Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2014 Lyncos Technologies S. L. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class provides convenience methods to communicate with the Lhings server * using http. Check <a href = * ""> the Lhings API * documentation</a> for more details. * * @author jose * */ public final class WebServiceCom { static { System.setProperty("jsse.enableSNIExtension", "false"); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Logger log = LhingsLogger.getLogger(); private static final String LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX = ""; private static final int LHINGS_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS = 457; private static final int LHINGS_V1_API_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR_CODE = 400; private static final int LHINGS_V1_API_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR_CODE = 401; private static final int LHINGS_V1_API_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE = 404; /** * Returns the api key of the account, given the username and password. * * @param username * The username of the account. * @param password * The password of the account. * @return The api key of the account. * @throws UnauthorizedException * If the given username and password combination is not valid. * @throws IOException * If there is any problem with the underlying HTTP * communication. */ public static String getApiKey(String username, String password) throws LhingsException, IOException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "account/" + username + "/apikey?password=" + password; String json = executeGet(url, ""); return new JSONObject(json).getString("value"); } public static void sendEvent(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice, String name, String payload) throws IOException, LhingsException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/" + lhingsDevice.uuid() + "/events/" + name; String postBody = payload; executePost(lhingsDevice.apiKey(), url, postBody); } private static String executePost(String apikey, String url, String postBody) throws IOException, LhingsException { HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(url); postRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(postBody, Charset.forName("utf-8")); postRequest.setEntity(entity); postRequest.setHeader("X-Api-Key", apikey); HttpResponse response = executeRequest(postRequest); String json = response.getResponseBody(); int status = response.getStatusCode(); if (status == LHINGS_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS) { int lhingsErrorCode = new JSONObject(json).getInt("responseStatus"); String errorMessage = new JSONObject(json).getString("message"); switch (lhingsErrorCode) { case LHINGS_V1_API_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR_CODE: throw new BadRequestException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); case LHINGS_V1_API_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR_CODE: throw new UnauthorizedException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); case LHINGS_V1_API_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE: throw new DeviceDoesNotExistException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); default: throw new LhingsException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); } } else if (status != 200 && status != 201) { // HTTP error throw new LhingsException("HTTP error. Code: " + status + " - " + response.getStatusMessage()); } return json; } private static String executeGet(String url, String apikey) throws IOException, LhingsException { HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(url); getRequest.setHeader("X-Api-Key", apikey); HttpResponse response = executeRequest(getRequest); int status = response.getStatusCode(); String json = response.getResponseBody(); if (status == LHINGS_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS) { int lhingsErrorCode = new JSONObject(json).getInt("responseStatus"); String errorMessage = new JSONObject(json).getString("message"); switch (lhingsErrorCode) { case LHINGS_V1_API_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR_CODE: throw new BadRequestException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); case LHINGS_V1_API_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR_CODE: throw new UnauthorizedException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); case LHINGS_V1_API_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE: throw new DeviceDoesNotExistException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); default: throw new LhingsException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); } } else if (status != 200 && status != 201) { // HTTP error throw new LhingsException("HTTP error. Code: " + status + " - " + response.getStatusMessage()); } return json; } public static String registerDevice(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice) throws IOException, LhingsException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/"; String postBody = "{ \"name\": \"deviceName\", \"value\": \"" + lhingsDevice.getName() + "\"}"; String json = executePost(lhingsDevice.apiKey(), url, postBody); String uuid = new JSONObject(json).getString("uuid"); if (uuid == null) throw new LhingsException("ERROR: could not register device in Lhings."); return uuid; } public static List<Device> deviceList(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice) throws LhingsException, IOException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/?verbose"; String json = executeGet(url, lhingsDevice.apiKey()); JSONArray deviceArray = new JSONArray(json); List<Device> deviceList = new ArrayList<Device>(); for (int j = 0; j < deviceArray.length(); j++) { JSONObject jsonObj = deviceArray.getJSONObject(j); Device device = new Device(); device.setUuidString(jsonObj.getString("uuid")); device.setName(jsonObj.getString("name")); device.setType(jsonObj.getString("type")); device.setIsonline((jsonObj.getBoolean("online"))); deviceList.add(device); } return deviceList; } public static void startSession(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice) throws IOException, LhingsException { startEndSession(lhingsDevice, true); } public static void endSession(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice) throws IOException, LhingsException { startEndSession(lhingsDevice, false); } private static void startEndSession(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice, Boolean start) throws IOException, LhingsException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/" + lhingsDevice.uuid() + "/states/online"; String putBody = "{ \"name\": \"online\", \"value\": " + start.toString() + "}"; executePut(lhingsDevice.apiKey(), url, putBody); } public static void sendDescriptor(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice, String jsonDescriptor) throws IOException, LhingsException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/" + lhingsDevice.uuid() + "/"; String putBody = jsonDescriptor; executePut(lhingsDevice.apiKey(), url, putBody); } private static void executePut(String apikey, String url, String requestBody) throws IOException, LhingsException { HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(url); putRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestBody, Charset.forName("utf-8")); putRequest.setEntity(entity); putRequest.setHeader("X-Api-Key", apikey); HttpResponse response = executeRequest(putRequest); String json = response.getResponseBody(); int status = response.getStatusCode(); if (status == LHINGS_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS) { int lhingsErrorCode = new JSONObject(json).getInt("responseStatus"); String errorMessage = new JSONObject(json).getString("message"); switch (lhingsErrorCode) { case LHINGS_V1_API_BAD_REQUEST_ERROR_CODE: throw new BadRequestException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); case LHINGS_V1_API_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR_CODE: throw new UnauthorizedException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); case LHINGS_V1_API_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE: throw new DeviceDoesNotExistException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); default: throw new LhingsException("Lhings API error. HTTP status " + status + ". Lhings error code " + lhingsErrorCode + " - " + errorMessage); } } else if (status != 200 && status != 201) { // HTTP error throw new LhingsException("HTTP error. Code: " + status + " - " + response.getStatusMessage()); } } private static HttpResponse executeRequest(HttpRequestBase request) throws IOException { CloseableHttpClient hc = HttpClients.createDefault(); CloseableHttpResponse response = hc.execute(request); HttpResponse httpResponse = new HttpResponse(); httpResponse.setStatusCode(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); httpResponse.setStatusMessage(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); // ResponseHandler<String> handler = new BasicResponseHandler(); // String responseBody = handler.handleResponse(response); httpResponse.setResponseBody(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity())); return httpResponse; } public static Map<String, Object> getStatus(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice, String uuid) throws LhingsException, IOException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/" + uuid + "/states"; String json = executeGet(url, lhingsDevice.apiKey()); Map<String, Object> returnValue = new HashMap<String, Object>(); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(json); for (int j = 0; j < array.length(); j++) { JSONObject statusComponent = array.getJSONObject(j); String statusCompName = statusComponent.getString("name"); String statusCompType = statusComponent.getString("type"); Object statusCompValue; if (statusCompType.equals("integer")) statusCompValue = statusComponent.getInt("value"); else if (statusCompType.equals("float")) statusCompValue = (float) statusComponent.getDouble("value"); else if (statusCompType.equals("timestamp")) statusCompValue = new Date((long) statusComponent.getInt("value") * 1000); else if (statusCompType.equals("boolean")) statusCompValue = statusComponent.getBoolean("value"); else statusCompValue = statusComponent.getString("value"); returnValue.put(statusCompName, statusCompValue); } return returnValue; } /** * Stores data in Lhings. * * @param lhingsDevice * @param statusComponentValues * @return true if data was sucessfully stored, false otherwise * @throws IOException * @throws LhingsException */ public static boolean storeStatus(LhingsDevice lhingsDevice, Map<String, Object> statusComponentValues) throws IOException, LhingsException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/" + lhingsDevice.uuid() + "/states"; String apikey = lhingsDevice.apiKey(); String requestBody = new JSONObject(statusComponentValues).toString(); String response = executePost(apikey, url, requestBody); int responseStatus = new JSONObject(response).getInt("responseStatus"); if (responseStatus == 200) return true; else return false; } public static String requestAction(LhingsDevice deviceRequester, String uuidDevicePerformer, String actionName, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException, LhingsException { String url = LHINGS_V1_API_PREFIX + "devices/" + uuidDevicePerformer + "/actions/" + actionName; String apikey = deviceRequester.apiKey(); String postBody = null; if (arguments == null || arguments.size() == 0) { // no arguments postBody = "[]"; } else { List<NameValueBean> jsonObject = new ArrayList<NameValueBean>(); for (String key : arguments.keySet()) { jsonObject.add(new NameValueBean(key, arguments.get(key))); } postBody = new JSONArray(jsonObject).toString(); } return executePost(apikey, url, postBody); } }