Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * */ package com.linkedin.urls; import com.linkedin.urls.detection.UrlDetector; import com.linkedin.urls.detection.UrlDetectorOptions; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * Creating own Uri class since would throw parsing exceptions * for URL's considered ok by browsers. * * Also to avoid further conflict, this does stuff that the normal Uri object doesn't do: * - Converts to * - Decodes repeatedly so that http://host/%2525252525252525 becomes http://host/%25 while normal decoders * would make it http://host/%25252525252525 (one less 25) * - Removes tabs and new lines:\tbar\rbaz\n2 becomes "" * - Converts IP addresses: http://3279880203/blah becomes * - Strips fragments (anything after #) * */ public class Url { private static final String DEFAULT_SCHEME = "http"; private static final Map<String, Integer> SCHEME_PORT_MAP; static { SCHEME_PORT_MAP = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); SCHEME_PORT_MAP.put("http", 80); SCHEME_PORT_MAP.put("https", 443); SCHEME_PORT_MAP.put("ftp", 21); } private UrlMarker _urlMarker; private String _scheme; private String _username; private String _password; private String _host; private int _port = 0; private String _path; private String _query; private String _fragment; private String _originalUrl; protected Url(UrlMarker urlMarker) { _urlMarker = urlMarker; _originalUrl = urlMarker.getOriginalUrl(); } /** * Returns a url given a single url. */ public static Url create(String url) throws MalformedURLException { String formattedString = UrlUtil.removeSpecialSpaces(url.trim().replace(" ", "%20")); List<Url> urls = new UrlDetector(formattedString, UrlDetectorOptions.ALLOW_SINGLE_LEVEL_DOMAIN).detect(); if (urls.size() == 1) { return urls.get(0); } else if (urls.size() == 0) { throw new MalformedURLException("We couldn't find any urls in string: " + url); } else { throw new MalformedURLException("We found more than one url in string: " + url); } } /** * Returns a normalized url given a url object */ public NormalizedUrl normalize() { return new NormalizedUrl(_urlMarker); } @Override public String toString() { return this.getFullUrl(); } /** * Note that this includes the fragment * @return Formats the url to: [scheme]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[path]?[query]#[fragment] */ public String getFullUrl() { return getFullUrlWithoutFragment() + StringUtils.defaultString(getFragment()); } /** * * @return Formats the url to: [scheme]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[path]?[query] */ public String getFullUrlWithoutFragment() { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getScheme())) { url.append(getScheme()); url.append(":"); } url.append("//"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getUsername())) { url.append(getUsername()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getPassword())) { url.append(":"); url.append(getPassword()); } url.append("@"); } url.append(getHost()); if (getPort() > 0 && getPort() != SCHEME_PORT_MAP.get(getScheme())) { url.append(":"); url.append(getPort()); } url.append(getPath()); url.append(getQuery()); return url.toString(); } public String getScheme() { if (_scheme == null) { if (exists(UrlPart.SCHEME)) { _scheme = getPart(UrlPart.SCHEME); int index = _scheme.indexOf(":"); if (index != -1) { _scheme = _scheme.substring(0, index); } } else if (!_originalUrl.startsWith("//")) { _scheme = DEFAULT_SCHEME; } } return StringUtils.defaultString(_scheme); } public String getUsername() { if (_username == null) { populateUsernamePassword(); } return StringUtils.defaultString(_username); } public String getPassword() { if (_password == null) { populateUsernamePassword(); } return StringUtils.defaultString(_password); } public String getHost() { if (_host == null) { _host = getPart(UrlPart.HOST); if (exists(UrlPart.PORT)) { _host = _host.substring(0, _host.length() - 1); } } return _host; } /** * port = 0 means it hasn't been set yet. port = -1 means there is no port */ public int getPort() { if (_port == 0) { String portString = getPart(UrlPart.PORT); if (portString != null && !portString.isEmpty()) { try { _port = Integer.parseInt(portString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _port = -1; } } else if (SCHEME_PORT_MAP.containsKey(getScheme())) { _port = SCHEME_PORT_MAP.get(getScheme()); } else { _port = -1; } } return _port; } public String getPath() { if (_path == null) { _path = exists(UrlPart.PATH) ? getPart(UrlPart.PATH) : "/"; } return _path; } public String getQuery() { if (_query == null) { _query = getPart(UrlPart.QUERY); } return StringUtils.defaultString(_query); } public String getFragment() { if (_fragment == null) { _fragment = getPart(UrlPart.FRAGMENT); } return StringUtils.defaultString(_fragment); } /** * Always returns null for non normalized urls. */ public byte[] getHostBytes() { return null; } public String getOriginalUrl() { return _originalUrl; } private void populateUsernamePassword() { if (exists(UrlPart.USERNAME_PASSWORD)) { String usernamePassword = getPart(UrlPart.USERNAME_PASSWORD); String[] usernamePasswordParts = usernamePassword.substring(0, usernamePassword.length() - 1) .split(":"); if (usernamePasswordParts.length == 1) { _username = usernamePasswordParts[0]; } else if (usernamePasswordParts.length == 2) { _username = usernamePasswordParts[0]; _password = usernamePasswordParts[1]; } } } /** * @param urlPart The url part we are checking for existence * @return Returns true if the part exists. */ private boolean exists(UrlPart urlPart) { return urlPart != null && _urlMarker.indexOf(urlPart) >= 0; } /** * For example, in, nextExistingPart(UrlPart.HOST) would return UrlPart.PATH * @param urlPart The current url part * @return Returns the next part; if there is no existing next part, it returns null */ private UrlPart nextExistingPart(UrlPart urlPart) { UrlPart nextPart = urlPart.getNextPart(); if (exists(nextPart)) { return nextPart; } else if (nextPart == null) { return null; } else { return nextExistingPart(nextPart); } } /** * @param part The part that we want. Ex: host, path */ private String getPart(UrlPart part) { if (!exists(part)) { return null; } UrlPart nextPart = nextExistingPart(part); if (nextPart == null) { return _originalUrl.substring(_urlMarker.indexOf(part)); } return _originalUrl.substring(_urlMarker.indexOf(part), _urlMarker.indexOf(nextPart)); } protected void setRawPath(String path) { _path = path; } protected void setRawHost(String host) { _host = host; } protected String getRawPath() { return _path; } protected String getRawHost() { return _host; } protected UrlMarker getUrlMarker() { return _urlMarker; } }