Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @author James Falkner */ /** * Portions of this file derived from Apache Commons Lang * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONArray; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONFactoryUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONObject; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.*; import com.liferay.portal.model.GroupConstants; import com.liferay.portal.service.GroupLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil; import com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.model.DDLRecord; import com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.model.DDLRecordSet; import com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.service.DDLRecordSetLocalServiceUtil; import; import com.liferay.util.portlet.PortletProps; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.CharArraySet; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class Utils { public static boolean flag = true; public static final String[] FIRSTS = new String[] { "Gabriel", "Adam", "Raphal", "Victor", "Maxime", "Louise", "Chlo", "Rachel", "Eddy" }; public static final String[] LASTS = new String[] { "Andr", "Martin", "Laurent", "Roux", "Petit", "Durand", "Fournier", "Franois" }; public static final String[] ATTENDEE_TYPE = new String[] { "attendee", "gold sponsor", "silver sponsor", "platinum sponsor", "exhibitor" }; public static final String[] ADDRS = new String[] { "London, gb", "New York, us", "Delhi, in", "Tokyo, jp", "Paris, fr", "Frankfurt, de", "Atlanta, us" }; public static final String[] COMPANIES = new String[] { "Liferay", "IBM", "Software AG", "SAP", "Apple" }; public static final String[] JOBTITLES = new String[] { "CEO", "CTO", "Software Architect", "Developer", "VP Engineering", "Community Manager" }; public static final String[] INDUSTRY = new String[] { "Automotive", "Financial", "Education", "Government", "Computer Software", "Consulting" }; public static final String[] INTEREST_NAMES = new String[] { "liferay", "portal", "enterprise", "open source", "community manager", "cms", "content management", "workflow", "digital business", "enterprise social network", "digital marketing" }; public static final String[] EXPERTISE = new String[] { "Content Management", "Audience Engagement", "Digital Marketing", "Digital Business" }; public static final String[] GRAVATAR_IDS = new String[] { "205e460b479e2e5b48aec07710c08d50", "6ea52ba884713c11a9f814dde6867c97", "84987b436214f52ec0b04cd1f8a73c3c", "c63392ca320086522cf4d55cbf1d3808", "8f0c9789bd69a98b3103bcefa878f1bb", "86debe7ed7ece0f968097a768dcbd5cb", "4d346581a3340e32cf93703c9ce46bd4", "75fb365927cb3f5f7b677682d6249406", "3cb9afe63d364690c0e188fb16473277", "5b3b5ce04dd402124aba53142b3e47f6", "6cf147a5459184fdd93a2328d03ebcb4", "aac7e0386facd070f6d4b817c257a958", "1a33e7a69df4f675fcd799edca088ac2", "4f293e41d789d759831dc43550b7a9ff", "aa19dcc345fb0f1a6ddaf9b9863a678f", "f45143c409f3deed51a65a238654f7f4", "24038397a5d55c66d086e0a1721a5ade", "3751204a1a48ba86eb6bb83a96640318", "16aeda409d2a00b51ac4c5058a3a8435", "777ec1b95dbc49dd05d724da9bef1edd" }; private static String sigSharedSecret = null; public static String generateSig(Map<String, String> args) { if (Validator.isNull(sigSharedSecret)) { sigSharedSecret = PortletProps.get(""); if (sigSharedSecret == null) { sigSharedSecret = "some-hard-to-guess-string"; } } List<String> sortedArgs = new SortedArrayList<String>(); sortedArgs.addAll(args.keySet()); String preSig = sigSharedSecret; for (String paramName : sortedArgs) { preSig += (paramName + "=" + args.get(paramName)); } return DigesterUtil.digestHex(Digester.SHA_256, preSig); } public static boolean isValidSignature(Map<String, String> args, String sig) throws SystemException { if (!Utils.flag) return false; if (Validator.isNull(sigSharedSecret)) { //sigSharedSecret = PrefsPropsUtil.getString("", "some hard-to-guess string"); sigSharedSecret = PortletProps.get(""); if (sigSharedSecret == null) { sigSharedSecret = "some-hard-to-guess-string"; } } List<String> sortedArgs = new SortedArrayList<String>(); sortedArgs.addAll(args.keySet()); String preSig = sigSharedSecret; for (String paramName : sortedArgs) { preSig += (paramName + "=" + args.get(paramName)); } String shaSig = DigesterUtil.digestHex(Digester.SHA_256, preSig); return shaSig.equals(sig); } public static String getJSONLikenessDescription(EventContact me, EventContact targetContact) throws JSONException { JSONArray result = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); Map<String, Double> desires1 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(me.getDesires()); Map<String, Double> desires2 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(targetContact.getDesires()); Map<String, Double> expertise1 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(me.getExpertise()); Map<String, Double> expertise2 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(targetContact.getExpertise()); // how many of my desires do they have expertise in? Set<String> common1 = new HashSet<String>(desires1.keySet()); common1.retainAll(expertise2.keySet()); // how many of my expertises do they desire? Set<String> common2 = new HashSet<String>(desires2.keySet()); common2.retainAll(expertise1.keySet()); if (common1.size() > 0) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); List<String> myNeeds = new ArrayList<String>(common1); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(targetContact.getGivenName()); args.put(StringUtils.join(myNeeds.size() > 5 ? myNeeds.subList(0, 5) : myNeeds, " " + StringPool.SLASH + " ")); bit.put("key", "HAS_EXPERTISE_IN_MY_AREAS"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } if (common2.size() > 0) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); List<String> myExpertise = new ArrayList<String>(common2); args.put(targetContact.getGivenName()); args.put(StringUtils.join(myExpertise.size() > 5 ? myExpertise.subList(0, 5) : myExpertise, " " + StringPool.SLASH + " ")); bit.put("key", "HAS_NEEDS_IN_MY_AREAS"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } double industrySimilarity = getJaroWinklerDistance(me.getIndustry(), targetContact.getIndustry()); double jobTitleSimilarity = getJaroWinklerDistance(me.getJobTitle(), targetContact.getJobTitle()); double locationDistance; if (me.getLat() == 0 || me.getLng() == 0 || targetContact.getLat() == 0 || targetContact.getLng() == 0) { locationDistance = 100000; } else { locationDistance = getDistanceBetween(me.getLat(), me.getLng(), targetContact.getLat(), targetContact.getLng()); } double locationSimilarity = 1.0 - (locationDistance / 1000.0); if (locationSimilarity < 0) locationSimilarity = 0; if (locationSimilarity > .5 && me.getCountry().equals(targetContact.getCountry())) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(targetContact.getGivenName()); args.put(targetContact.getCity()); bit.put("key", "IS_NEARBY"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } else if (me.getCountry().equals(targetContact.getCountry())) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(targetContact.getGivenName()); bit.put("key", "LIVES_WORKS_IN_COUNTRY"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } if (industrySimilarity > .7) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(targetContact.getGivenName()); args.put(targetContact.getIndustry()); bit.put("key", "SIMILAR_INDUSTRY"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } if (jobTitleSimilarity > .7) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(targetContact.getGivenName()); args.put(targetContact.getJobTitle()); bit.put("key", "SIMILAR_JOB"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } JSONArray words1o = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(me.getInterests()); JSONArray words2o = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(targetContact.getInterests()); List<String> words1 = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> words2 = new ArrayList<String>(); final Map<String, Integer> count1 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); final Map<String, Integer> count2 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); final Map<String, Double> weight1 = new HashMap<String, Double>(); final Map<String, Double> weight2 = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < words1o.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = words1o.getJSONObject(i); String word = o.getString("word"); int count = o.getInt("count"); double weight = o.getDouble("weight"); words1.add(word); count1.put(word, count); weight1.put(word, weight); } for (int i = 0; i < words2o.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = words2o.getJSONObject(i); String word = o.getString("word"); int count = o.getInt("count"); double weight = o.getDouble("weight"); words2.add(word); count2.put(word, count); weight2.put(word, weight); } Set<String> commonWords = new HashSet<String>(words1); commonWords.retainAll(words2); List<String> sortedCommon = new SortedArrayList<String>(new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return (int) Math.floor( ((((double) count1.get(o2) * weight1.get(o2)) + ((double) count2.get(o2) * weight2.get(o2))) - (((double) count1.get(o1) * weight1.get(o1)) + ((double) count2.get(o1) * weight2.get(o1))))); } }); sortedCommon.addAll(commonWords); if (!sortedCommon.isEmpty()) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(StringUtils.join(sortedCommon.size() > 5 ? sortedCommon.subList(0, 5) : sortedCommon, " / ")); bit.put("key", "SIMILAR_SKILLS_INTERESTS"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } if (result.length() <= 0) { List<String> sortedTargetWords = new SortedArrayList<String>(new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String a, String b) { return (int) Math.floor(((weight2.get(b) * (double) count2.get(b)) - (weight2.get(a) * (double) count2.get(a)))); } }); sortedTargetWords.addAll(words2); if (!sortedTargetWords.isEmpty()) { JSONObject bit = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); JSONArray args = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); args.put(StringUtils.join( sortedTargetWords.size() > 3 ? sortedTargetWords.subList(0, 3) : sortedTargetWords, " / ")); bit.put("key", "MIGHT_BE_INTERESTED"); bit.put("args", args); result.put(bit); } } return result.toString(); } public static double getLikeness(EventContact me, EventContact targetContact, Map<String, String> eventConfig) throws JSONException { double percentInterestMatch = getInterestLikeness(me, targetContact); double percentExpertiseMatch = getExpertiseMatch(me, targetContact); double industrySimilarity = getJaroWinklerDistance(me.getIndustry(), targetContact.getIndustry()); double jobTitleSimilarity = getJaroWinklerDistance(me.getJobTitle(), targetContact.getJobTitle()); double locationDistance; if (me.getLat() == 0 || me.getLng() == 0 || targetContact.getLat() == 0 || targetContact.getLng() == 0) { locationDistance = 100000; } else { locationDistance = getDistanceBetween(me.getLat(), me.getLng(), targetContact.getLat(), targetContact.getLng()); } double locationSimilarity = 1 - (locationDistance / 500); if (locationSimilarity < 0) locationSimilarity = 0; double finalMatch = GetterUtil.getDouble(eventConfig.get("expertise_match_weight"), 0.50) * percentExpertiseMatch + GetterUtil.getDouble(eventConfig.get("interest_match_weight"), 0.30) * percentInterestMatch + GetterUtil.getDouble(eventConfig.get("location_match_weight"), 0.05) * locationSimilarity + GetterUtil.getDouble(eventConfig.get("job_title_match_weight"), 0.05) * jobTitleSimilarity + GetterUtil.getDouble(eventConfig.get("industry_match_weight"), 0.10) * industrySimilarity; String bonusStr = eventConfig.get("bonus_match_map"); String attendeeType = targetContact.getAttendeeType(); if (Validator.isNotNull(bonusStr) && Validator.isNotNull(attendeeType)) { JSONArray arr = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(bonusStr); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { String bonusType = arr.getJSONObject(i).getString("type"); Double bonus = arr.getJSONObject(i).getDouble("bonus"); if (attendeeType.contains(bonusType)) { finalMatch += bonus; } } } if (finalMatch > 1.0) { finalMatch = 1.0; } return finalMatch; } private static double getExpertiseMatch(EventContact me, EventContact targetContact) throws JSONException { Map<String, Double> desires1 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(me.getDesires()); Map<String, Double> desires2 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(targetContact.getDesires()); Map<String, Double> expertise1 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(me.getExpertise()); Map<String, Double> expertise2 = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(targetContact.getExpertise()); // how many of my desires do they have expertise in? Set<String> common1 = new HashSet<String>(desires1.keySet()); common1.retainAll(expertise2.keySet()); // how matchy is it? double common1Val = 0.0; double uncommon1Val = 0.0; for (String desire1 : desires1.keySet()) { if (expertise2.containsKey(desire1)) { common1Val += (desires1.get(desire1) + expertise2.get(desire1)); } else { uncommon1Val += desires1.get(desire1); } } // now look the other way for (String desire2 : desires2.keySet()) { if (expertise1.containsKey(desire2)) { common1Val += (desires2.get(desire2) + expertise1.get(desire2)); } else { uncommon1Val += desires2.get(desire2); } } if ((common1Val + uncommon1Val) <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } else { return common1Val / (common1Val + uncommon1Val); } } public static double getInterestLikeness(EventContact me, EventContact targetContact) throws JSONException { JSONArray words1o = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(me.getInterests()); JSONArray words2o = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(targetContact.getInterests()); List<String> words1 = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> words2 = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Integer> count1 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Integer> count2 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Map<String, Double> weight1 = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Map<String, Double> weight2 = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < words1o.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = words1o.getJSONObject(i); String word = o.getString("word"); int count = o.getInt("count"); double weight = o.getDouble("weight"); words1.add(word); count1.put(word, count); weight1.put(word, weight); } for (int i = 0; i < words2o.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = words2o.getJSONObject(i); String word = o.getString("word"); int count = o.getInt("count"); double weight = o.getDouble("weight"); words2.add(word); count2.put(word, count); weight2.put(word, weight); } Set<String> commonWords = new HashSet<String>(words1); commonWords.retainAll(words2); Set<String> uncommonWords = new HashSet<String>(words1); uncommonWords.addAll(words2); uncommonWords.removeAll(commonWords); double matchedScore = 0.0; double unmatchedScore = 0.0; for (String commonWord : commonWords) { matchedScore += (((double) count1.get(commonWord) * weight1.get(commonWord)) + (((double) count2.get(commonWord) * weight2.get(commonWord)))); } for (String uncommonWord : uncommonWords) { if (words1.contains(uncommonWord)) { unmatchedScore += ((double) count1.get(uncommonWord) * weight1.get(uncommonWord)); } else { unmatchedScore += ((double) count2.get(uncommonWord) * weight2.get(uncommonWord)); } } return unmatchedScore > 0 ? ((matchedScore * 2.0) / (unmatchedScore + (matchedScore * 2.0))) : 1.0; } // // distance in km public static double getDistanceBetween(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) { if (lat1 == lat2 && lon1 == lon2) { return 0; } double theta = lon1 - lon2; double dist = Math.sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.sin(deg2rad(lat2)) + Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(theta)); if (dist == 0) { return 0; } dist = Math.acos(dist); dist = rad2deg(dist); return (dist * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344); } public static Map<String, String> getEventConfig(String eventId) throws SystemException, PortalException { final String groupName = GroupConstants.GUEST; final long companyId = PortalUtil.getDefaultCompanyId(); final long guestGroupId = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(companyId, groupName).getGroupId(); Map<String, String> eventConfig = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (DDLRecordSet set : DDLRecordSetLocalServiceUtil.getRecordSets(guestGroupId)) { if (set.getName().toLowerCase().contains("event config") && set.getDDMStructure().hasField("event_id")) { for (DDLRecord record : set.getRecords()) { if (GetterUtil.getString(record.getFieldValue("event_id")).equals(eventId)) { for (Field field : record.getFields()) { String fieldName = field.getName(); String fieldValue = GetterUtil.getString(record.getFieldValue(fieldName)); eventConfig.put(fieldName, fieldValue); } break; } } break; } } return eventConfig; } /*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/ /*:: This function converts decimal degrees to radians :*/ /*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/ private static double deg2rad(double deg) { return (deg * Math.PI / 180.0); } /*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/ /*:: This function converts radians to decimal degrees :*/ /*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*/ private static double rad2deg(double rad) { return (rad * 180.0 / Math.PI); } public static double getJaroWinklerDistance(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second) { final double DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR = 0.1; if (first == null || second == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strings must not be null"); } final double jaro = score(first, second); final int cl = commonPrefixLength(first, second); return Math.round((jaro + (DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR * cl * (1.0 - jaro))) * 100.0) / 100.0; } /** * Calculates the number of characters from the beginning of the strings that match exactly one-to-one, * up to a maximum of four (4) characters. * * @param first The first string. * @param second The second string. * @return A number between 0 and 4. */ private static int commonPrefixLength(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second) { final int result = StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(new String[] { first.toString(), second.toString() }) .length(); // Limit the result to 4. return result > 4 ? 4 : result; } /** * This method returns the Jaro-Winkler score for string matching. * * @param first the first string to be matched * @param second the second string to be machted * @return matching score without scaling factor impact */ private static double score(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second) { String shorter; String longer; // Determine which String is longer. if (first.length() > second.length()) { longer = first.toString().toLowerCase(); shorter = second.toString().toLowerCase(); } else { longer = second.toString().toLowerCase(); shorter = first.toString().toLowerCase(); } // Calculate the half length() distance of the shorter String. final int halflength = shorter.length() / 2 + 1; // Find the set of matching characters between the shorter and longer strings. Note that // the set of matching characters may be different depending on the order of the strings. final String m1 = getSetOfMatchingCharacterWithin(shorter, longer, halflength); final String m2 = getSetOfMatchingCharacterWithin(longer, shorter, halflength); // If one or both of the sets of common characters is empty, then // there is no similarity between the two strings. if (m1.length() == 0 || m2.length() == 0) { return 0.0; } // If the set of common characters is not the same size, then // there is no similarity between the two strings, either. if (m1.length() != m2.length()) { return 0.0; } // Calculate the number of transposition between the two sets // of common characters. final int transpositions = transpositions(m1, m2); // Calculate the distance. return (m1.length() / ((double) shorter.length()) + m2.length() / ((double) longer.length()) + (m1.length() - transpositions) / ((double) m1.length())) / 3.0; } /** * Calculates the number of transposition between two strings. * * @param first The first string. * @param second The second string. * @return The number of transposition between the two strings. */ private static int transpositions(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second) { int transpositions = 0; for (int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) { if (first.charAt(i) != second.charAt(i)) { transpositions++; } } return transpositions / 2; } /** * Gets a set of matching characters between two strings. * <p/> * <p><Two characters from the first string and the second string are considered matching if the character's * respective positions are no farther than the limit value.</p> * * @param first The first string. * @param second The second string. * @param limit The maximum distance to consider. * @return A string contain the set of common characters. */ private static String getSetOfMatchingCharacterWithin(final CharSequence first, final CharSequence second, final int limit) { final StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder copy = new StringBuilder(second); for (int i = 0; i < first.length(); i++) { final char ch = first.charAt(i); boolean found = false; // See if the character is within the limit positions away from the original position of that character. for (int j = Math.max(0, i - limit); !found && j < Math.min(i + limit, second.length()); j++) { if (copy.charAt(j) == ch) { found = true; common.append(ch); copy.setCharAt(j, '*'); } } } return common.toString(); } public static String mergeExpertiseJSONValues(String newValues, String existingValues) throws JSONException { Map<String, Double> newMap = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(newValues); Map<String, Double> existing = getJSONWordWeightsFromString(existingValues); for (String newWord : newMap.keySet()) { if (!existing.containsKey(newWord)) { existing.put(newWord, newMap.get(newWord)); } } JSONArray res = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(); for (String word : existing.keySet()) { JSONObject obj = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(); obj.put("word", word); obj.put("weight", existing.get(word)); res.put(obj); } return res.toString(); } public static Map<String, Double> getJSONWordWeightsFromString(String values) throws JSONException { Map<String, Double> result = new HashMap<String, Double>(); if (Validator.isNull(values)) { return result; } JSONArray valueArr = JSONFactoryUtil.createJSONArray(values); for (int i = 0; i < valueArr.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = valueArr.getJSONObject(i); result.put(obj.getString("word"), obj.getDouble("weight")); } return result; } public static String removeUnicode(String input) { if (Validator.isNull(input)) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { if (i < (input.length() - 1)) { // Emojis are two characters long in java, e.g. a rocket emoji is "\uD83D\uDE80"; if (Character.isSurrogatePair(input.charAt(i), input.charAt(i + 1))) { i += 1; //also skip the second character of the emoji continue; } } sb.append(input.charAt(i)); } return sb.toString(); } public static String removeStopWords(String words) throws IOException { if (Validator.isNull(EventContactServiceImpl.stopWords)) { EventContactServiceImpl.stopWords = new TreeSet<String>(); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( EventContactService.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("stopwords/words.txt"))); String nextLine; while ((nextLine = r.readLine()) != null) { String word = nextLine.trim(); if (Validator.isNotNull(word)) { EventContactServiceImpl.stopWords.add(nextLine.trim()); } } r.close(); } // remove punctuation and stuff final CharArraySet stopSet = new CharArraySet(Version.LUCENE_35, EventContactServiceImpl.stopWords, true); TokenStream tokenStream = new StopFilter(Version.LUCENE_35, new StandardTokenizer(Version.LUCENE_35, new StringReader(words)), stopSet); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); CharTermAttribute charTermAttribute = tokenStream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); tokenStream.reset(); while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) { String term = charTermAttribute.toString(); sb.append(term).append(" "); } return sb.toString(); } }