Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 LingoChamp Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.os.Process; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.event.DownloadTransferEvent; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.model.FileDownloadModel; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.model.FileDownloadStatus; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.model.FileDownloadTransferModel; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.util.FileDownloadLog; import com.liulishuo.filedownloader.util.FileDownloadUtils; import com.squareup.okhttp.CacheControl; import com.squareup.okhttp.Call; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Created by Jacksgong on 9/24/15. */ class FileDownloadRunnable implements Runnable { private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 4; private final FileDownloadTransferModel downloadTransfer; private final String url; private final String path; private final IFileDownloadDBHelper helper; private long maxNotifyBytes; private int maxNotifyCounts = 0; //tmp private boolean isContinueDownloadAvailable; // etag private String etag; private FileDownloadModel downloadModel; public int getId() { return downloadModel.getId(); } private volatile boolean isRunning = false; private volatile boolean isPending = false; private final OkHttpClient client; private final int autoRetryTimes; public FileDownloadRunnable(final OkHttpClient client, final FileDownloadModel model, final IFileDownloadDBHelper helper, final int autoRetryTimes) { isPending = true; isRunning = false; this.client = client; this.helper = helper; this.url = model.getUrl(); this.path = model.getPath(); downloadTransfer = new FileDownloadTransferModel(); downloadTransfer.setDownloadId(model.getId()); downloadTransfer.setStatus(model.getStatus()); downloadTransfer.setSoFarBytes(model.getSoFar()); downloadTransfer.setTotalBytes(model.getTotal()); maxNotifyCounts = model.getCallbackProgressTimes(); maxNotifyCounts = maxNotifyCounts <= 0 ? 0 : maxNotifyCounts; this.isContinueDownloadAvailable = false; this.etag = model.getETag(); this.downloadModel = model; this.autoRetryTimes = autoRetryTimes; } public boolean isExist() { return isPending || isRunning; } @Override public void run() { isPending = false; isRunning = true; int retryingTimes = 0; Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); FileDownloadModel model = this.downloadModel; if (model == null) { FileDownloadLog.e(this, "start runnable but model == null?? %s", getId()); this.downloadModel = helper.find(getId()); if (this.downloadModel == null) { FileDownloadLog.e(this, "start runnable but downloadMode == null?? %s", getId()); return; } model = this.downloadModel; } if (model.getStatus() != FileDownloadStatus.pending) { FileDownloadLog.e(this, "start runnable but status err %s", model.getStatus()); // ??urlpath(????) ?? onError(new RuntimeException(String.format("start runnable but status err %s", model.getStatus()))); return; } // do { long soFar = 0; try { if (model.isCanceled()) { FileDownloadLog.d(this, "already canceled %d %d", model.getId(), model.getStatus()); break; } FileDownloadLog.d(FileDownloadRunnable.class, "start download %s %s", getId(), model.getUrl()); checkIsContinueAvailable(); Request.Builder headerBuilder = new Request.Builder().url(url); addHeader(headerBuilder); headerBuilder.tag(this.getId()); // ?cache?REST? headerBuilder.cacheControl(CacheControl.FORCE_NETWORK); Call call = client.newCall(headerBuilder.get().build()); Response response = call.execute(); final boolean isSucceedStart = response.code() == 200; final boolean isSucceedContinue = response.code() == 206 && isContinueDownloadAvailable; if (isSucceedStart || isSucceedContinue) { long total = downloadTransfer.getTotalBytes(); if (isSucceedStart || total == 0) { total = response.body().contentLength(); } if (isSucceedContinue) { soFar = downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes(); FileDownloadLog.d(this, "add range %d %d", downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes(), downloadTransfer.getTotalBytes()); } InputStream inputStream = null; RandomAccessFile accessFile = getRandomAccessFile(isSucceedContinue); try { inputStream = response.body().byteStream(); byte[] buff = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; maxNotifyBytes = maxNotifyCounts <= 0 ? -1 : total / maxNotifyCounts; updateHeader(response); onConnected(isSucceedContinue, soFar, total); do { int byteCount =; if (byteCount == -1) { break; } accessFile.write(buff, 0, byteCount); //write buff soFar += byteCount; if (accessFile.length() < soFar) { // ?? throw new RuntimeException( String.format("file be changed by others when downloading %d %d", accessFile.length(), soFar)); } else { onProcess(soFar, total); } if (isCancelled()) { onPause(); return; } } while (true); if (soFar == total) { onComplete(total); // ? break; } else { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("sofar[%d] not equal total[%d]", soFar, total)); } } finally { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } if (accessFile != null) { accessFile.close(); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("response code error: %d", response.code())); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // TODO ??????? if (autoRetryTimes > retryingTimes++) { // retry onRetry(ex, retryingTimes, soFar); continue; } else { // error onError(ex); break; } } finally { isRunning = false; } } while (true); } private void addHeader(Request.Builder builder) { if (isContinueDownloadAvailable) { builder.addHeader("If-Match", this.etag); builder.addHeader("Range", String.format("bytes=%d-", downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes())); } } private void updateHeader(Response response) { if (response == null) { throw new RuntimeException("response is null when updateHeader"); } boolean needRefresh = false; final String oldEtag = this.etag; final String newEtag = response.header("Etag"); FileDownloadLog.w(this, "etag find by header %s", newEtag); if (oldEtag == null && newEtag != null) { needRefresh = true; } else if (oldEtag != null && newEtag != null && !oldEtag.equals(newEtag)) { needRefresh = true; } if (needRefresh) { this.etag = newEtag; helper.updateHeader(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), newEtag); } } private final DownloadTransferEvent event = new DownloadTransferEvent(null); private void onConnected(final boolean isContinue, final long soFar, final long total) { downloadTransfer.setSoFarBytes(soFar); downloadTransfer.setTotalBytes(total); downloadTransfer.setEtag(this.etag); downloadTransfer.setIsContinue(isContinue); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.connected); helper.update(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), FileDownloadStatus.connected, soFar, total); FileDownloadProcessEventPool.getImpl().asyncPublishInNewThread(event.setTransfer(downloadTransfer.copy())); } private long lastNotifiedSoFar = 0; private void onProcess(final long soFar, final long total) { if (soFar != total) { downloadTransfer.setSoFarBytes(soFar); downloadTransfer.setTotalBytes(total); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.progress); helper.update(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), FileDownloadStatus.progress, soFar, total); } if (maxNotifyBytes < 0 || soFar - lastNotifiedSoFar < maxNotifyBytes) { return; } lastNotifiedSoFar = soFar; FileDownloadLog.d(this, "On progress %d %d %d", downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), soFar, total); FileDownloadProcessEventPool.getImpl().asyncPublishInNewThread(event.setTransfer(downloadTransfer)); } private void onRetry(Throwable ex, final int retryTimes, final long soFarBytes) { FileDownloadLog.e(this, ex, "On retry %d %s %d %d", downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), ex.getMessage(), retryTimes, autoRetryTimes); ex = exFiltrate(ex); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.retry); downloadTransfer.setThrowable(ex); downloadTransfer.setRetryingTimes(retryTimes); downloadTransfer.setSoFarBytes(soFarBytes); // TODO ??? helper.updateRetry(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), ex.getMessage(), retryTimes); FileDownloadProcessEventPool.getImpl() .asyncPublishInNewThread(new DownloadTransferEvent(downloadTransfer.copy()// because we must make sure retry status no change by downloadTransfer reference )); } private void onError(Throwable ex) { FileDownloadLog.e(this, ex, "On error %d %s", downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), ex.getMessage()); ex = exFiltrate(ex); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.error); downloadTransfer.setThrowable(ex); helper.updateError(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), ex.getMessage()); FileDownloadProcessEventPool.getImpl().asyncPublishInNewThread(event.setTransfer(downloadTransfer)); } private void onComplete(final long total) { FileDownloadLog.d(this, "On completed %d %d", downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), total); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.completed); helper.updateComplete(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), total); FileDownloadProcessEventPool.getImpl().asyncPublishInNewThread(event.setTransfer(downloadTransfer)); } private void onPause() { this.isRunning = false; FileDownloadLog.d(this, "On paused %d %d %d", downloadTransfer.getDownloadId(), downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes(), downloadTransfer.getTotalBytes()); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.paused); helper.updatePause(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId()); // ???pause??? // FileEventPool.getImpl().asyncPublishInNewThread(new FileDownloadTransferEvent(downloadTransfer)); } public void onResume() { FileDownloadLog.d(this, "On resume %d", downloadTransfer.getDownloadId()); downloadTransfer.setStatus(FileDownloadStatus.pending); this.isPending = true; helper.updatePending(downloadTransfer.getDownloadId()); FileDownloadProcessEventPool.getImpl().asyncPublishInNewThread(event.setTransfer(downloadTransfer)); } private boolean isCancelled() { return this.downloadModel.isCanceled(); } // ---------------------------------- private RandomAccessFile getRandomAccessFile(final boolean append) throws Throwable { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) { throw new RuntimeException("found invalid internal destination path, empty"); } if (!FileDownloadUtils.isFilenameValid(path)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("found invalid internal destination filename %s", path)); } File file = new File(path); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("found invalid internal destination path[%s], & path is directory[%B]", path, file.isDirectory())); } if (!file.exists()) { if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException(String.format("create new file error %s", file.getAbsolutePath())); } } RandomAccessFile outFd = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); if (append) {; } return outFd; // return new FileOutputStream(file, append); } private void checkIsContinueAvailable() { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { final long fileLength = file.length(); if (fileLength >= downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes() && this.etag != null && fileLength < downloadTransfer.getTotalBytes()) { // fileLength >= total bytes ?? FileDownloadLog.d(this, "adjust sofar old[%d] new[%d]", downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes(), fileLength); this.isContinueDownloadAvailable = true; } else { final boolean result = file.delete(); FileDownloadLog.d(this, "delete file for dirty file %B, fileLength[%d], sofar[%d] total[%d] etag", result, fileLength, downloadTransfer.getSoFarBytes(), downloadTransfer.getTotalBytes()); } } } private Throwable exFiltrate(Throwable ex) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ex.getMessage())) { if (ex instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { ex = new RuntimeException(ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), ex); } } return ex; } }