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 * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;


import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils;

import com.codahale.metrics.MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir;

// auto-generated by Avro from UnifiedClientStatsEvent.*.avsc:
import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusClientMode;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusConstants;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.AbstractMonitoringMBean;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DatabusMonitoringMBean;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.StatsCollectorMergeable;

 * Joint relay/bootstrap client-library metrics for Databus v2 and v3 consumers.  At the lowest
 * level, these stats may represent a single table (in a v2 multi-tenant setup) or a single
 * partition for a single table (in a client load-balancing [CLB] setup); in the latter case,
 * they may not even be exposed.  The same class is also used to aggregate stats over multiple
 * partitions and/or tables.  Thus in the CLB case, for example, the lowest level is one partition
 * of a table; the second level is aggregated across all partitions for a single table; and the
 * third level is aggregated across all tables [for a single DB or for all subscriptions? TODO/FIXME].
 * This class is intended to supersede ConsumerCallbackStats for consumers.
public class UnifiedClientStats extends AbstractMonitoringMBean<UnifiedClientStatsEvent>
        implements UnifiedClientStatsMBean, StatsCollectorMergeable<UnifiedClientStats> {
    // default threshold for lack of data events to be considered "idle":
    public static final int DEFAULT_DEADNESS_THRESHOLD_MS = 300000;

    private final String _name;
    private final String _dimension; // used in MBean/JMX naming to distinguish similar collectors; see mbeanProps below
    private final MBeanServer _mbeanServer;
    private final MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir _reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs;

    private MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs;
    private long _deadnessThresholdMs;
    private boolean _isBootstrapping = false;

    // used only by tests:
    public UnifiedClientStats(int ownerId, String name, String dimension) {
        this(ownerId, name, dimension, true, false, DEFAULT_DEADNESS_THRESHOLD_MS, null, null);

    public UnifiedClientStats(int ownerId, String name, String dimension, boolean enabled, boolean threadSafe,
            long deadnessThresholdMs, UnifiedClientStatsEvent initData) {
        this(ownerId, name, dimension, enabled, threadSafe, deadnessThresholdMs, initData, null);

    public UnifiedClientStats(int ownerId, String name, String dimension, boolean enabled, boolean threadSafe,
            long deadnessThresholdMs, UnifiedClientStatsEvent initData, MBeanServer server) {
        super(enabled, threadSafe, initData);
        _event.ownerId = ownerId;
        _name = name;
        _dimension = dimension;
        _deadnessThresholdMs = deadnessThresholdMs;
        _mbeanServer = server;
        _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs = new MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir();
        _reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs = new MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir();

    public void setBootstrappingState(boolean isBootstrapping) {
        if (!_enabled.get())
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
            // timeLagSourceToReceiptMs is defined to be -1 when bootstrapping, which means there's no need even to
            // collect the data.  If codahale's Reservoir interface supported a clear() method, we could just use that...
            if (!_isBootstrapping && isBootstrapping) {
                // online-consumption -> bootstrap transition:  nuke _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs
                _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs = null;
            } else if (_isBootstrapping && !isBootstrapping) {
                // bootstrap -> online-consumption transition:  resurrect _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs
                _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs = new MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir();
            _isBootstrapping = isBootstrapping;
            _event.curBootstrappingPartitions = isBootstrapping ? 1 : 0;
        } finally {

    public void setHeartbeatTimestamp(long heartbeatTimestamp) {
        if (!_enabled.get())
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
            _event.timestampOfLastHeartbeatMs = heartbeatTimestamp;
        } finally {

    // used only for tests (=> no need for corresponding getter)
    public void setDeadnessThresholdMs(long deadnessThresholdMs) {
        _deadnessThresholdMs = deadnessThresholdMs;

    public String getDimension() {
        return _dimension;

    public String getName() {
        return _name;

    public MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir getReservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs() {
        return _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs;

    public MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir getReservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs() {
        return _reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs;

    public void registerAsMbean() {

    public void unregisterAsMbean() {

    public JsonEncoder createJsonEncoder(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
        return new JsonEncoder(_event.getSchema(), out);

    public ObjectName generateObjectName() throws MalformedObjectNameException {
        Hashtable<String, String> mbeanProps = generateBaseMBeanProps();
        mbeanProps.put("ownerId", Integer.toString(_event.ownerId));
        mbeanProps.put("dimension", _dimension);
        return new ObjectName(AbstractMonitoringMBean.JMX_DOMAIN, mbeanProps);

    // called by ctor above (no lock required) and by reset() in superclass (which acquires write lock)
    protected void resetData() {
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

        _event.timestampLastResetMs = now;
        _event.aggregated = false;
        _event.curBootstrappingPartitions = 0;
        _event.curDeadConnections = 0;
        _event.numConsumerErrors = 0;
        _event.numDataEvents = 0;
        _event.timestampOfLastHeartbeatMs = now;
        _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs = 0; // timestamp values are always stored in ms

    // called only by getStatistics() in superclass (which acquires read lock)
    protected void cloneData(UnifiedClientStatsEvent event) {
        // ConsumerCallbackStats doesn't do this... // event.timestampLastResetMs               = _event.timestampLastResetMs;
        event.aggregated = _event.aggregated;
        event.curBootstrappingPartitions = _event.curBootstrappingPartitions;
        event.curDeadConnections = _event.curDeadConnections;
        event.numConsumerErrors = _event.numConsumerErrors;
        event.numDataEvents = _event.numDataEvents;
        event.timestampOfLastHeartbeatMs = _event.timestampOfLastHeartbeatMs;
        event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs = _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs;

    protected UnifiedClientStatsEvent newDataEvent() {
        return new UnifiedClientStatsEvent();

    protected SpecificDatumWriter<UnifiedClientStatsEvent> getAvroWriter() {
        return new SpecificDatumWriter<UnifiedClientStatsEvent>(UnifiedClientStatsEvent.class);

    // called by superclass's (AbstractMonitoringMBean's) mergeStats() and by
    // StatsCollectors.mergeStatsCollectors() -> resetAndMerge() -> merge(); callers
    // handle locking
    protected void doMergeStats(Object eventData) {
        if (!(eventData instanceof UnifiedClientStats)) {
            LOG.warn("Attempt to merge stats from unknown event class: " + eventData.getClass().getName());
        UnifiedClientStats otherEvent = (UnifiedClientStats) eventData;
        UnifiedClientStatsEvent e = otherEvent._event;

        _event.aggregated = true;

        // standalone metrics; aggregation = simple sum:
        _event.curBootstrappingPartitions += e.curBootstrappingPartitions;
        _event.numConsumerErrors += e.numConsumerErrors;
        _event.numDataEvents += e.numDataEvents;

        // special-case, half-standalone/half-derived metric:  aggregation is slightly complicated...
        if (e.aggregated) {
            // we're the third (or higher) level up, so it's safe to trust the lower level's count; just add it in:
            _event.curDeadConnections += e.curDeadConnections;
        } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - e.timestampOfLastHeartbeatMs > _deadnessThresholdMs) {
            // we're the second level (first level of aggregation), so we need to check the first level's timestamp
            // to see if its connection is dead

        // support metrics for timeLagLastReceivedToNowMs; since want worst case across aggregated time lags
        // (i.e., maximum interval), want _minimum_ (oldest) non-zero timestamp:
        if (_event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs == 0) {
            // other one is same or better, so assign unconditionally
            _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs = e.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs;
        } else if (e.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs > 0) {
            // both are non-zero, so assign minimum
            _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs = Math.min(_event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs,
        // else e.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs == 0, so ignore it

        // Support for timeLagSourceToReceiptMs histogram metrics, which uses exponentially weighted statistical
        // sampling; aggregation is tricky (see MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir for details).  Special
        // cases:  (1) if otherEvent is bootstrapping, its getReservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs() will be null, so
        // merge() will return immediately; (2) if no data events yet received, e.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs
        // will be zero, so skip merge in that case.
        if (e.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs > 0) {
            // we're an aggregate, so _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs should never be null (aggregates can't bootstrap)

        // Support for timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs histogram metrics, which uses exponentially weighted statistical
        // sampling; aggregation is tricky (see MergeableExponentiallyDecayingReservoir for details).  No special
        // handling for bootstrap mode is needed.  If no callbacks have occurred, reservoirs will be empty, and all
        // percentile values will be zero (see getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct() below).

    public void merge(UnifiedClientStats obj) {
        if (!_enabled.get())
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
        } finally {

    // called by StatsCollectors.mergeStatsCollectors()
    public void resetAndMerge(List<UnifiedClientStats> objList) {
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
            for (UnifiedClientStats t : objList) {
        } finally {

    // "Rich" copy of default impl in AbstractMonitoringMBean:  never pass UnifiedClientStatsEvent,
    // only UnifiedClientStats (which contains UnifiedClientStatsEvent _event).  We need this so
    // we can merge the internal reservoir (array) objects efficiently; we _really_ don't want to
    // convert and copy them to pass around inside _event.  (Histograms are so fun...)
    public void mergeStats(DatabusMonitoringMBean<UnifiedClientStatsEvent> other) {
        if (!(other instanceof UnifiedClientStats))

        UnifiedClientStats otherObj = (UnifiedClientStats) other;

        Lock otherReadLock = otherObj.acquireReadLock();
        Lock thisWriteLock = null;
        try {
            thisWriteLock = acquireWriteLock(otherReadLock);
        } finally {

    // We use "cur" (a.k.a. "current") instead of "num" to prevent MBeanSensorHelper from treating this
    // metric as an RRD counter.  (We want gauge instead.)
    public int getCurBootstrappingPartitions() {
        int result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            result = _event.curBootstrappingPartitions;
        } finally {
        return result;

    // We use "cur" (a.k.a. "current") instead of "num" to prevent MBeanSensorHelper from treating this
    // metric as an RRD counter.  (We want gauge instead.)
    public int getCurDeadConnections() {
        int result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            // For the lowest-level (non-aggregated) stats, which we detect via register*() calls, this getter is the
            // most reasonable place to check whether we're dead.  But it may never be called (or only rarely), so we
            // can't rely on its calculation of curDeadConnections to compute the aggregated versions.  (And we
            // certainly can't depend on further register* calls if we're dead.)  Ergo, for aggregated versions, do a
            // separate calculation in doMergeStats().
            if (!_event.aggregated) {
                long timeIntervalSinceHeartbeatMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - _event.timestampOfLastHeartbeatMs;
                _event.curDeadConnections = (timeIntervalSinceHeartbeatMs > _deadnessThresholdMs) ? 1 : 0;
            result = _event.curDeadConnections;
        } finally {
        return result;

    public long getNumConsumerErrors() {
        long result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            result = _event.numConsumerErrors;
        } finally {
        return result;

    public long getNumDataEvents() {
        long result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            result = _event.numDataEvents;
        } finally {
        return result;

    // timeLagSourceToReceiptMs
    //  - this is for data events only => update in registerDataEventReceived()
    //  - value is _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs - sourceTimestampOfLastEventReceivedMs
    //  - for getters:  if no events processed OR if bootstrap mode => all values are -1
    // timeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_50
    // timeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_90   // these are official "reserved suffixes" per
    // timeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_95   //
    // timeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_99   //
    public double getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_50() {
        return getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct(50.0);

    public double getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_90() {
        return getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct(90.0);

    public double getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_95() {
        return getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct(95.0);

    public double getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct_99() {
        return getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct(99.0);

    private double getTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs_HistPct(double percentile) {
        double result = (double) AbstractMonitoringMBean.DEFAULT_MIN_LONG_VALUE; // -1.0
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            // If we're an aggregate, _isBootstrapping should never be true, but all of our constituents
            // could be bootstrapping, in which case their reservoirs will all be null and ours will be
            // empty.  Alternatively, some constituents might be in online consumption, but if they haven't
            // yet received any data events, their reservoirs will be empty, and so will ours.  In either
            // case, we return -1.0 as a special value.
            if (!_isBootstrapping && _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs > 0
                    && _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs != null
                    && _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs.size() > 0) {
                double[] dataValues = _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs.getUnsortedValues();
                if (dataValues.length > 0) // percentile() returns Double.NaN for empty arrays, but we want -1.0
                    result = StatUtils.percentile(dataValues, percentile);
        } finally {
        return result;

    // timeLagLastReceivedToNowMs
    // [want max time lag over whatever is being aggregated, i.e., track the _minimum_ (oldest) timestamp]
    public long getTimeLagLastReceivedToNowMs() {
        long result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            result = (_event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs != 0)
                    ? System.currentTimeMillis() - _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs
                    : -1;
        } finally {
        return result;

    // timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs
    //  - this is for ALL callbacks => update in registerCallbacksProcessed()
    //  - value is timeElapsedNs / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC == timeElapsedMs
    //  - for getters:  if no events processed => all values are zero; no special handling for bootstraps
    // timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_50
    // timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_90   // these are official "reserved suffixes" per
    // timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_95   //
    // timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_99   //
    // timeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_Max
    public double getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_50() {
        return getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct(50.0);

    public double getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_90() {
        return getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct(90.0);

    public double getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_95() {
        return getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct(95.0);

    public double getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct_99() {
        return getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct(99.0);

    // integer milliseconds would suffice for this metric, but Apache Commons Math's stats methods require doubles
    private double getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_HistPct(double percentile) {
        double result = (double) AbstractMonitoringMBean.DEFAULT_MIN_LONG_VALUE; // -1.0
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            if (_reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs.size() > 0) {
                double[] dataValues = _reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs.getUnsortedValues();
                result = StatUtils.percentile(dataValues, percentile);
        } finally {
        return result;

    public double getTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs_Max() {
        double result = (double) AbstractMonitoringMBean.DEFAULT_MIN_LONG_VALUE; // -1.0
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            if (_reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs.size() > 0) {
                double[] dataValues = _reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs.getUnsortedValues();
                result = StatUtils.max(dataValues);
        } finally {
        return result;

    public long getTimeSinceLastResetMs() {
        long result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            result = System.currentTimeMillis() - _event.timestampLastResetMs;
        } finally {
        return result;

    public long getTimestampLastResetMs() {
        long result = 0;
        Lock readLock = acquireReadLock();
        try {
            result = _event.timestampLastResetMs;
        } finally {
        return result;

    //----------------------------- "EVENTS RECEIVED" CALLS -----------------------------
    // ("received" by client lib from relay or bootstrap but not yet passed to consumer)

    // called only by MultiConsumerCallback => only for lowest-level (non-aggregated) stats
    public void registerDataEventReceived(DbusEvent e) {
        if (!_enabled.get())
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
            _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
            // if we're bootstrapping, we'll return -1 regardless, so no need to waste time storing data
            if (!_isBootstrapping) {
                // not bootstrapping, so _reservoirTimeLagSourceToReceiptMs shouldn't be null
                final long sourceTimestampOfLastEventReceivedMs = e.timestampInNanos()
                        / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC;
                        _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs - sourceTimestampOfLastEventReceivedMs,
                        _event.timestampLastDataEventWasReceivedMs / DbusConstants.NUM_MSECS_IN_SEC);
        } finally {

    //----------------------------- "EVENTS PROCESSED" CALLS -----------------------------
    // ("processed" by consumer, i.e., output side of client lib)

    // called by *ConsumerCallbackFactory
    public void registerCallbacksProcessed(long timeElapsedNs) // note that ConsumerCallbackStats version uses ms
        if (!_enabled.get())
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
            _reservoirTimeLagConsumerCallbacksMs.update((double) timeElapsedNs / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC);
        } finally {

    //----------------------------- "ERRORS PROCESSED" CALLS -----------------------------

    // was registerErrorEventsProcessed()
    public void registerCallbackError() {
        if (!_enabled.get())
        Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock();
        try {
        } finally {
