Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * */ package com.linkedin.urls.detection; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class CharUtils { /** * Checks if character is a valid hex character. */ public static boolean isHex(char a) { return (a >= '0' && a <= '9') || (a >= 'a' && a <= 'f') || (a >= 'A' && a <= 'F'); } /** * Checks if character is a valid alphabetic character. */ public static boolean isAlpha(char a) { return ((a >= 'a' && a <= 'z') || (a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z')); } /** * Checks if character is a valid numeric character. */ public static boolean isNumeric(char a) { return a >= '0' && a <= '9'; } /** * Checks if character is a valid alphanumeric character. */ public static boolean isAlphaNumeric(char a) { return isAlpha(a) || isNumeric(a); } /** * Checks if character is a valid unreserved character. This is defined by the RFC 3986 ABNF */ public static boolean isUnreserved(char a) { return isAlphaNumeric(a) || a == '-' || a == '.' || a == '_' || a == '~'; } /** * Checks if character is a dot. Heres the doc: *,%20int%29 */ public static boolean isDot(char a) { return (a == '.' || a == '\u3002' || a == '\uFF0E' || a == '\uFF61'); } public static boolean isWhiteSpace(char a) { return (a == '\n' || a == '\t' || a == '\r' || a == ' '); } /** * Splits a string without the use of a regex, which could split either by isDot() or %2e * @param input the input string that will be split by dot * @return an array of strings that is a partition of the original string split by dot */ public static String[] splitByDot(String input) { ArrayList<String> splitList = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder section = new StringBuilder(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(input)) { return new String[] { "" }; } InputTextReader reader = new InputTextReader(input); while (!reader.eof()) { char curr =; if (isDot(curr)) { splitList.add(section.toString()); section.setLength(0); } else if (curr == '%' && reader.canReadChars(2) && reader.peek(2).equalsIgnoreCase("2e")) {;; //advance past the 2e splitList.add(section.toString()); section.setLength(0); } else { section.append(curr); } } splitList.add(section.toString()); return splitList.toArray(new String[splitList.size()]); } private CharUtils() { } }