogs are not ignored and you are handling them, * that calls to alert.accept(), alert.dismiss(), and alert.sendKeys(String) are queued, * so there is no need to wait for the dialog to actually be displayed and these calls will not block. * Calls to alert.getText() block until an alert is shown (unless a script timeout is reached first). * <p> * Defaults to <code>true</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.ignoredialogs</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.ignoredialogs</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param ignoreDialogs * <code>True</code> to auto-dismiss alert/prompt/confirm dialogs and relieve the * user from having to handle them. <code>False</code> to allow these dialogs to have an effect on the page * and force the user to accept/dismiss them. * * @return this Builder */ public Builder ignoreDialogs(boolean ignoreDialogs) { this.ignoreDialogs = ignoreDialogs; return this; } /** * Whether to cache web pages like a desktop browser would. * <p> * The temporary directory where these files are saved is availble from * {@link JBrowserDriver#cacheDir()} * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.cache</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.cache</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param cache * * @return this Builder */ public Builder cache(boolean cache) { this.cache = cache; return this; } /** * Directory where the web cache resides--this enables sharing a cache across instances and after JVM restarts. * <p> * Defaults to <code>null</code> meaning a temp directory will be generated, available via {@link JBrowserDriver#cacheDir()}. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.cachedir</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.cachedir</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param cacheDir * cache directory * @return this Builder */ public Builder cacheDir(File cacheDir) { this.cacheDir = cacheDir; return this; } /** * Set maximum number of cached files on disk. * <p> * Defaults to 10000. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.cacheentries</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.cacheentries</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param cacheEntries * @return this Builder */ public Builder cacheEntries(int cacheEntries) { this.cacheEntries = cacheEntries; return this; } /** * Set maximum size of a file to be cached. If it's greater than this max, it will not be cached. * <p> * Defaults to 1 MB. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.cacheentrysize</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.cacheentrysize</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param bytes * @return this Builder */ public Builder cacheEntrySize(long bytes) { this.cacheEntrySize = bytes; return this; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0.0. Use Settings.Builder.processes(..) instead. */ @Deprecated public Builder ports(int... ports) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The ports setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use Settings.Builder.processes(..) instead."); this.portRanges = null; this.processes = ports.length; = ""; return this; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0.0. Use Settings.Builder.processes(..) instead. */ @Deprecated public Builder portsMax(int startingPort, int maxProcesses) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The portsMax setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use Settings.Builder.processes(..) instead."); this.portRanges = null; this.processes = maxProcesses; = ""; return this; } /** * The number of {@link JBrowserDriver} instances that can run concurrently, using any available port. * <p> * Each instance of JBrowserDriver is backed by a separate Java process operated via RMI. * <p> * Overwrites settings specified by any previous calls to processes(..) * <p> * By default any available ports are used, the host is <code></code>, and the max number of concurrent * instances is <code>2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.processes</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.processes</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param maxProcesses * @return this Builder */ public Builder processes(int maxProcesses) { this.portRanges = null; this.processes = maxProcesses; = ""; return this; } /** * The number of {@link JBrowserDriver} instances that can run concurrently, * using any available port, and the host name or IP of the local machine. * <p> * Each instance of JBrowserDriver is backed by a separate Java process operated via RMI. * <p> * Overwrites settings specified by any previous calls to processes(..) * <p> * By default any available ports are used, the host is <code></code>, and the max number of concurrent * instances is <code>2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system properties <code>jbd.processes</code> and <code></code> override this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.processes</code> and <code></code> alternately configure this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param maxProcesses * @param host * @return this Builder */ public Builder processes(int maxProcesses, String host) { this.portRanges = null; this.processes = maxProcesses; = host; return this; } /** * The ports used by {@link JBrowserDriver} instances and the parent process. * <p> * The max number of instances that can run concurrently is inferred from the number of ports provided * (every instance requires three ports -- e.g., for up to 8 instances you need 24 ports). * <p> * Each instance of JBrowserDriver is backed by a separate Java process operated via RMI. * <p> * Overwrites settings specified by any previous calls to processes(..) * <p> * By default any available ports are used, the host is <code></code>, and the max number of concurrent * instances is <code>2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.portranges</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.portranges</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param portRanges * A comma separated list of ports and/or port ranges * (ranges are inclusive and separated by a dash) -- e.g., <code>10000-10007,12500,12502,15376-15380</code> * @return this Builder */ public Builder processes(String portRanges) { this.portRanges = portRanges; this.processes = -1; = ""; return this; } /** * The ports and host/IP used by {@link JBrowserDriver} instances and the parent process. * <p> * The max number of instances that can run concurrently is inferred from the number of ports provided * (every instance requires three ports -- e.g., for up to 8 instances you need 24 ports). * <p> * Each instance of JBrowserDriver is backed by a separate Java process operated via RMI. * <p> * Overwrites settings specified by any previous calls to processes(..) * <p> * By default any available ports are used, the host is <code></code>, and the max number of concurrent * instances is <code>2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system properties <code>jbd.portranges</code> and <code></code> override this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} names <code>jbd.portranges</code> and <code></code> alternately configure this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param portRanges * A comma separated list of ports and/or port ranges * (ranges are inclusive and separated by a dash) -- e.g., <code>10000-10007,12500,12502,15376-15380</code> * @param host * @return this Builder */ public Builder processes(String portRanges, String host) { this.portRanges = portRanges; this.processes = -1; = host; return this; } /** * Whether to run in headless mode (no GUI windows). * <p> * Screenshots <i>are</i> available in headless mode (see {@link JBrowserDriver#getScreenshotAs(org.openqa.selenium.OutputType)}). * <p> * Defaults to <code>true</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.headless</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.headless</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param headless * @return this Builder */ public Builder headless(boolean headless) { this.headless = headless; return this; } /** * Whether the hostname in certificates should be verified. * <p> * Defaults to <code>true</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.hostnameverification</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.hostnameverification</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param hostnameVerification * @return this Builder */ public Builder hostnameVerification(boolean hostnameVerification) { this.hostnameVerification = hostnameVerification; return this; } /** * The idle time (no pending AJAX requests) required in milliseconds before a page is considered to have been loaded completely. * <p> * For very slow or overloaded CPUs, set a higher value. * <p> * Defaults to <code>150</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.ajaxwait</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.ajaxwait</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param intervalMS * @return this Builder */ public Builder ajaxWait(long intervalMS) { this.ajaxWait = intervalMS; return this; } /** * The time in milliseconds after which an AJAX request will be ignored when considering * whether all AJAX requests have completed. * <p> * Defaults to <code>2000</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.ajaxresourcetimeout</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.ajaxresourcetimeout</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param timeoutMS * @return this Builder */ public Builder ajaxResourceTimeout(long timeoutMS) { this.ajaxResourceTimeout = timeoutMS; return this; } /** * Whether requests to ad/spam servers should be blocked. * <p> * Based on hosts in ad-hosts.txt in the source tree. * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.blockads</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.blockads</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param blockAds * @return this Builder */ public Builder blockAds(boolean blockAds) { this.blockAds = blockAds; return this; } /** * Exclude web page images and binary data from rendering. * <p> * These resources are still requested and can optionally be saved to disk (see the Settings options). * Some older versions of Java are inefficient (memory-wise) in rendering images. * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.quickrender</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.quickrender</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param quickRender * @return this Builder */ public Builder quickRender(boolean quickRender) { this.quickRender = quickRender; return this; } /** * Maximum number of concurrent connections (per process) to a specific host+proxy combo. * <p> * Defaults to <code>8</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.maxrouteconnections</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.maxrouteconnections</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param maxRouteConnections * @return this Builder */ public Builder maxRouteConnections(int maxRouteConnections) { this.maxRouteConnections = maxRouteConnections; return this; } /** * Maximum number of concurrent connections overall (per process). * <p> * Defaults to <code>300</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.maxconnections</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.maxconnections</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param maxConnections * @return this Builder */ public Builder maxConnections(int maxConnections) { this.maxConnections = maxConnections; return this; } /** * Whether javascript is enabled in the browser. * <p> * Defaults to <code>true</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.javascript</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.javascript</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param isEnabled * <code>true</code> to enable Javascript, <code>false</code> otherwise * @return this Builder */ public Builder javascript(boolean isEnabled) { this.javascript = isEnabled; return this; } /** * Socket timeout in milliseconds, which is the max idle time between any two packets. * <p> * Value of 0 means infinite timeout. * <p> * Defaults to -1 (system default). * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.sockettimeout</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.sockettimeout</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param timeoutMS * Timeout in milliseconds * @return this Builder */ public Builder socketTimeout(int timeoutMS) { this.socketTimeout = timeoutMS; return this; } /** * Connect timeout in milliseconds, which the is max time until a connection is established. * <p> * Value of 0 means infinite timeout. * <p> * Defaults to -1 (system default). * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.connecttimeout</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.connecttimeout</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param timeoutMS * Timeout in milliseconds * @return this Builder */ public Builder connectTimeout(int timeoutMS) { this.connectTimeout = timeoutMS; return this; } /** * Connection request timeout in milliseconds, * which is the max time to wait when the max number of connections has already been reached. * <p> * When the timeout is reached, the connection fails with an exception. * Value of 0 means infinite timeout. * <p> * Defaults to -1 (system default). * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.connectionreqtimeout</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.connectionreqtimeout</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param timeoutMS * Timeout in milliseconds * @return this Builder */ public Builder connectionReqTimeout(int timeoutMS) { this.connectionReqTimeout = timeoutMS; return this; } /** * Specifies a source of trusted certificate authorities. * <p> * Can take one of four values: * <br>(1) <code>compatible</code> to accept standard browser certs, * <br>(2) <code>trustanything</code> to accept any SSL cert, * <br>(3) a file path, or * <br>(4) a URL. * <br>If a file or URL is specified it must follow exactly the format of content like this: <a * href=""></a> * <p>The default when this property is not set (i.e., when it's <code>null</code>) is your JRE's keystore, * so you can use JDK's keytool to import specific certs. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.ssl</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.ssl</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param ssl * @return this Builder */ public Builder ssl(String ssl) { this.ssl = ssl; return this; } /** * Log full requests and responses (excluding response bodies). * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.logwire</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.logwire</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param logWire * @return this Builder */ public Builder logWire(boolean logWire) { this.logWire = logWire; return this; } /** * Log the browser console output. * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.logjavascript</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.logjavascript</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param logJavascript * @return */ public Builder logJavascript(boolean logJavascript) { this.logJavascript = logJavascript; return this; } /** * Log details of HTTP requests performed and other info useful for monitoring runtime performance. * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.logtrace</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.logtrace</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param logTrace * @return this Builder */ public Builder logTrace(boolean logTrace) { this.logTrace = logTrace; return this; } /** * Log errors, exceptions, and important notices. * <p> * Defaults to <code>true</code> * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.logwarnings</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.logwarnings</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param logWarnings * @return this Builder */ public Builder logWarnings(boolean logWarnings) { this.logWarnings = logWarnings; return this; } /** * At what log level the logger should log * <p> * Defaults to <code>Level.ALL</code> * <p> * The loggerLevel can be <code>null</code> meaning no logging will be done. * * @param loggerLevel * @return this Builder */ public Builder loggerLevel(Level loggerLevel) { if (loggerLevel == null) { this.logger.setLevel(Level.OFF); } else { this.logger.setLevel(loggerLevel); } return this; } /** * The name of a Java Logger to handle log messages. * <p> * Logs are also available via the Selenium logging APIs--this logger has no effect on that. * <p> * The name can be <code>null</code> or <code>""</code> meaning no Java Logger will be used. * <p> * Defaults to <code>com.machinepublishers.jbrowserdriver</code> which echos messages to standard out/error. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.logger</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.logger</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param name * @return this Builder */ public Builder logger(String name) { this.logger = name == null ? null : Logger.getLogger(name); return this; } /** * Maximum number of log messages (per log type) to store in memory (per process), * accessible via the Selenium logging APIs. * <p> * Logs are also available via a Java Logger--this max has no effect on that. * <p> * The oldest log entry is dropped once the max is reached. Regardless of this setting, * logs are cleared per instance of JBrowserDriver after a call to quit(), reset(), or Logs.get(String). * <p> * A value of zero disables Selenium logging. * <p> * Defaults to <code>1000</code>. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.logsmax</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.logsmax</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param logsMax * @return this Builder */ public Builder logsMax(int logsMax) { this.logsMax = logsMax; return this; } /** * JVM options, such as Java system properties or Java HotSpot VM options. * <p> * Each option is a separate string in the array passed in. E.g., * <p> * <code> * .javaOptions("-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags", "-Xmx1g", "-Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false") * </code> * <p> * Note that browser instances are run in a separate Java process which doesn't inherit any * options set in the parent process (thus the need for this API). * <p> * By default no options are set. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.javaoptions</code> overrides this setting. The options must be separated by tab (\t).</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.javaoptions</code> alternately configures this setting. The options must be separated by tab (\t).</li> * </ul><p> * * @param options * @return this Builder */ public Builder javaOptions(String... options) { this.javaOptions = options; return this; } /** * The path to the Java executable or the Java command used to launch child JRE browser processes. * <p> * Defaults to <code>null</code>, meaning that the same Java executable running the parent process will be used to launch the child processes. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.javabinary</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.javabinary</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param javaBinary * @return this Builder */ public Builder javaBinary(String javaBinary) { this.javaBinary = javaBinary; return this; } /** * Allows this library to run on Java 9. Enabling this option precludes running on Java 8. * <p> * Defaults to <code>false</code> (i.e., Java 8 compatible). * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.javaexportmodules</code> overrides this setting.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.javaexportmodules</code> alternately configures this setting.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param javaExportModules * @return this Builder */ public Builder javaExportModules(boolean javaExportModules) { this.javaExportModules = javaExportModules; return this; } /** * User data/local storage directory used by the browser. Callers may provide their own directory to share user data * across instances or to prevent the user data from being automatically deleted after resets or quits. * <p> * Defaults to <code>null</code>, meaning that a temp directory will be automatically created and destroyed as needed for user data. * * <p><ul> * <li>Java system property <code>jbd.userdatadirectory</code> overrides this setting. Use a string file path as the value.</li> * <li>{@link Capabilities} name <code>jbd.userdatadirectory</code> alternately configures this setting. Use a string file path as the value.</li> * </ul><p> * * @param userDataDirectory * A directory to store user website data, e.g. localStorage. * @return this Builder * * @see javafx.scene.web.WebEngine#userDataDirectory */ public Builder userDataDirectory(File userDataDirectory) { this.userDataDirectory = userDataDirectory; return this; } /** * Enables CSRF token handling. Searches for XSRF-TOKEN in response headers and sends X-XSRF-TOKEN in request headers. * @return this Builder */ public Builder csrf() { return csrf("X-XSRF-TOKEN", "XSRF-TOKEN"); } /** * Enables CSRF token handling * @param requestToken The header to send in each request header * @param responseToken The token to search for in response headers * @return this Builder */ public Builder csrf(String requestToken, String responseToken) { this.csrfRequestToken = requestToken; this.csrfResponseToken = responseToken; return this; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logWire, logsMax, or logger. */ @Deprecated public Builder wireConsole(boolean wireConsole) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The wireConsole setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logWire, logsMax, or logger."); this.logWire = wireConsole; return this; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logTrace, logsMax, or logger. */ @Deprecated public Builder traceConsole(boolean traceConsole) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The traceConsole setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logTrace, logsMax, or logger."); this.logTrace = traceConsole; return this; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logWarnings, logsMax, or logger. */ @Deprecated public Builder warnConsole(boolean warnConsole) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The warnConsole setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logWarnings, logsMax, or logger."); this.logWarnings = warnConsole; return this; } /** * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logsMax, logWire, logTrace, or logWarnings. */ @Deprecated public Builder maxLogs(int maxLogs) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The maxLogs setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Instead use Settings Builder's logsMax, logWire, logTrace, or logWarnings."); this.logsMax = maxLogs; return this; } /** * @return A Settings object created from this builder. * @see JBrowserDriver#JBrowserDriver(Settings) */ public Settings build() { return new Settings(this, System.getProperties()); } /** * @return A Selenium Capabilities object for a RemoteWebDriver or Selenium Server */ public Capabilities buildCapabilities() { DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities("jbrowserdriver", "", Platform.ANY); set(capabilities, PropertyName.CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE, this.cacheEntrySize); set(capabilities, PropertyName.CACHE_ENTRIES, this.cacheEntries); set(capabilities, PropertyName.CACHE, this.cache); set(capabilities, PropertyName.IGNORE_DIALOGS, this.ignoreDialogs); set(capabilities, PropertyName.SAVE_ATTACHMENTS, this.saveAttachments); set(capabilities, PropertyName.SAVE_MEDIA, this.saveMedia); set(capabilities, PropertyName.AJAX_WAIT, this.ajaxWait); set(capabilities, PropertyName.AJAX_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT, this.ajaxResourceTimeout); set(capabilities, PropertyName.BLOCK_ADS, this.blockAds); set(capabilities, PropertyName.QUICK_RENDER, this.quickRender); set(capabilities, PropertyName.MAX_ROUTE_CONNECTIONS, this.maxRouteConnections); set(capabilities, PropertyName.MAX_CONNECTIONS, this.maxConnections); set(capabilities, PropertyName.LOG_WIRE, this.logWire); set(capabilities, PropertyName.LOG_JAVASCRIPT, this.logJavascript); set(capabilities, PropertyName.LOG_TRACE, this.logTrace); set(capabilities, PropertyName.LOG_WARNINGS, this.logWarnings); set(capabilities, PropertyName.LOGS_MAX, this.logsMax); set(capabilities, PropertyName.LOGGER, this.logger); set(capabilities, PropertyName.HEAD_SCRIPT, this.headScript); set(capabilities, PropertyName.HOST,; set(capabilities, PropertyName.PORT_RANGES, this.portRanges == null || this.portRanges.isEmpty() ? null : this.portRanges); if (this.processes > -1) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROCESSES, this.processes); } set(capabilities, PropertyName.HEADLESS, this.headless); set(capabilities, PropertyName.SSL, this.ssl); set(capabilities, PropertyName.HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION, this.hostnameVerification); set(capabilities, PropertyName.JAVASCRIPT, this.javascript); set(capabilities, PropertyName.SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS, this.socketTimeout); set(capabilities, PropertyName.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, this.connectTimeout); set(capabilities, PropertyName.CONNECTION_REQ_TIMEOUT_MS, this.connectionReqTimeout); set(capabilities, PropertyName.JAVA_OPTIONS, StringUtils.join(this.javaOptions, "\t")); set(capabilities, PropertyName.JAVA_BINARY, this.javaBinary); set(capabilities, PropertyName.JAVA_EXPORT_MODULES, this.javaExportModules); if (this.screen != null) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.SCREEN_WIDTH, this.screen.getWidth()); set(capabilities, PropertyName.SCREEN_HEIGHT, this.screen.getHeight()); } if (this.cacheDir != null) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.CACHE_DIR, this.cacheDir.getAbsolutePath()); } if (this.userDataDirectory != null) { capabilities.setCapability(PropertyName.USER_DATA_DIRECTORY.propertyName, this.userDataDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } if (this.timezone != null) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.TIMEZONE,; } if (RequestHeaders.TOR.equals(this.requestHeaders) && UserAgent.TOR.equals(this.userAgent)) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.USER_AGENT, "tor"); } else if (RequestHeaders.CHROME.equals(this.requestHeaders) && UserAgent.CHROME.equals(this.userAgent)) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.USER_AGENT, "chrome"); } if (this.proxy != null && this.proxy.type() != null) { set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROXY_TYPE, proxy.type().toString()); set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROXY_HOST,; set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROXY_PORT, proxy.port()); set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROXY_USERNAME, proxy.user()); set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROXY_PASSWORD, proxy.password()); set(capabilities, PropertyName.PROXY_EXPECT_CONTINUE, proxy.expectContinue()); } return capabilities; } Settings build(Capabilities capabilities) { Map properties = new HashMap(capabilities.asMap()); for (Map.Entry entry : System.getProperties().entrySet()) { properties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return new Settings(this, properties); } } private static long nextAnonPort() { --curAnonPort; if (curAnonPort > -1) { curAnonPort = -1; } return curAnonPort; } private static List<PortGroup> parsePorts(int processesMax) { List<PortGroup> portGroups = new ArrayList<PortGroup>(); synchronized (curAnonPortLock) { for (int i = 0; i < processesMax; i++) { portGroups.add(new PortGroup(nextAnonPort(), nextAnonPort(), nextAnonPort())); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(portGroups); } private static List<PortGroup> parsePorts(String portString) { Collection<Long> ports = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(); String[] ranges = portString.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { String[] bounds = ranges[i].split("-"); long low = Long.parseLong(bounds[0]); long high = bounds.length > 1 ? Long.parseLong(bounds[1]) : low; for (long j = low; j <= high; j++) { ports.add(j); } } if (ports.size() % 3 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Each process requires three ports (i.e., number of ports must be a multiple of three)."); } int max = ports.size() / 3; Iterator<Long> iter = ports.iterator(); List<PortGroup> portGroups = new ArrayList<PortGroup>(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { portGroups.add(new PortGroup(,,; } return Collections.unmodifiableList(portGroups); } private static void set(DesiredCapabilities capabilities, PropertyName name, int val) { capabilities.setCapability(name.propertyName, Integer.toString(val)); } private static void set(DesiredCapabilities capabilities, PropertyName name, long val) { capabilities.setCapability(name.propertyName, Long.toString(val)); } private static void set(DesiredCapabilities capabilities, PropertyName name, boolean val) { capabilities.setCapability(name.propertyName, Boolean.toString(val)); } private static void set(DesiredCapabilities capabilities, PropertyName name, Logger val) { capabilities.setCapability(name.propertyName, val == null ? null : val.getName()); } private static void set(DesiredCapabilities capabilities, PropertyName name, String val) { if (val != null) { capabilities.setCapability(name.propertyName, val); } } private static int parse(Map capabilities, PropertyName name, int fallback) { if (capabilities.get(name.propertyName) != null) { return Integer.parseInt(capabilities.get(name.propertyName).toString()); } return fallback; } private static long parse(Map capabilities, PropertyName name, long fallback) { if (capabilities.get(name.propertyName) != null) { return Long.parseLong(capabilities.get(name.propertyName).toString()); } return fallback; } private static boolean parse(Map capabilities, PropertyName name, boolean fallback) { if (capabilities.get(name.propertyName) != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(capabilities.get(name.propertyName).toString()); } return fallback; } private static String parse(Map capabilities, PropertyName name, String fallback) { if (capabilities.get(name.propertyName) != null) { return capabilities.get(name.propertyName).toString(); } return fallback; } private static Logger parse(Map capabilities, PropertyName name, Logger fallback) { if (capabilities.containsKey(name.propertyName)) { if (capabilities.get(name.propertyName) == null || capabilities.get(name.propertyName).equals("")) { return null; } return Logger.getLogger(capabilities.get(name.propertyName).toString()); } return fallback; } private static File parse(Map capabilities, PropertyName name, File fallback) { if (capabilities.containsKey(name.propertyName)) { Object pathName = capabilities.get(name.propertyName); if (pathName == null || pathName.equals("")) { return null; } return new File(pathName.toString()); } return fallback; } private static long curAnonPort; private static final Object curAnonPortLock = new Object(); private final RequestHeaders requestHeaders; private final int screenWidth; private final int screenHeight; private final String userAgentString; private final ProxyConfig proxy; private final boolean saveMedia; private final boolean saveAttachments; private final String script; private final String scriptContent; private final boolean ignoreDialogs; private final boolean cache; private final File cacheDir; private final int cacheEntries; private final long cacheEntrySize; private final List<PortGroup> portGroups; private final boolean headless; private final long ajaxWait; private final long ajaxResourceTimeout; private final boolean blockAds; private final boolean quickRender; private final int maxRouteConnections; private final int maxConnections; private final String ssl; private final boolean logWire; private final boolean logJavascript; private final boolean logTrace; private final boolean logWarnings; private final int logsMax; private final transient Logger logger; private final int loggerLevel; private final boolean hostnameVerification; private final boolean javascript; private final int socketTimeout; private final int connectTimeout; private final int connectionReqTimeout; private final String host; private final List<String> javaOptions; private final boolean customClasspath; private final String javaBinary; private final boolean javaExportModules; private final File userDataDirectory; private final String csrfRequestToken; private final String csrfResponseToken; private Settings(Settings.Builder builder, Map properties) { Settings.Builder defaults = Settings.builder(); Dimension screen = builder.screen == null ? defaults.screen : builder.screen; this.screenWidth = parse(properties, PropertyName.SCREEN_WIDTH, screen.getWidth()); this.screenHeight = parse(properties, PropertyName.SCREEN_HEIGHT, screen.getHeight()); this.cacheEntrySize = parse(properties, PropertyName.CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE, builder.cacheEntrySize); this.cacheEntries = parse(properties, PropertyName.CACHE_ENTRIES, builder.cacheEntries); this.cache = parse(properties, PropertyName.CACHE, builder.cache); this.ignoreDialogs = parse(properties, PropertyName.IGNORE_DIALOGS, builder.ignoreDialogs); this.saveAttachments = parse(properties, PropertyName.SAVE_ATTACHMENTS, builder.saveAttachments); this.saveMedia = parse(properties, PropertyName.SAVE_MEDIA, builder.saveMedia); this.ajaxWait = parse(properties, PropertyName.AJAX_WAIT, builder.ajaxWait); this.ajaxResourceTimeout = parse(properties, PropertyName.AJAX_RESOURCE_TIMEOUT, builder.ajaxResourceTimeout); this.blockAds = parse(properties, PropertyName.BLOCK_ADS, builder.blockAds); this.quickRender = parse(properties, PropertyName.QUICK_RENDER, builder.quickRender); this.maxRouteConnections = parse(properties, PropertyName.MAX_ROUTE_CONNECTIONS, builder.maxRouteConnections); this.maxConnections = parse(properties, PropertyName.MAX_CONNECTIONS, builder.maxConnections); this.logJavascript = parse(properties, PropertyName.LOG_JAVASCRIPT, builder.logJavascript); if (properties.get(PropertyName.JAVA_OPTIONS.propertyName) != null) { this.javaOptions = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList(properties.get(PropertyName.JAVA_OPTIONS.propertyName).toString().split("\t"))); } else if (builder.javaOptions == null) { this.javaOptions = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<String>()); } else { this.javaOptions = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(builder.javaOptions)); } this.customClasspath = this.javaOptions.contains("-classpath") || this.javaOptions.contains("-cp"); this.javaBinary = parse(properties, PropertyName.JAVA_BINARY, builder.javaBinary); this.javaExportModules = parse(properties, PropertyName.JAVA_EXPORT_MODULES, builder.javaExportModules); if (properties.get(PropertyName.WIRE_CONSOLE.propertyName) != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.wireconsole setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use jbd.logwire, jbd.logger, or jbd.logsmax instead."); this.logWire = parse(properties, PropertyName.WIRE_CONSOLE, builder.logWire); } else { this.logWire = parse(properties, PropertyName.LOG_WIRE, builder.logWire); } if (properties.get(PropertyName.TRACE_CONSOLE.propertyName) != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.traceconsole setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use jbd.logtrace, jbd.logger, or jbd.logsmax instead."); this.logTrace = parse(properties, PropertyName.TRACE_CONSOLE, builder.logTrace); } else { this.logTrace = parse(properties, PropertyName.LOG_TRACE, builder.logTrace); } if (properties.get(PropertyName.WARN_CONSOLE.propertyName) != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.warnconsole setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use jbd.logwarnings, jbd.logger, or jbd.logsmax instead."); this.logWarnings = parse(properties, PropertyName.WARN_CONSOLE, builder.logWarnings); } else { this.logWarnings = parse(properties, PropertyName.LOG_WARNINGS, builder.logWarnings); } if (properties.get(PropertyName.MAX_LOGS.propertyName) != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.maxlogs setting is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use jbd.logsmax, jbd.logwire, jbd.logtrace, or jbd.logwarnings instead."); this.logsMax = parse(properties, PropertyName.MAX_LOGS, builder.logsMax); } else { this.logsMax = parse(properties, PropertyName.LOGS_MAX, builder.logsMax); } this.logger = parse(properties, PropertyName.LOGGER, builder.logger); if (this.logger == null) { this.loggerLevel = Level.OFF.intValue(); } else { Level curLevel = logger.getLevel(); this.loggerLevel = curLevel == null ? Level.INFO.intValue() : curLevel.intValue(); } this.hostnameVerification = parse(properties, PropertyName.HOSTNAME_VERIFICATION, builder.hostnameVerification); this.javascript = parse(properties, PropertyName.JAVASCRIPT, builder.javascript); this.socketTimeout = parse(properties, PropertyName.SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS, builder.socketTimeout); this.connectTimeout = parse(properties, PropertyName.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS, builder.connectTimeout); this.connectionReqTimeout = parse(properties, PropertyName.CONNECTION_REQ_TIMEOUT_MS, builder.connectionReqTimeout); this.cacheDir = parse(properties, PropertyName.CACHE_DIR, builder.cacheDir); this.userDataDirectory = parse(properties, PropertyName.USER_DATA_DIRECTORY, builder.userDataDirectory); this.csrfRequestToken = parse(properties, PropertyName.CSRF_REQUEST_TOKEN, builder.csrfRequestToken); this.csrfResponseToken = parse(properties, PropertyName.CSRF_RESPONSE_TOKEN, builder.csrfResponseToken); = parse(properties, PropertyName.HOST,; String portRangesTmp = null; int processesTmp = -1; if (properties.get(PropertyName.PORTS.propertyName) == null && properties.get(PropertyName.PORT_RANGES.propertyName) == null && properties.get(PropertyName.PROCESSES.propertyName) == null) { if (builder.processes > -1) { processesTmp = builder.processes; } else { portRangesTmp = builder.portRanges; } } else if (properties.get(PropertyName.PORTS.propertyName) != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.ports property is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Refer to Settings.Builder.processes(..) API documentation."); String portString = properties.get(PropertyName.PORTS.propertyName).toString(); Collection<Long> ports = new LinkedHashSet<Long>(); String[] ranges = portString.split(","); for (String range : ranges) { String[] bounds = range.split("-"); long low = Long.parseLong(bounds[0]); long high = bounds.length > 1 ? Long.parseLong(bounds[1]) : low; for (long j = low; j <= high; j++) { ports.add(j); } } processesTmp = ports.size(); } else if (properties.get(PropertyName.PORT_RANGES.propertyName) != null) { portRangesTmp = properties.get(PropertyName.PORT_RANGES.propertyName).toString(); } else { processesTmp = Integer.parseInt(properties.get(PropertyName.PROCESSES.propertyName).toString()); } if (portRangesTmp == null) { this.portGroups = parsePorts(processesTmp); } else { this.portGroups = parsePorts(portRangesTmp); } //backwards compatible property name for versions <= 0.9.1 boolean headlessTmp = parse(properties, PropertyName.HEADLESS, builder.headless); headlessTmp = System.getProperty(PropertyName.HEADLESS.propertyName) == null && System.getProperty("jbd.browsergui") != null ? !Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("jbd.browsergui")) : headlessTmp; this.headless = headlessTmp; if (System.getProperty("jbd.browsergui") != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.browsergui property is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use jbd.headless property instead."); } //backwards compatible property name for versions <= 0.9.1 String sslTmp = parse(properties, PropertyName.SSL, builder.ssl); sslTmp = System.getProperty(PropertyName.SSL.propertyName) == null && System.getProperty("jbd.pemfile") != null ? System.getProperty("jbd.pemfile") : sslTmp; this.ssl = sslTmp; if (System.getProperty("jbd.pemfile") != null) { System.err.println( "jBrowserDriver: The jbd.pemfile property is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. Use jbd.ssl property instead."); } RequestHeaders requestHeadersTmp = builder.requestHeaders; UserAgent userAgentTmp = builder.userAgent; if (properties.get(PropertyName.USER_AGENT.propertyName) != null) { String value = properties.get(PropertyName.USER_AGENT.propertyName).toString(); if ("tor".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { requestHeadersTmp = RequestHeaders.TOR; userAgentTmp = UserAgent.TOR; } else if ("chrome".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { requestHeadersTmp = RequestHeaders.CHROME; userAgentTmp = UserAgent.CHROME; } } requestHeadersTmp = requestHeadersTmp == null ? defaults.requestHeaders : requestHeadersTmp; userAgentTmp = userAgentTmp == null ? defaults.userAgent : userAgentTmp; this.requestHeaders = requestHeadersTmp; this.userAgentString = userAgentTmp.userAgentString(); ProxyConfig proxyTmp = builder.proxy; if (properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_TYPE.propertyName) != null && properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_HOST.propertyName) != null && properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_PORT.propertyName) != null) { ProxyConfig.Type type = ProxyConfig.Type .valueOf(properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_TYPE.propertyName).toString()); String host = properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_HOST.propertyName).toString(); int port = Integer.parseInt(properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_PORT.propertyName).toString()); String username = parse(properties, PropertyName.PROXY_USERNAME, (String) null); String password = parse(properties, PropertyName.PROXY_PASSWORD, (String) null); Object expectContinue = properties.get(PropertyName.PROXY_EXPECT_CONTINUE.propertyName); if (expectContinue == null) { proxyTmp = new ProxyConfig(type, host, port, username, password); } else { proxyTmp = new ProxyConfig(type, host, port, username, password, Boolean.parseBoolean(expectContinue.toString())); } } this.proxy = proxyTmp; Timezone timezoneTmp = builder.timezone; if (properties.get(PropertyName.TIMEZONE.propertyName) != null) { timezoneTmp = Timezone.byName(properties.get(PropertyName.TIMEZONE.propertyName).toString()); } timezoneTmp = timezoneTmp == null ? defaults.timezone : timezoneTmp; String scriptId = Util.randomPropertyName(); String headScriptTmp = parse(properties, PropertyName.HEAD_SCRIPT, builder.headScript); StringBuilder scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder scriptContentBuilder = new StringBuilder(); scriptBuilder.append("<script id='").append(scriptId).append("' language='javascript'>"); scriptContentBuilder.append("(function(){try{"); scriptContentBuilder.append(userAgentTmp.script()); scriptContentBuilder.append(timezoneTmp.script()); if (headScriptTmp != null) { scriptContentBuilder.append(headScriptTmp); } scriptContentBuilder.append("}catch(e){}})();"); this.scriptContent = scriptContentBuilder.toString(); scriptBuilder.append(this.scriptContent); scriptBuilder.append( "(function(){document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].removeChild(document.getElementById('"); scriptBuilder.append(scriptId); scriptBuilder.append("'));})();"); scriptBuilder.append("</script>"); this.script = scriptBuilder.toString(); } RequestHeaders headers() { return requestHeaders; } int screenWidth() { return screenWidth; } int screenHeight() { return screenHeight; } String userAgentString() { return userAgentString; } ProxyConfig proxy() { return proxy; } boolean saveMedia() { return saveMedia; } boolean saveAttachments() { return saveAttachments; } String script() { return script; } String scriptContent() { return scriptContent; } boolean ignoreDialogs() { return ignoreDialogs; } boolean cache() { return cache; } File cacheDir() { return cacheDir; } int cacheEntries() { return cacheEntries; } long cacheEntrySize() { return cacheEntrySize; } List<PortGroup> portGroups() { return portGroups; } String host() { return host; } boolean headless() { return headless; } long ajaxWait() { return ajaxWait; } long ajaxResourceTimeout() { return ajaxResourceTimeout; } boolean blockAds() { return blockAds; } boolean quickRender() { return quickRender; } int maxRouteConnections() { return maxRouteConnections; } int maxConnections() { return maxConnections; } String ssl() { return ssl; } boolean javascript() { return javascript; } int socketTimeout() { return socketTimeout; } int connectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; } int connectionReqTimeout() { return connectionReqTimeout; } boolean hostnameVerification() { return hostnameVerification; } boolean logWire() { return logWire; } boolean logJavascript() { return logJavascript; } boolean logTrace() { return logTrace; } boolean logWarnings() { return logWarnings; } int logsMax() { return logsMax; } Logger logger() { return logger; } int loggerLevel() { return loggerLevel; } List<String> javaOptions() { return javaOptions; } String javaBinary() { return javaBinary; } boolean customClasspath() { return customClasspath; } boolean javaExportModules() { return javaExportModules; } File userDataDirectory() { return userDataDirectory; } String getCsrfRequestToken() { return csrfRequestToken; } String getCsrfResponseToken() { return csrfResponseToken; } }