Java tutorial
package com.lhfs.fsn.dao.testReport.impl; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType; import javax.persistence.Query; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.dao.common.impl.BaseDAOImpl; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.exception.DaoException; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.exception.JPAException; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.exception.ServiceException; import; import; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.model.product.Product; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.model.product.ProductInstance; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.model.test.TestProperty; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.model.test.TestResult; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.model.test.TestRptJson; import com.gettec.fsnip.sso.client.util.AccessUtils; import com.lhfs.fsn.dao.testReport.TestReportDao; import com.lhfs.fsn.util.DateUtil; import com.lhfs.fsn.vo.ProductInfoVO; import com.lhfs.fsn.vo.ProductJGVO; @Repository public class TestReportDaoImpl extends BaseDAOImpl<TestResult> implements TestReportDao { @PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION) private EntityManager entityManager; /** * ??pdf? * @throws DaoException */ @Override public long countByConditionIsCanPublish(Map<String, Object> map, boolean isThird) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); if (!isThird) { condition += " AND e.repAttachments IS NOT EMPTY"; } return this.count(condition, params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("?DAO-error??pdf?", e); } } /** * ??pdf? * @throws DaoException */ @Override public List<TestResult> getListByIsHavePdfWithPage(int page, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> map, boolean isThird) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); if (!isThird) { condition += " AND e.repAttachments IS NOT EMPTY "; } condition += " order by e.lastModifyTime desc"; return this.getListByPage(page, pageSize, condition, params); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("?DAO-error??pdf?", jpae.getException()); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "finally" }) public List<TestResult> getResultListByIdAndType(long product_id, String test_report_type) { List<TestResult> result = new ArrayList<TestResult>(); try { //entityManager.joinTransaction(); // result = entityManager .createNativeQuery( "select tr.* from test_result as tr, product_instance as pi where " + " tr.del = 0 and tr.sample_id = and " + " tr.publish_flag=:publishFlag and" + " pi.product_id = :pid and " + " tr.test_type = :type " + " order by pi.production_date desc", TestResult.class) .setParameter("pid", product_id).setParameter("type", test_report_type) .setParameter("publishFlag", '1').getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result; } else { return null; } } } public String getSerial(long sampleId) { List<?> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select serial from product_instance where id = :id") .setParameter("id", sampleId).getResultList(); if (result != null) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } public String getTradeMark(long brandId) { List<?> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select trademark from business_brand where id = :id") .setParameter("id", brandId).getResultList(); if (result != null) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } public String getEnterprise(long brandId) { List<?> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select name from business_unit where id = (select business_unit_id from business_brand where id = :id)") .setParameter("id", brandId).getResultList(); if (result != null) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } public String getFormat(long sampleId) { List<?> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select product.format from product where in (select product_instance.product_id from product_instance where = :id)") .setParameter("id", sampleId).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } public String getTestee(long testeeId) { List<?> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select name from business_unit where id = :id") .setParameter("id", testeeId).getResultList(); if (result != null) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } public String getBatchSN(long sampleId) { List<?> result = entityManager .createNativeQuery("select batch_serial_no from product_instance where id = :id") .setParameter("id", sampleId).getResultList(); if (result != null) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } public String getStatus(long sampleId) { List<?> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select product.status from product where in (select product_instance.product_id from product_instance where = :id)") .setParameter("id", sampleId).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return (String) result.get(0); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<TestProperty> getPropertyListByID(long id) { List<TestProperty> result = entityManager .createNativeQuery("select * from test_property where test_result_id = :id", TestProperty.class) .setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result; } return null; } public TestRptJson getTestRptJson(long product_id, String test_report_type, int sn) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public BusinessUnit getBusinessUnit(Long ProductID) { List<BusinessUnit> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select * from business_unit where in " + " (select product.business_brand_id from product where = ?1) ", BusinessUnit.class).setParameter(1, ProductID.toString()).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return (BusinessUnit) result.get(0); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public BusinessBrand getBrand(String barcode) { List<BusinessBrand> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select * from business_brand where in (select product.business_brand_id from product where product.barcode = ?1)", BusinessBrand.class).setParameter(1, barcode).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return (BusinessBrand) result.get(0); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public BusinessBrand getBrandBySampleID(Long id) { List<BusinessBrand> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery( "select * from business_brand where in (select product.business_brand_id from product where in(select product_instance.product_id from product_instance where = ?1) )", BusinessBrand.class).setParameter(1, id.toString()).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return (BusinessBrand) result.get(0); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public TestResult getRptByIdAndTypeAndDate(long id, String test_report_type, String date) { if ("?".equals(test_report_type)) { List<TestResult> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery(" select * from test_result where " + " test_result.del = 0 and test_result.sample_id in (select from product_instance where ( " + " product_instance.production_date between ?1 and ?2 and product_instance.product_id = ?3 " + " ) order by product_instance.batch_serial_no desc ) " + " and test_result.test_type like ?4 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag ", TestResult.class).setParameter(1, date + " 00:00:00").setParameter(2, date + " 23:59:59") .setParameter(3, id).setParameter(4, test_report_type).setParameter("publishFlag", '1') .getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } else { ProductInstance proInstance = null; List<ProductInstance> proInstances = entityManager .createNativeQuery("select * from product_instance where " + " product_instance.production_date <= ?1 and product_instance.product_id = ?2 " + " and in(select test_result.sample_id from test_result where test_result.del = 0 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag and test_result.test_type like ?3) " + " order by product_instance.production_date desc ", ProductInstance.class) .setParameter(1, date + " 23:59:59").setParameter(2, id).setParameter("publishFlag", '1') .setParameter(3, test_report_type).getResultList(); if (proInstances != null && proInstances.size() > 0) { proInstance = proInstances.get(0); } else { List<ProductInstance> proInstances1 = entityManager .createNativeQuery("select * from product_instance where " + " product_instance.production_date >= ?1 and product_instance.product_id = ?2 " + " and in(select test_result.sample_id from test_result where test_result.del = 0 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag and test_result.test_type like ?3) " + " order by product_instance.production_date asc ", ProductInstance.class) .setParameter(1, date + " 00:00:00").setParameter(2, id) .setParameter("publishFlag", '1').setParameter(3, test_report_type).getResultList(); if (proInstances1 != null && proInstances1.size() > 0) { proInstance = proInstances1.get(0); } else { return null; } } List<TestResult> result1 = entityManager .createNativeQuery(" select * from test_result where " + " test_result.del = 0 and test_result.sample_id = ?1 ", TestResult.class) .setParameter(1, proInstance.getId()).getResultList(); if (result1 != null && result1.size() > 0) { return result1.get(0); } else { return null; } } } else { List<TestResult> result = entityManager .createNativeQuery(" select test_result.* from test_result, product_instance where " + " test_result.del = 0 and test_result.sample_id = and " + " test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag and " + " product_instance.product_id = ?1 and " + " test_result.test_type like ?2 " + " order by product_instance.production_date between ?3 and ?4 desc, product_instance.production_date desc", TestResult.class) .setParameter(1, id).setParameter(2, test_report_type).setParameter(3, date + " 00:00:00") .setParameter(4, date + " 23:59:59").setParameter("publishFlag", '1').getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) return result.get(0); else return null; } } @Override public List<BigInteger> getIDsByProductInstanceID(Long id) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<BigInteger> result = entityManager .createNativeQuery("select id from test_result where del = 0 and sample_id like ?1") .setParameter(1, id.toString()).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result; } return null; } /** * ???? * @param sampleNO ?? * @return boolean truefalse? * @author zhaWanNeng * 2015/3/13 */ @Override public boolean findBySampleNO(String sampleNO) { String jpql = "SELECT count(id) FROM test_result where del = 0 and sample_no = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(jpql); query.setParameter(1, sampleNO); Object rtn = query.getSingleResult(); if (rtn != null && Long.parseLong(rtn.toString()) > 0) { return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean verifyExist(String barcode, String batchSeriaNo, String serviceOrder) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<TestResult> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery(" select * from test_result where " + " test_result.del = 0 and test_result.sample_id in (select from product_instance where ( " + " product_instance.batch_serial_no = ?1 and product_instance.product_id = (select from product where product.barcode = ?2))) " + " and test_result.service_order = ?3", TestResult.class).setParameter(1, batchSeriaNo) .setParameter(2, barcode).setParameter(3, serviceOrder).getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * userOrgName?pubFlag?backFlag?() * @throws DaoException */ @Override public List<TestResult> getListByConditionWithPage(char pubFlag, int page, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> map) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); if (pubFlag == '2') { // condition += " order by e.backTime desc"; } else if (pubFlag == '0' || pubFlag == '1') { // ? condition += " order by e.receiveDate desc"; } else { // ? condition += " order by e.lastModifyTime desc"; } return this.getListByPage(page, pageSize, condition, params); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.getListByConditionWithPage()-->", jpae.getException()); } } /** * ?????barcode? * @return true ? * false ? * @throws DaoException * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/5 */ @Override public boolean checkUniquenessOfReport(Long reportId, String serviceOrder, String barcode, String batchNo) throws DaoException { try { String condition = ""; if (reportId != null) { condition = " and id != " + reportId; } String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM test_result WHERE del = 0 and service_order= ?1 " + condition + " and sample_id IN " + "(SELECT id FROM product_instance WHERE batch_serial_no= ?2 AND product_id = " + "(SELECT id FROM product where barcode= ?3))"; Object result = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql).setParameter(1, serviceOrder) .setParameter(2, batchNo).setParameter(3, barcode).getSingleResult(); if (result != null && !result.toString().equals("0")) { return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.checkUniquenessOfReport()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ????pdf? * @throws ServiceException * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/18 */ @Override public long countOfPasePdf(String userName, Map<String, Object> map) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); if (condition == null) condition = ""; condition = condition + " AND e.lastModifyUserName = '" + userName + "' AND e.dbflag = 'parse_pdf'"; return this.count(condition, params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException( "?DAO-error??pdf?", e); } } /** * ???pdf? * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/18 * @throws ServiceException */ @Override public List<TestResult> getListOfPasePdfByPage(String userName, int page, int pageSize, Map<String, Object> map) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); if (condition == null) condition = ""; condition = condition + " AND e.lastModifyUserName = '" + userName + "' AND e.dbflag = 'parse_pdf' order by e.lastModifyTime desc"; return this.getListByPage(page, pageSize, condition, params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException( "?DAO-error??pdf", e); } } /** * ??id?? */ @Override public long countByProductIdAndTestType(Long productId, String testType) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "select count( from test_result report" + " LEFT JOIN product_instance sample ON" + " where sample.product_id= ?1 and report.del = 0 and report.test_type= ?2 and report.publish_flag=1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, productId); query.setParameter(2, testType); return Long.parseLong(query.getSingleResult().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "?dao-Exception??id???", e); } } /** * ??id??? * @throws DaoException */ @Override public long countByProductIdAndTestTypeWithProductdate(Long productId, String testType, String productDate) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "select count( from test_result report" + " LEFT JOIN product_instance sample ON" + " where sample.product_id= ?1 and report.del = 0 and report.test_type= ?2 and report.publish_flag=1 and sample.production_date=?3"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, productId); query.setParameter(2, testType); query.setParameter(3, productDate); return Long.parseLong(query.getSingleResult().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "?dao-Exception??id????", e); } } /** * ?idbusinessId */ @Override public Long getBusIdBytestReportId(Long id) throws DaoException { try { String sql = " select DISTINCT pro_inst.producer_id from test_result sample " + " LEFT JOIN product_instance pro_inst on " + " where pro_inst.producer_id=?1 "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); return Long.parseLong(query.getSingleResult().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("?dao-Exception?idbusinessId?", e); } } /** * ??id? */ @Override public TestResult findByProductIdAndproductionDate(Long proId, String date, String type) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT rep.* FROM `product_instance` samp LEFT JOIN test_result rep " + "ON " + "WHERE samp.production_date is not null " + "AND samp.product_id= ?1 " + "AND rep.publish_flag='1' " + "AND rep.test_type = ?2 " + "AND samp.production_date = ?3 "; //"ORDER BY abs(UNIX_TIMESTAMP( production_date) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(?3)) ASC LIMIT 0,1"; List<TestResult> result = this.getListBySQL(TestResult.class, sql, new Object[] { proId, type, date }); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { List<TestProperty> items = this.getItemsByReportId(result.get(0).getId()); result.get(0).setTestProperties(items); return result.get(0); } return null; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.findByProductIdAndproductionDate() " + jpae.getMessage(), jpae); } } //cxl @Override public List<TestResult> getReportBySampleId(Object sampleId) throws DaoException { try { String condition = " where = ?1 and e.del = 0 "; //String condition = " where = ?1 e.publishFlag = '1' "; //?? List<TestResult> result = this.getListByCondition(condition, new Object[] { Long.valueOf(sampleId + "") }); return result.size() > 0 ? result : null; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.getReportBySampleId() " + jpae.getMessage(), jpae); } } /** * ??id? */ @Override public List<TestProperty> getItemsByReportId(Long reportId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT item.* FROM `test_property` item WHERE item.test_result_id = ?1"; List<TestProperty> result = this.getListBySQL(TestProperty.class, sql, new Object[] { reportId }); return result; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.getItemsByReportId() " + jpae.getMessage(), jpae); } } //??id ? @Override public Long getReportCountForProductId(Long id) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "select count( from test_result report " + " LEFT JOIN product_instance sample ON " + " where sample.product_id= ?1 and report.del = 0 and report.publish_flag=1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); return Long.parseLong(query.getSingleResult().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "?dao-Exception??id???", e); } } /** * ???barcode?pdfUrl * @param barcode ?? * @author ? */ @Override public List<String> getSelfReportPdfUrlsByBarcode(String barcode, String batch) throws DaoException { try { List<String> result = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(barcode)) { String sql = "SELECT t.fullPdfPath FROM test_result t " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance p ON " + "LEFT JOIN product s ON " + "WHERE t.del = 0 AND s.barcode = ?1 AND t.test_type='?' "; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(batch)) { sql += " AND p.batch_serial_no = ?2"; } result = this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, StringUtils.isNotBlank(batch) ? new Object[] { barcode, batch } : new Object[] { barcode }); } return result; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl-->getReportBySampleId() " + jpae.getMessage(), jpae); } } /** * ?? * publishFlag 5 6 1??? * @author ZhangHui 2015/4/9 */ @Override public void updatePublishFlag(char publishFlag, long reportId, String msg, String checkOrgName) throws DaoException { try { String userName = AccessUtils.getUserName() != null ? AccessUtils.getUserName().toString() : null; String sql = ""; if (publishFlag == '5') { if (msg == null) { msg = ""; } sql = "UPDATE test_result SET publish_flag = ?1,back_time = now(),back_result= ?2,check_org_name=?4 WHERE id = ?3"; } else if (publishFlag == '6') { msg = ""; sql = "UPDATE test_result SET publish_flag = ?1,receiveDate = now(),back_result= ?2,check_org_name=?4 WHERE id = ?3"; } else {//???portal msg = ""; sql = "UPDATE test_result SET publish_flag = ?1,receiveDate = now(),pub_user_name=?5,publishDate = now(),back_result= ?2,check_org_name=?4 WHERE id = ?3"; } Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, publishFlag); query.setParameter(2, msg); query.setParameter(3, reportId); query.setParameter(4, checkOrgName); if (publishFlag == '1') { query.setParameter(5, userName); } query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("FromToBussinessDAOImpl.updatePublishFlag() ?", e); } } /** * ?????? * @author ZhangHui 2015/4/24 */ @Override public long countByServiceorderAndEdition(String serviceOrder, String edition) throws DaoException { try { String condition = " WHERE e.serviceOrder = ?1 AND e.edition = ?2 AND e.del = 0"; return this.count(condition, new Object[] { serviceOrder, edition }); } catch (JPAException e) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.countByServiceorderAndEdition()-->" + e.getException(), e.getException()); } } /** * ???? * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/7 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public void updateRecordOfSample(Long id, Long sample_id) throws DaoException { try { if (id == null || sample_id == null) { throw new Exception("?"); } String sql = "UPDATE test_result SET sample_id = ?1 WHERE id = ?2"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, sample_id); query.setParameter(2, id); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.updateRecordOfSample()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ?????/ * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/7 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public void updateRecordOfTestee(Long id, Long testee_id) throws DaoException { try { if (id == null || testee_id == null) { throw new Exception("?"); } String sql = "UPDATE test_result SET testee_id = ?1 WHERE id = ?2"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, testee_id); query.setParameter(2, id); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.updateRecordOfTestee()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * *@author LongXianZhen 2015/06/02 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public TestResult getRptListByIdAndTypeAndDate(long proId, String testType, String date, int sn, boolean portalFlag) throws DaoException { TestResult tr = getResultByIdAndType(proId, testType, sn, date, portalFlag); /*List<TestResult> result = entityManager .createNativeQuery( " select * from test_result where "+ " test_result.del = 0 and test_result.sample_id in (select from product_instance where ( "+ " product_instance.production_date between ?1 and ?2 and product_instance.product_id = ?3 "+ " ) order by product_instance.batch_serial_no desc ) "+ " and test_result.test_type like ?4 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag ", TestResult.class) .setParameter(1, date + " 00:00:00") .setParameter(2, date + " 23:59:59") .setParameter(3, proId) .setParameter(4, testType) .setParameter("publishFlag", '1') .getResultList();*/ if (tr != null) { //? return tr; } else {//??? List<ProductInstance> pInstances = new ArrayList<ProductInstance>(); List<ProductInstance> proInstances = entityManager //?? .createNativeQuery("select * from product_instance where " + " product_instance.production_date <= ?1 and product_instance.product_id = ?2 " + " and in(select test_result.sample_id from test_result where test_result.del = 0 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag and test_result.test_type like ?3) " + " order by product_instance.production_date desc LIMIT 0,1 ", ProductInstance.class) .setParameter(1, date + " 23:59:59").setParameter(2, proId).setParameter("publishFlag", '1') .setParameter(3, testType).getResultList(); List<ProductInstance> proInstances1 = entityManager //?? .createNativeQuery("select * from product_instance where " + " product_instance.production_date >= ?1 and product_instance.product_id = ?2 " + " and in(select test_result.sample_id from test_result where test_result.del = 0 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag and test_result.test_type like ?3) " + " order by product_instance.production_date asc LIMIT 0,1", ProductInstance.class) .setParameter(1, date + " 00:00:00").setParameter(2, proId).setParameter("publishFlag", '1') .setParameter(3, testType).getResultList(); if (proInstances.size() > 0 && proInstances1.size() == 0) { pInstances.addAll(proInstances); } else if (proInstances.size() == 0 && proInstances1.size() > 0) { pInstances.addAll(proInstances1); } else if (proInstances.size() > 0 && proInstances1.size() > 0) { boolean falg = DateUtil.compareDate(proInstances.get(0).getProductionDate(), date, proInstances1.get(0).getProductionDate()); if (falg) { pInstances.addAll(proInstances); } else { pInstances.addAll(proInstances1); } } else { return null; } String date1 = DateUtil.dateFormatYYYYMMDD(pInstances.get(0).getProductionDate()); TestResult trt = getResultByIdAndType(proId, testType, sn, date1, portalFlag); if (trt != null) { return trt; } else { return null; } /* List<TestResult> result1 = entityManager .createNativeQuery( " select * from test_result where "+ " test_result.del = 0 and test_result.sample_id in (select from product_instance where ( "+ " product_instance.production_date between ?1 and ?2 and product_instance.product_id = ?3 "+ " ) order by product_instance.batch_serial_no desc ) "+ " and test_result.test_type like ?4 and test_result.publish_flag=:publishFlag ", TestResult.class) .setParameter(1, date1 + " 00:00:00") .setParameter(2, date1 + " 23:59:59") .setParameter(3, proId) .setParameter(4, testType) .setParameter("publishFlag", '1') .getResultList(); if(result1 != null && result1.size()>0){ return result1; }else{ return null; }*/ } } /** * ???id,/?? * @param del * 0 ?? * 1 * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/17 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public void updateByDel(Long test_result_id, int del) throws DaoException { try { if (test_result_id == null) { throw new Exception("?"); } String sql = "UPDATE test_result SET del = ?1 WHERE id = ?2"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, del); query.setParameter(2, test_result_id); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.updateByDel()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * * @author longxianzhen 20150807 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<TestResult> getReportsOfDealerAllPassWithPage(String config, int page, int pageSize) throws DaoException { try { String sql = " SELECT,tr.service_order,tr.publish_flag,tr.last_modify_time," + "ip.batch_serial_no,ip.production_date,p.`name` ,tr.last_modify_user," + "tr.back_result,tr.back_time,p.barcode FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON "; sql += config; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<TestResult> trs = new ArrayList<TestResult>(); if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { for (Object[] obj : objs) { TestResult tr = new TestResult(); tr.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); tr.setServiceOrder(obj[1] != null ? obj[1].toString() : ""); tr.setPublishFlag((Character) obj[2]); tr.setLastModifyTime(obj[3] == null ? null : (Date) obj[3]); ProductInstance pi = new ProductInstance(); pi.setBatchSerialNo(obj[4] != null ? obj[4].toString() : ""); pi.setProductionDate(obj[5] == null ? null : (Date) obj[5]); Product pro = new Product(); pro.setName(obj[6] != null ? obj[6].toString() : ""); pro.setPackageFlag('0'); pro.setBarcode(obj[10] != null ? obj[10].toString() : ""); pi.setProduct(pro); pi.getProduct().setPackageFlag('0'); tr.setSample(pi); tr.setLastModifyUserName(obj[7] != null ? obj[7].toString() : ""); tr.setBackResult(obj[8] != null ? obj[8].toString() : ""); tr.setBackTime(obj[9] == null ? null : (Date) obj[9]); trs.add(tr); } } return trs; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.getReportsOfDealerAllPassWithPage()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ? * @author longxianzhen 20150807 */ @Override public long countOfDealerAllPass(String config) throws DaoException { try { String sql = " SELECT count(*) FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON "; sql += config; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); return Long.parseLong(query.getSingleResult().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("???", e); } } /** * ??id?? * @author longxianzhen 2015/08/07 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public TestResult getResultByIdAndType(Long id, String testType, int sn, String date, boolean portalFlag) throws DaoException { try { Query query; if (date != null && (!"".equals(date))) { String sql = " SELECT,tr.`comment`,tr.pass,tr.test_date," + "ip.batch_serial_no,ip.production_date,tr.sample_quantity," + "tr.sampling_location,tr.sampling_date,tr.test_type,tr.standard," + "tr.result,tr.fullPdfPath,tr.interceptionPdfPath,tr.publish_flag," + "tr.service_order,tr.sample_no,tr.test_orgnization,tr.organization_name,tr.edition,ip.expiration_date FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON WHERE "; if (!portalFlag) { sql += "DATEDIFF(ip.expiration_date , SYSDATE()) > 0 AND "; } sql += " AND " + // "LEFT JOIN t_meta_initialize_product tmip ON "+ // "LEFT JOIN business_unit bu ON bu.organization=tmip.organization "+ "tr.test_type=?2 AND tr.publish_flag='1' AND ip.production_date between ?4 and ?5 ORDER BY ip.production_date DESC LIMIT ?3,1"; query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); query.setParameter(2, testType); query.setParameter(3, sn - 1); query.setParameter(4, date + " 00:00:00"); query.setParameter(5, date + " 23:59:59"); } else { String sql = " SELECT,tr.`comment`,tr.pass,tr.test_date," + "ip.batch_serial_no,ip.production_date,tr.sample_quantity," + "tr.sampling_location,tr.sampling_date,tr.test_type,tr.standard," + "tr.result,tr.fullPdfPath,tr.interceptionPdfPath,tr.publish_flag," + "tr.service_order,tr.sample_no,tr.test_orgnization,tr.organization_name,tr.edition,ip.expiration_date FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN test_result_handler trh on AND trh.status=8 " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON WHERE "; if (!portalFlag) { sql += "DATEDIFF(ip.expiration_date , SYSDATE()) > 0 AND "; } sql += " AND " + "tr.test_type=?2 AND tr.publish_flag='1' ORDER BY trh.status desc,ip.production_date DESC LIMIT ?3,1"; query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); query.setParameter(2, testType); query.setParameter(3, sn - 1); // if(objs==null||objs.size()<=0){ // sql = " SELECT,tr.`commeb nt`,tr.pass,tr.test_date," + // "ip.batch_serial_no,ip.production_date,tr.sample_quantity," + // "tr.sampling_location,tr.sampling_date,tr.test_type,tr.standard," + // "tr.result,tr.fullPdfPath,tr.interceptionPdfPath,tr.publish_flag," + // "tr.service_order,tr.sample_no,tr.test_orgnization,tr.organization_name FROM test_result tr " + // "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + // "LEFT JOIN product p ON WHERE AND " + // "tr.test_type=?2 AND tr.publish_flag='1' ORDER BY ip.production_date DESC LIMIT ?3,1"; // query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); // query.setParameter(1, id); // query.setParameter(2, testType); // query.setParameter(3, sn-1); // objs=query.getResultList(); // } } List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); TestResult tr = null; if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = objs.get(0); tr = new TestResult(); tr.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); tr.setComment(obj[1] != null ? obj[1].toString() : ""); tr.setPass(obj[2] != null ? (Boolean) obj[2] : false); tr.setTestDate(obj[3] != null ? (Date) obj[3] : null); ProductInstance pi = new ProductInstance(); pi.setBatchSerialNo(obj[4] != null ? obj[4].toString() : ""); pi.setProductionDate(obj[5] == null ? null : (Date) obj[5]); // pi.setExpirationDate(obj[20] == null ? null : (Date) obj[20]); tr.setSample(pi); tr.setSampleQuantity(obj[6] != null ? obj[6].toString() : ""); tr.setSamplingLocation(obj[7] != null ? obj[7].toString() : ""); tr.setSamplingDate(obj[8] != null ? (Date) obj[8] : null); tr.setTestType(obj[9] != null ? obj[9].toString() : ""); tr.setStandard(obj[10] != null ? obj[10].toString() : ""); tr.setResult(obj[11] != null ? obj[11].toString() : ""); tr.setFullPdfPath(obj[12] != null ? obj[12].toString() : ""); tr.setInterceptionPdfPath(obj[13] != null ? obj[13].toString() : ""); tr.setPublishFlag((Character) obj[14]); tr.setServiceOrder(obj[15] != null ? obj[15].toString() : ""); tr.setSampleNO(obj[16] != null ? obj[16].toString() : ""); tr.setTestOrgnization(obj[17] != null ? obj[17].toString() : ""); tr.setOrganizationName(obj[18] != null ? obj[18].toString() : ""); tr.setEdition(obj[19] != null ? obj[19].toString() : ""); } return tr; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.getResultByIdAndType()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ??id??? * @author longxianzhen 2015/08/07 */ @Override public Integer countByIdAndType(Long id, String testType, String date, boolean portalFlag) throws DaoException { try { String condition = " "; if (date != null && (!"".equals(date))) { condition = " AND ip.production_date between ?3 and ?4 "; } String sql = " SELECT count(*) FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON WHERE "; if (!portalFlag) { sql += "DATEDIFF(ip.expiration_date , SYSDATE()) > 0 AND "; } sql += " AND " + "tr.test_type=?2 AND tr.publish_flag='1' " + condition; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); query.setParameter(2, testType); if (date != null && (!"".equals(date))) { query.setParameter(3, date + " 00:00:00"); query.setParameter(4, date + " 23:59:59"); } Object result = query.getSingleResult(); return result != null ? Integer.parseInt(result.toString()) : 0; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("???", e); } } /** * ?barcode???? * @param barcode * @return */ @Override public boolean verifyBackReportByBarcode(String barcode) throws DaoException { try { Long myOrganization = Long.parseLong(AccessUtils.getUserRealOrg().toString()); String sql = " SELECT count(*) FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON " + "LEFT JOIN test_result_handler trh ON " + "WHERE DATEDIFF(ip.expiration_date , SYSDATE()) > 0 AND tr.del = 0 AND (tr.publish_flag IN ('5', '7') OR (tr.publish_flag=6 AND trh.status=1 AND tr.back_result is not null AND tr.back_result != '') )AND tr.organization = ?1 AND p.barcode=?2"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, myOrganization); query.setParameter(2, barcode); Object result = query.getSingleResult(); Integer count = result != null ? Integer.parseInt(result.toString()) : 0; return count == 0 ? false : true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("TestReportDaoImpl.verifyBackReportByBarcode()-->", e); } } /** * ?? */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public TestResult getTestResult(String barcode, long buId, long product_id, String type, String date) { String sql = " SELECT,tr.`comment`,tr.pass,tr.test_date," + "ip.batch_serial_no,ip.production_date,tr.sample_quantity," + "tr.sampling_location,tr.sampling_date,tr.test_type,tr.standard," + "tr.result,tr.fullPdfPath,tr.interceptionPdfPath,tr.publish_flag," + "tr.service_order,tr.sample_no,tr.test_orgnization,tr.organization_name,ip.expiration_date " + // "FROM business_unit bu "+ // "LEFT JOIN t_meta_initialize_product tmip ON bu.organization=tmip.organization "+ // "LEFT JOIN product p ON "+ // "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON "+ // "LEFT JOIN test_result tr ON "+ "FROM product p " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN business_unit bu ON " + "LEFT JOIN enterprise_registe er ON er.enterpritename = " + "LEFT JOIN test_result tr ON " + "WHERE DATEDIFF(ip.expiration_date , SYSDATE()) > 0 AND bu.organization=tr.organization AND AND AND p.barcode=?3 AND " + "tr.test_type=?4 AND tr.publish_flag='1' "; if (date != null && !"".equals(date)) { sql += " AND ip.production_date between ?5 and ?6 "; } sql += " ORDER BY tr.last_modify_time DESC "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, buId); query.setParameter(2, product_id); query.setParameter(3, barcode); query.setParameter(4, type); if (date != null && !"".equals(date)) { query.setParameter(5, date + " 00:00:00"); query.setParameter(6, date + " 23:59:59"); } List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); TestResult tr = null; if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = objs.get(0); tr = new TestResult(); tr.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); tr.setComment(obj[1] != null ? obj[1].toString() : ""); tr.setPass(obj[2] != null ? (Boolean) obj[2] : false); tr.setTestDate(obj[3] != null ? (Date) obj[3] : null); ProductInstance pi = new ProductInstance(); pi.setBatchSerialNo(obj[4] != null ? obj[4].toString() : ""); pi.setProductionDate(obj[5] == null ? null : (Date) obj[5]); pi.setExpirationDate(obj[19] == null ? null : (Date) obj[19]); tr.setSample(pi); tr.setSampleQuantity(obj[6] != null ? obj[6].toString() : ""); tr.setSamplingLocation(obj[7] != null ? obj[7].toString() : ""); tr.setSamplingDate(obj[8] != null ? (Date) obj[8] : null); tr.setTestType(obj[9] != null ? obj[9].toString() : ""); tr.setStandard(obj[10] != null ? obj[10].toString() : ""); tr.setResult(obj[11] != null ? obj[11].toString() : ""); tr.setFullPdfPath(obj[12] != null ? obj[12].toString() : ""); tr.setInterceptionPdfPath(obj[13] != null ? obj[13].toString() : ""); tr.setPublishFlag((Character) obj[14]); tr.setServiceOrder(obj[15] != null ? obj[15].toString() : ""); tr.setSampleNO(obj[16] != null ? obj[16].toString() : ""); tr.setTestOrgnization(obj[17] != null ? obj[17].toString() : ""); tr.setOrganizationName(obj[18] != null ? obj[18].toString() : ""); } return tr; } /** * ??? */ @Override public Integer countByIdAndTypeOrg(long product_id, String type, String pDate, Long organization) { Integer count = 0; try { String condition = " "; if (pDate != null && (!"".equals(pDate))) { condition = " AND ip.production_date between ?4 and ?5 "; } String sql = " SELECT count(*) FROM test_result tr " + "LEFT JOIN product_instance ip ON " + "LEFT JOIN product p ON WHERE DATEDIFF(ip.expiration_date , SYSDATE()) > 0 AND AND " + "tr.test_type=?2 AND tr.organization=?3 AND tr.publish_flag='1' " + condition; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, product_id); query.setParameter(2, type); query.setParameter(3, organization); if (pDate != null && (!"".equals(pDate))) { query.setParameter(4, pDate + " 00:00:00"); query.setParameter(5, pDate + " 23:59:59"); } Object result = query.getSingleResult(); count = result != null ? Integer.parseInt(result.toString()) : 0; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return count; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TestResult findByIdPublishFlag(Long id) { String sql = "SELECT id,publish_flag FROM test_result WHERE id = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); TestResult tr = null; if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = objs.get(0); tr = new TestResult(); tr.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); tr.setPublishFlag((Character) obj[1]); } return tr; } @Override public List<TestResult> getByLicenseNoTistResult(String licenseNo, String type, Integer page, Integer pageSize) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<ProductInfoVO> getByLicenseNoProduct(String licenseNo, Integer page, Integer pageSize) { String sql = "SELECT,,p.barcode FROM product p "; sql += " LEFT JOIN business_unit bu ON "; sql += " WHERE bu.license_no = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, licenseNo); // ? if (page > 0) { query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); } List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<ProductInfoVO> proList = new ArrayList<ProductInfoVO>(); for (Object[] obj : objs) { ProductInfoVO vo = new ProductInfoVO(); vo.setProductId(obj[0] == null ? null : Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString())); vo.setProductName(obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString()); vo.setBarcode(obj[2] == null ? null : obj[2].toString()); proList.add(vo); } return proList; } @Override public Long getByLicenseNoProductCount(String licenseNo) { String sql = "SELECT COUNT( FROM product p "; sql += " LEFT JOIN business_unit bu ON "; sql += " WHERE bu.license_no = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, licenseNo); Object result = query.getSingleResult(); Long total = result != null ? Long.parseLong(result.toString()) : 0; return total; } /** * ?? * @param businessUnit * @param page * @param pageSize * @return */ public List<ProductJGVO> getProductByProducerBusinessUnit(BusinessUnit businessUnit, int page, int pageSize) { String sql = "select,,p.format,p.status,p.product_type," + "(SELECT FROM product_category_info pci WHERE = p.category_id) categoryName "; sql += " FROM product p where p.producer_id=?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, businessUnit.getId()); query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); query.getResultList(); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<ProductJGVO> proList = new ArrayList<ProductJGVO>(); for (Object[] obj : objs) { ProductJGVO e = new ProductJGVO(); e.setId(obj[0] == null ? null : Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString())); e.setProName(obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString()); e.setFormat(obj[2] == null ? null : obj[2].toString()); e.setStatus(obj[3] == null ? null : obj[3].toString()); e.setProductType(obj[4] == null ? null : Integer.parseInt(obj[4].toString()) == 2 ? "" : "?"); e.setCategoryName(obj[5] == null ? null : obj[5].toString()); proList.add(e); } return proList; } /** * ??? * @param businessUnit * @param page * @param pageSize * @return */ public List<ProductJGVO> getProductByCirculationBusinessUnit(BusinessUnit businessUnit, int page, int pageSize) { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT,,p.format,p.status,p.product_type,(SELECT FROM product_category_info pci WHERE = p.category_id) categoryName "; sql += " FROM product p "; sql += " INNER JOIN t_meta_from_to_business tb ON = tb.pro_id "; sql += " INNER JOIN t_meta_enterprise_to_provider tp ON tp.provider_id = tb.from_bus_id AND tp.business_id = ?1"; // sql +=this.getConfig(licenseNo, qsNo,businessName, buslicenseNo); sql += " WHERE tb.del = false AND tb.to_bus_id = ?2"; // sql +=this.getConfig(licenseNo, qsNo,businessName, buslicenseNo); // if (page > 0) { // int start = 0; // int end = pageSize; // start = (page - 1) * pageSize; // sql += " LIMIT "+start+","+end+" "; // } Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, businessUnit.getId()); query.setParameter(2, businessUnit.getId()); query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<ProductJGVO> proList = new ArrayList<ProductJGVO>(); for (Object[] obj : objs) { ProductJGVO e = new ProductJGVO(); e.setId(obj[0] == null ? null : Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString())); e.setProName(obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString()); e.setFormat(obj[2] == null ? null : obj[2].toString()); e.setStatus(obj[3] == null ? null : obj[3].toString()); e.setProductType(obj[4] == null ? null : Integer.parseInt(obj[4].toString()) == 2 ? "" : "?"); e.setCategoryName(obj[5] == null ? null : obj[5].toString()); proList.add(e); } return proList; } private String getConfig(String licenseNo, String qsNo, String businessName, String buslicenseNo) { String sql = "(SELECT MAX( FROM business_unit bu "; sql += " LEFT JOIN product_to_businessunit ptb ON = ptb.business_id "; sql += " LEFT JOIN production_license_info pli ON "; sql += " WHERE bu.organization IS NOT NULL "; boolean flag = false; if (licenseNo != null && !"".equals(licenseNo)) { sql += " AND bu.license_no='" + licenseNo + "'"; flag = true; } if (qsNo != null && !"".equals(qsNo) && flag) { sql += " OR pli.qs_no='" + qsNo + "'"; } else if (qsNo != null && !"".equals(qsNo)) { sql += " AND pli.qs_no='" + qsNo + "'"; flag = true; } if (businessName != null && !"".equals(businessName) && flag) { sql += " OR'" + businessName + "'"; } else if (businessName != null && !"".equals(businessName)) { sql += " AND'" + businessName + "'"; flag = true; } if (buslicenseNo != null && !"".equals(buslicenseNo)) { sql += " "; } sql += ")"; return sql; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, String> getByIdRegularity(long id) { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ptr.regularity_id, FROM product_to_regularity ptr "; sql += " LEFT JOIN product_category_info pci ON "; sql += " WHERE ptr.product_id=?1 "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); Map<String, String> map = new HashedMap(); for (Object[] obj : objs) { map.put(obj[0] == null ? "-1" : obj[0].toString(), obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString()); } return map; } @Override public Long getByProductCount(BusinessUnit businessUnit, String type) { // String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT "; // sql+=" FROM product p " ; // sql+=" INNER JOIN tz_stock ts ON ts.product_id = "; // sql+=" INNER JOIN business_unit bu ON = ts.business_id "; // sql+=" LEFT JOIN product_to_businessunit ptb ON = ptb.business_id "; // sql+=" INNER JOIN production_license_info pli ON "; // sql+=" WHERE 1 = 1 "; // sql +=this.getConfig(licenseNo, qsNo,businessName, buslicenseNo); // sql += " UNION SELECT DISTINCT "; // sql+=" FROM product p " ; // sql+=" INNER JOIN business_unit bu ON = p.producer_id "; // sql+=" LEFT JOIN product_to_businessunit ptb ON = ptb.business_id "; // sql+=" INNER JOIN production_license_info pli ON "; // sql+=" WHERE 1 = 1 "; // sql +=this.getConfig(licenseNo, qsNo,businessName, buslicenseNo); // sql +=" ) e ";' String sql = ""; if (type.equals("?")) { sql = "select COUNT( "; sql += " FROM product p where p.producer_id=?1"; } else { sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "; sql += " FROM product p "; sql += " INNER JOIN t_meta_from_to_business tb ON = tb.pro_id "; sql += " INNER JOIN t_meta_enterprise_to_provider tp ON tp.provider_id = tb.from_bus_id AND tp.business_id = " + businessUnit.getId(); // sql +=this.getConfig(licenseNo, qsNo,businessName, buslicenseNo); sql += " WHERE tb.del = false AND tb.to_bus_id = ?1"; } // sql +=this.getConfig(licenseNo, qsNo,businessName, buslicenseNo); Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, businessUnit.getId()); Object result = query.getSingleResult(); Long total = result != null ? Long.parseLong(result.toString()) : 0; return total; } public List<TestRptJson> getThirdList(long productId, int year, String type) { String sql = "select,tr.test_date,tr.pass from test_result tr left join product_instance pi on" + " where tr.test_date between ?1 and ?2 and pi.product_id=?3 and tr.test_type=?4 and tr.publish_flag='1' order by test_date asc"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, year + "-01-01 00:00:00"); query.setParameter(2, year + "-12-31 23:59:00"); query.setParameter(3, productId); query.setParameter(4, type); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<TestRptJson> testResultList = new ArrayList<TestRptJson>(); for (Object obj[] : objs) { TestRptJson tr = new TestRptJson(); tr.setId(Long.valueOf(obj[0].toString())); tr.setTestDate(obj[1] == null ? "" : obj[1].toString()); tr.setResult(obj[2] == null ? "1" : obj[2].toString()); testResultList.add(tr); } return testResultList; } }