Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) Petr Cada and Tomas Jedrzejek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.lib; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import com.helpers.ByteOperation; import com.helpers.DstabiProfile.ProfileItem; import com.spirit.diagnostic.InputChannelsActivity; import org.apache.http.util.EncodingUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; /** * trida pro praci s protokolem 4dstabi a posilanim pres BT * * @author error414 * */ public class DstabiProvider { private final String TAG = "DstabiProvider"; private Timer securityTimer; private static DstabiProvider instance; private Handler connectionHandler; private BluetoothCommandService BTservice; final static public String OK = "K"; final static public String ERROR = "E"; final static public int MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE = 1; final static public int MESSAGE_READ = 2; final static public int MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR = 3; final static public int MESSAGE_SEND_COMPLETE = 4; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE = 0; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_SENDED_INIT_CODE = 1; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_RETRIEVE_INIT_CODE = 2; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_SENDED_VALUES = 3; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA = 4; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA_DIAGNOSTIC = 5; final static private int PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA_GRAPH = 6; final protected String GET_PROFILE = "G"; final protected String GET_STICKED_AND_SENZORS_VALUE = "D"; final public String SAVE_PROFILE = "g"; final protected String GET_LOG = "L"; final protected String SERIAL_NUMBER = "h"; final protected String GET_GRAPH = "A\1"; final public String REACTIVATION_BANK = "e"; private int protocolState = 0; private String sendCode; private byte[] sendValue; private int callBackCode = 0; // v jakym modu se provider nachazi, jestli v jednoduchem pozadavku nebo v profilu final private int NORMAL = 1; final private int PROFILE = 2; final private int SERIAL = 3; final private int DIAGNOSTIC = 4; final private int GRAPH = 5; final private int LOG = 6; private int mode = NORMAL; private DataBuilder dataBuilder; private final Queue queue = new Queue(); private void startCecurityTimer() { Log.d(TAG, "zapinam timer"); securityTimer = new Timer(); securityTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { TimerMethod(); } }, 7000, 7000); } private void stopCecurityTimer() { if (securityTimer != null) { securityTimer.cancel(); securityTimer.purge(); securityTimer = null; } } private void TimerMethod() { connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR); clearState("TimerMethod"); } /** * privatni konstruktor na singleton */ private DstabiProvider() { this.BTservice = new BluetoothCommandService(serviceBThandler); } /** * singleton ziskani instance * * @param connectionHandler * @return */ public static DstabiProvider getInstance(Handler connectionHandler) { if (instance == null) { instance = new DstabiProvider(); } instance.connectionHandler = connectionHandler; return instance; } /** * zprava pro pripojeni device * * @param device */ public void connect(BluetoothDevice device) { BTservice.connect(device); } /** * zprava pro odpojeni device * */ public void disconnect() { BTservice.stop(); BTservice.cancel(); } /** * zisani stavu BT konexe * * @return */ public int getState() { return BTservice.getState(); } /** * ziskani serioveho cisla z jednotky * * @param callBackCode */ public void getSerial(int callBackCode) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na serial"); if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na serial je ihned odbaven"); mode = SERIAL; sendDataForResponce(SERIAL_NUMBER, callBackCode); } else { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na serial je pridan do fronty"); queue.add(SERIAL_NUMBER, null, SERIAL, callBackCode); } } /** * ziskani dat diagnostiky * * @param callBackCode */ public void getDiagnostic(int callBackCode) { if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { mode = DIAGNOSTIC; sendDataForResponce(GET_STICKED_AND_SENZORS_VALUE, callBackCode); } else { queue.add(GET_STICKED_AND_SENZORS_VALUE, null, DIAGNOSTIC, callBackCode); } } /** * ziskani profilu z jednotky * * @param callBackCode */ public void getProfile(int callBackCode) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na profil"); if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na profil je ihned odbaven"); mode = PROFILE; sendDataForResponce(GET_PROFILE, callBackCode); } else { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na profil je pridan do fronty"); queue.add(GET_PROFILE, null, PROFILE, callBackCode); } } /** * ziskani profilu z jednotky * * @param callBackCode */ public void getLog(int callBackCode) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na profil"); if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na log je ihned odbaven"); mode = LOG; sendDataForResponce(GET_LOG, callBackCode); } else { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na log je pridan do fronty"); queue.add(GET_LOG, null, LOG, callBackCode); } } /** * ziska informace pro graf z jednotky * * @param callBack */ public void getGraph(int callBack) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na stream"); if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { mode = GRAPH; sendDataForResponce(GET_GRAPH, callBack); } else { queue.add(GET_GRAPH, null, GRAPH, callBack); } } /** * ziska informace pro graf z jednotky * */ public void stopGraph() { if (mode == GRAPH) { BTservice.write("4DA\0".getBytes()); clearState("stop graph"); } } /** * odelsani dat do zarizeni * * @param command * @param data */ private void sendData(String command, byte[] data) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na odeslani pozadavku do zarizeni cmd+data"); if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na odeslani pozadavku do zarizeni je ihned odbaven cmd+data"); sendCode = command; sendValue = data; sendData(); } else { // nejaky pozadavek uz bezi tak ho dame do fronty Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na odeslani pozadavku do zarizeni je pridan do fronty cmd+data"); queue.add(command, data, NORMAL, 0); } } /** * odelsani dat do zarizeni * * @param command */ private void sendData(String command) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na odeslani pozadavku do zarizeni cmd"); if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na odeslani pozadavku do zarizeni je ihned odbaven cmd"); sendCode = command; sendValue = null; sendData(); } else { // nejaky pozadavek uz bezi tak ho dame do fronty Log.d(TAG, "pozadavek na odeslani pozadavku do zarizeni je pridan do fronty cmd"); queue.add(command, null, NORMAL, 0); } } //////////////////WAIT RESPONSE////////////////// public void sendDataForResponce(String command, int callBackCode) { if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { this.callBackCode = callBackCode; sendData(command, null); } else { queue.add(command, null, NORMAL, callBackCode); } } public void sendDataForResponce(ProfileItem item, int callBackCode) { if (item.isValid() && item.getCommand() != null) { if (DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE == protocolState) { this.callBackCode = callBackCode; sendData(item.getCommand(), item.getValueBytesArray()); } else { queue.add(item.getCommand(), item.getValueBytesArray(), NORMAL, callBackCode); } } else { connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// NO RESPONSE////////////////// public void sendDataNoWaitForResponce(String command, byte[] data) { sendData(command, data); } public void sendDataNoWaitForResponce(String command, int data) { sendData(command, ByteOperation.intToByteArray(data)); } public void sendDataNoWaitForResponce(String command, String data) { sendData(command, data.getBytes()); } public void sendDataNoWaitForResponce(String command) { sendData(command); } public void sendDataNoWaitForResponce(ProfileItem item) { if (item.isValid() && item.getCommand() != null) { sendDataNoWaitForResponce(item.getCommand(), item.getValueBytesArray()); } else { connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// NO RESPONSE / DIRECT WRITE /////////// public void sendDataImmediately(byte[] data) { BTservice.write(data); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// public BluetoothDevice getBluetoothDevice() { return BTservice.getBluetoothDevice(); } private void sendData() { Log.d(TAG, "odesilam data do zarizeni"); switch (protocolState) { case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE: startCecurityTimer(); // zapneme casovac protocolState = DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_SENDED_INIT_CODE; BTservice.write("4D".getBytes()); Log.d(TAG, "odesilam inicializacni string 4D"); break; case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_RETRIEVE_INIT_CODE: Log.d(TAG, "odesilam prikaz: " + sendCode + " a hodnoty: " + ByteOperation.getHexStringByByteArray(sendValue)); protocolState = DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_SENDED_VALUES; if (sendCode != null) { BTservice.write(ByteOperation.combineByteArray(sendCode.getBytes(), sendValue)); } } } /** * zastaveni probohajiciho pozadavku */ public void abort() { clearState("abort"); } /** * zastaveni vsech pozadavku */ public void abortAll() { queue.clear(); clearState("abort all"); } /** * * @param kdo */ private void clearState(String kdo) { Log.d(TAG, "mazu stav:" + kdo); sendCode = null; sendValue = null; callBackCode = 0; protocolState = DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE; mode = NORMAL; Log.d(TAG, "vypinam timer"); stopCecurityTimer(); // vypneme casovac dataBuilder = null; if (queue.hasNextQueue()) { Log.d(TAG, "ve fronte je dalsi pozadavek odbavuji"); if (getState() == BluetoothCommandService.STATE_CONNECTED) { com.lib.DstabiProvider.Queue.QueueRow tempQueue = queue.getNextQueue(); mode = tempQueue.getMode(); callBackCode = tempQueue.getCallback(); sendData(tempQueue.getCommand(), tempQueue.getData()); } else { queue.clear(); connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR); } } } /** * handler pro komunikaci s BT servisem */ // The Handler that gets information back from the protected final Handler serviceBThandler = new Handler(new Handler.Callback() { @Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { //zmena stavu BT modulu case DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE: connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE); clearState("handler 1"); //zmena stavu BT modulu case DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_READ: Bundle b = msg.getData(); if (b.containsKey("msg")) { byte[] byteMessage = b.getByteArray("msg"); Log.d(TAG, "prijmam data"); String message = parseMessagegetCode(byteMessage); byte[] data = parseMessagegetData(byteMessage); switch (protocolState) { case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_NONE: //prisla sprava ale nic necekame, tak ignorujem break; case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_SENDED_INIT_CODE: Log.d(TAG, "prijmana data byla odpoved na inicializacni kod"); //byl odeslan init kod, cekame O nebo K if (message.equals(DstabiProvider.OK)) { // OK Log.d(TAG, "prijmana data byla odpoved na inicializacni kod, OK"); protocolState = DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_RETRIEVE_INIT_CODE; sendData(); } else { // ERROR Log.d(TAG, "prijmana data byla odpoved na inicializacni kod, ERROR"); connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR); abortAll(); // zrusime celou frontu clearState("handler 2"); } break; case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_SENDED_VALUES: Log.d(TAG, "prijmana data byla odpoved na prikaz"); //byl odeslan init kod, cekame O nebo K if (message.equals(DstabiProvider.OK) || mode == DIAGNOSTIC) { // OK nebo sme v diagnostice Log.d(TAG, "prijmana data byla odpoved na prikaz OK"); Log.d(TAG, "jsme v modu :" + mode); //pokud sem v normal modu tak odelsle zpravu ze sme prijaly potvrzeni K if (callBackCode == 0 && mode == NORMAL) { connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMPLETE); clearState("handler 3 "); //aktovita meni cislo zada od zaslani callbecu } else if (callBackCode != 0 && mode == NORMAL) { connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(callBackCode); clearState("handler 4"); //PROFILE a LOG pokud zada aktivita o profil tak podle delky privniho bytu cekame na cely profil } else if (mode == PROFILE || mode == LOG) { Log.d(TAG, "Prislo 1 :" + ByteOperation.getIntegerStringByByteArray(data)); //zmenime state protokokolu na pripadne cekani na konec profilu protocolState = PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA; dataBuilder = new DataBuilder(); dataBuilder.add(data); // profil je cely odesilame zpravu s profilem, pokud neni cely zachytava to // case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA: kde se dal ceka na dalsi data if (dataBuilder.itsAll()) { sendHandle(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); } } else if (mode == SERIAL) { Log.d(TAG, "Prislo serial :" + ByteOperation.getIntegerStringByByteArray(data)); //zmenime state protokokolu na pripadne cekani na konec profilu protocolState = PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA; dataBuilder = new DataBuilder(6); // serial je dlouhe 6 bytu dataBuilder.add(data); // profil je cely odesilame zpravu s profilem, poud neni cely zachytava to // case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA: kde se dal ceka na dalsi data if (dataBuilder.itsAll()) { sendHandle(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); } } else if (mode == DIAGNOSTIC) { Log.d(TAG, "Prisla diagnosticka :" + ByteOperation.getIntegerStringByByteArray(data)); //zmenime state protokokolu na pripadne cekani na konec profilu protocolState = PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA_DIAGNOSTIC; dataBuilder = new DataBuilder(InputChannelsActivity.PROFILE_LENGTH + 1); // diagnostika je dlouhe 16 bytu dataBuilder.add(byteMessage); // pouzijeme celou zpravu co nam prisla,protoze diagnostika nema zadne K na zacatku // profil je cely odesilame zpravu s profilem, poud neni cely zachytava to // case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA: kde se dal ceka na dalsi data if (dataBuilder.itsAll()) { sendHandle(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); } } else if (mode == GRAPH) { stopCecurityTimer(); //zmenime state protokokolu na pripadne cekani na konec profilu protocolState = PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA_GRAPH; dataBuilder = new DataBuilder(); dataBuilder.add(byteMessage); sendHandleNotStop(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); dataBuilder.clear(); } } else { // ERROR connectionHandler.sendEmptyMessage(DstabiProvider.MESSAGE_SEND_COMAND_ERROR); abortAll(); clearState("handler 5"); } break; //cekameme na dalsi data z profilu nebo ze serioveho cisla case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA: Log.d(TAG, "Prislo x :" + ByteOperation.getIntegerStringByByteArray(data)); dataBuilder.add(data); if (dataBuilder.itsAll()) { Log.d(TAG, "x cele odesilam handle"); sendHandle(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); } else { Log.d(TAG, "x neni cele :" + dataBuilder.length); } break; // prijmame dalsi casti z diagnostiky, musime pouzit vlastni switch protoze diagnistika nepouziva promenou data ale byteMessage case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA_DIAGNOSTIC: Log.d(TAG, "Prislo diag :" + ByteOperation.getIntegerStringByByteArray(data)); dataBuilder.add(byteMessage); // pouzijeme celou zpravu co nam prisla,protoze diagnostika nema zadne K na zacatku if (dataBuilder.itsAll()) { Log.d(TAG, "diag cele odesilam handle"); sendHandle(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); } else { Log.d(TAG, "diag neni cele :" + dataBuilder.length); } break; // prijmame dalsi streamu pro graf case DstabiProvider.PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA_GRAPH: dataBuilder.add(byteMessage); sendHandleNotStop(callBackCode, dataBuilder.getData()); dataBuilder.clear(); break; } } } return true; } }); private void sendHandle(int callBackCode, byte[] data) { Bundle budleForMsg = new Bundle(); budleForMsg.putByteArray("data", data); Message m = connectionHandler.obtainMessage(callBackCode); m.setData(budleForMsg); connectionHandler.sendMessage(m); Log.d(TAG, "zprava poslana"); clearState("send handle"); } private void sendHandleNotStop(int callBackCode, byte[] data) { Bundle budleForMsg = new Bundle(); budleForMsg.putByteArray("data", data); Message m = connectionHandler.obtainMessage(callBackCode); m.setData(budleForMsg); connectionHandler.sendMessage(m); //Log.d(TAG, "zprava poslana not stop: " + callBackCode); } /** * ziskani stavoveho kodu ze zpravy * * @param msg * @return */ private String parseMessagegetCode(byte[] msg) { if (msg.length == 1) {// prisel jednoduchy vystup K nebo E return EncodingUtils.getAsciiString(msg, 0, 1); } else if (msg.length > 1) { String code = EncodingUtils.getAsciiString(msg, 0, 1); if (code.equals(OK) || code.equals(ERROR)) { // prisel zacatek profilu odstranime K na zacatku profilu return code; } } return new String(); } /** * ziskani dat ze zpravy * * @param msg * @return */ private byte[] parseMessagegetData(byte[] msg) { //zprava je if (msg.length == 1 && protocolState != PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA) {// prisel jednoduchy vystup K nebo E return null; } else if (msg.length > 1) { String code = EncodingUtils.getAsciiString(msg, 0, 1); Log.d(TAG, code); if ((code.equals(OK) || code.equals(ERROR)) && protocolState != PROTOCOL_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ALL_DATA) { // prisel zacatek profilu odstranime K na zacatku profilu a nasmime byt v modu cekani na data byte[] result = new byte[msg.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(msg, 1, result, 0, msg.length - 1); return result; } } return msg; } /** * PROFILE BUILDER */ private class DataBuilder { private byte[] profile = null; private int length = 0; public DataBuilder(int length) { this.length = length; } public DataBuilder() { } /** * prodani casti zpravy do pole bytu * * @param part */ public void add(byte[] part) { if (profile == null || profile.length == 0) { // prvni cast if (part != null && part.length != 0) { if (length == 0) { length = ByteOperation.byteToUnsignedInt(part[0]) + 1; } profile = part; } } else { profile = ByteOperation.combineByteArray(profile, part); } } /** * vycisteni zasobniku */ public void clear() { length = 0; profile = null; } /** * je profil vetsi nez pocet dat ktere chceme * * @return */ public Boolean itsAll() { if (profile != null) { Log.d(TAG, "its all length: " + length); Log.d(TAG, "its all profile.length: " + profile.length); return (length <= profile.length && length != 0); } return false; } /** * vrati data * * @return */ public byte[] getData() { return profile; } } /** * * trida fronty * @author error414 * */ private class Queue { private ArrayList<QueueRow> queueRow = new ArrayList<QueueRow>(); /** * pridani pozadavku do fronty * * @param command * @param data */ public void add(String command, byte[] data, int mode, int callback) { queueRow.add(new QueueRow(command, data, mode, callback)); } public int count() { return queueRow.size(); } public Boolean hasNextQueue() { return this.count() > 0; } public QueueRow getNextQueue() { if (hasNextQueue()) { QueueRow temObjectQueueRow = queueRow.get(0); queueRow.remove(0); return temObjectQueueRow; } return null; } public void clear() { queueRow = new ArrayList<QueueRow>(); } /** * trida radku fronty * * @author error414 * */ private class QueueRow { private String command; private int mode; private int callback; private byte[] data; public QueueRow(String command, byte[] data, int mode, int callback) { this.command = command; = data; this.mode = mode; this.callback = callback; } /** * getter * @return */ public String getCommand() { return command; } /** * getter * @return */ public byte[] getData() { return data; } /** * getter * @return */ public int getMode() { return mode; } /** * getter * @return */ public int getCallback() { return callback; } } } }