Java tutorial
//C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- Java DjVu (r) (v. 0.8) //C- Copyright (c) 2004-2005 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- Java DjVu is protected by U.S. Pat. No.C- 6,058,214 and patents //C- pending. //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at . //C- //C- The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- modifications or combinations. //C- //C- The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- //C- In addition, as a special exception, LizardTech Inc. gives permission //C- to link the code of this program with the proprietary Java //C- implementation provided by Sun (or other vendors as well), and //C- distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the //C- GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used //C- other than the proprietary Java implementation. If you modify this //C- file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but //C- you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete //C- this exception statement from your version. //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- Developed by Bill C. Riemers, Foxtrot Technologies Inc. as work for //C- hire under US copyright laws. //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- // package com.lizardtech.djvu; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class represents 24 bit color image maps. * * @author Bill C. Riemers * @version $ $ */ public class GPixmap extends GMap implements Pixmap { //~ Static fields/initializers --------------------------------------------- /** Indentity color correction table. */ protected final static int[] ctableI = new int[256]; /** Cached color correction table. */ protected static int[] ctable = new int[256]; /** * The color correction subsample for the cached color table. */ protected static double lgamma = -1D; /** Used for attenuation */ protected final static int[][] multiplierRefArray = new int[256][]; /** * Static initializers. */ static { for (int i = 0; i < ctableI.length; i++) { ctableI[i] = i; } } //~ Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new GPixmap object. */ public GPixmap() { super(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, 0, 1, 2, false); } //~ Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void putData(Context2d target) { target.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } /** * Fill the array with color correction constants. * * @param gamma color correction subsample * * @return the new color correction table */ private static synchronized int[] getColorCorrection(double gamma) { if ((gamma < 0.10000000000000001D) || (gamma > 10D)) { DjVuOptions.err.println("(GPixmap::color_correct) Illegal parameter"); } int[] retval; if ((gamma < 1.0009999999999999D) && (gamma > 0.999D)) { retval = ctableI; } else { if (gamma != lgamma) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { double x = i / 255D; if (DjVuOptions.BEZIERGAMMA) { double t = (Math.sqrt(1.0D + (((gamma * gamma) - 1.0D) * x)) - 1.0D) / (gamma - 1.0D); x = ((((1.0D - gamma) * t) + (2D * gamma)) * t) / (gamma + 1.0D); } else { x = Math.pow(x, 1.0D / gamma); } ctable[i] = (int) Math.floor((255D * x) + 0.5D); } lgamma = gamma; } retval = ctable; } return retval; } /** * Creates or retrieves a cached multiplier array to use when attenuating. * * @return attenuation array */ protected static int[] getMultiplier(final int maxgray) { int[] retval = multiplierRefArray[maxgray]; if (retval == null) { retval = new int[maxgray]; for (int i = 0; i < maxgray; i++) { retval[i] = 0x10000 - ((i << 16) / maxgray); } multiplierRefArray[maxgray] = retval; } return retval; } /** * Attenuate the specified bitmap. * * @param bm Bitmap to attenuate */ public void attenuate(final GBitmap bm) { // Check // Compute number of rows and columns int xrows = Math.min(bm.rows(), rows()); int xcolumns = Math.min(bm.columns(), columns()); if ((xrows <= 0) || (xcolumns <= 0)) { return; } // Precompute multiplier map final int maxgray = bm.getGrays() - 1; final int[] multiplier = getMultiplier(maxgray); // Compute starting point int src = bm.rowOffset(0); int dst = rowOffset(0); final GPixelReference dstPixel = createGPixelReference(0); // Loop over rows for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++) { // Loop over columns dstPixel.setOffset(dst); for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; dstPixel.incOffset()) { int srcpix = bm.getByteAt(src + (x++)); // Perform pixel operation if (srcpix > 0) { if (srcpix >= maxgray) { dstPixel.setGray(0); } else { final int level = multiplier[srcpix]; dstPixel.setBGR((dstPixel.getBlue() * level) >> 16, (dstPixel.getGreen() * level) >> 16, (dstPixel.getRed() * level) >> 16); } } } // Next line dst += getRowSize(); src += bm.getRowSize(); } } /** * Insert the specified bitmap with the specified color. * * @param bm bitmap to insert * @param xpos horizontal position * @param ypos vertical position * @param color color to insert bitmap with */ public void blit(final GBitmap bm, int xpos, int ypos, final GPixel color) { // Check if (color == null || bm == null) { return; } // Compute number of rows and columns int xrows = Math.min(ypos + bm.rows(), rows()); if (ypos > 0) { xrows -= ypos; } int xcolumns = Math.min(xpos + bm.columns(), columns()); if (xpos > 0) { xcolumns -= xpos; } if ((xrows <= 0) || (xcolumns <= 0)) { return; } // Precompute multiplier map final int maxgray = bm.getGrays() - 1; final int[] multiplier = getMultiplier(maxgray); // Cache target color int gr = color.getRed(); int gg = color.getGreen(); int gb = color.getBlue(); // Compute starting point int src = bm.rowOffset((ypos < 0) ? (-ypos) : 0) - ((xpos < 0) ? xpos : 0); int dst = ((ypos > 0) ? rowOffset(ypos) : 0) + ((xpos > 0) ? xpos : 0); final GPixelReference dstPixel = createGPixelReference(dst); // Loop over rows for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++) { // Loop over columns dstPixel.setOffset(dst); for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; dstPixel.incOffset()) { final int srcpix = bm.getByteAt(src + (x++)); // Perform pixel operation if (srcpix != 0) { if (srcpix >= maxgray) { dstPixel.setBGR(gb, gg, gr); } else { final int level0 = multiplier[srcpix]; final int level1 = 0x10000 - level0; dstPixel.setBGR(Math.min((dstPixel.getBlue() * level0 + gb * level1) >> 16, 255), Math.min((dstPixel.getGreen() * level0 + gg * level1) >> 16, 255), Math.min((dstPixel.getRed() * level0 + gr * level1) >> 16, 255)); } } } // Next line dst += getRowSize(); src += bm.getRowSize(); } } /** * Correct the colors with a gamma subsample normalized to 1.0 for no correction. * * @param gamma color correction */ public final void applyGammaCorrection(final double gamma) { if (((gamma > 0.999D) && (gamma < 1.0009999999999999D))) { return; } int[] gtable = getColorCorrection(gamma); for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { data.set(i, (byte) gtable[data.get(i)]); } } /** * Fill this image from another source at reduced resolution of 4 vertical * pixels to 3. An extrapulating pixel averaging algorithm is used. * * @param src image map to reduce * @param pdr target bounds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the target rectangle is out of bounds */ public void downsample43(final GPixmap src, final GRect pdr) { final int srcwidth = src.columns(); final int srcheight = src.rows(); int destwidth = (int) Math.ceil(srcwidth * 0.75D); int destheight = (int) Math.ceil(srcheight * 0.75D); GRect rect = new GRect(0, 0, destwidth, destheight); if (pdr != null) { if ((pdr.xmin < rect.xmin) || (pdr.ymin < rect.ymin) || (pdr.xmax > rect.xmax) || (pdr.ymax > rect.ymax)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rectangle out of bounds" + "pdr=(" + pdr.xmin + "," + pdr.ymin + "," + pdr.xmax + "," + pdr.ymax + "),rect=(" + rect.xmin + "," + rect.ymin + "," + rect.xmax + "," + rect.ymax + ")"); } rect = pdr; destwidth = rect.width(); destheight = rect.height(); } init(destheight, destwidth, null); int sy = rect.ymin / 3; int dy = rect.ymin - (3 * sy); // if(dy < 0) // { // sy--; // dy += 3; // } int sxz = rect.xmin / 3; int dxz = rect.xmin - (3 * sxz); if (dxz < 0) { sxz--; dxz += 3; } sxz *= 4; sy *= 4; final GPixelReference spix0 = src.createGPixelReference(0); final GPixelReference spix1 = src.createGPixelReference(0); final GPixelReference spix2 = src.createGPixelReference(0); final GPixelReference spix3 = src.createGPixelReference(0); final GPixelReference dpix0 = createGPixelReference(0); final GPixelReference dpix1 = createGPixelReference(0); final GPixelReference dpix2 = createGPixelReference(0); while (dy < destheight) { spix0.setOffset(sy++, sxz); if (sy >= srcheight) { sy--; } spix1.setOffset(sy++, sxz); if (sy >= srcheight) { sy--; } spix2.setOffset(sy++, sxz); if (sy >= srcheight) { sy--; } spix3.setOffset(sy++, sxz); dpix0.setOffset((dy < 0) ? 0 : dy, dxz); if (++dy >= destheight) { dy--; } dpix1.setOffset((dy < 0) ? 0 : dy, dxz); if (++dy >= destheight) { dy--; } dpix2.setOffset(dy++, dxz); int dx = dxz; int sx = sxz; GPixel pix0 = src.ramp(spix0); GPixel pix1 = src.ramp(spix1); GPixel pix2 = src.ramp(spix2); GPixel pix3 = src.ramp(spix3); while (dx < destwidth) { final int s00b = pix0.getBlue(); final int s00g = pix0.getGreen(); final int s00r = pix0.getRed(); final int s01b = pix1.getBlue(); final int s01g = pix1.getGreen(); final int s01r = pix1.getRed(); final int s02b = pix2.getBlue(); final int s02g = pix2.getGreen(); final int s02r = pix2.getRed(); final int s03b = pix3.getBlue(); final int s03g = pix3.getGreen(); final int s03r = pix3.getRed(); if (++sx < srcwidth) { spix0.incOffset(); spix1.incOffset(); spix2.incOffset(); spix3.incOffset(); pix0 = src.ramp(spix0); pix1 = src.ramp(spix1); pix2 = src.ramp(spix2); pix3 = src.ramp(spix3); } final int s10b = pix0.getBlue(); final int s10g = pix0.getGreen(); final int s10r = pix0.getRed(); final int s11b = pix1.getBlue(); final int s11g = pix1.getGreen(); final int s11r = pix1.getRed(); final int s12b = pix2.getBlue(); final int s12g = pix2.getGreen(); final int s12r = pix2.getRed(); final int s13b = pix3.getBlue(); final int s13g = pix3.getGreen(); final int s13r = pix3.getRed(); if (++sx < srcwidth) { spix0.incOffset(); spix1.incOffset(); spix2.incOffset(); spix3.incOffset(); pix0 = src.ramp(spix0); pix1 = src.ramp(spix1); pix2 = src.ramp(spix2); pix3 = src.ramp(spix3); } final int s20b = pix0.getBlue(); final int s20g = pix0.getGreen(); final int s20r = pix0.getRed(); final int s21b = pix1.getBlue(); final int s21g = pix1.getGreen(); final int s21r = pix1.getRed(); final int s22b = pix2.getBlue(); final int s22g = pix2.getGreen(); final int s22r = pix2.getRed(); final int s23b = pix3.getBlue(); final int s23g = pix3.getGreen(); final int s23r = pix3.getRed(); if (++sx < srcwidth) { spix0.incOffset(); spix1.incOffset(); spix2.incOffset(); spix3.incOffset(); pix0 = src.ramp(spix0); pix1 = src.ramp(spix1); pix2 = src.ramp(spix2); pix3 = src.ramp(spix3); } final int s30b = pix0.getBlue(); final int s30g = pix0.getGreen(); final int s30r = pix0.getRed(); final int s31b = pix1.getBlue(); final int s31g = pix1.getGreen(); final int s31r = pix1.getRed(); final int s32b = pix2.getBlue(); final int s32g = pix2.getGreen(); final int s32r = pix2.getRed(); final int s33b = pix3.getBlue(); final int s33g = pix3.getGreen(); final int s33r = pix3.getRed(); if (++sx < srcwidth) { spix0.incOffset(); spix1.incOffset(); spix2.incOffset(); spix3.incOffset(); pix0 = src.ramp(spix0); pix1 = src.ramp(spix1); pix2 = src.ramp(spix2); pix3 = src.ramp(spix3); } dpix0.setBlue(((11 * s00b) + (2 * (s01b + s10b)) + s11b + 8) >> 4); dpix0.setGreen(((11 * s00g) + (2 * (s01g + s10g)) + s11g + 8) >> 4); dpix0.setRed(((11 * s00r) + (2 * (s01r + s10r)) + s11r + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setBlue(((7 * (s01b + s02b)) + s11b + s12b + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setGreen(((7 * (s01g + s02g)) + s11g + s12g + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setRed(((7 * (s01r + s02r)) + s11r + s12r + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setBlue(((11 * s03b) + (2 * (s02b + s13b)) + s12b + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setGreen(((11 * s03g) + (2 * (s02g + s13g)) + s12g + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setRed(((11 * s03r) + (2 * (s02r + s13r)) + s12r + 8) >> 4); if (++dx < destwidth) { dpix0.incOffset(); dpix1.incOffset(); dpix2.incOffset(); } dpix0.setBlue(((7 * (s10b + s20b)) + s11b + s21b + 8) >> 4); dpix0.setGreen(((7 * (s10g + s20g)) + s11g + s21g + 8) >> 4); dpix0.setRed(((7 * (s10r + s20r)) + s11r + s21r + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setBlue((s12b + s22b + s11b + s21b + 2) >> 2); dpix1.setGreen((s12g + s22g + s11g + s21g + 2) >> 2); dpix1.setRed((s12r + s22r + s11r + s21r + 2) >> 2); dpix2.setBlue(((7 * (s13b + s23b)) + s12b + s22b + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setGreen(((7 * (s13g + s23g)) + s12g + s22g + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setRed(((7 * (s13r + s23r)) + s12r + s22r + 8) >> 4); if (++dx < destwidth) { dpix0.incOffset(); dpix1.incOffset(); dpix2.incOffset(); } dpix0.setBlue(((11 * s30b) + (2 * (s31b + s20b)) + s21b + 8) >> 4); dpix0.setGreen(((11 * s30g) + (2 * (s31g + s20g)) + s21g + 8) >> 4); dpix0.setRed(((11 * s30r) + (2 * (s31r + s20r)) + s21r + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setBlue(((7 * (s31b + s32b)) + s21b + s22b + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setGreen(((7 * (s31g + s32g)) + s21g + s22g + 8) >> 4); dpix1.setRed(((7 * (s31r + s32r)) + s21r + s22r + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setBlue(((11 * s33b) + (2 * (s32b + s23b)) + s22b + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setGreen(((11 * s33g) + (2 * (s32g + s23g)) + s22g + 8) >> 4); dpix2.setRed(((11 * s33r) + (2 * (s32r + s23r)) + s22r + 8) >> 4); if (++dx < destwidth) { dpix0.incOffset(); dpix1.incOffset(); dpix2.incOffset(); } } } } /** * Initiallize this pixmap with a preallocated buffer. * * @param data buffer to use * @param arows number of rows * @param acolumns number of columns * * @return the initialized pixmap */ GPixmap init(Uint8Array data, int arows, int acolumns) { nrows = arows; ncolumns = acolumns; = data; return this; } /** * Initialize this pixmap to the specified size and fill in the specified color. * * @param arows number of rows * @param acolumns number of columns * @param filler fill color * * @return the initialized pixmap */ public GPixmap init(int arows, int acolumns, GPixel filler) { // boolean needFill=false; if ((arows != nrows) || (acolumns != ncolumns)) { data = null; nrows = arows; ncolumns = acolumns; } final int npix = rowOffset(rows()); if (npix > 0) { if (data == null) { setImageData(imageDataFactory.createImageData(ncolumns, nrows)); if (filler == null) { for (int i = 0; i < npix; i++) data.set(i * ncolors + 3, 0xFF); } } if (filler != null) { data.set(redOffset, filler.redByte()); data.set(greenOffset, filler.greenByte()); data.set(blueOffset, filler.blueByte()); data.set(3, 0xFF); Int32Array fillBuffer = TypedArrays.createInt32Array(data.buffer()); int fillValue = fillBuffer.get(0); for (int i = 0; i < npix; i++) fillBuffer.set(i, fillValue); } } return this; } /** * Draw the foreground layer onto this background image. * * @param mask the mask layer * @param foregroundMap the foreground colors * @param supersample rate to upsample the foreground colors * @param subsample rate to subsample the foreground colors * @param bounds the target rectangle * @param gamma color correction factor * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified bounds are not contained in the page */ public void stencil(final GBitmap mask, final GPixmap foregroundMap, final int supersample, final int subsample, final GRect bounds, final double gamma) { // Check arguments GRect rect = new GRect(0, 0, (foregroundMap.columns() * supersample + subsample - 1) / subsample, (foregroundMap.rows() * supersample + subsample - 1) / subsample); if (bounds != null) { if ((bounds.xmin < rect.xmin) || (bounds.ymin < rect.ymin) || (bounds.xmax > rect.xmax) || (bounds.ymax > rect.ymax)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rectangle out of bounds" + "bounds=(" + bounds.xmin + "," + bounds.ymin + "," + bounds.xmax + "," + bounds.ymax + "),rect=(" + rect.xmin + "," + rect.ymin + "," + rect.xmax + "," + rect.ymax + ")"); } rect = bounds; } // Compute number of rows int xrows = Math.min(Math.min(rows(), mask.rows()), rect.height()); // Compute number of columns int xcolumns = Math.min(Math.min(columns(), mask.columns()), rect.width()); // Precompute multiplier map int maxgray = mask.getGrays() - 1; // Prepare color correction table int[] gtable = getColorCorrection(gamma); double ratioFg = (double) supersample / (double) subsample; // Compute starting point in blown up foreground pixmap int fgy = (rect.ymin * subsample) / supersample; double fgy1 = rect.ymin - ratioFg * fgy; if (fgy1 < 0) { fgy--; fgy1 += ratioFg; } int fgxz = (rect.xmin * subsample) / supersample; double fgx1z = rect.xmin - ratioFg * fgxz; if (fgx1z < 0) { fgxz--; fgx1z += ratioFg; } int fg = foregroundMap.rowOffset(fgy); GPixelReference fgx = foregroundMap.createGPixelReference(0); GPixelReference dst = createGPixelReference(0); // Loop over rows for (int y = 0; y < xrows; y++) { // Loop over columns fgx.setOffset(fg + fgxz); double fgx1 = fgx1z; dst.setOffset(y, 0); int src = mask.rowOffset(y); for (int x = 0; x < xcolumns; x++, dst.incOffset()) { int srcpix = mask.getByteAt(src + x); // Perform pixel operation if (srcpix > 0) { if (srcpix >= maxgray) { dst.setBGR(gtable[fgx.getBlue()], gtable[fgx.getGreen()], gtable[fgx.getRed()]); } else { int level = (0x10000 * srcpix) / maxgray; dst.setBGR(((dst.getBlue() * (0x10000 - level)) + (level * gtable[fgx.getBlue()])) >> 16, ((dst.getGreen() * (0x10000 - level)) + (level * gtable[fgx.getGreen()])) >> 16, ((dst.getRed() * (0x10000 - level)) + (level * gtable[fgx.getRed()])) >> 16); } } // Next column if (++fgx1 >= ratioFg) { fgx1 -= ratioFg; fgx.incOffset(); } } // Next line if (++fgy1 >= ratioFg) { fgy1 -= ratioFg; fg += foregroundMap.getRowSize(); } } } /** * Create a GPixelReference (a pixel iterator) that refers to this map * starting at the specified offset. * * @param offset position of the first pixel to reference * * @return the newly created GPixelReference */ public GPixelReference createGPixelReference(final int offset) { return new GPixelReference(this, offset); } /** * Create a GPixelReference (a pixel iterator) that refers to this map * starting at the specified position. * * @param row initial vertical position * @param column initial horizontal position * * @return the newly created GPixelReference */ public GPixelReference createGPixelReference(final int row, final int column) { return new GPixelReference(this, row, column); } @Override public int getWidth() { return columns(); } @Override public int getHeight() { return rows(); } @Override public GPixmap getPixmap(int subsample, GRect rect, GPixmap retval) { if (retval == null) retval = new GPixmap(); retval.init(rect.height(), rect.width(), null); GPixelReference src = new GPixelReference(this, 0); GPixelReference dst = new GPixelReference(retval, 0); for (int x = rect.xmin; x < rect.xmax; x++) { for (int y = rect.ymin; y < rect.ymax; y++) { dst.setOffset(y - rect.ymin, x - rect.xmin); int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; int count = 0; for (int x2 = x * subsample; x2 < (x + 1) * subsample && x2 < getWidth(); x2++) { for (int y2 = y * subsample; y2 < (y + 1) * subsample && y2 < getHeight(); y2++) { src.setOffset(getHeight() - y2, x2); r += src.getRed(); g += src.getGreen(); b += src.getBlue(); count++; } } dst.setRed(r / count); dst.setGreen(g / count); dst.setBlue(b / count); } } return retval; } @Override public void decode(CachedInputStream pool) throws IOException { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean isImageData() { return false; } }