Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * graphical instruments for Android.
 * <br>Copyright 2009 Ian Cameron Smith
 * <p>These classes provide input and display functions for creating on-screen
 * instruments of various kinds in Android apps.
 * <p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation (see COPYING).
 * <p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

/**Updates under Apache 2.0 Licence
 * Updated by Alexander Stone for the Lucid Dreaming App May 2011


import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

import com.luciddreamingapp.beta.util.DataManagerObserver;
import com.luciddreamingapp.beta.util.SleepDataManager;
import com.luciddreamingapp.beta.util.SleepDataPoint;

 * An {@link Instrument} which analyses an audio stream in various ways.
 * <p>To use this class, your application must have permission RECORD_AUDIO.
public class SimpleAudioAnalyser extends Instrument implements DataManagerObserver {

    DescriptiveStatistics statSound;
    DescriptiveStatistics statPower;
    private static final boolean D = false; //debug

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Constructor.
    // ******************************************************************** //

     * Create a WindMeter instance.
      * @param   parent          Parent surface.
    public SimpleAudioAnalyser() {

        //   parentSurface = parent;

        audioReader = new AudioReader();
        statSound = new DescriptiveStatistics(60);
        statPower = new DescriptiveStatistics(60);

        // spectrumAnalyser = new FFTTransformer(inputBlockSize, windowFunction);

        biasRange = new float[2];

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Configuration.
    // ******************************************************************** //

     * Set the sample rate for this instrument.
     * @param   rate        The desired rate, in samples/sec.
    public void setSampleRate(int rate) {
        sampleRate = rate;


     * Set the input block size for this instrument.
     * @param   size        The desired block size, in samples.  Typical
     *                      values would be 256, 512, or 1024.  Larger block
     *                      sizes will mean more work to analyse the spectrum.
    public void setBlockSize(int size) {
        inputBlockSize = size;

        // spectrumAnalyser = new FFTTransformer(inputBlockSize, windowFunction);

        // Allocate the spectrum data.


     * Set the decimation rate for this instrument.
     * @param   rate        The desired decimation.  Only 1 in rate blocks
     *                      will actually be processed.
    public void setDecimation(int rate) {
        sampleDecimate = rate;

     * Set the histogram averaging window for this instrument.
     * @param   len         The averaging interval.  1 means no averaging.
    public void setAverageLen(int len) {
        historyLen = len;

        // Set up the history buffer.


    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Run Control.
    // ******************************************************************** //

     * The application is starting.  Perform any initial set-up prior to
     * starting the application.  We may not have a screen size yet,
     * so this is not a good place to allocate resources which depend on
     * that.
    public void appStart() {

     * We are starting the main run; start measurements.
    public void measureStart() {
        audioProcessed = audioSequence = 0;
        readError = AudioReader.Listener.ERR_OK;

        audioReader.startReader(sampleRate, inputBlockSize * sampleDecimate, new AudioReader.Listener() {
            public final void onReadComplete(short[] buffer) {

            public void onReadError(int error) {

     * We are stopping / pausing the run; stop measurements.
    public void measureStop() {

     * The application is closing down.  Clean up any resources.
    public void appStop() {

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Audio Processing.
    // ******************************************************************** //

     * Handle audio input.  This is called on the thread of the audio
     * reader.
     * @param   buffer      Audio data that was just read.
    private final void receiveAudio(short[] buffer) {
        // Lock to protect updates to these local variables.  See run().
        synchronized (this) {
            audioData = buffer;

     * An error has occurred.  The reader has been terminated.
     * @param   error       ERR_XXX code describing the error.
    private void handleError(int error) {
        synchronized (this) {
            readError = error;

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Main Loop.
    // ******************************************************************** //

     * Update the state of the instrument for the current frame.
     * This method must be invoked from the doUpdate() method of the
     * application's {@link SurfaceRunner}.
     * <p>Since this is called frequently, we first check whether new
     * audio data has actually arrived.
     * @param   now         Nominal time of the current frame in ms.
    public final void doUpdate(long now) {
        short[] buffer = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (audioData != null && audioSequence > audioProcessed) {
                //parentSurface.statsCount(1, (int) (audioSequence - audioProcessed - 1));
                audioProcessed = audioSequence;
                buffer = audioData;

        // If we got data, process it without the lock.
        if (buffer != null)

        if (readError != AudioReader.Listener.ERR_OK)

     * Handle audio input.  This is called on the thread of the
     * parent surface.
     * @param   buffer      Audio data that was just read.
    private final void processAudio(short[] buffer) {
        // Process the buffer.  While reading it, it needs to be locked.
        synchronized (buffer) {
            // Calculate the power now, while we have the input
            // buffer; this is pretty cheap.
            final int len = buffer.length;

            SignalPower.biasAndRange(buffer, len - inputBlockSize, inputBlockSize, biasRange);
            double power = SignalPower.calculatePowerDb(buffer, 0, len);
            if (power > 0) {
                power = 0;
            } else if (power < -100) {
                power = -100;
            } else if (power == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                power = -100;

            //flip the DB reading to make it make more sense

            float range = biasRange[1];

            //add range - bias to estimate the sound intensity
            statSound.addValue(range - biasRange[0]);

            // Tell the reader we're done with the buffer.


     * Handle an audio input error.
     * @param   error       ERR_XXX code describing the error.
    private final void processError(int error) {
        if (D)
            Log.e(TAG, "process ERROR");

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Save and Restore.
    // ******************************************************************** //

     * Save the state of the game in the provided Bundle.
     * @param   icicle      The Bundle in which we should save our state.
    protected void saveState(Bundle icicle) {
        //      gameTable.saveState(icicle);

     * Restore the game state from the given Bundle.
     * @param   icicle      The Bundle containing the saved state.
    protected void restoreState(Bundle icicle) {
        //      gameTable.pause();
        //      gameTable.restoreState(icicle);

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Class Data.
    // ******************************************************************** //

    // Debugging tag.
    private static final String TAG = "instrument";

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Private Data.
    // ******************************************************************** //

    // Our parent surface.
    //    private SurfaceRunner parentSurface;

    // The desired sampling rate for this analyser, in samples/sec.
    private int sampleRate = 8000;

    // Audio input block size, in samples.
    private int inputBlockSize = 1024;

    // The selected windowing function.
    // private Window.Function windowFunction = Window.Function.BLACKMAN_HARRIS;

    // The desired decimation rate for this analyser.  Only 1 in
    // sampleDecimate blocks will actually be processed.
    private int sampleDecimate = 1;

    // The desired histogram averaging window.  1 means no averaging.
    private int historyLen = 4;

    // Our audio input device.
    private final AudioReader audioReader;

    // Fourier Transform calculator we use for calculating the spectrum.
    //    private FFTTransformer spectrumAnalyser;

    // The gauges associated with this instrument.  Any may be null if not
    // in use.
    //    private WaveformGauge waveformGauge = null;
    //    private SpectrumGauge spectrumGauge = null;
    //    private PowerGauge powerGauge = null;

    // Buffered audio data, and sequence number of the latest block.
    private short[] audioData;
    private long audioSequence = 0;

    // If we got a read error, the error code.
    private int readError = AudioReader.Listener.ERR_OK;

    // Sequence number of the last block we processed.
    private long audioProcessed = 0;

    // Temp. buffer for calculated bias and range.
    private float[] biasRange = null;

    public void dataPointAdded(SleepDataPoint epoch) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (D) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Sound level: " + statSound.getSum());
            Log.e(TAG, "Sound level Kurtosis" + statSound.getKurtosis());
            Log.e(TAG, "Signal power: " + statPower.getSum());
            Log.e(TAG, "Signal power Kurt: " + statPower.getKurtosis());


        //update the epoch with the latest sound levels
        epoch.setAudioLevel((int) statSound.getSum());
        epoch.setAudioLevelKurtosis((int) statSound.getKurtosis());
        epoch.setAudioPower((int) statPower.getSum());
        epoch.setAudioPowerKurtosis((int) statPower.getKurtosis());

    public void dataPointUpdated(SleepDataPoint epoch) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void listUpdated(String innerHTML) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void graphUpdated(JSONObject graphData) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void dataReset() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

