Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 LinkedIn Corp. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.pinot.transport.perf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; import io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer; import io.netty.util.Timer; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.json.JSONException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.LatencyMetric; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.MetricsHelper; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.MetricsHelper.TimerContext; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.response.ServerInstance; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.BucketingSelection; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.CompositeFuture; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.ReplicaSelection; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.ReplicaSelectionGranularity; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.SegmentId; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.SegmentIdSet; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.config.PerTableRoutingConfig; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.config.RoutingTableConfig; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.metrics.NettyClientMetrics; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.netty.NettyClientConnection; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.netty.PooledNettyClientResourceManager; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.pool.KeyedPool; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.pool.KeyedPoolImpl; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.scattergather.ScatterGatherImpl; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.scattergather.ScatterGatherRequest; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Histogram; import com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricName; import com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry; public class ScatterGatherPerfClient implements Runnable { private static final String ROUTING_CFG_PREFIX = ""; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScatterGatherPerfClient.class); private static final String BROKER_CONFIG_OPT_NAME = "broker_conf"; private static final String NUM_REQUESTS_OPT_NAME = "num_requests"; private static final String REQUEST_SIZE_OPT_NAME = "request_size"; private static final String TABLE_NAME_OPT_NAME = "resource_name"; // RequestId Generator private static AtomicLong _requestIdGen = new AtomicLong(0); //Routing Config and Pool private final RoutingTableConfig _routingConfig; private ScatterGatherImpl _scatterGather; private KeyedPool<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection> _pool; private ExecutorService _service; private EventLoopGroup _eventLoopGroup; private Timer _timer; private ScheduledExecutorService _timedExecutor; private byte[] _request; private final int _numRequests; private final String _resourceName; private int _numRequestsMeasured; private TimerContext _timerContext; // Input Reader private final BufferedReader _reader; // If true, the client main thread scatters the request and does not wait for the response. The response is read by another thread private final boolean _asyncRequestSubmit; private final List<AsyncReader> _readerThreads; private final LinkedBlockingQueue<QueueEntry> _queue; /** * We will skip the first n requests for measured to only measure steady-state time */ private final long _numRequestsToSkipForMeasurement = 25; private long _beginFirstRequestTime; private long _endLastResponseTime; private final int _maxActiveConnections; private final Histogram _latencyHistogram = MetricsHelper.newHistogram(null, new MetricName(ScatterGatherPerfClient.class, "latency"), false);; private AtomicLong _idGen = new AtomicLong(0); /* static { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(new ConsoleAppender( new PatternLayout(PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN), "System.out")); org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); } */ public ScatterGatherPerfClient(RoutingTableConfig config, int requestSize, String resourceName, boolean asyncRequestSubmit, int numRequests, int maxActiveConnections, int numReaderThreads) { _routingConfig = config; _reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; StringBuilder s1 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < requestSize; i++) { s1.append("a"); } _request = s1.toString().getBytes(); _resourceName = resourceName; _numRequests = numRequests; _asyncRequestSubmit = asyncRequestSubmit; _queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ScatterGatherPerfClient.QueueEntry>(); _readerThreads = new ArrayList<AsyncReader>(); if (asyncRequestSubmit) { for (int i = 0; i < numReaderThreads; i++) { _readerThreads.add(new AsyncReader(_queue, _latencyHistogram)); } } _maxActiveConnections = maxActiveConnections; setup(); } private void setup() { MetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistry(); _timedExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1); _service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(10, 10, 10, TimeUnit.DAYS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<Runnable>()); _eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(10); _timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); NettyClientMetrics clientMetrics = new NettyClientMetrics(registry, "client_"); PooledNettyClientResourceManager rm = new PooledNettyClientResourceManager(_eventLoopGroup, _timer, clientMetrics); _pool = new KeyedPoolImpl<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection>(1, _maxActiveConnections, 300000, 10, rm, _timedExecutor, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor(), registry); rm.setPool(_pool); _scatterGather = new ScatterGatherImpl(_pool, _service); for (AsyncReader r : _readerThreads) { r.start(); } } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Client starting !!"); try { List<ServerInstance> s1 = new ArrayList<ServerInstance>(); ServerInstance s = new ServerInstance("localhost", 9099); s1.add(s); SimpleScatterGatherRequest req = null; TimerContext tc = null; for (int i = 0; i < _numRequests; i++) { LOGGER.debug("Sending request number {}", i); do { req = getRequest(); } while ((null == req)); if (i == _numRequestsToSkipForMeasurement) { tc = MetricsHelper.startTimer(); _beginFirstRequestTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (i >= _numRequestsToSkipForMeasurement) { _numRequestsMeasured++; } if (!_asyncRequestSubmit) { sendRequestAndGetResponse(req); _endLastResponseTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> future = asyncSendRequestAndGetResponse(req); _queue.offer(new QueueEntry(false, i >= _numRequestsToSkipForMeasurement, System.currentTimeMillis(), future)); } //System.out.println("Response is :" + r); //System.out.println("\n\n"); req = null; } if (_asyncRequestSubmit) { int numTerminalEntries = _readerThreads.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numTerminalEntries; i++) { _queue.offer(new QueueEntry(true, false, System.currentTimeMillis(), null)); } for (AsyncReader r : _readerThreads) { r.join(); } } if (null != tc) { tc.stop(); _timerContext = tc; System.out.println("Num Requests :" + _numRequestsMeasured); System.out.println("Total time :" + tc.getLatencyMs()); System.out.println("Throughput (Requests/Second) :" + ((_numRequestsMeasured * 1.0 * 1000) / tc.getLatencyMs())); System.out.println("Latency :" + new LatencyMetric<Histogram>(_latencyHistogram)); System.out.println( "Scatter-Gather Latency :" + new LatencyMetric<Histogram>(_scatterGather.getLatency())); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Client stopped abnormally "); ex.printStackTrace(); } shutdown(); System.out.println("Client done !!"); } /** * Shutdown all resources */ public void shutdown() { if (null != _pool) {"Shutting down Pool !!"); try { _pool.shutdown().get();"Pool shut down!!"); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Unable to shutdown pool", ex); } } if (null != _timedExecutor) {"Shutting down scheduled executor !!"); _timedExecutor.shutdown();"Scheduled executor shut down !!"); } if (null != _eventLoopGroup) {"Shutting down event-loop group !!"); _eventLoopGroup.shutdownGracefully();"Event Loop group shut down !!"); } if (null != _service) {"Shutting down executor service !!"); _service.shutdown();"Executor Service shut down !!"); } if (null != _timer) {"Shutting down timer !!"); _timer.stop();"Timer shut down !!"); } } /** * Build a request from the JSON query and partition passed * @return * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public SimpleScatterGatherRequest getRequest() throws IOException, JSONException { PerTableRoutingConfig cfg = _routingConfig.getPerTableRoutingCfg().get(_resourceName); if (null == cfg) { System.out.println("Unable to find routing config for resource (" + _resourceName + ")"); return null; } SimpleScatterGatherRequest request = new SimpleScatterGatherRequest(_request, cfg, _idGen.incrementAndGet()); return request; } /** * Helper to send request to server and get back response * @param request * @return * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ExecutionException * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ private String sendRequestAndGetResponse(SimpleScatterGatherRequest request) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> future = _scatterGather.scatterGather(request); ByteBuf b = future.getOne(); String r = null; if (null != b) { byte[] b2 = new byte[b.readableBytes()]; b.readBytes(b2); r = new String(b2); } return r; } private static void releaseByteBuf(CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> future) throws Exception { Map<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> bMap = future.get(); if (null != bMap) { for (Entry<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> bEntry : bMap.entrySet()) { ByteBuf b = bEntry.getValue(); if (null != b) { b.release(); } } } } private CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> asyncSendRequestAndGetResponse( SimpleScatterGatherRequest request) throws InterruptedException { return _scatterGather.scatterGather(request); } private static class QueueEntry { private final boolean _last; private final boolean _measured; private final long _timeSentMs; private final CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> future; public QueueEntry(boolean last, boolean measured, long timeSentMs, CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> future) { super(); _last = last; _measured = measured; _timeSentMs = timeSentMs; this.future = future; } public boolean isMeasured() { return _measured; } public boolean isLast() { return _last; } public CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> getFuture() { return future; } public long getTimeSentMs() { return _timeSentMs; } } private class AsyncReader extends Thread { private final LinkedBlockingQueue<QueueEntry> _queue; private final Histogram _latencyHistogram; public AsyncReader(LinkedBlockingQueue<QueueEntry> queue, Histogram histogram) { _queue = queue; _latencyHistogram = histogram; } @Override public void run() { while (true) { QueueEntry e = null; try { e = _queue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e2.printStackTrace(); } if (e.isLast()) { break; } ByteBuf b = null; try { b = e.getFuture().getOne(); _endLastResponseTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } long timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - e.getTimeSentMs(); _latencyHistogram.update(timeDiff); String r = null; if (null != b) { byte[] b2 = new byte[b.readableBytes()]; b.readBytes(b2); r = new String(b2); } //Release bytebuf try { releaseByteBuf(e.getFuture()); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } public Histogram getLatencyHistogram() { return _latencyHistogram; } public static class SimpleScatterGatherRequest implements ScatterGatherRequest { private final byte[] _brokerRequest; private final long _requestId; private final Map<ServerInstance, SegmentIdSet> _pgToServersMap; public SimpleScatterGatherRequest(byte[] q, PerTableRoutingConfig routingConfig, long requestId) { _brokerRequest = q; _pgToServersMap = routingConfig.buildRequestRoutingMap(); _requestId = requestId; } @Override public Map<ServerInstance, SegmentIdSet> getSegmentsServicesMap() { return _pgToServersMap; } @Override public byte[] getRequestForService(ServerInstance service, SegmentIdSet queryPartitions) { return _brokerRequest; } @Override public ReplicaSelection getReplicaSelection() { return new FirstReplicaSelection(); } @Override public ReplicaSelectionGranularity getReplicaSelectionGranularity() { return ReplicaSelectionGranularity.SEGMENT_ID_SET; } @Override public Object getHashKey() { return null; } @Override public int getNumSpeculativeRequests() { return 0; } @Override public BucketingSelection getPredefinedSelection() { return null; } @Override public long getRequestTimeoutMS() { return 10000; //10 second timeout } @Override public long getRequestId() { return _requestId; } } /** * Selects the first replica in the list * */ public static class FirstReplicaSelection extends ReplicaSelection { @Override public void reset(SegmentId p) { } @Override public void reset(SegmentIdSet p) { } @Override public ServerInstance selectServer(SegmentId p, List<ServerInstance> orderedServers, Object hashKey) { //System.out.println("Partition :" + p + ", Ordered Servers :" + orderedServers); return orderedServers.get(0); } } private static Options buildCommandLineOptions() { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(BROKER_CONFIG_OPT_NAME, true, "Broker Config file"); options.addOption(TABLE_NAME_OPT_NAME, true, "Resource Name"); options.addOption(REQUEST_SIZE_OPT_NAME, true, "Request Size"); options.addOption(NUM_REQUESTS_OPT_NAME, true, "Num Requests"); return options; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //Process Command Line to get config and port CommandLineParser cliParser = new GnuParser(); Options cliOptions = buildCommandLineOptions(); CommandLine cmd = cliParser.parse(cliOptions, args, true); if ((!cmd.hasOption(BROKER_CONFIG_OPT_NAME)) || (!cmd.hasOption(REQUEST_SIZE_OPT_NAME)) || (!cmd.hasOption(TABLE_NAME_OPT_NAME)) || (!cmd.hasOption(TABLE_NAME_OPT_NAME))) { System.err.println("Missing required arguments !!"); System.err.println(cliOptions); throw new RuntimeException("Missing required arguments !!"); } String brokerConfigPath = cmd.getOptionValue(BROKER_CONFIG_OPT_NAME); int requestSize = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(REQUEST_SIZE_OPT_NAME)); int numRequests = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(NUM_REQUESTS_OPT_NAME)); String resourceName = cmd.getOptionValue(TABLE_NAME_OPT_NAME); // build brokerConf PropertiesConfiguration brokerConf = new PropertiesConfiguration(); brokerConf.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(false); brokerConf.load(brokerConfigPath); RoutingTableConfig config = new RoutingTableConfig(); config.init(brokerConf.subset(ROUTING_CFG_PREFIX)); ScatterGatherPerfClient client = new ScatterGatherPerfClient(config, requestSize, resourceName, false, numRequests, 1, 1);; System.out.println("Shutting down !!"); client.shutdown(); System.out.println("Shut down complete !!"); } public int getNumRequestsMeasured() { return _numRequestsMeasured; } public TimerContext getTimerContext() { return _timerContext; } public long getBeginFirstRequestTime() { return _beginFirstRequestTime; } public long getEndLastResponseTime() { return _endLastResponseTime; } }