Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 The Linux Box Corporation. * * This file is part of Enkive CE (Community Edition). * * Enkive CE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Enkive CE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with Enkive CE. If not, see * <>. *******************************************************************************/ package com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.ANALYZING_MESSAGE_DATA; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.ARCHIVING; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.ERROR_HANDLING; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.IDLE; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.PARSING_MESSAGE; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.POST_PROCESSING_MESSAGE; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.PREPARING_PROCESSOR; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.RETRIEVING_MESSAGE_DATA; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.SHUTTING_DOWN; import static com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor.ProcessorState.STARTING_UP_ARCHIVER; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.james.mime4j.MimeException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.archiver.MessageArchivingService; import com.linuxbox.enkive.archiver.exceptions.CannotArchiveException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.archiver.exceptions.FailedToEmergencySaveException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.archiver.exceptions.MessageArchivingServiceException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.audit.AuditService; import com.linuxbox.enkive.audit.AuditServiceException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.exception.BadMessageException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.exception.CannotTransferMessageContentException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.exception.SocketClosedException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.exception.UninitializedMailProcessorException; import com.linuxbox.enkive.filter.EnkiveFiltersBean; import com.linuxbox.enkive.message.Message; import com.linuxbox.enkive.message.MessageImpl; import com.linuxbox.enkive.server.AbstractSocketServer; import com.linuxbox.util.MBeanUtils; public abstract class AbstractMailProcessor implements ArchivingProcessor, AbstractMailProcessorMBean { protected final static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog("com.linuxbox.enkive.mailprocessor"); protected Socket socket; protected AbstractSocketServer server; protected MessageArchivingService archiver; protected AuditService auditService; protected EnkiveFiltersBean enkiveFilters; protected boolean jmxEnabled = false; private boolean closeInitiated; private boolean initialized; protected boolean multiMessage = false; protected boolean processingComplete = false; // FIXME: to make this multi-threading safe, it would be better to // keep this as a local variable that's passed where it's needed; also this // does not seem to be used when multiMessage is true protected boolean messageSaved = false; private ObjectName mBeanName; protected ProcessorState processorState = IDLE; private int messagesProcessed = 0; private long totalProcessingMilliseconds = 0; /* * Inner Classes */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") protected class MessageIncompleteException extends Exception { private final String data; public MessageIncompleteException(final String message) { this(message, ""); } public MessageIncompleteException(final String message, final String data) { super(message); = data; } public String getData() { return data; } } /* * AbstractMailProcessor methods */ public AbstractMailProcessor() { super(); } @Override public void initializeProcessor(AbstractSocketServer server, Socket socket) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace("in initializeProcessor"); this.server = server; this.socket = socket; closeInitiated = false; // set the socket linger options, so the socket closes immediately when // closed try { socket.setSoLinger(false, 0); } catch (SocketException e) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug("enkive session unable to set socket linger " + e); } if (isJmxEnabled()) { String type = getClass().getSimpleName(); String name = "Port " + socket.getPort(); mBeanName = MBeanUtils.registerMBean(this, type, name); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace("registered mbean " + mBeanName + " (" + type + "/" + name + ")"); } initialized = true; } public void initiateStop() { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace("in stopProcessor"); closeInitiated = true; closeSessionResources(); try { archiver.shutdown(); } catch (MessageArchivingServiceException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not shutdown mail processor", e); } } @Override public void run() { if (!initialized) { throw new UninitializedMailProcessorException(); } try { processorState = STARTING_UP_ARCHIVER; archiver.startup(); processorState = PREPARING_PROCESSOR; prepareProcessor(); do { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Message message = null; String data = ""; try { processorState = RETRIEVING_MESSAGE_DATA; data = processInput(); processorState = ANALYZING_MESSAGE_DATA; if (!data.isEmpty()) { processorState = PARSING_MESSAGE; message = createMessage(data); processorState = POST_PROCESSING_MESSAGE; message = postProcess(message); processorState = ARCHIVING; archiveMessage(message); } } catch (SocketClosedException e) { // just pass this up to the next level throw e; } catch (MessageIncompleteException e) { processorState = ERROR_HANDLING; LOGGER.fatal("socket closed with only partial message read", e); messageSaved = archiver.emergencySave(e.getData(), true); processingComplete = true; } catch (BadMessageException e) { processorState = ERROR_HANDLING; LOGGER.fatal("could not create message object to archive", e); messageSaved = archiver.emergencySave(data); } catch (Exception e) { processorState = ERROR_HANDLING; LOGGER.fatal("could not archive message", e); archiver.emergencySave(data); messageSaved = false; } processorState = IDLE; data = ""; ++messagesProcessed; long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); totalProcessingMilliseconds += (endTime - startTime); } while (multiMessage && !processingComplete); } catch (SocketClosedException e) { // do nothing, as this is a normal outcome } catch (Exception e) { processorState = ERROR_HANDLING; messageSaved = false; LOGGER.error("Message archival preparation failure", e); try { auditService.addEvent(AuditService.MESSAGE_ARCHIVE_FAILURE, AuditService.USER_SYSTEM, "Failed in pre-archival steps"); } catch (AuditServiceException e2) { LOGGER.fatal("failure to audit archiving failure", e2); } } processorState = SHUTTING_DOWN; if (!closeInitiated) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Shutting down mailprocessor"); closeProcessor(); closeSessionResources(); try { archiver.shutdown(); } catch (MessageArchivingServiceException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not shutdown archiver", e); } server.processorClosed(this); } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace("closed session"); MBeanUtils.unregisterMBean(mBeanName); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace("unregistered mbean " + mBeanName); } public String getProcessorState() { return processorState.toString(); } public int getMessagesProcessed() { return messagesProcessed; } public double getMillisecondsPerMessage() { if (messagesProcessed == 0) { // avoid NAN for result return 0.0; } else { return totalProcessingMilliseconds / (double) messagesProcessed; } } public boolean isClosed() { return socket == null; } protected void closeSessionResources() { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace("in closeSessionResources"); if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // empty } socket = null; } } private Message createMessage(String data) throws IOException, BadMessageException { try { return new MessageImpl(data); } catch (BadMessageException e) { LOGGER.error("unable to archive", e); throw new BadMessageException(e); } catch (CannotTransferMessageContentException e) { throw new BadMessageException(e); } catch (MimeException e) { throw new BadMessageException(e); } } private void archiveMessage(Message message) throws IOException, CannotArchiveException, FailedToEmergencySaveException, AuditServiceException { boolean archiveMessage = enkiveFilters.filterMessage(message); if (archiveMessage) { String messageUUID = archiver.storeOrFindMessage(message); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Message: " + message.getCleanMessageId() + " successfully archived with UUID " + messageUUID); messageSaved = true; } else { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Message Rejected:" + message.getMessageId() + " did not pass message filters"); messageSaved = true; } } public void setEnkiveFilters(EnkiveFiltersBean filters) { enkiveFilters = filters; } public AuditService getAuditService() { return auditService; } public void setAuditService(AuditService auditService) { this.auditService = auditService; } public MessageArchivingService getArchiver() { return archiver; } public void setArchiver(MessageArchivingService archiver) { this.archiver = archiver; } public boolean isJmxEnabled() { return jmxEnabled; } public void setJmxEnabled(boolean jmxEnabled) { this.jmxEnabled = jmxEnabled; } /* * Subclass API */ /** * Prepares the processor. The processor may, for example, want to create an * OutputStreamWriter from the OutputStream. * * @throws IOException * @throws UnknownHostException */ protected abstract void prepareProcessor() throws IOException; /** * Method responsible for obtaining the Message and returning it as a * string. Must either set the data string or the message object * * @throws SocketClosedException * @throws IOException * @throws MimeException * @throws BadMessageException * @throws CannotTransferMessageContentException */ protected abstract String processInput() throws MessageIncompleteException, SocketClosedException, IOException; /** * Any processing of the message object that needs to be done before * archiving is done here. */ protected abstract Message postProcess(Message message); /** * This method should close any writers or additional sockets that were * opened in prepareProcessor(). */ protected abstract void closeProcessor(); }