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 * Copyright 2017 LINE Corporation
 * LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package com.linecorp.armeria.internal.metric;

import static com.linecorp.armeria.internal.metric.PrometheusUtil.registerIfAbsent;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;


import com.linecorp.armeria.client.Client;
import com.linecorp.armeria.client.ClientRequestContext;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.Request;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.RequestContext;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.Response;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.RpcResponse;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.http.HttpSessionProtocols;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.logging.RequestLog;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.logging.RequestLogAvailability;
import com.linecorp.armeria.common.metric.MetricLabel;
import com.linecorp.armeria.server.Service;
import com.linecorp.armeria.server.ServiceRequestContext;

import io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry;
import io.prometheus.client.Counter;
import io.prometheus.client.Gauge;
import io.prometheus.client.Summary;

 * Provides request decorator functions for server and client sides. Functions will record metrics into
 * Prometheus {@link CollectorRegistry}.
 * @param <T> {@link MetricLabel} type
 * @param <I> {@link Request} type
 * @param <O> {@link Response} type
public final class PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<T extends MetricLabel<T>, I extends Request, O extends Response> {

    private static final String HELP_STRING = "Armeria client/server request metric";

     * Returns a new {@link Service} decorator that tracks request stats using the Prometheus metrics library.
     * @param <I> Request type
     * @param <O> Response type
     * @param collectorRegistry Prometheus registry
     * @param metricLabels Labels names for metrics
     * @param labelingFunction Must return a sorted map in natural order
     * @return A service decorator function
    public static <T extends MetricLabel<T>, I extends Request, O extends Response> PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<T, I, O> decorateService(
            CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, T[] metricLabels,
            Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction) {
        return new PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<>(collectorRegistry, metricLabels, labelingFunction,

     * Returns a new {@link Service} decorator that tracks request stats using the Prometheus metrics library.
     * @param <I> Request type
     * @param <O> Response type
     * @param collectorRegistry Prometheus registry
     * @param metricLabels Labels names for metrics
     * @param labelingFunction Must return a sorted map in natural order
     * @return A service decorator function
    public static <T extends MetricLabel<T>, I extends Request, O extends Response> PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<T, I, O> decorateService(
            CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, Iterable<T> metricLabels,
            Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction) {
        return new PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<>(collectorRegistry, metricLabels, labelingFunction,

     * Returns a new {@link Client} decorator that tracks request stats using the Prometheus metrics library.
     * @param <I> Request type
     * @param <O> Response type
     * @param collectorRegistry Prometheus registry
     * @param metricLabels Labels names for metrics
     * @param labelingFunction map of labels to values
     * @return A client decorator function
    public static <T extends MetricLabel<T>, I extends Request, O extends Response> PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<T, I, O> decorateClient(
            CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, T[] metricLabels,
            Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction) {
        return new PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<>(collectorRegistry, metricLabels, labelingFunction,

     * Returns a new {@link Client} decorator that tracks request stats using the Prometheus metrics library.
     * @param <I> Request type
     * @param <O> Response type
     * @param collectorRegistry Prometheus registry
     * @param metricLabels Labels names for metrics
     * @param labelingFunction map of labels to values
     * @return A client decorator function
    public static <T extends MetricLabel<T>, I extends Request, O extends Response> PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<T, I, O> decorateClient(
            CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, Iterable<T> metricLabels,
            Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction) {
        return new PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator<>(collectorRegistry, metricLabels, labelingFunction,

    private final Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction;
    private final MetricAdapter<T> metricAdapter;

    private PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator(CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, T[] metricLabels,
            Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction, String prefix) {
        requireNonNull(collectorRegistry, "collectorRegistry");
        requireNonNull(metricLabels, "metricLabels");
        T[] metricLabelsCopy = Arrays.copyOf(metricLabels, metricLabels.length);
        for (T metricLabel : metricLabelsCopy) {
            requireNonNull(metricLabel, "metricLabels contains null");
        requireNonNull(labelingFunction, "labelingFunction");
        requireNonNull(prefix, "prefix");

        this.labelingFunction = labelingFunction;
        metricAdapter = new MetricAdapter<>(collectorRegistry, metricLabelsCopy, prefix, HELP_STRING);

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "SuspiciousArrayCast" })
    private PrometheusMetricRequestDecorator(CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, Iterable<T> metricLabels,
            Function<RequestLog, Map<T, String>> labelingFunction, String prefix) {
                (T[]) Iterables.toArray(requireNonNull(metricLabels, "metricLabels"), MetricLabel.class),
                labelingFunction, prefix);

    private <C extends RequestContext> O request(ThrowingBiFunction<C, I, O> function, C ctx, I req)
            throws Exception {
        ctx.log().addListener(log -> {
            final String[] values = getLabelValues(log);
        }, RequestLogAvailability.REQUEST_ENVELOPE, RequestLogAvailability.REQUEST_CONTENT);

        ctx.log().addListener(log -> {
            final String[] values = getLabelValues(log);
            metricAdapter.requestBytes(values, log);
            if (log.requestCause() != null) {
        }, RequestLogAvailability.REQUEST_END);

        ctx.log().addListener(log -> {
            if (log.requestCause() != null) {
            final String[] values = getLabelValues(log);
            metricAdapter.seconds(values, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(log.totalDurationNanos()))
                    .responseBytes(values, log).decActiveRequests(values);

            if (isSuccess(log)) {
            } else {
        }, RequestLogAvailability.COMPLETE);
        return function.apply(ctx, req);

    public O serve(Service<I, O> delegate, ServiceRequestContext ctx, I req) throws Exception {
        return request(delegate::serve, ctx, req);

    public O execute(Client<I, O> delegate, ClientRequestContext ctx, I req) throws Exception {
        return request(delegate::execute, ctx, req);

    private String[] getLabelValues(RequestLog log) {
        return ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(labelingFunction.apply(log)).values().stream().toArray(String[]::new);

    private static boolean isSuccess(RequestLog log) {
        final Object responseContent = log.responseContent();
        if (responseContent instanceof RpcResponse) {
            return !((RpcResponse) responseContent).isCompletedExceptionally();

        if (log.responseCause() != null) {
            return false;

        if (HttpSessionProtocols.isHttp(log.sessionProtocol())) {
            if (log.statusCode() >= 400) {
                return false;
        } else {
            if (log.statusCode() != 0) {
                return false;

        return true;

    private interface ThrowingBiFunction<C, I, O> {
        O apply(C c, I i) throws Exception;

    private static final class MetricAdapter<T extends MetricLabel<T>> {

        private final Summary timer;
        private final Counter success;
        private final Counter failure;
        private final Gauge activeRequests;
        private final Summary requestBytes;
        private final Summary responseBytes;

        private MetricAdapter(CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry, T[] metricLabels, String namePrefix,
                String help) {
            requireNonNull(collectorRegistry, "collectorRegistry");
            requireNonNull(metricLabels, "metricLabels");
            requireNonNull(namePrefix, "namePrefix");
            requireNonNull(help, "help");

            final String[] metricLabelNames = Stream.of(metricLabels).sorted().map(MetricLabel::name)
            timer = registerIfAbsent(collectorRegistry, namePrefix + "_request_duration_seconds",
                    name -> newSummary(name, help, metricLabelNames));
            success = registerIfAbsent(collectorRegistry, namePrefix + "_request_success_total",
                    name ->, help).labelNames(metricLabelNames).create());
            failure = registerIfAbsent(collectorRegistry, namePrefix + "_request_failure_total",
                    name ->, help).labelNames(metricLabelNames).create());
            activeRequests = registerIfAbsent(collectorRegistry, namePrefix + "_request_active",
                    name ->, help).labelNames(metricLabelNames).create());
            requestBytes = registerIfAbsent(collectorRegistry, namePrefix + "_request_size_bytes",
                    name -> newSummary(name, help, metricLabelNames));
            responseBytes = registerIfAbsent(collectorRegistry, namePrefix + "_response_size_bytes",
                    name -> newSummary(name, help, metricLabelNames));

        private static Summary newSummary(String name, String help, String... metricLabelNames) {
            return, help).labelNames(metricLabelNames).quantile(.5, .01).quantile(.75, .01)
                    .quantile(.95, .01).quantile(.98, .01).quantile(.99, .01).quantile(.999, .01).create();

        private MetricAdapter<T> seconds(String[] values, double seconds) throws Exception {
            return this;

        private MetricAdapter<T> success(String[] values) {
            return this;

        private MetricAdapter<T> failure(String[] values) {
            return this;

        private MetricAdapter<T> incActiveRequests(String[] values) {
            return this;

        private MetricAdapter<T> decActiveRequests(String[] values) {
            return this;

        private MetricAdapter<T> requestBytes(String[] values, RequestLog log) {
            return this;

        private MetricAdapter<T> responseBytes(String[] values, RequestLog log) {
            return this;