Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 LinkedIn Corp. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.request; import; import; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.AggregationInfo; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.BrokerRequest; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.FilterOperator; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.FilterQuery; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.FilterQueryMap; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.GroupBy; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.HavingFilterQuery; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.HavingFilterQueryMap; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.request.transform.TransformExpressionTree; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.segment.SegmentMetadata; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.segment.StarTreeMetadata; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class RequestUtils { private RequestUtils() { } private static final String USE_STAR_TREE_KEY = "useStarTree"; /** * Generates thrift compliant filterQuery and populate it in the broker request * @param filterQueryTree * @param request */ public static void generateFilterFromTree(FilterQueryTree filterQueryTree, BrokerRequest request) { Map<Integer, FilterQuery> filterQueryMap = new HashMap<>(); MutableInt currentId = new MutableInt(0); FilterQuery root = traverseFilterQueryAndPopulateMap(filterQueryTree, filterQueryMap, currentId); filterQueryMap.put(root.getId(), root); request.setFilterQuery(root); FilterQueryMap mp = new FilterQueryMap(); mp.setFilterQueryMap(filterQueryMap); request.setFilterSubQueryMap(mp); } public static void generateFilterFromTree(HavingQueryTree filterQueryTree, BrokerRequest request) { Map<Integer, HavingFilterQuery> filterQueryMap = new HashMap<>(); MutableInt currentId = new MutableInt(0); HavingFilterQuery root = traverseHavingFilterQueryAndPopulateMap(filterQueryTree, filterQueryMap, currentId); filterQueryMap.put(root.getId(), root); request.setHavingFilterQuery(root); HavingFilterQueryMap mp = new HavingFilterQueryMap(); mp.setFilterQueryMap(filterQueryMap); request.setHavingFilterSubQueryMap(mp); } private static FilterQuery traverseFilterQueryAndPopulateMap(FilterQueryTree tree, Map<Integer, FilterQuery> filterQueryMap, MutableInt currentId) { int currentNodeId = currentId.intValue(); currentId.increment(); final List<Integer> f = new ArrayList<>(); if (null != tree.getChildren()) { for (final FilterQueryTree c : tree.getChildren()) { int childNodeId = currentId.intValue(); currentId.increment(); f.add(childNodeId); final FilterQuery q = traverseFilterQueryAndPopulateMap(c, filterQueryMap, currentId); filterQueryMap.put(childNodeId, q); } } FilterQuery query = new FilterQuery(); query.setColumn(tree.getColumn()); query.setId(currentNodeId); query.setNestedFilterQueryIds(f); query.setOperator(tree.getOperator()); query.setValue(tree.getValue()); return query; } private static HavingFilterQuery traverseHavingFilterQueryAndPopulateMap(HavingQueryTree tree, Map<Integer, HavingFilterQuery> filterQueryMap, MutableInt currentId) { int currentNodeId = currentId.intValue(); currentId.increment(); final List<Integer> filterIds = new ArrayList<>(); if (null != tree.getChildren()) { for (final HavingQueryTree child : tree.getChildren()) { int childNodeId = currentId.intValue(); currentId.increment(); filterIds.add(childNodeId); final HavingFilterQuery filterQuery = traverseHavingFilterQueryAndPopulateMap(child, filterQueryMap, currentId); filterQueryMap.put(childNodeId, filterQuery); } } HavingFilterQuery havingFilterQuery = new HavingFilterQuery(); havingFilterQuery.setAggregationInfo(tree.getAggregationInfo()); havingFilterQuery.setId(currentNodeId); havingFilterQuery.setNestedFilterQueryIds(filterIds); havingFilterQuery.setOperator(tree.getOperator()); havingFilterQuery.setValue(tree.getValue()); return havingFilterQuery; } /** * Generate FilterQueryTree from Broker Request * @param request Broker Request * @return */ public static FilterQueryTree generateFilterQueryTree(BrokerRequest request) { FilterQueryTree root = null; FilterQuery q = request.getFilterQuery(); if (null != q && null != request.getFilterSubQueryMap()) { root = buildFilterQuery(q.getId(), request.getFilterSubQueryMap().getFilterQueryMap()); } return root; } public static FilterQueryTree buildFilterQuery(Integer id, Map<Integer, FilterQuery> queryMap) { FilterQuery q = queryMap.get(id); List<Integer> children = q.getNestedFilterQueryIds(); List<FilterQueryTree> c = null; if (null != children && !children.isEmpty()) { c = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Integer i : children) { final FilterQueryTree t = buildFilterQuery(i, queryMap); c.add(t); } } return new FilterQueryTree(q.getColumn(), q.getValue(), q.getOperator(), c); } /** * Helper method to extract all column names from group-by expressions. */ public static Set<String> getAllGroupByColumns(@Nullable GroupBy groupBy) { Set<String> allGroupByColumns = new HashSet<>(); if (groupBy != null) { for (String expression : groupBy.getExpressions()) { TransformExpressionTree expressionTree = TransformExpressionTree .compileToExpressionTree(expression); expressionTree.getColumns(allGroupByColumns); } } return allGroupByColumns; } public static final Set<String> STAR_TREE_AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS = ImmutableSet.of("sum", "fasthll"); /** * Return whether the query is fit for star tree index. * <p>The query is fit for star tree index if the following conditions are met: * <ul> * <li>Segment contains star tree</li> * <li>BrokerRequest debug options have not explicitly disabled use of star tree</li> * <li>Query is aggregation/group-by with all aggregation functions in {@link #STAR_TREE_AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS}</li> * <li>The aggregations must apply on metric column</li> * <li>All predicate columns and group-by columns are materialized dimensions</li> * <li>All predicates are conjoined by AND</li> * </ul> */ public static boolean isFitForStarTreeIndex(SegmentMetadata segmentMetadata, BrokerRequest brokerRequest, FilterQueryTree rootFilterNode) { // Check whether segment contains star tree if (!segmentMetadata.hasStarTree()) { return false; } // Check whether star tree is disabled explicitly in BrokerRequest Map<String, String> debugOptions = brokerRequest.getDebugOptions(); if (debugOptions != null && StringUtils.compareIgnoreCase(debugOptions.get(USE_STAR_TREE_KEY), "false") == 0) { return false; } // Get all metrics // NOTE: we treat all non-metric columns as dimensions in star tree Set<String> metrics = new HashSet<>(segmentMetadata.getSchema().getMetricNames()); // Check whether all aggregation functions are supported and apply on metric column List<AggregationInfo> aggregationsInfo = brokerRequest.getAggregationsInfo(); if (aggregationsInfo == null) { return false; } for (AggregationInfo aggregationInfo : aggregationsInfo) { if (!STAR_TREE_AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS.contains(aggregationInfo.getAggregationType().toLowerCase())) { return false; } if (!metrics.contains(aggregationInfo.getAggregationParams().get("column").trim())) { return false; } } // Get all un-materialized dimensions StarTreeMetadata starTreeMetadata = segmentMetadata.getStarTreeMetadata(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(starTreeMetadata); Set<String> unMaterializedDimensions = new HashSet<>( starTreeMetadata.getSkipMaterializationForDimensions()); // Check whether all group-by columns are materialized dimensions GroupBy groupBy = brokerRequest.getGroupBy(); if (groupBy != null) { Set<String> groupByColumns = getAllGroupByColumns(groupBy); for (String groupByColumn : groupByColumns) { if (metrics.contains(groupByColumn) || unMaterializedDimensions.contains(groupByColumn)) { return false; } } } // Check whether all predicate columns are materialized dimensions, and all predicates are conjoined by AND return rootFilterNode == null || checkPredicatesForStarTree(rootFilterNode, metrics, unMaterializedDimensions); } /** * Helper method to check whether all columns in predicates are materialized dimensions, and all predicates are * conjoined by AND. This is a pre-requisite in order to use star tree. */ private static boolean checkPredicatesForStarTree(FilterQueryTree filterNode, Set<String> metrics, Set<String> unMaterializedDimensions) { FilterOperator operator = filterNode.getOperator(); if (operator == FilterOperator.OR) { return false; } if (operator == FilterOperator.AND) { for (FilterQueryTree child : filterNode.getChildren()) { if (!checkPredicatesForStarTree(child, metrics, unMaterializedDimensions)) { return false; } } return true; } String column = filterNode.getColumn(); return !metrics.contains(column) && !unMaterializedDimensions.contains(column); } }