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 * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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 * the License.

package com.linkedin.drelephant.mapreduce.heuristics;

import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.HDFSContext;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.Heuristic;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.HeuristicResult;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.analysis.Severity;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.math.Statistics;

import com.linkedin.drelephant.configurations.heuristic.HeuristicConfigurationData;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.util.Utils;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DurationFormatUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * This Heuristic analyses the skewness in the task input data
public abstract class GenericSkewHeuristic implements Heuristic<MapReduceApplicationData> {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GenericSkewHeuristic.class);

    // Severity Parameters
    private static final String NUM_TASKS_SEVERITY = "num_tasks_severity";
    private static final String DEVIATION_SEVERITY = "deviation_severity";
    private static final String FILES_SEVERITY = "files_severity";

    // Default value of parameters
    private double[] numTasksLimits = { 10, 50, 100, 200 }; // Number of map or reduce tasks
    private double[] deviationLimits = { 2, 4, 8, 16 }; // Deviation in i/p bytes btw 2 groups
    private double[] filesLimits = { 1d / 8, 1d / 4, 1d / 2, 1d }; // Fraction of HDFS Block Size

    private List<MapReduceCounterData.CounterName> _counterNames;
    private HeuristicConfigurationData _heuristicConfData;

    private void loadParameters() {
        Map<String, String> paramMap = _heuristicConfData.getParamMap();
        String heuristicName = _heuristicConfData.getHeuristicName();

        double[] confNumTasksThreshold = Utils.getParam(paramMap.get(NUM_TASKS_SEVERITY), numTasksLimits.length);
        if (confNumTasksThreshold != null) {
            numTasksLimits = confNumTasksThreshold;
        } + " will use " + NUM_TASKS_SEVERITY + " with the following threshold settings: "
                + Arrays.toString(numTasksLimits));

        double[] confDeviationThreshold = Utils.getParam(paramMap.get(DEVIATION_SEVERITY), deviationLimits.length);
        if (confDeviationThreshold != null) {
            deviationLimits = confDeviationThreshold;
        } + " will use " + DEVIATION_SEVERITY + " with the following threshold settings: "
                + Arrays.toString(deviationLimits));

        double[] confFilesThreshold = Utils.getParam(paramMap.get(FILES_SEVERITY), filesLimits.length);
        if (confFilesThreshold != null) {
            filesLimits = confFilesThreshold;
        } + " will use " + FILES_SEVERITY + " with the following threshold settings: "
                + Arrays.toString(filesLimits));
        for (int i = 0; i < filesLimits.length; i++) {
            filesLimits[i] = filesLimits[i] * HDFSContext.HDFS_BLOCK_SIZE;

    protected GenericSkewHeuristic(List<MapReduceCounterData.CounterName> counterNames,
            HeuristicConfigurationData heuristicConfData) {
        this._counterNames = counterNames;
        this._heuristicConfData = heuristicConfData;


    protected abstract MapReduceTaskData[] getTasks(MapReduceApplicationData data);

    public HeuristicConfigurationData getHeuristicConfData() {
        return _heuristicConfData;

    public HeuristicResult apply(MapReduceApplicationData data) {

        if (!data.getSucceeded()) {
            return null;

        MapReduceTaskData[] tasks = getTasks(data);

        //Gathering data for checking time skew
        List<Long> timeTaken = new ArrayList<Long>();

        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
            if (tasks[i].isTimeDataPresent()) {

        long[][] groupsTime = Statistics.findTwoGroups(Longs.toArray(timeTaken));

        long timeAvg1 = Statistics.average(groupsTime[0]);
        long timeAvg2 = Statistics.average(groupsTime[1]);

        //seconds are used for calculating deviation as they provide a better idea than millisecond.
        long timeAvgSec1 = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timeAvg1);
        long timeAvgSec2 = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timeAvg2);

        long minTime = Math.min(timeAvgSec1, timeAvgSec2);
        long diffTime = Math.abs(timeAvgSec1 - timeAvgSec2);

        //using the same deviation limits for time skew as for data skew. It can be changed in the fututre.
        Severity severityTime = getDeviationSeverity(minTime, diffTime);

        //This reduces severity if number of tasks is insignificant
        severityTime = Severity.min(severityTime, Severity.getSeverityAscending(groupsTime[0].length,
                numTasksLimits[0], numTasksLimits[1], numTasksLimits[2], numTasksLimits[3]));

        //Gather data
        List<Long> inputBytes = new ArrayList<Long>();

        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
            if (tasks[i].isCounterDataPresent()) {
                long inputByte = 0;
                for (MapReduceCounterData.CounterName counterName : _counterNames) {
                    inputByte += tasks[i].getCounters().get(counterName);

        // Ratio of total tasks / sampled tasks
        double scale = ((double) tasks.length) / inputBytes.size();
        //Analyze data. TODO: This is a temp fix. findTwogroups should support list as input
        long[][] groups = Statistics.findTwoGroups(Longs.toArray(inputBytes));

        long avg1 = Statistics.average(groups[0]);
        long avg2 = Statistics.average(groups[1]);

        long min = Math.min(avg1, avg2);
        long diff = Math.abs(avg2 - avg1);

        Severity severityData = getDeviationSeverity(min, diff);

        //This reduces severity if the largest file sizes are insignificant
        severityData = Severity.min(severityData, getFilesSeverity(avg2));

        //This reduces severity if number of tasks is insignificant
        severityData = Severity.min(severityData, Severity.getSeverityAscending(groups[0].length, numTasksLimits[0],
                numTasksLimits[1], numTasksLimits[2], numTasksLimits[3]));

        Severity severity = Severity.max(severityData, severityTime);

        HeuristicResult result = new HeuristicResult(_heuristicConfData.getClassName(),
                _heuristicConfData.getHeuristicName(), severity,
                Utils.getHeuristicScore(severityData, tasks.length));

        result.addResultDetail("Data skew (Number of tasks)", Integer.toString(tasks.length));
        result.addResultDetail("Data skew (Group A)",
                groups[0].length + " tasks @ " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(avg1) + " avg");
        result.addResultDetail("Data skew (Group B)",
                groups[1].length + " tasks @ " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(avg2) + " avg");

        result.addResultDetail("Time skew (Number of tasks)", Integer.toString(tasks.length));
        result.addResultDetail("Time skew (Group A)",
                groupsTime[0].length + " tasks @ " + convertTimeMs(timeAvg1) + " avg");
        result.addResultDetail("Time skew (Group B)",
                groupsTime[1].length + " tasks @ " + convertTimeMs(timeAvg2) + " avg");

        return result;

    private String convertTimeMs(long timeMs) {
        if (timeMs < 1000) {
            return Long.toString(timeMs) + " msec";
        return DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(timeMs, "HH:mm:ss") + " HH:MM:SS";

    private Severity getDeviationSeverity(long averageMin, long averageDiff) {
        if (averageMin <= 0) {
            averageMin = 1;
        long value = averageDiff / averageMin;
        return Severity.getSeverityAscending(value, deviationLimits[0], deviationLimits[1], deviationLimits[2],

    private Severity getFilesSeverity(long value) {
        return Severity.getSeverityAscending(value, filesLimits[0], filesLimits[1], filesLimits[2], filesLimits[3]);