Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.

package com.liferay.portal.kernel.util;


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

 * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
 * @author Alexander Chow
public interface File {

    public String appendParentheticalSuffix(String fileName, String suffix);

    public String appendSuffix(String fileName, String suffix);

    public void copyDirectory( source, destination) throws IOException;

    public void copyDirectory(String sourceDirName, String destinationDirName) throws IOException;

    public void copyFile( source, destination) throws IOException;

    public void copyFile( source, destination, boolean lazy) throws IOException;

    public void copyFile(String source, String destination) throws IOException;

    public void copyFile(String source, String destination, boolean lazy) throws IOException;

    public createTempFile();

    public createTempFile(byte[] bytes) throws IOException;

    public createTempFile(InputStream is) throws IOException;

    public createTempFile(String extension);

    public createTempFile(String prefix, String extension);

    public String createTempFileName();

    public String createTempFileName(String extension);

    public String createTempFileName(String prefix, String extension);

    public createTempFolder() throws IOException;

    public String decodeSafeFileName(String fileName);

    public boolean delete( file);

    public boolean delete(String file);

    public void deltree( directory);

    public void deltree(String directory);

    public String encodeSafeFileName(String fileName);

    public boolean exists( file);

    public boolean exists(String fileName);

    public String extractText(InputStream is, String fileName);

    public String extractText(InputStream is, String fileName, int maxStringLength);

    public String[] find(String directory, String includes, String excludes);

    public String getAbsolutePath( file);

    public byte[] getBytes(Class<?> clazz, String fileName) throws IOException;

    public byte[] getBytes(InputStream is) throws IOException;

    public byte[] getBytes(InputStream is, int bufferSize) throws IOException;

    public byte[] getBytes(InputStream inputStream, int bufferSize, boolean cleanUpStream) throws IOException;

    public byte[] getBytes( file) throws IOException;

    public String getExtension(String fileName);

    public String getMD5Checksum( file) throws IOException;

    public String getPath(String fullFileName);

    public String getShortFileName(String fullFileName);

    public boolean isAscii( file) throws IOException;

    public boolean isSameContent( file, byte[] bytes, int length);

    public boolean isSameContent( file, String s);

    public String[] listDirs( file);

    public String[] listDirs(String fileName);

    public String[] listFiles( file);

    public String[] listFiles(String fileName);

    public void mkdirs( file) throws IOException;

    public void mkdirs(String pathName);

    public boolean move( source, destination);

    public boolean move(String sourceFileName, String destinationFileName);

    public String read( file) throws IOException;

    public String read( file, boolean raw) throws IOException;

    public String read(String fileName) throws IOException;

    public String replaceSeparator(String fileName);

    public[] sortFiles([] files);

    public String stripExtension(String fileName);

    public String stripParentheticalSuffix(String fileName);

    public List<String> toList(Reader reader);

    public List<String> toList(String fileName);

    public Properties toProperties(FileInputStream fis);

    public Properties toProperties(String fileName);

    public void touch( file) throws IOException;

    public void touch(String fileName) throws IOException;

    public void unzip( source, destination);

    public void write( file, byte[] bytes) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, byte[] bytes, boolean append) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, boolean append) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, InputStream is) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, String s) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, String s, boolean lazy) throws IOException;

    public void write( file, String s, boolean lazy, boolean append) throws IOException;

    public void write(String fileName, byte[] bytes) throws IOException;

    public void write(String fileName, InputStream is) throws IOException;

    public void write(String fileName, String s) throws IOException;

    public void write(String fileName, String s, boolean lazy) throws IOException;

    public void write(String fileName, String s, boolean lazy, boolean append) throws IOException;

    public void write(String pathName, String fileName, String s) throws IOException;

    public void write(String pathName, String fileName, String s, boolean lazy) throws IOException;

    public void write(String pathName, String fileName, String s, boolean lazy, boolean append) throws IOException;
