Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ package com.luna.showcase.excel.service; import; import; import; import; import com.luna.common.repository.RepositoryHelper; import com.luna.common.service.BaseService; import com.luna.common.utils.FileCharset; import com.luna.maintain.editor.web.controller.utils.CompressUtils; import com.luna.maintain.notification.service.NotificationApi; import com.luna.showcase.excel.entity.ExcelData; import com.luna.showcase.excel.repository.ExcelDataRepository; import com.luna.sys.user.entity.User; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel.HSSFEventFactory; import org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel.HSSFRequest; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.eventusermodel.XSSFReader; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.aop.framework.AopContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Async; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import*; import java.util.*; /** * * <p>Date: 13-2-4 ?3:01 * <p>Version: 1.0 */ @Service public class ExcelDataService extends BaseService<ExcelData, Long> { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExcelDataService.class); private int batchSize = 1000; //?? private int pageSize = 1000;//?? /** * ? ? */ private final int MAX_EXPORT_FILE_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; //10MB private ExcelDataRepository getExcelDataRepository() { return (ExcelDataRepository) baseRepository; } @Autowired private NotificationApi notificationApi; private final String storePath = "upload/excel"; private final String EXPORT_FILENAME_PREFIX = "excel"; public void setNotificationApi(final NotificationApi notificationApi) { this.notificationApi = notificationApi; } @Async public void initOneMillionData(final User user) { ExcelDataService proxy = (ExcelDataService) AopContext.currentProxy(); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); getExcelDataRepository().truncate(); final int ONE_MILLION = 1000000; //100w for (int i = batchSize; i <= ONE_MILLION; i += batchSize) { //?AopContext.currentProxy() task:annotation-drivenproxy proxy.doBatchSave(i - batchSize); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelInitDataSuccess", context); } public void doBatchSave(final int fromId) { for (int i = 1; i <= batchSize; i++) { Long id = Long.valueOf(fromId + i); String content = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; getExcelDataRepository().save(id, content); } } /** * ? ? * @param dataList * @throws Exception */ public void doBatchSave(final List<ExcelData> dataList) throws Exception { for (ExcelData data : dataList) { ExcelData dbData = findOne(data.getId()); if (dbData == null) { getExcelDataRepository().save(data.getId(), data.getContent()); } else { dbData.setContent(data.getContent()); update(dbData); } } } /** * csv? * @param user * @param is */ @Async public void importCvs(final User user, final InputStream is) { ExcelDataService proxy = ((ExcelDataService) AopContext.currentProxy()); BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); String encoding = FileCharset.getCharset(bis); LineIterator iterator = IOUtils.lineIterator(bis, encoding); String separator = ","; int totalSize = 0; //? final List<ExcelData> dataList = Lists.newArrayList(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { iterator.nextLine();// } while (iterator.hasNext()) { totalSize++; String line = iterator.nextLine(); String[] dataArray = StringUtils.split(line, separator); ExcelData data = new ExcelData(); data.setId(Long.valueOf(dataArray[0])); data.setContent(dataArray[1]); dataList.add(data); if (totalSize % batchSize == 0) { try { proxy.doBatchSave(dataList); } catch (Exception e) { Long fromId = dataList.get(0).getId(); Long endId = dataList.get(dataList.size() - 1).getId(); log.error("from " + fromId + " to " + endId + ", error", e); } dataList.clear(); } } if (dataList.size() > 0) { proxy.doBatchSave(dataList); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelImportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("excel import error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelImportError", context); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis); } } /** * excel 2003 biff? * xml? ?SAX * @param user * @param is */ @Async public void importExcel2003(final User user, final InputStream is) { ExcelDataService proxy = ((ExcelDataService) AopContext.currentProxy()); BufferedInputStream bis = null; InputStream dis = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<ExcelData> dataList = Lists.newArrayList(); //? bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); // org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.Filesystem POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(bis); // ? Workbook(excel )? dis = poifs.createDocumentInputStream("Workbook"); // HSSFRequest HSSFRequest req = new HSSFRequest(); // ? req.addListenerForAllRecords(new Excel2003ImportListener(proxy, dataList, batchSize)); // HSSFEventFactory factory = new HSSFEventFactory(); // ??? factory.processEvents(req, dis); //??batchSize? if (dataList.size() > 0) { proxy.doBatchSave(dataList); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelImportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("excel import error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelImportError", context); } finally { // ? IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis); // ? IOUtils.closeQuietly(dis); } } @Async public void importExcel2007(final User user, final InputStream is) { ExcelDataService proxy = ((ExcelDataService) AopContext.currentProxy()); BufferedInputStream bis = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<ExcelData> dataList = Lists.newArrayList(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); OPCPackage pkg =; XSSFReader r = new XSSFReader(pkg); XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); ContentHandler handler = new Excel2007ImportSheetHandler(proxy, dataList, batchSize); parser.setContentHandler(handler); Iterator<InputStream> sheets = r.getSheetsData(); while (sheets.hasNext()) { InputStream sheet = null; try { sheet =; InputSource sheetSource = new InputSource(sheet); parser.parse(sheetSource); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(sheet); } } //??batchSize? if (dataList.size() > 0) { proxy.doBatchSave(dataList); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelImportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("excel import error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelImportError", context); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis); } } @Async public void exportCvs(final User user, final String contextRootPath, final Searchable searchable) { String encoding = "gbk"; int perSheetRows = 60000; //?sheet 6w? int totalRows = 0; String separator = ","; Long maxId = 0L; String fileName = generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, "csv"); File file = new File(fileName); BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); out.write("?,\n".getBytes(encoding)); while (true) { totalRows = 0; Page<ExcelData> page = null; do { searchable.setPage(0, pageSize); // if (!searchable.containsSearchKey("id_in")) { searchable.addSearchFilter("id",, maxId); } page = findAll(searchable); for (ExcelData data : page.getContent()) { out.write(String.valueOf(data.getId()).getBytes(encoding)); out.write(separator.getBytes(encoding)); out.write((data.getContent()).replace(separator, ";").getBytes(encoding)); out.write("\n".getBytes(encoding)); maxId = Math.max(maxId, data.getId()); totalRows++; } //clear entity manager RepositoryHelper.clear(); } while (page.hasNextPage() && totalRows <= perSheetRows); if (!page.hasNextPage()) { break; } } IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); if (needCompress(file)) { fileName = compressAndDeleteOriginal(fileName); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); context.put("url", fileName.replace(contextRootPath, "")); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); log.error("excel export error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportError", context); } } /** * workbook * 1?vbs ? * 2?c#?? * ? ????office 2007 ? * @param user * @param contextRootPath * @param searchable */ @Async public void exportExcel2003WithOneSheetPerWorkBook(final User user, final String contextRootPath, final Searchable searchable) { int workbookCount = 0; List<String> workbookFileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); int perSheetRows = 60000; //?sheet 6w? int totalRows = 0; String extension = "xls"; int pageSize = 1000; Long maxId = 0L; BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { workbookCount++; String fileName = generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, workbookCount, extension); workbookFileNames.add(fileName); File file = new File(fileName); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); Cell idHeaderCell = headerRow.createCell(0); idHeaderCell.setCellValue("?"); Cell contentHeaderCell = headerRow.createCell(1); contentHeaderCell.setCellValue(""); totalRows = 1; Page<ExcelData> page = null; do { searchable.setPage(0, pageSize); // if (!searchable.containsSearchKey("id_in")) { searchable.addSearchFilter("id",, maxId); } page = findAll(searchable); for (ExcelData data : page.getContent()) { Row row = sheet.createRow(totalRows); Cell idCell = row.createCell(0); idCell.setCellValue(data.getId()); Cell contentCell = row.createCell(1); contentCell.setCellValue(data.getContent()); maxId = Math.max(maxId, data.getId()); totalRows++; } //clear entity manager RepositoryHelper.clear(); } while (page.hasNextPage() && totalRows <= perSheetRows); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); wb.write(out); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); if (!page.hasNextPage()) { break; } } String fileName = workbookFileNames.get(0); if (workbookCount > 1 || needCompress(new File(fileName))) { fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("_")) + ".zip"; // compressAndDeleteOriginal(fileName, workbookFileNames.toArray(new String[0])); } else { String newFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("_")) + "." + extension; FileUtils.moveFile(new File(fileName), new File(newFileName)); fileName = newFileName; } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); context.put("url", fileName.replace(contextRootPath, "")); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); log.error("excel export error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportError", context); } } /** * excel 2003 * 1????XML * 2??????excel??????? * 3????testExportExcel2003_3 * <p/> * ? * <p/> * ?html??sheet * @param user * @param contextRootPath * @param searchable */ @Async public void exportExcel2003WithXml(final User user, final String contextRootPath, final Searchable searchable) { int perSheetRows = 60000; //?sheet 6w? int totalSheets = 0; int totalRows = 0; Long maxId = 0L; String templateEncoding = "utf-8"; String fileName = generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, "xls"); File file = new File(fileName); BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String workBookHeader = IOUtils .toString(ExcelDataService.class.getResourceAsStream("excel_2003_xml_workbook_header.txt")); String workBookFooter = IOUtils .toString(ExcelDataService.class.getResourceAsStream("excel_2003_xml_workbook_footer.txt")); String sheetHeader = IOUtils .toString(ExcelDataService.class.getResourceAsStream("excel_2003_xml_sheet_header.txt")); String sheetFooter = IOUtils .toString(ExcelDataService.class.getResourceAsStream("excel_2003_xml_sheet_footer.txt")); String rowTemplate = IOUtils .toString(ExcelDataService.class.getResourceAsStream("excel_2003_xml_row.txt")); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); out.write(workBookHeader.getBytes(templateEncoding)); while (true) { totalSheets++; out.write(sheetHeader.replace("{sheetName}", "Sheet" + totalSheets).getBytes(templateEncoding)); Page<ExcelData> page = null; totalRows = 1; do { searchable.setPage(0, pageSize); // if (!searchable.containsSearchKey("id_in")) { searchable.addSearchFilter("id",, maxId); } page = findAll(searchable); for (ExcelData data : page.getContent()) { out.write(rowTemplate.replace("{id}", String.valueOf(data.getId())) .replace("{content}", data.getContent()).getBytes(templateEncoding)); maxId = Math.max(maxId, data.getId()); totalRows++; } //clear entity manager RepositoryHelper.clear(); } while (page.hasNextPage() && totalRows <= perSheetRows); out.write(sheetFooter.getBytes(templateEncoding)); if (!page.hasNextPage()) { break; } } out.write(workBookFooter.getBytes(templateEncoding)); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); if (needCompress(file)) { fileName = compressAndDeleteOriginal(fileName); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); context.put("url", fileName.replace(contextRootPath, "")); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); log.error("excel export error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportError", context); } } /** * excel 2003 * ???? * ?sheet65536(usermodel? ?flush ????) * @param user * @param contextRootPath * @param searchable */ @Async public void exportExcel2003WithUsermodel(final User user, final String contextRootPath, final Searchable searchable) { int perSheetRows = 60000; //?sheet 6w? int totalRows = 0; Long maxId = 0L; String fileName = generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, "xls"); File file = new File(fileName); BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); while (true) { Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); Cell idHeaderCell = headerRow.createCell(0); idHeaderCell.setCellValue("?"); Cell contentHeaderCell = headerRow.createCell(1); contentHeaderCell.setCellValue(""); totalRows = 1; Page<ExcelData> page = null; do { searchable.setPage(0, pageSize); // if (!searchable.containsSearchKey("id_in")) { searchable.addSearchFilter("id",, maxId); } page = findAll(searchable); for (ExcelData data : page.getContent()) { Row row = sheet.createRow(totalRows); Cell idCell = row.createCell(0); idCell.setCellValue(data.getId()); Cell contentCell = row.createCell(1); contentCell.setCellValue(data.getContent()); maxId = Math.max(maxId, data.getId()); totalRows++; } //clear entity manager RepositoryHelper.clear(); } while (page.hasNextPage() && totalRows <= perSheetRows); if (!page.hasNextPage()) { break; } } out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); wb.write(out); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); if (needCompress(file)) { fileName = compressAndDeleteOriginal(fileName); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); context.put("url", fileName.replace(contextRootPath, "")); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); log.error("excel export error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportError", context); } } /** * ??? * excel 2007 ?sheet1048576 * @param user * @param contextRootPath * @param searchable */ @Async public void exportExcel2007(final User user, final String contextRootPath, final Searchable searchable) { int rowAccessWindowSize = 1000; //??? int perSheetRows = 100000; //?sheet 10w? int totalRows = 0; // Long maxId = 0L;//??id String fileName = generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, "xlsx"); File file = new File(fileName); BufferedOutputStream out = null; SXSSFWorkbook wb = null; try { long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(rowAccessWindowSize); wb.setCompressTempFiles(true);//?gzip while (true) { Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); Cell idHeaderCell = headerRow.createCell(0); idHeaderCell.setCellValue("?"); Cell contentHeaderCell = headerRow.createCell(1); contentHeaderCell.setCellValue(""); totalRows = 1; Page<ExcelData> page = null; do { searchable.setPage(0, pageSize); // if (!searchable.containsSearchKey("id_in")) { searchable.addSearchFilter("id",, maxId); } page = findAll(searchable); for (ExcelData data : page.getContent()) { Row row = sheet.createRow(totalRows); Cell idCell = row.createCell(0); idCell.setCellValue(data.getId()); Cell contentCell = row.createCell(1); contentCell.setCellValue(data.getContent()); maxId = Math.max(maxId, data.getId()); totalRows++; } //clear entity manager RepositoryHelper.clear(); } while (page.hasNextPage() && totalRows <= perSheetRows); if (!page.hasNextPage()) { break; } } out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); wb.write(out); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); if (needCompress(file)) { fileName = compressAndDeleteOriginal(fileName); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("seconds", (endTime - beginTime) / 1000); context.put("url", fileName.replace(contextRootPath, "")); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportSuccess", context); } catch (Exception e) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); log.error("excel export error", e); Map<String, Object> context = Maps.newHashMap(); context.put("error", e.getMessage()); notificationApi.notify(user.getId(), "excelExportError", context); } finally { // ? wb.dispose(); } } private String compressAndDeleteOriginal(final String filename) { String newFileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(filename) + ".zip"; compressAndDeleteOriginal(newFileName, filename); return newFileName; } private void compressAndDeleteOriginal(final String newFileName, final String... needCompressFilenames) {, needCompressFilenames); for (String needCompressFilename : needCompressFilenames) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(needCompressFilename)); } } private boolean needCompress(final File file) { return file.length() > MAX_EXPORT_FILE_SIZE; } /** * ???? * @param user * @param contextRootPath * @param extension * @return */ private String generateFilename(final User user, final String contextRootPath, final String extension) { return generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, null, extension); } private String generateFilename(final User user, final String contextRootPath, Integer index, final String extension) { String path = FilenameUtils.concat(contextRootPath, storePath); path = FilenameUtils.concat(path, user.getUsername()); path = FilenameUtils.concat(path, EXPORT_FILENAME_PREFIX + "_" + DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS") + (index != null ? ("_" + index) : "") + "." + extension); File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if (!parentFile.exists()) { parentFile.mkdirs(); } return path; } return generateFilename(user, contextRootPath, extension); } }