Java tutorial
package com.logicmonitor.ft.jxmtop; import com.logicmonitor.ft.jmx.jmxman.*; import jcurses.widgets.Label; import jcurses.widgets.Window; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import java.awt.*; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import jcurses.system.InputChar; import jcurses.widgets.*; import jcurses.system.Toolkit; import static java.lang.System.exit; /** * Created by vincent on 14-10-16. */ public class JMXTopMain { public static void main(String[] args) { RunParameter runParameter = ARGSAnalyser(args); if (!runParameter.isValid()) { System.out.println(runParameter.getValidInfo()); System.out.println("<Please check your arguments>"); exit(-1); } try { JMXMan jmxman = new JMXMan(runParameter.getSurl(), runParameter.getUsername(), runParameter.getPassword(), runParameter.getTimeout()); jmxman.init(runParameter); topJMXValues(jmxman, runParameter); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Fail to connect to process, check the surl,username and password"); e.printStackTrace(); exit(-1); } } private static void topJMXValues(JMXMan jmxMan, RunParameter runParameter) { // use for general info JVMGeneral jvmGeneral = new JVMGeneral(); List<String> generalPaths = jvmGeneral.getJVMGeneralPaths(); List<String> memoryPoolUsed = jvmGeneral.getAllMemoryPoolUsed(jmxMan); List<String> memmoryPoolCommitted = jvmGeneral.getAllMemoryPoolCommitted(jmxMan); List<String> memoryPoolNames = jmxMan.getIndexValues(jvmGeneral.getMemoryPoolUsed(), jvmGeneral.getMemoryPoolCommitted()); int generalInfoCounts = 5 + memoryPoolNames.size(); int maxMemoryPoolNameLength = 0; for (String memoryPoolName : memoryPoolNames) { maxMemoryPoolNameLength = maxMemoryPoolNameLength > memoryPoolName.length() ? maxMemoryPoolNameLength : memoryPoolName.length(); } // use for user path int maxPathLength = 0; List<JMXFullPath> fullPaths = jmxMan.getJmxFullPaths(); if (jmxMan.hasFullPath()) { int pathsNumb = fullPaths.size(); for (JMXFullPath fullPath : fullPaths) { if (runParameter.isShowAliasTitle()) { maxPathLength = fullPath.getAlias().length() > maxPathLength ? fullPath.getAlias().length() : maxPathLength; } else { maxPathLength = fullPath.getPath().length() > maxPathLength ? fullPath.getPath().length() : maxPathLength; } } } String[] companyInfo = new String[] { " JMXTop was created by LogicMonitor under the BSD3 License.", "", " To learn more about LogicMonitor and its automated IT Infrastructure Performance Monitoring Platform, visit", " For the latest updates, versions and configuration files, please visit our page on GitHub at" }; try { int pathsNumb = fullPaths.size(); Label valuesLabels[] = new Label[pathsNumb]; Label companyInfoLabels[] = new Label[companyInfo.length]; Label jvmGenLabels[] = new Label[generalInfoCounts]; long lastCPUTime = Long.valueOf(jmxMan.getValue(jvmGeneral.getCpuUsage())); List<String> lastValues = jmxMan.getValues(); long lastSystemTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int duration = runParameter.getInterval() * 1000; DefaultLayoutManager mgr = new DefaultLayoutManager(); JMXWindow preWindow = null, window = null; while (true) { window = new JMXWindow(0, 0, 1000, 100, false, ""); window.setShadow(false); window.addClosingChar(new InputChar(JMXWindow.KEY_CTRL_C)); window.addClosingChar(new InputChar(JMXWindow.KEY_LOW_Q)); window.moveToTheTop(); mgr.bindToContainer(window.getRootPanel()); // show company info int startLine = 0; for (int i = 0; i < companyInfo.length; i++) { companyInfoLabels[i] = new Label(companyInfo[i]); mgr.addWidget(companyInfoLabels[i], 0, startLine, companyInfo[i].length(), 20, WidgetsConstants.ALIGNMENT_TOP, WidgetsConstants.ALIGNMENT_LEFT); startLine++; } // show general info List<String> generalValues = jmxMan.getValues(generalPaths); List<String> memoryPoolUsedValues = jmxMan.getValues(memoryPoolUsed); List<String> memoryPoolCommittedValues = jmxMan.getValues(memmoryPoolCommitted); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Long upTime = Long.valueOf(generalValues.get(0)); int nHours = (int) (upTime / 3600); int nMinis = (int) (upTime - nHours * 3600) / 60; int nSeconds = (int) (upTime - nHours * 3600 - nMinis * 60); String upTimeString = "" + nSeconds + "s"; if (nHours != 0) { upTimeString = "" + nHours + "h " + nMinis + "m " + upTimeString; } else if (nMinis != 0) { upTimeString = "" + nMinis + "m " + upTimeString; } int maxGeneralInfoLength = 0; String topString = " JMXtop - " + df.format(new Date()) + " UP " + upTime + " da " + nHours; maxGeneralInfoLength = topString.length() > maxGeneralInfoLength ? topString.length() : maxGeneralInfoLength; String threadsInfo = " Thread: " + generalValues.get(1) + " live, " + generalValues.get(2) + " peak, " + generalValues.get(3) + " daemon, " + generalValues.get(4) + " total"; maxGeneralInfoLength = threadsInfo.length() > maxGeneralInfoLength ? threadsInfo.length() : maxGeneralInfoLength; long cpuProcessTime = Long.valueOf(generalValues.get(5)); long cur_Time = System.currentTimeMillis(); float cpuUsage = (float) ((cpuProcessTime - lastCPUTime) / (1000000.0 * (cur_Time - lastSystemTime) * Integer.valueOf(generalValues.get(6)))); String cpuInfo = String.format(" CPU: %.3fs, %.2f%% usage", (float) cpuProcessTime / 1000000000, cpuUsage * 100); maxGeneralInfoLength = cpuInfo.length() > maxGeneralInfoLength ? cpuInfo.length() : maxGeneralInfoLength; lastSystemTime = cur_Time; lastCPUTime = cpuProcessTime; long heapUsed = Long.valueOf(generalValues.get(7)) / 1024; long heapCommitted = Long.valueOf(generalValues.get(8)) / 1024; Long nonHeapUsed = Long.valueOf(generalValues.get(9)) / 1024; Long nonHeapCommitted = Long.valueOf(generalValues.get(10)) / 1024; String heapMemInfo = String.format(" %s : %10dKB used, %10dKB committed, %02.2f%% usage", alignString("Heap", maxMemoryPoolNameLength), heapUsed, heapCommitted, (float) heapUsed * 100 / heapCommitted); String nonHeapMemInfo = String.format(" %s : %10dKB used, %10dKB committed, %02.2f%% usage", alignString("NonHeap", maxMemoryPoolNameLength), nonHeapUsed, nonHeapCommitted, (float) nonHeapUsed * 100 / nonHeapCommitted); maxGeneralInfoLength = heapMemInfo.length() > maxGeneralInfoLength ? heapMemInfo.length() : maxGeneralInfoLength; maxGeneralInfoLength = nonHeapMemInfo.length() > maxGeneralInfoLength ? nonHeapMemInfo.length() : maxGeneralInfoLength; jvmGenLabels[0] = new Label(" JMXtop - " + df.format(new Date()) + " up " + upTimeString); jvmGenLabels[1] = new Label(threadsInfo); jvmGenLabels[2] = new Label(cpuInfo); jvmGenLabels[3] = new Label(heapMemInfo); jvmGenLabels[4] = new Label(nonHeapMemInfo); // memoryPoolUsedValues for (int i = 0; i < memoryPoolNames.size(); i++) { Long used = Long.valueOf(memoryPoolUsedValues.get(i)) / 1024; Long commited = Long.valueOf(memoryPoolCommittedValues.get(i)) / 1024; jvmGenLabels[i + 5] = new Label( String.format(" %s : %10dKB used, %10dKB committed, %02.2f%% usage", alignString(memoryPoolNames.get(i).toString(), maxMemoryPoolNameLength), used, commited, (float) used * 100 / commited)); } startLine++; for (int i = 0; i < generalInfoCounts; i++) { mgr.addWidget(jvmGenLabels[i], 0, startLine, maxGeneralInfoLength, 20, WidgetsConstants.ALIGNMENT_TOP, WidgetsConstants.ALIGNMENT_LEFT); startLine++; } // show user jmx path startLine++; int startId = 0, endId = 0; if (!fullPaths.isEmpty()) { List<String> curValuesOfFullPaths = jmxMan.getValues(); // support page down and up int pageSize = Math.max(window.getHeight() - startLine - 1, 1); int pageNum = JMXWindow.getPageNum(); if (pageNum * pageSize >= curValuesOfFullPaths.size()) { pageNum = Math.max((curValuesOfFullPaths.size() - 1) / pageSize, 0); JMXWindow.setPageNum(pageNum); } startId = pageNum * pageSize; endId = Math.min(curValuesOfFullPaths.size(), (pageNum + 1) * pageSize); for (int i = startId; i < endId; i++) { String curValue; if (fullPaths.get(i).isCounter()) { long rst = Long.valueOf(curValuesOfFullPaths.get(i)) - Long.valueOf(lastValues.get(i)); curValue = "" + rst; } else { curValue = curValuesOfFullPaths.get(i); } if (fullPaths.get(i).getOperator() != null && fullPaths.get(i).getScale() != 0) { String opt = fullPaths.get(i).getOperator(); int scale = fullPaths.get(i).getScale(); long v = Long.valueOf(curValue); if (opt.equals("+")) { v += scale; } else if (opt.equals("-")) { v -= scale; } else if (opt.equals("*")) { v *= scale; } else if (opt.equals("/")) { v /= scale; } else { } curValue = String.valueOf(v); } if (fullPaths.get(i).getUnit() != null) curValue = curValue + fullPaths.get(i).getUnit(); String tmp = ""; if (runParameter.isShowAliasTitle()) { tmp = String.format(" %s\t\t%s", alignString(fullPaths.get(i).getAlias(), maxPathLength), curValue); } else { tmp = String.format(" %s\t\t%s", alignString(fullPaths.get(i).getPath(), maxPathLength), curValue); } valuesLabels[i] = new Label(tmp); mgr.addWidget(valuesLabels[i], 0, startLine, tmp.length(), 20, WidgetsConstants.ALIGNMENT_TOP, WidgetsConstants.ALIGNMENT_LEFT); startLine++; } lastValues = curValuesOfFullPaths; }; if (preWindow != null) { preWindow.close(); } preWindow = window; try { Thread.sleep(duration); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < companyInfo.length; i++) { mgr.removeWidget(companyInfoLabels[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < generalInfoCounts; i++) { mgr.removeWidget(jvmGenLabels[i]); } for (int i = startId; i < endId; i++) { mgr.removeWidget(valuesLabels[i]); } if (window.isClosed()) { System.out.println("Window is closed!"); exit(-1); } mgr.unbindFromContainer(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static String alignString(String inString, int length) { if (inString == null || inString.isEmpty()) inString = ""; if (inString.length() > length) return inString; int spaceNeededNum = length - inString.length(); for (int i = 0; i < spaceNeededNum; i++) { inString += " "; } assert (inString.length() == length); return inString; } /** * @param args : arguments array * @return Run Parameter */ private static RunParameter ARGSAnalyser(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(new Option("h", "help", false, "show this help message")) .addOption(new Option("u", true, "User name for remote process")) .addOption(new Option("p", true, "Password for remote process")) .addOption(new Option("f", true, "Path to the configure file")) .addOption(new Option("i", true, "Interval between two scan tasks, unit is second")) .addOption(new Option("a", false, "Show alias names instead of jmx paths")); CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); RunParameter runParameter = new RunParameter(); ArrayList<JMXInPath> inputtedPaths = new ArrayList<JMXInPath>(); try { CommandLine cli = parser.parse(options, args); if (args.length == 0 || cli.hasOption('h')) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("jmxtop jmxURL [jmx path lists]", "To view statuses of jmx paths:", options, "[Use 'Esc' or 'q' or 'Ctrl-c' to exit top console]\n[Use Key UP and Key DOWN to change pages]\n@Support by LogicMonitor", true); exit(0); } runParameter.setValid(true); if (cli.hasOption('a')) { runParameter.setShowAliasTitle(true); } if (cli.hasOption('f')) { List<JMXInPath> paths_from_file = getPathsFromFile(cli.getOptionValue('f')); inputtedPaths.addAll(paths_from_file); } if (cli.hasOption('u')) { runParameter.setUsername(cli.getOptionValue('u')); } if (cli.hasOption('p')) { runParameter.setPassword(cli.getOptionValue('p')); } if (cli.hasOption('i')) { try { int interval = Integer.valueOf(cli.getOptionValue('i')); if (interval < 0) System.err.println("The interval value is negative! Using default set!"); else { runParameter.setInterval(interval); } } catch (Exception e) { runParameter.setValid(false); runParameter.setValidInfo( runParameter.getValidInfo() + "Argument after <-i> should be an integer\n"); } } List<String> others = cli.getArgList(); boolean jmxurl_found = false; for (String other : others) { if (other.toLowerCase().startsWith("service:jmx:")) { if (jmxurl_found) { runParameter.setValid(false); runParameter.setValidInfo(runParameter.getValidInfo() + "multiple jmxurl found\n"); return runParameter; } else { jmxurl_found = true; runParameter.setSurl(other.toLowerCase()); } } else { inputtedPaths.add(new JMXInPath(other)); } } if (!jmxurl_found) { runParameter.setValid(false); runParameter.setValidInfo(runParameter.getValidInfo() + "No jmxurl found. The jmxurl should start with \"service:jmx:\" \n"); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); runParameter.setValid(false); runParameter.setValidInfo(runParameter.getValidInfo() + "Exception caught while parse arguments!\n"); } if (inputtedPaths.isEmpty()) { runParameter.setValid(false); runParameter.setValidInfo(runParameter.getValidInfo() + "No jmx paths inputted"); } else { runParameter.setPaths(inputtedPaths); } return runParameter; } /** * Get the paths from the configure file * @param filePath path to the configure file * @return JMX in paths */ private static List<JMXInPath> getPathsFromFile(String filePath) { ArrayList<JMXInPath> pathsFromFile = new ArrayList<JMXInPath>(); String strFromFile = FileHelper.loadFileIntoString(filePath); if (strFromFile == null || strFromFile.isEmpty()) return pathsFromFile; JSONObject confJSON = JSONObject.fromObject(strFromFile); // TODO: the usage of version # String confVersion = confJSON.optString("version"); JSONArray pathArrays = confJSON.optJSONArray("paths"); if (pathArrays == null || pathArrays.isEmpty()) return pathsFromFile; for (Object ob : pathArrays) { JSONObject pathStrJSON = JSONObject.fromObject(ob); JMXInPath inPath = new JMXInPath(pathStrJSON.optString("path", null), pathStrJSON.optString("alias", null)); String opt = pathStrJSON.optString("operate", null); int scale = pathStrJSON.optInt("scale", 0); String unit = pathStrJSON.optString("unit", null); if (unit != null) inPath.setUnit(unit); if (opt != null && !opt.isEmpty() && scale != 0) { inPath.setOperator(opt); inPath.setScale(scale); } pathsFromFile.add(inPath); } return pathsFromFile; } }