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 * Copyright 2015 LINE Corporation
 * LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright 2014 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
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 * under the License.

package com.linecorp.armeria.common.http;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;


import io.netty.util.AsciiString;

 * Standard HTTP header names.
 * <p>
 * These are all defined as lowercase to support HTTP/2 requirements while also not
 * violating HTTP/1.x requirements.  New header names should always be lowercase.
public final class HttpHeaderNames {

    // Pseudo-headers

     * {@code ":method"}
    public static final AsciiString METHOD = new AsciiString(":method");
     * {@code ":scheme"}
    public static final AsciiString SCHEME = new AsciiString(":scheme");
     * {@code ":authority"}
    public static final AsciiString AUTHORITY = new AsciiString(":authority");
     * {@code ":path"}
    public static final AsciiString PATH = new AsciiString(":path");
     * {@code ":status"}
    public static final AsciiString STATUS = new AsciiString(":status");

    // Ordinary headers

     * {@code "accept"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCEPT = new AsciiString("accept");
     * {@code "accept-charset"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCEPT_CHARSET = new AsciiString("accept-charset");
     * {@code "accept-encoding"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCEPT_ENCODING = new AsciiString("accept-encoding");
     * {@code "accept-language"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = new AsciiString("accept-language");
     * {@code "accept-ranges"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCEPT_RANGES = new AsciiString("accept-ranges");
     * {@code "accept-patch"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCEPT_PATCH = new AsciiString("accept-patch");
     * {@code "access-control-allow-credentials"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS = new AsciiString(
     * {@code "access-control-allow-headers"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS = new AsciiString("access-control-allow-headers");
     * {@code "access-control-allow-methods"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS = new AsciiString("access-control-allow-methods");
     * {@code "access-control-allow-origin"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN = new AsciiString("access-control-allow-origin");
     * {@code "access-control-expose-headers"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS = new AsciiString(
     * {@code "access-control-max-age"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE = new AsciiString("access-control-max-age");
     * {@code "access-control-request-headers"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS = new AsciiString(
     * {@code "access-control-request-method"}
    public static final AsciiString ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD = new AsciiString(
     * {@code "age"}
    public static final AsciiString AGE = new AsciiString("age");
     * {@code "allow"}
    public static final AsciiString ALLOW = new AsciiString("allow");
     * {@code "authorization"}
    public static final AsciiString AUTHORIZATION = new AsciiString("authorization");
     * {@code "cache-control"}
    public static final AsciiString CACHE_CONTROL = new AsciiString("cache-control");
     * {@code "connection"}
    public static final AsciiString CONNECTION = new AsciiString("connection");
     * {@code "content-base"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_BASE = new AsciiString("content-base");
     * {@code "content-encoding"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_ENCODING = new AsciiString("content-encoding");
     * {@code "content-language"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_LANGUAGE = new AsciiString("content-language");
     * {@code "content-length"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_LENGTH = new AsciiString("content-length");
     * {@code "content-location"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_LOCATION = new AsciiString("content-location");
     * {@code "content-transfer-encoding"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING = new AsciiString("content-transfer-encoding");
     * {@code "content-disposition"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_DISPOSITION = new AsciiString("content-disposition");
     * {@code "content-md5"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_MD5 = new AsciiString("content-md5");
     * {@code "content-range"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_RANGE = new AsciiString("content-range");
     * {@code "content-type"}
    public static final AsciiString CONTENT_TYPE = new AsciiString("content-type");
     * {@code "cookie"}
    public static final AsciiString COOKIE = new AsciiString("cookie");
     * {@code "date"}
    public static final AsciiString DATE = new AsciiString("date");
     * {@code "etag"}
    public static final AsciiString ETAG = new AsciiString("etag");
     * {@code "expect"}
    public static final AsciiString EXPECT = new AsciiString("expect");
     * {@code "expires"}
    public static final AsciiString EXPIRES = new AsciiString("expires");
     * {@code "from"}
    public static final AsciiString FROM = new AsciiString("from");
     * {@code "host"}
    public static final AsciiString HOST = new AsciiString("host");
     * {@code "if-match"}
    public static final AsciiString IF_MATCH = new AsciiString("if-match");
     * {@code "if-modified-since"}
    public static final AsciiString IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = new AsciiString("if-modified-since");
     * {@code "if-none-match"}
    public static final AsciiString IF_NONE_MATCH = new AsciiString("if-none-match");
     * {@code "if-range"}
    public static final AsciiString IF_RANGE = new AsciiString("if-range");
     * {@code "if-unmodified-since"}
    public static final AsciiString IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = new AsciiString("if-unmodified-since");
     * @deprecated use {@link #CONNECTION}
     * {@code "keep-alive"}
    public static final AsciiString KEEP_ALIVE = new AsciiString("keep-alive");
     * {@code "last-modified"}
    public static final AsciiString LAST_MODIFIED = new AsciiString("last-modified");
     * {@code "location"}
    public static final AsciiString LOCATION = new AsciiString("location");
     * {@code "max-forwards"}
    public static final AsciiString MAX_FORWARDS = new AsciiString("max-forwards");
     * {@code "origin"}
    public static final AsciiString ORIGIN = new AsciiString("origin");
     * {@code "pragma"}
    public static final AsciiString PRAGMA = new AsciiString("pragma");
     * {@code "proxy-authenticate"}
    public static final AsciiString PROXY_AUTHENTICATE = new AsciiString("proxy-authenticate");
     * {@code "proxy-authorization"}
    public static final AsciiString PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = new AsciiString("proxy-authorization");
     * @deprecated use {@link #CONNECTION}
     * {@code "proxy-connection"}
    public static final AsciiString PROXY_CONNECTION = new AsciiString("proxy-connection");
     * {@code "range"}
    public static final AsciiString RANGE = new AsciiString("range");
     * {@code "referer"}
    public static final AsciiString REFERER = new AsciiString("referer");
     * {@code "retry-after"}
    public static final AsciiString RETRY_AFTER = new AsciiString("retry-after");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-key1"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1 = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-key1");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-key2"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2 = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-key2");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-location"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_LOCATION = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-location");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-origin"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-origin");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-protocol"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-protocol");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-version"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-version");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-key"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-key");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-accept"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-accept");
     * {@code "sec-websocket-protocol"}
    public static final AsciiString SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS = new AsciiString("sec-websocket-extensions");
     * {@code "server"}
    public static final AsciiString SERVER = new AsciiString("server");
     * {@code "set-cookie"}
    public static final AsciiString SET_COOKIE = new AsciiString("set-cookie");
     * {@code "set-cookie2"}
    public static final AsciiString SET_COOKIE2 = new AsciiString("set-cookie2");
     * {@code "te"}
    public static final AsciiString TE = new AsciiString("te");
     * {@code "trailer"}
    public static final AsciiString TRAILER = new AsciiString("trailer");
     * {@code "transfer-encoding"}
    public static final AsciiString TRANSFER_ENCODING = new AsciiString("transfer-encoding");
     * {@code "upgrade"}
    public static final AsciiString UPGRADE = new AsciiString("upgrade");
     * {@code "user-agent"}
    public static final AsciiString USER_AGENT = new AsciiString("user-agent");
     * {@code "vary"}
    public static final AsciiString VARY = new AsciiString("vary");
     * {@code "via"}
    public static final AsciiString VIA = new AsciiString("via");
     * {@code "warning"}
    public static final AsciiString WARNING = new AsciiString("warning");
     * {@code "websocket-location"}
    public static final AsciiString WEBSOCKET_LOCATION = new AsciiString("websocket-location");
     * {@code "websocket-origin"}
    public static final AsciiString WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN = new AsciiString("websocket-origin");
     * {@code "websocket-protocol"}
    public static final AsciiString WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL = new AsciiString("websocket-protocol");
     * {@code "www-authenticate"}
    public static final AsciiString WWW_AUTHENTICATE = new AsciiString("www-authenticate");

    private static final Map<String, AsciiString> map;

    static {
        final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, AsciiString> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (Field f : HttpHeaderNames.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
            final int m = f.getModifiers();
            if (Modifier.isPublic(m) && Modifier.isStatic(m) && Modifier.isFinal(m)
                    && f.getType() == AsciiString.class) {
                final AsciiString name;
                try {
                    name = (AsciiString) f.get(null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new Error(e);
                builder.put(name.toString(), name);
        map =;

    public static AsciiString of(String name) {
        requireNonNull(name, "name");
        name = name.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
        final AsciiString asciiName = map.get(name);
        return asciiName != null ? asciiName : new AsciiString(name);

    private HttpHeaderNames() {