Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Liferay, LLC. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger; import com.liferay.util.FileUtil; import com.liferay.util.GetterUtil; import com.liferay.util.StringUtil; /** * <a href=""><b><i>View Source</i></b></a> * * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan * @version $Revision: 1.30 $ * */ public class WebSiteBuilder { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 2) { new WebSiteBuilder(args[0], args[1]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } public static List getWebSites() throws Exception { File file = new File("../web-sites/web-sites.xml"); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document doc = null; try { doc =; } catch (DocumentException de) { Logger.error(WebSiteBuilder.class, de.getMessage(), de); } Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List webSites = new ArrayList(); Iterator itr = root.elements("web-site").iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Element webSite = (Element); String id = webSite.attributeValue("id"); boolean httpEnabled = GetterUtil.getBoolean(webSite.attributeValue("http-enabled"), true); String keystore = GetterUtil.getString(webSite.attributeValue("keystore")); String keystorePassword = GetterUtil.getString(webSite.attributeValue("keystore-password")); String virtualHosts = GetterUtil.getString(webSite.attributeValue("virtual-hosts")); String forwardURL = GetterUtil.getString(webSite.attributeValue("forward-url"), "/c"); webSites.add(new WebSite(id, httpEnabled, keystore, keystorePassword, virtualHosts, forwardURL)); } return webSites; } public WebSiteBuilder(String portalExtProperties, String orionConfigDir) { try { _portalExtProperties = portalExtProperties; _orionConfigDir = orionConfigDir; List webSites = getWebSites(); _buildOrionASP(webSites); _buildWebSites(webSites); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this, e.getMessage(), e); } } private void _buildOrionASP(List webSites) throws Exception { if (_portalExtProperties.startsWith("${") || _orionConfigDir.startsWith("${")) { return; } // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(_portalExtProperties)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("portal.instances")) { sb.append("portal.instances=" + webSites.size()); } else { sb.append(line); } sb.append("\n"); } br.close(); FileUtil.write(_portalExtProperties, sb.toString()); // /orion/config/application.xml sb = new StringBuffer(); Iterator itr = webSites.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { WebSite webSite = (WebSite); if (webSite.isHttpEnabled() || webSite.isHttpsEnabled()) { sb.append("\t<web-module id=\""); sb.append(webSite.getId()); sb.append("-web\" "); sb.append("path=\"../applications/"); sb.append(webSite.getId()); sb.append("-web.war\" />\n"); } } File file = new File(_orionConfigDir + "/application.xml"); String content =; int x = content.indexOf("<!-- Begin ASP -->"); int y = content.indexOf("<!-- End ASP -->"); content = content.substring(0, x + 20) + sb.toString() + content.substring(y - 2, content.length()); FileUtil.write(file, content); // /orion/config/server.xml sb = new StringBuffer(); itr = webSites.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { WebSite webSite = (WebSite); if (webSite.isHttpEnabled()) { sb.append("\t<web-site path=\"./web-sites/"); sb.append(webSite.getId()); sb.append("-web.xml\" />\n"); } if (webSite.isHttpsEnabled()) { sb.append("\t<web-site path=\"./web-sites/"); sb.append(webSite.getId()); sb.append("-web-secure.xml\" />\n"); } } file = new File(_orionConfigDir + "/server.xml"); content =; x = content.indexOf("<!-- Begin ASP -->"); y = content.indexOf("<!-- End ASP -->"); content = content.substring(0, x + 20) + sb.toString() + content.substring(y - 2, content.length()); FileUtil.write(file, content); // /orion/config/web-sites/ itr = webSites.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { WebSite webSite = (WebSite); if (webSite.isHttpEnabled()) { _buildOrionASP(webSite, false); } if (webSite.isHttpsEnabled()) { _buildOrionASP(webSite, true); } } } private void _buildOrionASP(WebSite webSite, boolean secure) throws Exception { String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + "<!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC \"Orion Web-site\" " + "\"\">\n" + "\n" + "<web-site " + (secure ? "secure=\"true\" " : "") + "virtual-hosts=\"" + webSite.getVirtualHosts() + "\">\n" + "\t<default-web-app application=\"default\" name=\"" + webSite.getId() + "-web\" load-on-startup=\"true\" />\n" + "\t<web-app application=\"default\" name=\"cms-web\" " + "root=\"/cms\" load-on-startup=\"true\" />\n" + "\t<web-app application=\"default\" name=\"laszlo-web\" " + "root=\"/laszlo\" load-on-startup=\"true\" />\n" + "\t<web-app application=\"default\" name=\"portal-web\" " + "root=\"/portal\" load-on-startup=\"true\" />\n" + "\t<web-app application=\"default\" name=\"tunnel-web\" " + "root=\"/tunnel\" load-on-startup=\"true\" />\n" + "\t<access-log path=\"../../log/" + webSite.getId() + "-web" + (secure ? "-secure" : "") + "-access.log\" />\n"; if (secure) { xml += "\t<ssl-config keystore=\"" + webSite.getKeystore() + "\" keystore-password=\"" + webSite.getKeystorePassword() + "\" />\n"; } xml += "</web-site>"; FileUtil.write( _orionConfigDir + "/web-sites/" + webSite.getId() + "-web" + (secure ? "-secure" : "") + ".xml", xml); } private void _buildWebSites(List webSites) throws Exception { // Session timeout Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileInputStream("../portal-ejb/classes/")); String sessionTimeout = GetterUtil.get(props.getProperty("session.timeout"), "30"); // Default NFC String nfcConf = StringUtil.replace("../portal-ejb/src/com/liferay/portal/tools/tmpl/" + "nfc.conf.tmpl"), new String[] { "[$LISTEN_PORT$]" }, new String[] { Integer.toString(_nfcListenPort) }); File nfcConfFile = new File("../portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/nfc/nfc.conf"); FileUtil.write(nfcConfFile, nfcConf); // web-sites Iterator itr = webSites.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { WebSite webSite = (WebSite); String id = webSite.getId(); String forwardURL = webSite.getForwardURL(); // /docroot/index.html String indexHTML = "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "\t<title></title>\n" + "\t<meta content=\"0; url=" + forwardURL + "\" http-equiv=\"refresh\">\n" + "</head>\n" + "\n" + "<body onLoad=\"javascript:location.replace('" + forwardURL + "')\">\n" + "\n" + "</body>\n" + "\n" + "</html>"; File indexHTMLFile = new File("../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/index.html"); FileUtil.write(indexHTMLFile, indexHTML); // /docroot/WEB-INF/web.xml String webXML = StringUtil.replace("../portal-ejb/src/com/liferay/portal/tools/tmpl/" + "web.xml.tmpl"), new String[] { "[$COMPANY_ID$]", "[$SESSION_TIMEOUT$]" }, new String[] { id, sessionTimeout }); File webXMLFile = new File("../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/web.xml"); FileUtil.write(webXMLFile, webXML); // /docroot/WEB-INF/lib/util-taglib.jar FileUtil.copyFile("../portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/lib/util-taglib.jar", "../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/lib/util-taglib.jar"); // /docroot/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld FileUtil.copyFile("../portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld", "../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld"); // /docroot/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-util.tld FileUtil.copyFile("../portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-util.tld", "../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-util.tld"); // /docroot/WEB-INF/jcvs File[] jcvsConfArray = new File("../portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/jcvs/conf").listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < jcvsConfArray.length; i++) { if (jcvsConfArray[i].isFile() && jcvsConfArray[i].getName().endsWith(".properties")) { File webJcvsConf = new File( "../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/jcvs/conf/" + jcvsConfArray[i].getName()); if (!webJcvsConf.exists()) { FileUtil.copyFile(jcvsConfArray[i], webJcvsConf); } } } FileUtil.write("../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/jcvs/temp/deleteme", ""); FileUtil.write("../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/jcvs/work/deleteme", ""); // /docroot/WEB-INF/nfc File[] nfcArray = new File("../portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/nfc").listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < nfcArray.length; i++) { if (nfcArray[i].isFile() && nfcArray[i].getName().endsWith(".properties")) { File webNfc = new File( "../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/nfc/" + nfcArray[i].getName()); if (!webNfc.exists()) { FileUtil.copyFile(nfcArray[i], webNfc); } } } _nfcListenPort++; nfcConf = StringUtil.replace("../portal-ejb/src/com/liferay/portal/tools/tmpl/" + "nfc.conf.tmpl"), new String[] { "[$LISTEN_PORT$]" }, new String[] { Integer.toString(_nfcListenPort) }); nfcConfFile = new File("../web-sites/" + id + "-web/docroot/WEB-INF/nfc/nfc.conf"); FileUtil.write(nfcConfFile, nfcConf); } } private String _portalExtProperties = null; private String _orionConfigDir = null; private int _nfcListenPort = 7777; }