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 * Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
package com.liferay.faces.portal.test.showcase.inputrichtext;

import org.junit.Test;

import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

import com.liferay.faces.test.selenium.browser.BrowserDriver;
import com.liferay.faces.test.selenium.browser.WaitingAsserter;

 * @author  Kyle Stiemann
public class InputRichTextDefaultValueTester extends InputRichTextTester {

    public void runInputRichTextGeneralTest() {

        // 1. Navigate to the "inputRichText" "Default Value" use case.
        BrowserDriver browserDriver = getBrowserDriver();
        navigateToUseCase(browserDriver, "inputRichText", "default-value");

        // 2. Verify that "<p>This is some <strong>bold</strong> text<br />\nand this is some <em>italic</em> text.</p>"
        // appears in the *Model Value*.
        WaitingAsserter waitingAsserter = getWaitingAsserter();
                "<p>This is some <strong>bold</strong> text<br />\nand this is some <em>italic</em> text.</p>",

        // 3. Before the text "ld text and this is some italic text.", type "ld o".

        Actions insertText = browserDriver.createActions(BODY_XPATH);
        WebElement body = browserDriver.findElementByXpath(BODY_XPATH);;

        for (int i = 0; i < "ld text and this is some italic text.".length(); i++) {

        browserDriver.sendKeysToElement(BODY_XPATH, "ld o");

        // 4. Click the *Submit* button.
        String expectedText = "<p>This is some <strong>bold old</strong> text<br />\nand this is some <em>italic</em> text.</p>";
        submitRichText(browserDriver, submitButton1Xpath, 1, expectedText);

        // 5. Verify that
        // "<p>This is some <strong>bold old</strong> text<br />\nand this is some <em>italic</em> text.</p>" appears in
        // the *Model Value*.
        waitingAsserter.assertTextPresentInElement(expectedText, modelValue1Xpath);