Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 LinkedIn Inc <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.helix.examples; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import com.linkedin.helix.HelixManager; import com.linkedin.helix.HelixManagerFactory; import com.linkedin.helix.InstanceType; import com.linkedin.helix.NotificationContext; import com.linkedin.helix.messaging.AsyncCallback; import com.linkedin.helix.messaging.handling.HelixTaskResult; import com.linkedin.helix.messaging.handling.MessageHandler; import com.linkedin.helix.messaging.handling.MessageHandlerFactory; import com.linkedin.helix.model.Message; import com.linkedin.helix.model.Message.MessageType; import com.linkedin.helix.participant.StateMachineEngine; import com.linkedin.helix.participant.statemachine.StateModel; import com.linkedin.helix.participant.statemachine.StateModelFactory; import; /** * This process does little more than handling the state transition messages. * This is generally the case when the server needs to bootstrap when it comes * up.<br> * Flow for a typical Master-slave state model<br> * <ul> * <li>Gets OFFLINE-SLAVE transition</li> * <li>Figure out if it has any data and how old it is for the SLAVE partition</li> * <li>If the data is fresh enough it can probably catch up from the replication * stream of the master</li> * <li>If not, then it can use the messaging service provided by cluster manager * to talk other nodes to figure out if they have any backup</li> * </li> * <li>Once it gets a response from other nodes in the cluster the process can * decide which back up it wants to use to bootstrap</li> * </ul> * * @author kgopalak * */ public class BootstrapProcess { static final String REQUEST_BOOTSTRAP_URL = "REQUEST_BOOTSTRAP_URL"; public static final String zkServer = "zkSvr"; public static final String cluster = "cluster"; public static final String hostAddress = "host"; public static final String hostPort = "port"; public static final String relayCluster = "relayCluster"; public static final String help = "help"; public static final String configFile = "configFile"; public static final String stateModel = "stateModelType"; public static final String transDelay = "transDelay"; private final String zkConnectString; private final String clusterName; private final String instanceName; private final String stateModelType; private HelixManager manager; // private StateMachineEngine genericStateMachineHandler; private String _file = null; private StateModelFactory<StateModel> stateModelFactory; private final int delay; public BootstrapProcess(String zkConnectString, String clusterName, String instanceName, String file, String stateModel, int delay) { this.zkConnectString = zkConnectString; this.clusterName = clusterName; this.instanceName = instanceName; this._file = file; stateModelType = stateModel; this.delay = delay; } public void start() throws Exception { if (_file == null) { manager = HelixManagerFactory.getZKHelixManager(clusterName, instanceName, InstanceType.PARTICIPANT, zkConnectString); } else { manager = HelixManagerFactory.getStaticFileHelixManager(clusterName, instanceName, InstanceType.PARTICIPANT, _file); } stateModelFactory = new BootstrapHandler(); // genericStateMachineHandler = new StateMachineEngine(); // genericStateMachineHandler.registerStateModelFactory("MasterSlave", stateModelFactory); StateMachineEngine stateMach = manager.getStateMachineEngine(); stateMach.registerStateModelFactory("MasterSlave", stateModelFactory); manager.getMessagingService().registerMessageHandlerFactory(MessageType.STATE_TRANSITION.toString(), stateMach); manager.getMessagingService().registerMessageHandlerFactory(MessageType.USER_DEFINE_MSG.toString(), new CustomMessageHandlerFactory()); manager.connect(); if (_file != null) { ClusterStateVerifier.verifyFileBasedClusterStates(_file, instanceName, stateModelFactory); } } public static class CustomMessageHandlerFactory implements MessageHandlerFactory { @Override public MessageHandler createHandler(Message message, NotificationContext context) { return new CustomMessageHandler(message, context); } @Override public String getMessageType() { return MessageType.USER_DEFINE_MSG.toString(); } @Override public void reset() { } static class CustomMessageHandler extends MessageHandler { public CustomMessageHandler(Message message, NotificationContext context) { super(message, context); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public HelixTaskResult handleMessage() throws InterruptedException { String hostName; HelixTaskResult result = new HelixTaskResult(); try { hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { hostName = "UNKNOWN"; } String port = "2134"; String msgSubType = _message.getMsgSubType(); if (msgSubType.equals(REQUEST_BOOTSTRAP_URL)) { result.getTaskResultMap().put("BOOTSTRAP_URL", "http://" + hostName + ":" + port + "/getFile?path=/data/bootstrap/" + _message.getResourceName() + "/" + _message.getPartitionName() + ".tar"); result.getTaskResultMap().put("BOOTSTRAP_TIME", "" + new Date().getTime()); } result.setSuccess(true); return result; } @Override public void onError(Exception e, ErrorCode code, ErrorType type) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private static Options constructCommandLineOptions() { Option helpOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(help).withDescription("Prints command-line options info") .create(); Option zkServerOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(zkServer).withDescription("Provide zookeeper address") .create(); zkServerOption.setArgs(1); zkServerOption.setRequired(true); zkServerOption.setArgName("ZookeeperServerAddress(Required)"); Option clusterOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(cluster).withDescription("Provide cluster name").create(); clusterOption.setArgs(1); clusterOption.setRequired(true); clusterOption.setArgName("Cluster name (Required)"); Option hostOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(hostAddress).withDescription("Provide host name").create(); hostOption.setArgs(1); hostOption.setRequired(true); hostOption.setArgName("Host name (Required)"); Option portOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(hostPort).withDescription("Provide host port").create(); portOption.setArgs(1); portOption.setRequired(true); portOption.setArgName("Host port (Required)"); Option stateModelOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(stateModel).withDescription("StateModel Type").create(); stateModelOption.setArgs(1); stateModelOption.setRequired(true); stateModelOption.setArgName("StateModel Type (Required)"); // add an option group including either --zkSvr or --configFile Option fileOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(configFile) .withDescription("Provide file to read states/messages").create(); fileOption.setArgs(1); fileOption.setRequired(true); fileOption.setArgName("File to read states/messages (Optional)"); Option transDelayOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(transDelay).withDescription("Provide state trans delay") .create(); transDelayOption.setArgs(1); transDelayOption.setRequired(false); transDelayOption.setArgName("Delay time in state transition, in MS"); OptionGroup optionGroup = new OptionGroup(); optionGroup.addOption(zkServerOption); optionGroup.addOption(fileOption); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(helpOption); // options.addOption(zkServerOption); options.addOption(clusterOption); options.addOption(hostOption); options.addOption(portOption); options.addOption(stateModelOption); options.addOption(transDelayOption); options.addOptionGroup(optionGroup); return options; } public static void printUsage(Options cliOptions) { HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); helpFormatter.printHelp("java " + BootstrapProcess.class.getName(), cliOptions); } public static CommandLine processCommandLineArgs(String[] cliArgs) throws Exception { CommandLineParser cliParser = new GnuParser(); Options cliOptions = constructCommandLineOptions(); try { return cliParser.parse(cliOptions, cliArgs); } catch (ParseException pe) { System.err.println("CommandLineClient: failed to parse command-line options: " + pe.toString()); printUsage(cliOptions); System.exit(1); } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String zkConnectString = "localhost:2181"; String clusterName = "storage-integration-cluster"; String instanceName = "localhost_8905"; String file = null; String stateModelValue = "MasterSlave"; int delay = 0; boolean skipZeroArgs = true;// false is for dev testing if (!skipZeroArgs || args.length > 0) { CommandLine cmd = processCommandLineArgs(args); zkConnectString = cmd.getOptionValue(zkServer); clusterName = cmd.getOptionValue(cluster); String host = cmd.getOptionValue(hostAddress); String portString = cmd.getOptionValue(hostPort); int port = Integer.parseInt(portString); instanceName = host + "_" + port; file = cmd.getOptionValue(configFile); if (file != null) { File f = new File(file); if (!f.exists()) { System.err.println("static config file doesn't exist"); System.exit(1); } } stateModelValue = cmd.getOptionValue(stateModel); if (cmd.hasOption(transDelay)) { try { delay = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(transDelay)); if (delay < 0) { throw new Exception("delay must be positive"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); delay = 0; } } } // will consume this System.out.println("Starting Process with ZK:" + zkConnectString); BootstrapProcess process = new BootstrapProcess(zkConnectString, clusterName, instanceName, file, stateModelValue, delay); process.start(); Thread.currentThread().join(); } } class BootstrapReplyHandler extends AsyncCallback { public BootstrapReplyHandler() { } private String bootstrapUrl; private String bootstrapTime; @Override public void onTimeOut() { System.out.println("Timed out"); } public String getBootstrapUrl() { return bootstrapUrl; } public String getBootstrapTime() { return bootstrapTime; } @Override public void onReplyMessage(Message message) { String time = message.getResultMap().get("BOOTSTRAP_TIME"); if (bootstrapTime == null || time.compareTo(bootstrapTime) > -1) { bootstrapTime = message.getResultMap().get("BOOTSTRAP_TIME"); bootstrapUrl = message.getResultMap().get("BOOTSTRAP_URL"); } } }