Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.liferay.blade.cli; import aQute.lib.getopt.Arguments; import aQute.lib.getopt.Description; import aQute.lib.getopt.Options; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; /** * @author David Truong */ public class SamplesCommand { public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Generate a sample project"; public SamplesCommand(blade blade, SamplesOptions options) throws Exception { _blade = blade; _options = options; } public void execute() throws Exception { final List<String> args = _options._arguments(); final String sampleName = args.size() > 0 ? args.get(0) : null; if (downloadBladeRepoIfNeeded()) { extractBladeRepo(); } if (sampleName == null) { listSamples(); } else { copySample(sampleName); } } @Arguments(arg = { "[name]" }) @Description(DESCRIPTION) public interface SamplesOptions extends Options { @Description("The directory where to create the new project.") public File dir(); } private void copySample(String sampleName) throws Exception { File workDir = _options.dir(); if (workDir == null) { workDir = _blade.getBase(); } File bladeRepo = new File(_blade.getCacheDir(), _BLADE_REPO_NAME); File liferayGradleSamples = new File(bladeRepo, "liferay-gradle"); for (File file : liferayGradleSamples.listFiles()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (file.isDirectory() && fileName.equals(sampleName)) { File dest = new File(workDir, fileName); FileUtils.copyDirectory(file, dest); updateBuildGradle(dest); if (!Util.hasGradleWrapper(dest)) { addGradleWrapper(dest); } } } } private void addGradleWrapper(File dest) throws Exception { InputStream in = SamplesCommand.class.getResourceAsStream("/"); Util.copy(in, dest); new File(dest, "gradlew").setExecutable(true); } private String deindent(String s) { return s.replaceAll("(?m)^\t", ""); } private boolean downloadBladeRepoIfNeeded() throws Exception { File bladeRepoArchive = new File(_blade.getCacheDir(), _BLADE_REPO_ARCHIVE_NAME); Date now = new Date(); long diff = now.getTime() - bladeRepoArchive.lastModified(); if (!bladeRepoArchive.exists() || (diff > _FILE_EXPIRATION_TIME)) { FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(_BLADE_REPO_URL), bladeRepoArchive); return true; } return false; } private void extractBladeRepo() throws Exception { File bladeRepoArchive = new File(_blade.getCacheDir(), _BLADE_REPO_ARCHIVE_NAME); Util.unzip(bladeRepoArchive, _blade.getCacheDir(), null); } private void listSamples() { File bladeRepo = new File(_blade.getCacheDir(), _BLADE_REPO_NAME); File liferayGradleSamples = new File(bladeRepo, "liferay-gradle"); List<String> samples = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : liferayGradleSamples.listFiles()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (file.isDirectory() && fileName.startsWith("blade.")) { samples.add(fileName); } } _blade.out().println( "Please provide the sample project name to create, " + "e.g. \"blade samples\"\n"); _blade.out().println("Currently available samples:"); _blade.out().println(WordUtils.wrap(StringUtils.join(samples, ", "), 80)); } private String parseGradleScript(String script, String section, boolean contentsOnly) { int begin = script.indexOf(section + " {"); int end = begin; int count = 0; if (contentsOnly) { begin += section.length() + 2; } while (true) { char c = script.charAt(end); if ((count != 0) && (c == '}')) { count--; } else if (c == '{') { count++; } if ((count == 0) && (c == '}')) { if (!contentsOnly) { end++; } break; } end++; } String newScript = script.substring(begin, end); if (contentsOnly) { return deindent(newScript); } return newScript; } private String removeGradleSection(String script, String section) { int begin = script.indexOf(section + " {"); int end = begin; int count = 0; if (begin == -1) { return script; } while (true) { char c = script.charAt(end); if ((count != 0) && (c == '}')) { count--; } else if (c == '{') { count++; } end++; if ((count == 0) && (c == '}')) { break; } } return removeGradleSection(script.substring(0, begin) + script.substring(end, script.length()), section); } private void updateBuildGradle(File dir) throws Exception { File bladeRepo = new File(_blade.getCacheDir(), _BLADE_REPO_NAME); File sampleGradleFile = new File(dir, "build.gradle"); String script =; if (!Util.isWorkspace(dir)) { File parentBuildGradleFile = new File(bladeRepo, "liferay-gradle/build.gradle"); String parentBuildScript = parseGradleScript(, "buildscript", false); String parentSubprojectsScript = parseGradleScript(, "subprojects", true); parentSubprojectsScript = removeGradleSection(parentSubprojectsScript, "buildscript"); System.out.println(parentSubprojectsScript); script = parentBuildScript + parentSubprojectsScript + script; } Files.write(sampleGradleFile.toPath(), script.getBytes()); } private static final String _BLADE_REPO_ARCHIVE_NAME = ""; private static final String _BLADE_REPO_NAME = "liferay-blade-samples-master"; private static final String _BLADE_REPO_URL = ""; private static final long _FILE_EXPIRATION_TIME = 604800000; private final blade _blade; private final SamplesOptions _options; }