Java tutorial
/** * License * THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS * CREATIVE COMMONS PUBLIC LICENSE ("CCPL" OR "LICENSE"). * THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. * ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR * COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. * * BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND * AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. TO THE EXTENT THIS LICENSE * MAY BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONTRACT, THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED * HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS. * */ package com.lineage.server.templates; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.lineage.server.model.L1Object; import com.lineage.server.model.npc.NpcExecutor; /** * */ public class L1Npc extends L1Object implements Cloneable { private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(L1Npc.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int _npcid; private String _name; private String _impl; private int _level; private int _hp; private int _mp; private int _ac; private byte _str; private byte _con; private byte _dex; private byte _wis; private byte _int; private int _mr; private int _exp; private int _lawful; private String _size; private int _weakAttr; private int _ranged; private boolean _agrososc; private boolean _agrocoi; private boolean _tameable; private int _passispeed; private int _atkspeed; private boolean _agro; private int _gfxid; private String _nameid; private int _undead; private int _poisonatk; private int _paralysisatk; private int _family; private int _agrofamily; private int _agrogfxid1; private int _agrogfxid2; private boolean _picupitem; private int _digestitem; private boolean _bravespeed; private int _hprinterval; private int _hpr; private int _mprinterval; private int _mpr; private boolean _teleport; private int _randomlevel; private int _randomhp; private int _randommp; private int _randomac; private int _randomexp; private int _randomlawful; private int _damagereduction; private boolean _hard; private boolean _doppel; private boolean _tu; private boolean _erase; private int bowActId = 0; private int _karma; private int _transformId; private int _transformGfxId; private int _altAtkSpeed; private int _atkMagicSpeed; private int _subMagicSpeed; private int _lightSize; private boolean _amountFixed; private boolean _changeHead; private boolean _isCantResurrect; private String _classname; private NpcExecutor _class; private boolean _talk = false; private boolean _action = false; public L1Npc() { } /** * NPC? */ public boolean action() { return this._action; } @Override public L1Npc clone() { try { return (L1Npc) (super.clone()); } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw (new InternalError(e.getMessage())); } } public int get_ac() { return this._ac; } public int get_agrofamily() { return this._agrofamily; } public int get_atkspeed() { return this._atkspeed; } /** * ?CLASS?? * * @return */ public String get_classname() { return this._classname; } public byte get_con() { return this._con; } public int get_damagereduction() { return this._damagereduction; } public byte get_dex() { return this._dex; } public int get_digestitem() { return this._digestitem; } public int get_exp() { return this._exp; } public int get_family() { return this._family; } public int get_gfxid() { return this._gfxid; } public int get_hp() { return this._hp; } public int get_hpr() { return this._hpr; } public int get_hprinterval() { return this._hprinterval; } public byte get_int() { return this._int; } public boolean get_IsErase() { return this._erase; } public boolean get_IsTU() { return this._tu; } public int get_lawful() { return this._lawful; } public int get_level() { return this._level; } public int get_mp() { return this._mp; } public int get_mpr() { return this._mpr; } public int get_mprinterval() { return this._mprinterval; } public int get_mr() { return this._mr; } public String get_name() { return this._name; } public String get_nameid() { return this._nameid; } public int get_npcId() { return this._npcid; } public int get_paralysisatk() { return this._paralysisatk; } public int get_passispeed() { return this._passispeed; } public int get_poisonatk() { return this._poisonatk; } public int get_randomac() { return this._randomac; } public int get_randomexp() { return this._randomexp; } public int get_randomhp() { return this._randomhp; } public int get_randomlawful() { return this._randomlawful; } public int get_randomlevel() { return this._randomlevel; } public int get_randommp() { return this._randommp; } public int get_ranged() { return this._ranged; } public String get_size() { return this._size; } public byte get_str() { return this._str; } public int get_undead() { return this._undead; } public int get_weakAttr() { return this._weakAttr; } public byte get_wis() { return this._wis; } public int getAltAtkSpeed() { return this._altAtkSpeed; } public int getAtkMagicSpeed() { return this._atkMagicSpeed; } public int getBowActId() { return this.bowActId; } public boolean getChangeHead() { return this._changeHead; } public String getImpl() { return this._impl; } public int getKarma() { return this._karma; } public int getLightSize() { return this._lightSize; } /** * ?NPC * * @return */ public NpcExecutor getNpcExecutor() { return this._class; } public int getSubMagicSpeed() { return this._subMagicSpeed; } public int getTransformGfxId() { return this._transformGfxId; } public int getTransformId() { return this._transformId; } public boolean is_agro() { return this._agro; } public boolean is_agrocoi() { return this._agrocoi; } public int is_agrogfxid1() { return this._agrogfxid1; } public int is_agrogfxid2() { return this._agrogfxid2; } public boolean is_agrososc() { return this._agrososc; } public boolean is_bravespeed() { return this._bravespeed; } public boolean is_doppel() { return this._doppel; } public boolean is_hard() { return this._hard; } public boolean is_picupitem() { return this._picupitem; } public boolean is_teleport() { return this._teleport; } /** * mapids????????????? * * @return ???????????true? */ public boolean isAmountFixed() { return this._amountFixed; } public boolean isCantResurrect() { return this._isCantResurrect; } public boolean isTamable() { return this._tameable; } public void set_ac(final int i) { this._ac = i; } public void set_agro(final boolean flag) { this._agro = flag; } public void set_agrocoi(final boolean flag) { this._agrocoi = flag; } public void set_agrofamily(final int i) { this._agrofamily = i; } public void set_agrogfxid1(final int i) { this._agrogfxid1 = i; } public void set_agrogfxid2(final int i) { this._agrogfxid2 = i; } public void set_agrososc(final boolean flag) { this._agrososc = flag; } public void set_atkspeed(final int i) { this._atkspeed = i; } public void set_bravespeed(final boolean flag) { this._bravespeed = flag; } /** * CLASS?? * * @param classname */ public void set_classname(final String classname) { this._classname = classname; } public void set_con(final byte i) { this._con = i; } public void set_damagereduction(final int i) { this._damagereduction = i; } public void set_dex(final byte i) { this._dex = i; } public void set_digestitem(final int i) { this._digestitem = i; } public void set_doppel(final boolean flag) { this._doppel = flag; } public void set_exp(final int i) { this._exp = i; } public void set_family(final int i) { this._family = i; } public void set_gfxid(final int i) { this._gfxid = i; } public void set_hard(final boolean flag) { this._hard = flag; } public void set_hp(final int i) { this._hp = i; } public void set_hpr(final int i) { this._hpr = i; } public void set_hprinterval(final int i) { this._hprinterval = i; } public void set_int(final byte i) { this._int = i; } public void set_IsErase(final boolean i) { this._erase = i; } public void set_IsTU(final boolean i) { this._tu = i; } public void set_lawful(final int i) { this._lawful = i; } public void set_level(final int i) { this._level = i; } public void set_mp(final int i) { this._mp = i; } public void set_mpr(final int i) { this._mpr = i; } public void set_mprinterval(final int i) { this._mprinterval = i; } public void set_mr(final int i) { this._mr = i; } public void set_name(final String s) { this._name = s; } public void set_nameid(final String s) { this._nameid = s; } public void set_npcId(final int i) { this._npcid = i; } public void set_paralysisatk(final int i) { this._paralysisatk = i; } public void set_passispeed(final int i) { this._passispeed = i; } public void set_picupitem(final boolean flag) { this._picupitem = flag; } public void set_poisonatk(final int i) { this._poisonatk = i; } public void set_randomac(final int i) { this._randomac = i; } public void set_randomexp(final int i) { this._randomexp = i; } public void set_randomhp(final int i) { this._randomhp = i; } public void set_randomlawful(final int i) { this._randomlawful = i; } public void set_randomlevel(final int i) { this._randomlevel = i; } public void set_randommp(final int i) { this._randommp = i; } public void set_ranged(final int i) { this._ranged = i; } public void set_size(final String s) { this._size = s; } public void set_str(final byte i) { this._str = i; } public void set_teleport(final boolean flag) { this._teleport = flag; } public void set_undead(final int i) { this._undead = i; } public void set_weakAttr(final int i) { this._weakAttr = i; } public void set_wis(final byte i) { this._wis = i; } public void setAltAtkSpeed(final int altAtkSpeed) { this._altAtkSpeed = altAtkSpeed; } public void setAmountFixed(final boolean fixed) { this._amountFixed = fixed; } public void setAtkMagicSpeed(final int atkMagicSpeed) { this._atkMagicSpeed = atkMagicSpeed; } public void setBowActId(final int i) { this.bowActId = i; } public void setCantResurrect(final boolean isCantResurrect) { this._isCantResurrect = isCantResurrect; } public void setChangeHead(final boolean changeHead) { this._changeHead = changeHead; } public void setImpl(final String s) { this._impl = s; } public void setKarma(final int i) { this._karma = i; } public void setLightSize(final int lightSize) { this._lightSize = lightSize; } /** * NPC * * @param _class */ public void setNpcExecutor(final NpcExecutor _class) { try { if (_class == null) { return; } this._class = _class; int type = _class.type(); if (type >= 2) { this._action = true; type -= 2; } if (type >= 1) { this._talk = true; type -= 1; } if (type > 0) { _log.error("NPC NpcId: " + this._npcid); } } catch (final Exception e) { _log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } public void setSubMagicSpeed(final int subMagicSpeed) { this._subMagicSpeed = subMagicSpeed; } public void setTamable(final boolean flag) { this._tameable = flag; } public void setTransformGfxId(final int i) { this._transformGfxId = i; } public void setTransformId(final int transformId) { this._transformId = transformId; } /** * NPC? */ public boolean talk() { return this._talk; } }