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 * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.linkedin.drelephant.tuning;

import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean;
import com.avaje.ebean.SqlRow;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.ElephantContext;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.mapreduce.heuristics.CommonConstantsHeuristic;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.util.Utils;
import controllers.AutoTuningMetricsController;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import models.TuningJobDefinition;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * This class does baseline computation once the job is enabled for auto tuning.
 * It takes average resource usage and execution time for last 30 jobs to get the baseline.
public class BaselineComputeUtil {

    private static final Integer NUM_JOBS_FOR_BASELINE_DEFAULT = 30;
    private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
    private static final String BASELINE_EXECUTION_COUNT = "baseline.execution.count";

    private Integer _numJobsForBaseline = null;

    public BaselineComputeUtil() {
        Configuration configuration = ElephantContext.instance().getAutoTuningConf();
        _numJobsForBaseline = Utils.getNonNegativeInt(configuration, BASELINE_EXECUTION_COUNT,

     * Computes baseline for the jobs new to auto tuning
     * @return tuningJobDefinition
    public List<TuningJobDefinition> computeBaseline() {"Starting baseline computation");
        List<TuningJobDefinition> tuningJobDefinitions = getJobForBaselineComputation();
        for (TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition : tuningJobDefinitions) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error in computing baseline for job: " + tuningJobDefinition.job.jobName, e);
        updateMetrics(tuningJobDefinitions);"Baseline computation complete");
        return tuningJobDefinitions;

     * This method update metrics for auto tuning monitoring for baseline computation
     * @param tuningJobDefinitions
    private void updateMetrics(List<TuningJobDefinition> tuningJobDefinitions) {
        int baselineComputeWaitJobs = 0;
        for (TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition : tuningJobDefinitions) {
            if (tuningJobDefinition.averageResourceUsage == null) {
            } else {

     * Fetches the jobs whose baseline is to be computed.
     * This is done by returning the jobs with null average resource usage
     * @return List of jobs whose baseline needs to be added
    private List<TuningJobDefinition> getJobForBaselineComputation() {"Fetching jobs for which baseline metrics need to be computed");
        List<TuningJobDefinition> tuningJobDefinitions = new ArrayList<TuningJobDefinition>();
        try {
            tuningJobDefinitions = TuningJobDefinition.find.where()
                    .eq(TuningJobDefinition.TABLE.averageResourceUsage, null).findList();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
  "There are no jobs for which baseline has to be computed", e);
        return tuningJobDefinitions;

     * Adds baseline metric values for a job
     * @param tuningJobDefinition Job for which baseline is to be added
    private void updateBaselineForJob(TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition) {"Computing and updating baseline metric values for job: " + tuningJobDefinition.job.jobName);

        String sql = "SELECT AVG(resource_used) AS resource_used, AVG(execution_time) AS execution_time FROM "
                + "(SELECT job_exec_id, SUM(resource_used/(1024 * 3600)) AS resource_used, "
                + "SUM((finish_time - start_time - total_delay)/(1000 * 60))  AS execution_time, "
                + "MAX(start_time) AS start_time " + "FROM yarn_app_result WHERE job_def_id=:jobDefId "
                + "GROUP BY job_exec_id " + "ORDER BY start_time DESC " + "LIMIT :num) temp";

        logger.debug("Running query for baseline computation " + sql);

        SqlRow baseline = Ebean.createSqlQuery(sql).setParameter("jobDefId", tuningJobDefinition.job.jobDefId)
                .setParameter("num", _numJobsForBaseline).findUnique();

        Double avgResourceUsage = 0D;
        Double avgExecutionTime = 0D;
        avgResourceUsage = baseline.getDouble("resource_used");
        avgExecutionTime = baseline.getDouble("execution_time");
        tuningJobDefinition.averageExecutionTime = avgExecutionTime;
        tuningJobDefinition.averageResourceUsage = avgResourceUsage;
        tuningJobDefinition.averageInputSizeInBytes = getAvgInputSizeInBytes(tuningJobDefinition.job.jobDefId);

        logger.debug("Baseline metric values: Average resource usage=" + avgResourceUsage
                + " and Average execution time=" + avgExecutionTime);
        tuningJobDefinition.update();"Updated baseline metric value for job: " + tuningJobDefinition.job.jobName);

     * Returns the average input size in bytes of a job (over last _numJobsForBaseline executions)
     * @param jobDefId job definition id of the job
     * @return average input size in bytes as long
    private Long getAvgInputSizeInBytes(String jobDefId) {
        String sql = "SELECT AVG(inputSizeInBytes) as avgInputSizeInMB FROM "
                + "(SELECT job_exec_id, SUM(cast(value as decimal)) inputSizeInBytes, MAX(start_time) AS start_time "
                + "FROM yarn_app_result yar INNER JOIN yarn_app_heuristic_result yahr "
                + "ON " + "INNER JOIN yarn_app_heuristic_result_details yahrd "
                + "ON "
                + "WHERE job_def_id=:jobDefId AND yahr.heuristic_name='" + CommonConstantsHeuristic.MAPPER_SPEED
                + "' " + "AND'Total input size in MB' "
                + "GROUP BY job_exec_id ORDER BY start_time DESC LIMIT :num ) temp";

        logger.debug("Running query for average input size computation " + sql);

        SqlRow baseline = Ebean.createSqlQuery(sql).setParameter("jobDefId", jobDefId)
                .setParameter("num", _numJobsForBaseline).findUnique();
        Double avgInputSizeInBytes = baseline.getDouble("avgInputSizeInMB") * FileUtils.ONE_MB;
        return avgInputSizeInBytes.longValue();