Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.

package com.liferay.ide.kaleo.core;

import com.liferay.ide.core.remote.RemoteConnection;


import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * @author Gregory Amerson
 * @author Terry Jia
public class KaleoConnection extends RemoteConnection implements IKaleoConnection {

    public JSONObject addKaleoDraftDefinition(String name, String titleMap, String definitionContent, int version,
            int draftVersion, long userId, long groupId) throws KaleoAPIException {

        JSONObject newKaleoDraftDefinition = null;

        HttpPost post = new HttpPost();

        try {
            Object objects = new Object[] { addKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), "name", name, "groupId", groupId,
                    "titleMap", titleMap, "content", definitionContent, "version", version, "draftVersion",
                    draftVersion, "userId", userId, "serviceContext.userId", userId };

            Object response = httpJSONAPI(post, objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                JSONObject responseObject = (JSONObject) response;

                if ((responseObject != null) && responseObject.has("exception")) {
                    throw new KaleoAPIException(addKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(),

                newKaleoDraftDefinition = responseObject;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(addKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), e);

        return newKaleoDraftDefinition;

    public JSONObject getCompanyIdByVirtualHost() throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONObject company = null;
        Exception apiException = null;

        try {
            Object[] objects = { _getCompanyByVirtualHostAPI(), "virtualHost", getHost() };

            Object response = getJSONAPI(objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                company = (JSONObject) response;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            apiException = new KaleoAPIException(getKaleoDefinitionsAPI(), e);

        if (company == null) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(_getCompanyByVirtualHostAPI(), apiException);

        return company;

    public JSONArray getKaleoDefinitions() throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONArray definitions = null;
        Exception apiException = null;
        Object response = null;

        try {
            response = getJSONAPI(getKaleoDefinitionsAPI() + "/start/-1/end/-1");

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONArray)) {
                definitions = (JSONArray) response;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            apiException = new KaleoAPIException(getKaleoDefinitionsAPI(), e);

        if (definitions == null) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(getKaleoDefinitionsAPI(), apiException);

        return definitions;

    public JSONArray getKaleoDraftWorkflowDefinitions() throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONArray definitions = null;
        Exception apiException = null;
        Object response = null;

        try {
            response = getJSONAPI(getKaleoDraftDefinitionsAPI());

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONArray)) {
                definitions = (JSONArray) response;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            apiException = new KaleoAPIException(getKaleoDraftDefinitionsAPI(), e);

        if (definitions == null) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(getKaleoDraftDefinitionsAPI(), apiException);

        return definitions;

    public JSONObject getLatestKaleoDraftDefinition(String name, int version, long companyId)
            throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONObject latestDraftDefinition = null;
        Exception apiException = null;

        try {
            Object[] objects = { getLatestKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), "name", name, "version", version,
                    "serviceContext.companyId", companyId };

            Object response = getJSONAPI(objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                JSONObject responseObject = (JSONObject) response;

                if ((responseObject != null) && responseObject.has("exception")) {
                     * throw new KaleoAPIException(
                     * addWorkflowDefinitionKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(),
                     * responseObject.getString( "exception" ) );
                    latestDraftDefinition = null;
                } else {
                    latestDraftDefinition = responseObject;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            apiException = new KaleoAPIException(getLatestKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), e);

        if (apiException != null) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(getLatestKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), apiException);
         * if( latestDraftDefinition == null ) { throw new KaleoAPIException(
         * getLatestKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), apiException ); }
        return latestDraftDefinition;

    public URL getPortalHtmlUrl() {
        return _portalHomeUrl;

    public String getPortalLocale(long userId) throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONObject user = getPortalUserById(userId);

        Locale defaultLocal = Locale.getDefault();

        String portalDefaultLocale = defaultLocal.toString();

        if (user != null) {
            try {
                portalDefaultLocale = user.getString("languageId");
            } catch (JSONException jsone) {

        return portalDefaultLocale;

    public JSONObject getPortalUserById(long userId) throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONObject user = null;

        HttpPost post = new HttpPost();

        try {
            Object objects = new Object[] { getPortalUserAPI(), "userId", userId };

            Object response = httpJSONAPI(post, objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                JSONObject responseObject = (JSONObject) response;

                if ((responseObject != null) && responseObject.has("exception")) {
                    throw new KaleoAPIException(addKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(),

                user = responseObject;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(addKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), e);

        return user;

    public String getServerName() {
        return _serverName;

    public JSONObject getUserByEmailAddress() throws KaleoAPIException {
        JSONObject user = null;
        Exception apiException = null;

        try {
            Object[] objects = { getUserByEmailAddressAPI(), "companyId",
                    getCompanyIdByVirtualHost().getLong("companyId"), "emailAddress", getUsername() };

            Object response = getJSONAPI(objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                user = (JSONObject) response;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            apiException = new KaleoAPIException(getUserByEmailAddressAPI(), e);

        if (user == null) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(getUserByEmailAddressAPI(), apiException);

        return user;

    public String getUserByEmailAddressAPI() {
        return _getPortalAPIUrl() + GET_USER_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_API;

    public void publishKaleoDraftDefinition(String name, String titleMap, String content, String companyId,
            String userId, String groupId) throws KaleoAPIException {

        try {
            HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost();

            Object objects = new Object[] { publishKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), "name", name, "titleMap", titleMap,
                    "content", content, "userId", userId, "groupId", groupId, "serviceContext.companyId", companyId,
                    "serviceContext.userId", userId };

            Object response = httpJSONAPI(httpPost, objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                JSONObject responseObject = (JSONObject) response;

                if ((responseObject != null) && responseObject.has("exception")) {
                    throw new KaleoAPIException(publishKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(publishKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), e);

    public void setPortalContextPath(String portalContextPath) {
        _portalContextPath = portalContextPath;

    public void setPortalHtmlUrl(URL portalHomeUrl) {
        _portalHomeUrl = portalHomeUrl;

    public void setServerName(String serverName) {
        _serverName = serverName;

    public JSONObject updateKaleoDraftDefinition(String name, String titleMap, String content, int version,
            int draftVersion, long companyId, long userId) throws KaleoAPIException {

        JSONObject updatedKaleoDraftDefinition = null;

        try {
            HttpPost post = new HttpPost();

            Object objects = new Object[] { updateKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), "name", name, "titleMap", titleMap,
                    "content", content, "version", version, "draftVersion", draftVersion, "userId", userId,
                    "serviceContext.companyId", companyId, "serviceContext.userId", userId };

            Object response = httpJSONAPI(post, objects);

            if ((response != null) && (response instanceof JSONObject)) {
                JSONObject responseObject = (JSONObject) response;

                if ((responseObject != null) && responseObject.has("exception")) {
                    throw new KaleoAPIException(addWorkflowDefinitionKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(),

                updatedKaleoDraftDefinition = responseObject;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KaleoAPIException(publishKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI(), e);

        return updatedKaleoDraftDefinition;

    protected String addKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI() {
        return _getKaleoDesignerAPIUrl() + ADD_KALEO_DRAFT_DEFINITION_API;

    protected String addWorkflowDefinitionKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI() {

    protected String getKaleoDefinitionsAPI() {
        return _getKaleoWebAPIUrl() + GET_KALEO_DEFINITIONS_API;

    protected String getKaleoDraftDefinitionsAPI() {
        return _getKaleoDesignerAPIUrl() + GET_KALEO_DRAFT_DEFINITIONS_API;

    protected String getLatestKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI() {
        return _getKaleoDesignerAPIUrl() + GET_LATEST_KALEO_DRAFT_DEFINITION_API;

    protected String getPortalUserAPI() {
        return _getPortalAPIUrl() + GET_PORTAL_USER_API;

    protected String publishKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI() {
        return _getKaleoDesignerAPIUrl() + PUBLISH_KALEO_DRAFT_DEFINITION_API;

    protected String updateKaleoDraftDefinitionAPI() {
        return _getKaleoDesignerAPIUrl() + UPDATE_KALEO_DRAFT_DEFINITION;

    private String _getCompanyByVirtualHostAPI() {
        return _getPortalContextPath() + "/api/jsonws/company/get-company-by-virtual-host";

    private String _getKaleoDesignerAPIUrl() {
        return "/api/jsonws";

    private String _getKaleoWebAPIUrl() {
        return "/api/jsonws";

    private String _getPortalAPIUrl() {
        return "/api/jsonws";

    private String _getPortalContextPath() {
        return _portalContextPath;

    private String _portalContextPath;
    private URL _portalHomeUrl;
    private String _serverName;
