Java tutorial
/** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.lfv.lanzius.application; import; import; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException; import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import com.arkatay.yada.base.ItemDispatcher; import com.arkatay.yada.base.Time; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.AudioDecoder; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.AudioDecoderListener; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.AudioEncoder; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.AudioRecorder; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.JSpeexDecoder; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.JSpeexEncoder; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.NullDecoder; import com.arkatay.yada.codec.NullEncoder; import com.lfv.lanzius.Config; import com.lfv.lanzius.Constants; import com.lfv.lanzius.DomTools; import com.lfv.lanzius.application.full.FullView; import com.lfv.lanzius.application.phoneonly.PhoneOnlyView; import com.lfv.lanzius.application.slim.SlimView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Controller implements ViewEventHandler, ClientNetworkHandler, AudioDecoderListener, Constants { private Log log; private boolean autoTesterEnabled; private AutoTester autoTester; private AbstractView view; private JDialog settingsDialog; private JDialog isaDialog; private Document model; private ClientBundle bundle; private TerminalProperties properties; private SocketAddress serverSocketAddr; private ClientNetworkManager networkManager; private ClientPacketReceiver packetReceiver; private Timer timer; private Thread hookThread; private Mixer outputMixer; private Mixer inputMixer; // Codec n stuff private AudioEncoder encoder; private Distributor distributor; private AudioDecoder decoderPhone; private AudioDecoder decoderForward; // Monitor private boolean monitorActive; private int monitoringTerminalId; private int monitoredTerminalId; private int monitorChannelId; private AudioEncoder monitorEncoder; private Distributor monitorDistributor; // Recorder private AudioRecorder audioRecorder; // Sounds private SoundClip clipRingTone; private SoundClip clipRingBack; private SoundClip clipRingBusy; private SoundClip clipWarning; private SoundClip clipNotify; private boolean clipWarningOn; // Volume private List<VolumeAdjustable> volumeClipList; private List<VolumeAdjustable> volumeRadioList; // Control private int state; //private boolean restarting; private int reconnectPrintCount; private boolean semDisconnected; private boolean semChannelsLeft; private boolean semStartFinished; private boolean semStopFinished; private boolean phoneActive; private boolean radioEncoding; private boolean radioDecoding; private List<AudioDecoder> radioDecodingList; private int phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; private int radioState = RADIO_STATE_IDLE; private long radioIdleTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private List<ClientChannel> radioAcquiredChannelsList; private List<ClientChannel> radioUnacquiredChannelsList; private TimerTask radioReacquireTask; private int radioAcquireCount; private int radioReacquireCount; private int radioReleaseCount; private FootSwitchController footSwitch; private EventSwitchController eventSwitch; private PeripheralLink peripheralLink; private long isaReqStartTime; private static Controller controller = null; public static Controller getInstance() { if (controller == null) controller = new Controller(); return controller; } private Controller() { log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); + "\n"); timer = new Timer("Scontroller"); radioAcquiredChannelsList = new LinkedList<ClientChannel>(); radioUnacquiredChannelsList = new LinkedList<ClientChannel>(); radioDecodingList = new LinkedList<AudioDecoder>(); volumeClipList = new LinkedList<VolumeAdjustable>(); volumeRadioList = new LinkedList<VolumeAdjustable>(); } public void setAutoTester(boolean autoTesterEnabled) { this.autoTesterEnabled = autoTesterEnabled; } private void sleep(int millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } /* private synchronized void restart() { if(state==CLIENT_STATE_STARTED && !restarting && timer!=null) { log.error("Restarting terminal!"); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { stop(true,false); } }, DELAY_STOP); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { start(); restarting = false; } }, DELAY_STOP+DELAY_STARTSTOP+DELAY_START); restarting = true; } } */ private synchronized boolean waitChannelAcquiry() { try { // Wait until all channels are acquired, reacquired or released // This function must be called only from synchronized methods long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((radioAcquireCount > 0 || radioReacquireCount > 0 || radioReleaseCount > 0) && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (t + TIMEOUT_ACQUIRY))) wait(100); // Failure if (radioAcquireCount > 0 || radioReacquireCount > 0 || radioReleaseCount > 0) { log.error("Wait for channel acquiry timed out! " + "(radioAcquireCount=" + radioAcquireCount + "," + " radioReacquireCount=" + radioReacquireCount + "," + " radioReleaseCount=" + radioReleaseCount + ")"); } // Success else { // Clean up and prepare for new requests radioAcquireCount = 0; radioReacquireCount = 0; radioReleaseCount = 0; radioUnacquiredChannelsList.clear(); if (radioReacquireTask != null) { radioReacquireTask.cancel(); radioReacquireTask = null; } return true; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.warn("Wait for channel acquiry interrupted!"); } log.error("!!!"); log.error("!!! The terminal has entered an unstable state and may not function properly!"); log.error("!!! Relink or restart the terminal if problems arise!"); log.error("!!!"); clear(); return false; } private synchronized void releaseAcquiredChannels() { if (!waitChannelAcquiry()) return; if (!Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { // Reset only radio if phone is encoding, channels will // automatically be removed from the distributor if (phoneActive) encoder.resetChannels(distributor.getRadioChannels()); // Stop encoder otherwise else encoder.stopProcessing(); radioEncoding = false; updateMonitor(); // Idle talk button model.getRootElement().getChild("TalkButton").setAttribute("state", "idle"); // Release all acquired channels Iterator<ClientChannel> iter = radioAcquiredChannelsList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel =; // Send release to server radioReleaseCount++; networkManager.radioRelease(channel.getId()); // Update send flag channel.getElement().setAttribute("send", "false"); } // Send message to peripheral link if (radioReleaseCount > 0 && peripheralLink != null) { peripheralLink.PostRadioSendStop(); } // Clear all fail flags iter = bundle.getChannelCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel =; if (channel.getId() > CHANNEL_RADIO_START) { channel.getElement().setAttribute("fail", "false"); } } } else if (peripheralLink != null) { // Serverless debug mode peripheralLink.PostRadioSendStop(); } radioAcquiredChannelsList.clear(); if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); } private synchronized List<Element> getAllPeerElements(int peerId) { List<Element> list = new LinkedList<Element>(); Iterator iter1 = model.getRootElement().getChild("RoleSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { Element er = (Element); Iterator iter2 = er.getChild("PhonePeers").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Element err = (Element); if (DomTools.getAttributeInt(err, "id", 0, false) == peerId) list.add(err); } } return list; } private synchronized Element getPeerElement(int roleId, int peerId) { Iterator iter1 = model.getRootElement().getChild("RoleSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { Element er = (Element); if (DomTools.getAttributeInt(er, "id", 0, false) == roleId) { Iterator iter2 = er.getChild("PhonePeers").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Element err = (Element); if (DomTools.getAttributeInt(err, "id", 0, false) == peerId) return err; } return null; } } return null; } private synchronized String getRoleName(int id) { String def = "Withheld"; String ids = String.valueOf(id & ID_MASK_ROLE); if (ids.equals("0")) log.warn("Get role name called with id 0"); Iterator iter = model.getRootElement().getChild("RoleDefs").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element er = (Element); if (DomTools.getAttributeString(er, "id", "-", false).equals(ids)) { return DomTools.getChildText(er, "Name", def, false); } } return def; } private synchronized void updateLocalRoleActivity(int roleId, int peerId, boolean line, boolean blink) { Element ep = blink ? getPeerElement(roleId, peerId) : null; Iterator<Element> iter = getAllPeerElements(peerId).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element epi =; epi.setAttribute("line", line ? "3" : "1"); epi.setAttribute("blink", String.valueOf(blink && (ep == epi))); } if (view != null) view.updatePhoneView(); } private synchronized void updateMonitor() { // Return if monitor is disabled if ((monitorEncoder == null) || (monitorDistributor == null)) return; // Is radio or phone active? boolean codecActive = (radioEncoding || radioDecoding || phoneActive); if (monitorActive) { // Stop if codec is not active or monitoring is turned off if (!codecActive || (monitoringTerminalId == 0) || (monitorChannelId == 0)) { monitorEncoder.stopProcessing(); monitorActive = false; } } else { if (codecActive && (monitoringTerminalId > 0) && (monitorChannelId > 0)) { ClientTerminal monitoringTerminal = bundle.getTerminal(monitoringTerminalId); // Set up distributor and move to started state if (monitoringTerminal != null) { monitorDistributor.setConfinedRecipient(monitoringTerminal, monitorChannelId); monitorEncoder.startProcessing(); monitorActive = true; } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Monitoring terminal is not available, ignoring"); } } } } private synchronized void playSound(int soundId) { if (soundId == SOUND_RINGTONE); else clipRingTone.stop(); if (soundId == SOUND_RINGBACK); else clipRingBack.stop(); if (soundId == SOUND_RINGBUSY); else clipRingBusy.stop(); if (soundId == SOUND_NOTIFY); else clipNotify.stop(); } private synchronized void adjustVolumes() { Settings s = Settings.getInstance(); float masterVolume = (float) s.getMasterVolume() / (float) Settings.DEF_MASTER_VOLUME; float rapassVolume = (float) s.getRapassVolume() / (float) (Settings.NBR_VOLUME_STEPS - 1); float chprioVolume = (float) s.getChprioVolume() / (float) (Settings.NBR_VOLUME_STEPS - 1); float phoneVolume = masterVolume; float forwardVolume = masterVolume * rapassVolume; float radioVolume = masterVolume; // Simultaneous radio and interphone if (radioDecoding && phoneActive) { int c = s.getChprioChoice(); if (c == Settings.CHPRIO_PHONE) { radioVolume *= chprioVolume; log.debug("Simultaneous phone and radio, priority for phone. Reducing radio volume (" + radioVolume + ")"); } else if (c == Settings.CHPRIO_RADIO) { phoneVolume *= chprioVolume; forwardVolume *= chprioVolume; log.debug("Simultaneous phone and radio, priority for radio. Reducing phone volume (" + phoneVolume + "/" + forwardVolume + ")"); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Adjusting volumes: " + radioVolume + ", " + phoneVolume + ", " + forwardVolume); if (decoderPhone != null) decoderPhone.setVolume(phoneVolume); if (decoderForward != null) decoderForward.setVolume(forwardVolume); Iterator<VolumeAdjustable> iter = volumeRadioList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()); } private synchronized void stopPhone() { packetReceiver.closeChannel(CHANNEL_PHONE); packetReceiver.closeChannel(CHANNEL_FORWARD); if (decoderPhone != null) decoderPhone.forceStop(); if (decoderForward != null) decoderForward.forceStop(); phoneActive = false; if (encoder != null) { // Reset only phone if radio is encoding, recipient will // automatically be removed from the distributor if (radioEncoding) encoder.resetChannel(CHANNEL_PHONE); // Stop encoder otherwise else encoder.stopProcessing(); } adjustVolumes(); updateMonitor(); } private synchronized void clear() { semDisconnected = true; semChannelsLeft = true; semStartFinished = true; semStopFinished = true; phoneActive = false; radioEncoding = false; radioDecoding = false; radioDecodingList.clear(); monitorActive = false; monitoringTerminalId = 0; monitoredTerminalId = 0; monitorChannelId = 0; phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; radioState = RADIO_STATE_IDLE; radioAcquiredChannelsList.clear(); radioUnacquiredChannelsList.clear(); radioAcquireCount = 0; radioReacquireCount = 0; radioReleaseCount = 0; footSwitch = null; networkManager = null; bundle = null; serverSocketAddr = null; } private synchronized boolean validateModel() { // Validate model if (model == null) return false; Element r = model.getRootElement(); if (r == null) return false; if (!r.getName().equals("Terminal")) return false; if (r.getChild("Group") == null) return false; if (r.getChild("Codec") == null) return false; if (r.getChild("ChannelSetup") == null) return false; if (r.getChild("RoleSetup") == null) return false; if (r.getChild("RoleDefs") == null) return false; // Validate ChannelsSetup Iterator iter = r.getChild("ChannelSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); // Check that child is expected if (!e.getName().equals("Channel")) return false; // Check mandatory id attribute if (e.getAttribute("id") == null) return false; } iter = r.getChild("RoleSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); if (!e.getName().equals("Role")) return false; if (e.getChild("Name") == null) return false; if (e.getChild("PhonePeers") == null) return false; Iterator iter2 = e.getChild("PhonePeers").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { e = (Element); if (!e.getName().equals("RoleRef")) return false; if (e.getChild("Name") == null) return false; } } return true; } /* private synchronized void dbgPrintModelToFile(String name) { if(!Config.DEBUG) return; String fname = "data/development/client_model_"+name+".xml"; XMLOutputter xmlo = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); try { Writer wr = new FileWriter(fname); xmlo.output(model, wr); wr.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("IOException when trying to write model to file "+fname+"!", ex); }"Model successfully written to file "+fname); } private synchronized void dbgListThreadTree() { if(!Config.DEBUG) return; System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Current thread: "+Thread.currentThread()); System.out.println("Active threads:"); // Find the root thread group ThreadGroup root = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getParent(); while (root.getParent() != null) { root = root.getParent(); } // Visit each thread group dbgListThreadTreeRec(root, 0); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); } private synchronized void dbgListThreadTreeRec(ThreadGroup group, int level) { if(!Config.DEBUG) return; System.out.println(group); // Get threads in `group' int numThreads = group.activeCount(); Thread[] threads = new Thread[numThreads*2]; numThreads = group.enumerate(threads, false); // Enumerate each thread in `group' for (int i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { // Get thread Thread thread = threads[i]; System.out.println(" "+thread); } // Get thread subgroups of `group' int numGroups = group.activeGroupCount(); ThreadGroup[] groups = new ThreadGroup[numGroups*2]; numGroups = group.enumerate(groups, false); // Recursively visit each subgroup for (int i=0; i<numGroups; i++) { dbgListThreadTreeRec(groups[i], level+1); } } */ private synchronized void dbgListThreads() { if (!Config.DEBUG) return; System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Current thread: " + Thread.currentThread()); System.out.println("Active main threads:"); // Get threads in `group' ThreadGroup group = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); int numThreads = group.activeCount(); Thread[] threads = new Thread[numThreads * 2]; numThreads = group.enumerate(threads, false); // Enumerate each thread in `group' for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { // Get thread Thread thread = threads[i]; System.out.println(" " + thread); } System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); } public synchronized void init(int id) { clear(); state = CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED; reconnectPrintCount = 5; // Load terminal properties try { properties = new TerminalProperties(id); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Invalid or no terminal properties file (data/properties/terminalproperties.xml). Exiting!", ex); System.exit(0); } // Overwrite if specified externally on the command line if (id > 0) properties.setTerminalId(id);"Starting terminal " + properties.getTerminalId()); // Setup codec values AudioDecoder.setJitterBufferSize(properties.getJitterBufferSize()); AudioDecoder.setOutputBufferSize(properties.getOutputBufferSize()); AudioEncoder.setInputBufferSize(properties.getInputBufferSize()); // Initialize the timing system Time.init(); // Setup a socket address to the server try { serverSocketAddr = new SocketAddress(properties.getServerAddress(), properties.getServerUdpPort()); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { log.error("Invalid server address. Exiting!", ex); System.exit(0); } // Create a bundle bundle = new ClientBundle(); // Create the network manager try { networkManager = new ClientNetworkManager(properties.getTerminalId(), bundle, serverSocketAddr, new SocketAddress(properties.getLocalBindAddress(), properties.getLocalBindPort()), new SocketAddress(properties.getMulticastAddress(), properties.getMulticastPort()), properties.getMulticastTTL(), properties); packetReceiver = networkManager.getReceiver(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error( "The network manager could not be created, possibly due to an invalid multicast socket setting. Exiting!", ex); System.exit(0); } // Create push to talk interfaces if (properties.getEventDeviceName().length() > 0) { eventSwitch = new EventSwitchController(this, properties.getEventDeviceName()); } if (properties.getFootSwitchInterface().length() > 0) { try { footSwitch = new FootSwitchController(this, properties.getFootSwitchInterface(), properties.getFootSwitchPollTimeMillis(), properties.isFootSwitchInverted()); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError err) { log.error("UnsatisfiedLinkError: " + err.getMessage()); log.warn("Missing ftsw library (ftsw.dll or"); if (!properties.getFootSwitchInterface().equalsIgnoreCase("ftdi")) log.warn("Missing rxtxSerial library (rxtxSerial.dll or"); log.warn("The footswitch has been disabled!"); footSwitch = null; } catch (NoClassDefFoundError err) { log.warn("Missing ftsw library (ftsw.dll or"); if (!properties.getFootSwitchInterface().equalsIgnoreCase("ftdi")) log.warn("Missing rxtxSerial library (rxtxSerial.dll or"); log.warn("The footswitch has been disabled!"); footSwitch = null; } } // Get the selected audio devices Mixer.Info[] mixerinfo = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo(); if ((properties.getSoundOutputDevice() >= mixerinfo.length) || (properties.getSoundInputDevice() >= mixerinfo.length)) { log.error("Invalid sound device. Exiting!"); //System.exit(0); } outputMixer = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixerinfo[properties.getSoundOutputDevice()]); inputMixer = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixerinfo[properties.getSoundInputDevice()]); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using output device " + properties.getSoundOutputDevice() + " (" + mixerinfo[properties.getSoundOutputDevice()] + ")"); log.debug("Using input device " + properties.getSoundInputDevice() + " (" + mixerinfo[properties.getSoundInputDevice()] + ")"); } // Creating sound clips clipRingTone = new SoundClip(outputMixer, "data/resources/sounds/phone_ringtone_mono.wav", "data/resources/sounds/phone_ringtone_stereo.wav", 1100, properties.getSignalVolumeAdjustment()); volumeClipList.add(clipRingTone); clipRingBack = new SoundClip(outputMixer, "data/resources/sounds/phone_ringback_mono.wav", "data/resources/sounds/phone_ringback_stereo.wav", 2100, properties.getSignalVolumeAdjustment()); volumeClipList.add(clipRingBack); clipRingBusy = new SoundClip(outputMixer, "data/resources/sounds/phone_busy_mono.wav", "data/resources/sounds/phone_busy_stereo.wav", 400, properties.getSignalVolumeAdjustment()); volumeClipList.add(clipRingBusy); clipWarning = new SoundClip(outputMixer, "data/resources/sounds/radio_error_mono.wav", "data/resources/sounds/radio_error_stereo.wav", 1000, properties.getSignalVolumeAdjustment()); volumeClipList.add(clipWarning); clipNotify = new SoundClip(outputMixer, "data/resources/sounds/ding_mono.wav", "data/resources/sounds/ding_stereo.wav", 1000, properties.getSignalVolumeAdjustment()); volumeClipList.add(clipNotify); // Create peripheral link peripheralLink = null; int peripheralLinkPort = properties.getPeripheralLinkPort(); if (peripheralLinkPort > 0) { try { peripheralLink = new PeripheralLink(properties.getTerminalId(), peripheralLinkPort); peripheralLink.startModule(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn("Unable to create peripheral link, disabling!"); peripheralLink = null; } } // Add shutdown hook if (hookThread != null) Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(hookThread); hookThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { stop(true, true); shutdown(true); sleep(25); dbgListThreads();"Bye!"); } }, "Thook"); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hookThread); if (Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { state = CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED; sessionStart(); } else { // Setup handler for incoming requests and timeouts networkManager.setNetworkHandler(this); // Try to connect to server"Connecting to server on " + properties.getServerAddress() + "..."); networkManager.serverConnect(); } if (autoTesterEnabled) { autoTester = new AutoTester(this); } } public synchronized void shutdown(boolean finalize) { if (state != CLIENT_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { state = CLIENT_STATE_UNINITIALIZED;"Stopping terminal"); if (networkManager == null || Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { serverDisconnected(); } else { if (networkManager.serverDisconnect()) { semDisconnected = false; try { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!semDisconnected && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (t + TIMEOUT_SHUTDOWN))) wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } } if (finalize) { if (timer != null) { log.debug("Finalizing"); timer.cancel(); timer = null; } } } public synchronized void start() { try { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!semStopFinished && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (t + TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP))) wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } if (state == CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED) { view = null; audioRecorder = null;"Starting session"); radioState = RADIO_STATE_IDLE; phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; phoneActive = false; radioEncoding = false; radioDecoding = false; radioDecodingList.clear(); log.debug("Downloading data model for terminal " + properties.getTerminalId() + " from http://" + properties.getServerAddress() + ":" + properties.getServerHttpPort()); // Get configuration document from server String url = "http://" + properties.getServerAddress() + ":" + properties.getServerHttpPort() + "/xml/info?terminal=" + properties.getTerminalId(); try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); if (Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) model ="data/development/client_inforequest.xml")); else model = URL(url)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed to get or parse the configuration document from " + url.toString(), ex); log.debug("Waiting for start session packet from server"); ex.printStackTrace(); return; } if (!validateModel()) { log.error("Invalid data model, validation failed!"); log.debug("Waiting for start session packet from server"); return; } // Document is valid state = CLIENT_STATE_STARTED; log.debug("Data model passed validation test"); // Add extra nodes model.getRootElement().addContent(new Element("TalkButton")); model.getRootElement().addContent(new Element("HookButton")); Element e1 = new Element("Settings"); Element e2 = new Element("Name"); e2.setText("SETTINGS"); e1.addContent(e2); e1.setAttribute("hfac", "0.4"); model.getRootElement().addContent(e1); // Inactivate all phone peers initially Iterator iter1 = model.getRootElement().getChild("RoleSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { Element er = (Element); Iterator iter2 = er.getChild("PhonePeers").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Element err = (Element); err.setAttribute("active", "false"); } } // Clear encoder = null; distributor = null; decoderPhone = null; decoderForward = null; monitorEncoder = null; monitorDistributor = null; // Get codec type String codec = DomTools.getChildText(model.getRootElement(), "Codec", "null", true); // Encoder if (codec.startsWith("jspeex")) { // Parse out the quality from the string "jspeex:<quality 1-10>" int quality = 6; int idx = codec.indexOf(':'); if (idx > 0) { try { quality = Integer.parseInt(codec.substring(idx + 1)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Parse error in string " + codec + ", should be \"jspeex:<quality 1-10>\", defaulting to 6!"); } if (quality < 1 || quality > 10) { log.warn("Out of range error in string " + codec + ", should be \"jspeex:<quality 1-10>\", defaulting to 6!"); quality = 6; } } encoder = new JSpeexEncoder(inputMixer, quality); monitorEncoder = new JSpeexEncoder(inputMixer, quality); } else { encoder = new NullEncoder(inputMixer); monitorEncoder = new NullEncoder(inputMixer); } // Main distributor distributor = new Distributor(properties.getTerminalId(), bundle, networkManager.getSender()); encoder.setPacketDistributor(distributor); // Monitor distributor monitorDistributor = new Distributor(properties.getTerminalId(), bundle, networkManager.getSender()); monitorEncoder.setPacketDistributor(monitorDistributor); // Start encoders AudioFormat audioFormats[] = encoder.getSupportedAudioFormats(); int usedAudioFormat = -1; // Find which audio format to use for (int i = 0; i < audioFormats.length; i++) { try { encoder.startModule(i); log.debug("Using input audio format " + audioFormats[i]); usedAudioFormat = i; break; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Could not open the input device for format " + audioFormats[i] + "!"); } } if (usedAudioFormat < 0) { log.error("Unable to start, the input sound device is unavailable!"); stop(false, false); return; } MixingDataLine monitorDataLine = null; if (usedAudioFormat > 0) { log.warn("Unable to open the monitor data line, supports mono only!"); monitorEncoder = null; monitorDistributor = null; } else { // Create a mixing data line for the monitor monitorDataLine = new MixingDataLine(); try { // Start monitor encoder with the same format as the main encoder monitorEncoder.startModule(monitorDataLine, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Unable to open the monitor data line, monitoring has been disabled!", ex); monitorDataLine = null; monitorEncoder = null; monitorDistributor = null; } } // Pass a monitor channel to the encoder if (monitorDataLine != null) { encoder.setMonitorChannel(monitorDataLine.getMixerChannel()); } // Create decoders and packet dispatchers if (codec.startsWith("jspeex")) { decoderPhone = new JSpeexDecoder(outputMixer, CHANNEL_PHONE); decoderForward = new JSpeexDecoder(outputMixer, CHANNEL_FORWARD); } else { decoderPhone = new NullDecoder(outputMixer, CHANNEL_PHONE); decoderForward = new NullDecoder(outputMixer, CHANNEL_FORWARD); } // Add decoders as packet receiver handlers packetReceiver.addDataPacketDispatcher(CHANNEL_PHONE, decoderPhone); packetReceiver.addDataPacketDispatcher(CHANNEL_FORWARD, decoderForward); // Pass monitor channel to decoders if (monitorDataLine != null) { decoderPhone.setMonitorChannel(monitorDataLine.getMixerChannel()); decoderForward.setMonitorChannel(monitorDataLine.getMixerChannel()); } Iterator iter = model.getRootElement().getChild("ChannelSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element ec = (Element); int channelId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(ec, "id", 0, true); if (channelId > 0) { AudioDecoder decoder; if (codec.startsWith("jspeex")) { decoder = new JSpeexDecoder(outputMixer, channelId); } else { decoder = new NullDecoder(outputMixer, channelId); } // Add decoder as packet receiver handler packetReceiver.addDataPacketDispatcher(channelId, decoder); // Pass monitor channel to decoder if (monitorDataLine != null) { decoder.setMonitorChannel(monitorDataLine.getMixerChannel()); } } } // Go through the decoders and create output lines for them audioFormats = null; usedAudioFormat = -1; iter = packetReceiver.getDataPacketDispatcherCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AudioDecoder decoder = (AudioDecoder); // First iteration, find which audio format to use if (usedAudioFormat < 0) { audioFormats = decoder.getSupportedAudioFormats(); for (int i = 0; i < audioFormats.length; i++) { try { decoder.startModule(i); log.debug("Using output audio format " + audioFormats[i]); usedAudioFormat = i; break; } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Could not open the output device for format " + audioFormats[i] + "!"); } } if (usedAudioFormat < 0) { log.error("Unable to start, the output sound device is unavailable!"); stop(false, false); return; } } // The format to use is known, just start the module else { try { decoder.startModule(usedAudioFormat); } catch (LineUnavailableException ex) { log.error("Could not open the output device for format " + audioFormats[usedAudioFormat] + "!"); stop(false, false); return; } } // Add listeners for all radio // Also add to volume list if (decoder.getDecoderId() > CHANNEL_RADIO_START) { decoder.addListener(this); volumeRadioList.add(decoder); } } // Create a recorder audioRecorder = new AudioRecorder(audioFormats[usedAudioFormat], true); // Join channels Collection<Integer> c = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // Common bundle.addChannel(new ClientChannel(CHANNEL_COMMON)); c.add(CHANNEL_COMMON); iter = model.getRootElement().getChild("ChannelSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Element ec = (Element); int channelId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(ec, "id", 0, true); if (channelId > 0) { ClientChannel channel = new ClientChannel(channelId); bundle.addChannel(channel); c.add(channelId); // Also store the channel element.. channel.setElement(ec); // ..and the decoder for fast access AudioDecoder decoder = (AudioDecoder) packetReceiver.getDataPacketDispatcher(channelId); channel.setDecoder(decoder); // finally, add the recorder if the channel has recordable="true" if (DomTools.getAttributeBoolean(ec, "recordable", false, false)) { decoder.setAudioRecorder(audioRecorder); decoder.addListener(audioRecorder); // to get stop events for injecting silence } } } networkManager.sessionConnect(c); // Immediately open all channels with state rxtx or rx iter = bundle.getChannelCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel = (ClientChannel); if (!DomTools.getAttributeString(channel.getElement(), "state", "off", false).equals("off")) { packetReceiver.openChannel(channel.getId()); } } // Force all settings Settings settings = Settings.getInstance(); settingsValueChanged(Settings.ID_MASTER_VOLUME, settings.getMasterVolume()); settingsValueChanged(Settings.ID_SIGNAL_VOLUME, settings.getSignalVolume()); settingsValueChanged(Settings.ID_CHPRIO_VOLUME, settings.getChprioVolume()); settingsValueChanged(Settings.ID_RAPASS_VOLUME, settings.getRapassVolume()); settingsValueChanged(Settings.ID_CHPRIO_CHOICE, settings.getChprioChoice()); settingsValueChanged(Settings.ID_WATONE_CHOICE, settings.getWatoneChoice()); // Create view String style = properties.getUserInterfaceStyle().toLowerCase(); if (!(style.equals("full") || style.equals("slim-phone") || style.equals("slim-horiz") || style.equals("slim-vert") || style.equals("none"))) { log.warn("Invalid user interface style (" + style + ") defaulting to full!"); style = "full"; properties.setUserInterfaceStyle(style); } if (!Config.CLIENT_SIZE_FULLSCREEN || !style.equals("full")) JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); log.debug("Creating view with style: " + style); if (properties.getUserInterfaceStyle().equalsIgnoreCase("full")) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { view = new FullView(Controller.getInstance(), properties); view.setModel(model); view.setVisible(true); view.toFront(); if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.setView(view); } }); } else if (properties.getUserInterfaceStyle().equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { view = new FullView(Controller.getInstance(), properties); view.setModel(model); view.setVisible(false); view.toFront(); if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.setView(view); } }); } else if (properties.getUserInterfaceStyle().equalsIgnoreCase("slim-phone")) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { view = new PhoneOnlyView(Controller.getInstance(), properties); view.setModel(model); view.setVisible(true); view.toFront(); if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.setView(view); } }); } else { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { view = new SlimView(Controller.getInstance(), properties); view.setModel(model); view.setVisible(true); view.toFront(); if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.setView(view); } }); } // Start the push to talk interfaces if (properties.getEventDeviceName().length() > 0) { eventSwitch.start(); } if (properties.getFootSwitchInterface().length() > 0) { if (footSwitch != null) { try { footSwitch.start(); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError err) { log.error("UnsatisfiedLinkError: " + err.getMessage()); log.warn("Missing ftsw library (ftsw.dll or"); if (!properties.getFootSwitchInterface().equalsIgnoreCase("ftdi")) log.warn("Missing rxtxSerial library (rxtxSerial.dll or"); log.warn("The footswitch has been disabled!"); footSwitch = null; } catch (NoClassDefFoundError err) { log.warn("Missing ftsw library (ftsw.dll or"); if (!properties.getFootSwitchInterface().equalsIgnoreCase("ftdi")) log.warn("Missing rxtxSerial library (rxtxSerial.dll or"); log.warn("The footswitch has been disabled!"); footSwitch = null; } catch (NoSuchPortException ex) { log.warn("The serial port " + properties.getFootSwitchInterface() + " does not exist, the footswitch has been disabled!"); footSwitch = null; } catch (PortInUseException ex) { log.warn("The serial port " + properties.getFootSwitchInterface() + " is already in use, the footswitch has been disabled!"); footSwitch = null; } } } sleep(25); dbgListThreads(); // The system is not allowed to be stopped immediately after start if (timer != null) { semStartFinished = false; timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { Controller c = Controller.getInstance(); synchronized (c) { semStartFinished = true; c.notifyAll(); } } }, DELAY_STARTSTOP); } if (autoTesterEnabled && autoTester != null) { autoTester.startTester(model); } } } public synchronized void stop(boolean leaveChannels, boolean waitChannelsLeft) { try { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!semStartFinished && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (t + TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP))) wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } if (autoTesterEnabled && autoTester != null) { autoTester.stopTester(); } semChannelsLeft = true; if (state == CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) {"Stopping session"); state = CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED; // Stop all sounds playSound(SOUND_NONE); if (footSwitch != null) footSwitch.stop(); if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.PostRadioSendStop(); if (view != null) { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { view.setVisible(false); view.dispose(); } }); } if (leaveChannels && bundle != null && !Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { // Leave all channels Collection<Integer> c = new LinkedList<Integer>(); Iterator<ClientChannel> iterc = bundle.getChannelCollection().iterator(); while (iterc.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel =; c.add(new Integer(channel.getId())); } semChannelsLeft = c.isEmpty(); if (!semChannelsLeft) networkManager.sessionDisconnect(); } // Stop decoder and close channels Iterator<ItemDispatcher> iterd = packetReceiver.getDataPacketDispatcherCollection().iterator(); while (iterd.hasNext()) { AudioDecoder decoder = (AudioDecoder); int channelId = decoder.getDecoderId(); packetReceiver.closeChannel(channelId); if (audioRecorder != null) { audioRecorder.stopRecording(channelId); } decoder.stopModule(); } // Stop encoders if (encoder != null) { encoder.stopModule(); } if (monitorEncoder != null) { monitorEncoder.stopModule(); } packetReceiver.removeDataPacketDispatchers(); volumeRadioList.clear(); decoderPhone = null; decoderForward = null; encoder = null; monitorEncoder = null; model = null; sleep(25); if (distributor != null) { distributor.removeAll(); distributor = null; } if (monitorDistributor != null) { monitorDistributor.removeAll(); monitorDistributor = null; } log.debug("Session stopped, Waiting for start session packet from server"); // The system is not allowed to be started immediately after stop if (timer != null) { semStopFinished = false; timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { Controller c = Controller.getInstance(); synchronized (c) { semStopFinished = true; c.notifyAll(); } } }, DELAY_STARTSTOP); } if (leaveChannels && waitChannelsLeft && !semChannelsLeft && !Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { try { long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!semChannelsLeft && (System.currentTimeMillis() < (t + TIMEOUT_LEAVE))) wait(100); if (!semChannelsLeft) log.warn("Wait for channels left timed out!"); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.warn("Wait for channels left interrupted!"); } } } } public synchronized void rxtxStateUpdated(int channelId, boolean rx, boolean tx) { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; ClientChannel channel = bundle.getChannel(channelId); if (channel != null) { Element ec = channel.getElement(); // Decide on new state String newstate = "off"; if (tx) newstate = "rxtx"; else if (rx) newstate = "rx"; // If channel is a monitor, do not allow rxtx state if (newstate.equals("rxtx") && DomTools.getAttributeBoolean(ec, "monitor", false, false)) { newstate = "off"; } // Update state in model ec.setAttribute("state", newstate); // Close sending if state is rx or off if (!newstate.equals("rxtx")) { ec.setAttribute("send", "false"); ec.setAttribute("fail", "false"); encoder.resetChannel(channelId); } // Close receiving if state is off if (newstate.equals("off")) { ec.setAttribute("recvp", "false"); ec.setAttribute("recvs", "false"); packetReceiver.closeChannel(channelId); channel.getDecoder().forceStop(); recordStateUpdated(channelId, false); } // Open channel if new state is rx or rxtx else { packetReceiver.openChannel(channelId); } // Update view if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); } } private synchronized void updateRecorder(int channelId) { if (bundle == null || state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED || audioRecorder == null) return; ClientChannel channel = bundle.getChannel(channelId); if (channel != null) { Element ec = channel.getElement(); boolean monitor = DomTools.getAttributeBoolean(ec, "monitor", false, false); boolean recording = DomTools.getAttributeBoolean(ec, "recording", false, false); boolean monitoring = (monitoredTerminalId > 0); if (monitor) { ec.setAttribute("monitoring", String.valueOf(monitoring)); int curMonitoredTerminalId = audioRecorder.getMonitoredTerminalId(channelId); if (monitoring && recording) { // If monitored terminal has changed, stop recorder first if (curMonitoredTerminalId > 0 && curMonitoredTerminalId != monitoredTerminalId) { audioRecorder.stopRecording(channelId); } audioRecorder.startRecording(channelId, null, monitoredTerminalId); } else { audioRecorder.stopRecording(channelId); } } else { if (recording) { String channelName = DomTools.getChildText(ec, "Name", null, false); audioRecorder.startRecording(channelId, channelName, 0); } else { audioRecorder.stopRecording(channelId); } } } } public synchronized void recordStateUpdated(int channelId, boolean recording) { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED || audioRecorder == null) return; ClientChannel channel = bundle.getChannel(channelId); if (channel != null) { Element ec = channel.getElement(); // Stop recording if state is off if (DomTools.getAttributeString(ec, "state", "off", true).equals("off")) { ec.setAttribute("recording", "false"); audioRecorder.stopRecording(channelId); } else { ec.setAttribute("recording", String.valueOf(recording)); updateRecorder(channelId); } if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); } } public synchronized void channelButtonPressed(int channelId) { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (radioState != RADIO_STATE_IDLE) return; if (!waitChannelAcquiry()) return; // Acquire clicked channel radioAcquiredChannelsList.clear(); if (!Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { ClientChannel channel = bundle.getChannel(channelId); if (channel != null) { Element ec = channel.getElement(); // Check that the state of the channel is tx if (DomTools.getAttributeString(ec, "state", "off", false).equals("rxtx")) { // Try to acquire it radioAcquireCount = 1; networkManager.radioAcquire(channelId); radioState = RADIO_STATE_CHANNEL; } } } } public synchronized void channelButtonReleased(int channelId) { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (radioState != RADIO_STATE_CHANNEL) return; releaseAcquiredChannels(); radioState = RADIO_STATE_IDLE; } public synchronized void talkButtonPressed(int device) { // if (isaDialog != null) { // isaValueChosen(0); // } if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; // Return if a channel button is pressed if (radioState == RADIO_STATE_CHANNEL) return; // BN: HACK controller wants to be able to speak, even if incoming transmission if (properties.getOverPowerOtherStations() == 1) { log.debug("BN HACK: Controller wants to be able to speak"); // Release the channel so we can send Iterator<ClientChannel> iter = bundle.getChannelCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel =; networkManager.radioRelease(channel.getId()); } radioState = RADIO_STATE_IDLE; // Set the master volume to 0 so we don't hear others Settings s = Settings.getInstance(); s.setMasterVolume(0); adjustVolumes(); } // Only acquire channels if state is idle boolean acquireChannels = (radioState == RADIO_STATE_IDLE); // Go to next state if (device == DEVICE_MOUSE) radioState = RADIO_STATE_TALK_MOUSE; else if (device == DEVICE_FTSW) radioState = RADIO_STATE_TALK_FTSW; // Leave if double press, same of difference device if (!acquireChannels) return; if (!waitChannelAcquiry()) return; // Try to acquire all tx channels radioAcquiredChannelsList.clear(); if (!Config.CLIENT_SERVERLESS) { radioAcquireCount = 0; Iterator<ClientChannel> iter = bundle.getChannelCollection().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel =; int channelId = channel.getId(); if (channelId > CHANNEL_RADIO_START) { Element ec = channel.getElement(); // Check that the state of the channel is tx if (DomTools.getAttributeString(ec, "state", "off", false).equals("rxtx")) { radioAcquireCount++; networkManager.radioAcquire(channelId); } } } } else if (peripheralLink != null) { // Debug: ServerLess mode int[] channelIds = { 1, 2, 3 }; peripheralLink.PostRadioSendStart(channelIds); } } public synchronized void talkButtonReleased(int device) { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; // BN: HACK controller wants to be able to speak, even if incoming transmission if (properties.getOverPowerOtherStations() == 1) { log.debug("BN HACK: Enable volume again"); // Set the master volume to 100 Settings s = Settings.getInstance(); s.setMasterVolume(100); adjustVolumes(); } boolean releaseChannels = (radioState == RADIO_STATE_TALK_MOUSE && device == DEVICE_MOUSE) || (radioState == RADIO_STATE_TALK_FTSW && device == DEVICE_FTSW); if (releaseChannels) { releaseAcquiredChannels(); radioState = RADIO_STATE_IDLE; } } public synchronized void dialButtonClicked(int roleId, int peerId) { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_RINGING) { Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); int thisId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(eh, "this", 0, true); int otherId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(eh, "other", 0, true); if (otherId != peerId) { eh.setAttribute("state", "idle"); networkManager.phoneHangup(thisId, otherId); //phoneState = PHONE_STATE_HANGUP_REQ; phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; } } if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_IDLE) { if (roleId == 0 || peerId == 0) return; // Setup information on hook button Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); eh.setAttribute("src", getRoleName(roleId)); eh.setAttribute("dest", getRoleName(peerId)); eh.setAttribute("this", String.valueOf(roleId)); eh.setAttribute("other", String.valueOf(peerId)); eh.setAttribute("state", "dialing"); if (view != null) view.updatePhoneView(); networkManager.phoneRing(roleId, peerId); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_DIALING_REQ; } } public synchronized void hookButtonClicked() { if (bundle == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_RINGING) { eh.setAttribute("state", "in_call"); int thisId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(eh, "this", 0, true); int otherId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(eh, "other", 0, true); networkManager.phoneAnswer(thisId, otherId); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_ANSWER_REQ; } else if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_DIALING || phoneState == PHONE_STATE_IN_CALL) { eh.setAttribute("state", "idle"); int thisId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(eh, "this", 0, true); int otherId = DomTools.getAttributeInt(eh, "other", 0, true); networkManager.phoneHangup(thisId, otherId); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_HANGUP_REQ; } else if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_BUSY) { eh.setAttribute("state", "idle"); playSound(SOUND_NONE); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; } if (view != null) view.updatePhoneView(); } public synchronized void settingsDialogOpen() { if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; // This button is also used to stop the auto tester if (autoTesterEnabled) { autoTester.stopTester(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(view, "The auto tester has been stopped! The settings dialog\n" + "is unaccessible when the auto tester is enabled!", "Auto tester", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return; } if (settingsDialog == null) { boolean full = properties.getUserInterfaceStyle().equalsIgnoreCase("full"); if (!full) JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); settingsDialog = new JDialog(view, "Settings", false); settingsDialog.setContentPane(new SettingsPane(this)); if (full) { settingsDialog.setResizable(false); settingsDialog.setUndecorated(true); Rectangle rect = view.getBounds(); rect.x += rect.width * 0.1; rect.y += rect.height * 0.1; rect.width *= 0.8; rect.height *= 0.8; settingsDialog.setBounds(rect); // Hide mouse cursor if stated in the properties file if (properties.isMouseCursorHidden()) settingsDialog.setCursor(InvisibleCursor.getCursor()); } else { GraphicsEnvironment graphicsEnvironment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); Rectangle rect = graphicsEnvironment.getMaximumWindowBounds(); rect.x += rect.width * 0.25; rect.y += rect.height * 0.25; rect.width *= 0.5; rect.height *= 0.5; settingsDialog.setBounds(rect); settingsDialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); settingsDialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { settingsDialogClose(); } }); } settingsDialog.setVisible(true); } } public synchronized void settingsDialogClose() { if (settingsDialog != null) { settingsDialog.setVisible(false); settingsDialog = null; } } public synchronized void settingsValueChanged(int id, int value) { if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; Settings s = Settings.getInstance(); switch (id) { case (Settings.ID_MASTER_VOLUME): { s.setMasterVolume(value); adjustVolumes(); break; } case (Settings.ID_SIGNAL_VOLUME): { float signalVolume = (float) value / (float) Settings.DEF_SIGNAL_VOLUME; Iterator<VolumeAdjustable> iter = volumeClipList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()); s.setSignalVolume(value); break; } case (Settings.ID_CHPRIO_VOLUME): { s.setChprioVolume(value); adjustVolumes(); break; } case (Settings.ID_RAPASS_VOLUME): { s.setRapassVolume(value); adjustVolumes(); break; } case (Settings.ID_CHPRIO_CHOICE): { s.setChprioChoice(value); adjustVolumes(); break; } case (Settings.ID_WATONE_CHOICE): { clipWarningOn = (value == Settings.WATONE_ON); s.setWatoneChoice(value); break; } default: log.error("Settings id is invalid!"); } } /** * Open the ISA dialog (if the radio has been silent for at least 2 seconds) * @return true if the dialog was opened */ public boolean isaDialogOpen(int isaNumChoices, boolean isaExtendedMode, String isakeytext[]) { final int radioSilentLimit = 500; // Do not show ISA dialog until at least half a second of silence if (view == null) return true; // This might happen if ISA request when terminal is starting up, don't open ISA dialog if (isaDialog == null) { // Is radio or phone active? boolean codecActive = (radioEncoding || radioDecoding || phoneActive); // Wait for 2 seconds of radio silence if (codecActive || (System.currentTimeMillis() - radioIdleTime) < radioSilentLimit) { // Ignore ISA request if too busy return false; } boolean full = properties.getUserInterfaceStyle().equalsIgnoreCase("full"); if (!full) JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); isaDialog = new JDialog(view, "Workload", false); isaDialog.setContentPane( new ISAPane(Controller.getInstance(), isaNumChoices, isaExtendedMode, isakeytext)); if (full) { isaDialog.setResizable(false); isaDialog.setUndecorated(true); Rectangle rect = view.getBounds(); if (isaExtendedMode) { rect.x += rect.width * 0.3; rect.y += rect.height * 0.3; rect.width *= 0.4; rect.height *= 0.5; } else { rect.x += rect.width * 0.2; rect.y += rect.height * 0.4; rect.width *= 0.6; rect.height *= 0.15; } isaDialog.setBounds(rect); // Hide mouse cursor if stated in the properties file if (properties.isMouseCursorHidden()) isaDialog.setCursor(InvisibleCursor.getCursor()); } else { GraphicsEnvironment graphicsEnvironment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); Rectangle rect = graphicsEnvironment.getMaximumWindowBounds(); if (isaExtendedMode) { rect.x = (int) (rect.width - (rect.width * 0.2)); rect.y = (int) (rect.height - (rect.height * 0.25)); rect.width *= 0.2; rect.height *= 0.25; } else { rect.x = (int) (rect.width - (rect.width * 0.3)); rect.y = (int) (rect.height - (rect.height * 0.1)); rect.width *= 0.3; rect.height *= 0.1; } isaDialog.setBounds(rect); isaDialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { isaValueChosen(0); } }); } isaDialog.setVisible(true); isaReqStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); clipNotify.playOnce(); } return true; } /** * Close the ISA dialog */ public void isaDialogClose() { if (isaDialog != null) { isaDialog.setVisible(false); isaDialog = null; } } /** * User has chosen an ISA value, send response to server */ public void isaValueChosen(int value) { if (isaDialog != null && isaDialog.isShowing()) { log.debug("ISA value chosen: " + value); isaDialogClose(); networkManager.sendIsaResponse(value, (System.currentTimeMillis() - isaReqStartTime)); } else { log.debug("ISA dialog not open - ignore"); } } public synchronized void closeButtonClicked() { if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (Config.CLIENT_EXIT_DIALOG) { int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(view, "Are you sure you want to exit the terminal application?", "Exit?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (res == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { stop(true, true); shutdown(true); } } else { stop(true, true); shutdown(true); } } public synchronized void serverConnected(boolean accepted) { if (accepted) {"Connected to server " + serverSocketAddr); state = CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED; dbgListThreads(); // Wait for control start to create visuals log.debug("Waiting for start session packet from server"); } else { if (reconnectPrintCount > 0) {"Unable to connect to server"); } if (reconnectPrintCount >= 0) { reconnectPrintCount--; } if (timer != null) { if (reconnectPrintCount > 0)"Reconnecting in " + (DELAY_RECONNECT / 1000) + " seconds..."); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { if (networkManager != null) { if (reconnectPrintCount > 0)"Connecting to server..."); networkManager.serverConnect(); } } }, DELAY_RECONNECT); if (reconnectPrintCount == 0) {"Entering silent mode, still trying to connect to server..."); reconnectPrintCount = -1; } } else { log.error("Unexpected shutdown, timer is null!"); shutdown(true); } } } public synchronized void serverDisconnected() { networkManager.setNetworkHandler(null); // Close peripheral link if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.stopModule(); // Close sound clips clipRingTone.close(); clipRingBack.close(); clipRingBusy.close(); clipWarning.close(); clipNotify.close(); SoundClip.closeCommonTimer(); outputMixer.close(); inputMixer.close(); volumeClipList.clear(); state = CLIENT_STATE_UNINITIALIZED; clear(); // Notify shutdown hook notifyAll(); } public synchronized void sessionStart() { if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED && timer != null) { log.debug("Start session packet received"); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { start(); } }, DELAY_START + (int) (2 * Math.random() * DELAY_START_VARIANCE) - DELAY_START_VARIANCE); } } public synchronized void sessionStop() { if (state == CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) { log.debug("Stop session packet received"); stop(true, false); } } public synchronized void sessionClose() { log.debug("Close session packet received"); // Ok to call stop and shutdown directly after each other here // since the server is stopping anyway.. No synchronization // problems then.. stop(false, false); shutdown(timer == null); if (timer != null) {"Reconnecting in " + (DELAY_RECONNECT / 1000) + " seconds..."); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { int id = properties.getTerminalId(); init(id); } }, DELAY_RECONNECT); } } public synchronized void sessionConnected() { } public synchronized void sessionDisconnected() { bundle.clear(); semChannelsLeft = true; notifyAll(); } public synchronized void infoPacket(Packet packet) { // Update role activity int[] roleActivityArray = packet.getAttributeList(Packet.ATTR_ROLE_ACTIVITY); if (state == CLIENT_STATE_STARTED && model != null && roleActivityArray != null) { log.debug("Received info packet ROLE_ACTIVITY"); // Update all peers (online and in call info) Iterator iter1 = model.getRootElement().getChild("RoleSetup").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { Element er = (Element); Iterator iter2 = er.getChild("PhonePeers").getChildren().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Element err = (Element); int id = DomTools.getAttributeInt(err, "id", 0, false); for (int i : roleActivityArray) { if ((i & Packet.ATTR_ROLE_ACTIVITY_MASK_ID) == id) { err.setAttribute("active", String.valueOf((i & Packet.ATTR_ROLE_ACTIVITY_FLAG_AVAILABLE) != 0)); err.setAttribute("line", ((i & Packet.ATTR_ROLE_ACTIVITY_FLAG_INCALL) != 0) ? "3" : "1"); err.setAttribute("blink", "false"); } } } } if (view != null) view.updatePhoneView(); } // Monitoring terminal else if (packet.getAttributeBool(Packet.ATTR_MONITOR_SINK_START)) { log.debug("Received info packet MONITOR_SINK_START"); monitoredTerminalId = packet.getSourceId(); updateRecorder(packet.getAttributeInt(Packet.ATTR_CHANNEL)); if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); } else if (packet.getAttributeBool(Packet.ATTR_MONITOR_SINK_STOP)) { log.debug("Received info packet MONITOR_SINK_STOP"); monitoredTerminalId = 0; updateRecorder(packet.getAttributeInt(Packet.ATTR_CHANNEL)); if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); } // Monitoring terminal else if (packet.getAttributeBool(Packet.ATTR_MONITOR_SOURCE_START)) { log.debug("Received info packet MONITOR_SOURCE_START"); monitoringTerminalId = packet.getSourceId(); monitorChannelId = packet.getAttributeInt(Packet.ATTR_CHANNEL); updateMonitor(); } else if (packet.getAttributeBool(Packet.ATTR_MONITOR_SOURCE_STOP)) { log.debug("Received info packet MONITOR_SOURCE_STOP"); monitoringTerminalId = 0; monitorChannelId = 0; updateMonitor(); } } public synchronized void radioAcquired(ClientChannel channel, boolean accepted) { if (model == null) return; boolean startProcessing = false; // Re-acquire if (radioReacquireCount > 0) { radioReacquireCount--; if (accepted) { // Add to acquired list and remove from unacquired list radioAcquiredChannelsList.add(channel); radioUnacquiredChannelsList.remove(channel); // Set busy indicator and clear error indicator on channel Element ec = channel.getElement(); ec.setAttribute("send", "true"); ec.setAttribute("fail", "false"); // If all channels are acquired if (radioUnacquiredChannelsList.isEmpty()) { startProcessing = true; if (radioReacquireTask != null) { radioReacquireTask.cancel(); } } } } // Normal acquire else if (radioAcquireCount > 0) { radioAcquireCount--; if (accepted) { radioAcquiredChannelsList.add(channel); // Set busy indicator on channel channel.getElement().setAttribute("send", "true"); } else { radioUnacquiredChannelsList.add(channel); // Set error indicator channel.getElement().setAttribute("fail", "true"); } // All channels have been acquired if (radioAcquireCount == 0) { if (radioUnacquiredChannelsList.isEmpty()) startProcessing = true; else { // Talk button is pressed with error, show fail if (radioState == RADIO_STATE_TALK_MOUSE || radioState == RADIO_STATE_TALK_FTSW) { model.getRootElement().getChild("TalkButton").setAttribute("state", "fail"); } if (!radioUnacquiredChannelsList.isEmpty()) { // Create a new task to periodically try to acquire channels radioReacquireTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() { Controller c = Controller.getInstance(); synchronized (c) { // Dont reacquire if channels are being released // or if still trying to reacquire from last tick if (radioReleaseCount > 0 || radioReacquireCount > 0) return; radioReacquireCount = 0; Iterator<ClientChannel> iter = radioUnacquiredChannelsList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClientChannel channel =; radioReacquireCount++; networkManager.radioAcquire(channel.getId()); } } } }; // Schedule the task if (timer != null) timer.schedule(radioReacquireTask, PERIOD_REACQUIRE, PERIOD_REACQUIRE); else log.error("Unable to schedule reacquire task, timer is not available!"); } else log.error("Radio acquirement failed but there are no unacquired channels in list!"); // Audio error signal if (clipWarningOn) clipWarning.playOnce(); radioEncoding = false; updateMonitor(); } } } // Error else { log.error("radioAcquired was called without (re)acquire count"); } if (startProcessing) { if (radioEncoding) log.error("Trying to start encoder when radioEncoding is already true!"); if (radioAcquiredChannelsList.isEmpty()) log.error("Trying to start encoder without any acquired channels!"); if (!radioUnacquiredChannelsList.isEmpty()) log.error("Trying to start encoder with remaining unacquired channels!"); // Talk button is pressed successfully, show busy if (radioState == RADIO_STATE_TALK_MOUSE || radioState == RADIO_STATE_TALK_FTSW) { model.getRootElement().getChild("TalkButton").setAttribute("state", "send"); } // Prepare channels list for peripheral link messages int i = 0; int[] channelIds = new int[radioAcquiredChannelsList.size()]; // Add all acquired channels to distributor Iterator<ClientChannel> iter = radioAcquiredChannelsList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { int channelId =; channelIds[i] = channelId; distributor.addRadioChannel(channelId); i++; } // Start sending voice packets, start encoder if phone has not already started it if (!phoneActive) encoder.startProcessing(); // Send message to peripheral if (peripheralLink != null) peripheralLink.PostRadioSendStart(channelIds); radioEncoding = true; updateMonitor(); } if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); notifyAll(); } public synchronized void radioReleased(ClientChannel channel) { radioReleaseCount--; notifyAll(); radioIdleTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public synchronized void phoneRingOutgoing(ClientTerminal destTerminal, int destRoleId, int sourceRoleId, boolean accepted) { if (model == null) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_DIALING_REQ) { if (accepted) { // Destination phone is ringing updateLocalRoleActivity(sourceRoleId, destRoleId, true, true); playSound(SOUND_RINGBACK); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_DIALING; } else { // Phone line was busy Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); eh.setAttribute("state", "busy"); if (view != null) view.updatePhoneView(); playSound(SOUND_RINGBUSY); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_BUSY; } } else { log.error("phoneRingOutgoing called in wrong state [" + phoneState + "]"); } } public synchronized void phoneRingIncoming(ClientTerminal sourceTerminal, int sourceRoleId, int destRoleId) { if (model == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_IDLE || phoneState == PHONE_STATE_BUSY) { Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); eh.setAttribute("src", getRoleName(sourceRoleId)); eh.setAttribute("dest", getRoleName(destRoleId)); eh.setAttribute("this", String.valueOf(destRoleId)); eh.setAttribute("other", String.valueOf(sourceRoleId)); eh.setAttribute("state", "ringing"); updateLocalRoleActivity(destRoleId, sourceRoleId, true, true); playSound(SOUND_RINGTONE); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_RINGING; } else { log.error("phoneRingIncoming called in wrong state [" + phoneState + "]"); } } public synchronized void phoneAnswerOutgoing(ClientTerminal destTerminal, int destRoleId, int sourceRoleId, boolean accepted) { if (model == null) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_ANSWER_REQ) { Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); eh.setAttribute("state", "in_call"); updateLocalRoleActivity(sourceRoleId, destRoleId, true, false); playSound(SOUND_NONE); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IN_CALL; if (accepted) { if (destTerminal != null) { packetReceiver.openChannel(CHANNEL_PHONE); packetReceiver.openChannelForward(destTerminal); phoneActive = true; distributor.setConfinedRecipient(destTerminal, CHANNEL_PHONE); if (!radioEncoding) encoder.startProcessing(); adjustVolumes(); updateMonitor(); } else log.warn("destTerminal is null in phoneAnswerOutgoing!"); } else { // Hang up phone hookButtonClicked(); } } else { log.error("phoneAnswerOutgoing called in wrong state [" + phoneState + "]"); } } public synchronized void phoneAnswerIncoming(ClientTerminal sourceTerminal, int sourceRoleId, int destRoleId) { if (model == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_DIALING) { Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); eh.setAttribute("state", "in_call"); updateLocalRoleActivity(destRoleId, sourceRoleId, true, false); playSound(SOUND_NONE); if (sourceTerminal != null) { packetReceiver.openChannel(CHANNEL_PHONE); packetReceiver.openChannelForward(sourceTerminal); phoneActive = true; distributor.setConfinedRecipient(sourceTerminal, CHANNEL_PHONE); if (!radioEncoding) encoder.startProcessing(); adjustVolumes(); updateMonitor(); } else log.error("sourceTerminal is null in phoneAnswerIncoming"); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IN_CALL; } else if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_HANGUP_REQ) { // Other peer answered the phone when this peer requested to hangup } else { log.error("phoneAnswerIncoming called in wrong state [" + phoneState + "]"); } } public synchronized void phoneHangupOutgoing(ClientTerminal destTerminal, int destRoleId, int sourceRoleId) { if (model == null) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_HANGUP_REQ || phoneState == PHONE_STATE_DIALING_REQ) { // It is possible for receiver to dial another phone instead of answer a ring. // If so - send hangup to "dissed" dialer and keep own phone state PHONE_STATE_DIALING_REQ updateLocalRoleActivity(sourceRoleId, destRoleId, false, false); playSound(SOUND_NONE); stopPhone(); if (phoneState != PHONE_STATE_DIALING_REQ) { phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; } } else { log.error("phoneHangupOutgoing called in wrong state [" + phoneState + "]"); } } public synchronized void phoneHangupIncoming(ClientTerminal sourceTerminal, int sourceRoleId, int destRoleId) { if (model == null) return; if (state != CLIENT_STATE_STARTED) return; if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_IN_CALL || phoneState == PHONE_STATE_RINGING || phoneState == PHONE_STATE_DIALING) { Element eh = model.getRootElement().getChild("HookButton"); eh.setAttribute("state", "idle"); updateLocalRoleActivity(destRoleId, sourceRoleId, false, false); playSound(SOUND_NONE); stopPhone(); phoneState = PHONE_STATE_IDLE; } else if (phoneState == PHONE_STATE_IDLE) { // Both peers hung up at the same time, already back in idle state } else { log.error("phoneHangupIncoming called in wrong state [" + phoneState + "]"); } } public synchronized void timeout() { log.error("Unexpected timeout has occured, disconnected from server!"); stop(false, false); shutdown(timer == null); if (timer != null) {"Reconnecting in " + (DELAY_RECONNECT / 1000) + " seconds..."); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { int id = properties.getTerminalId(); init(id); } }, DELAY_RECONNECT); } } public synchronized void startDecoding(AudioDecoder source, int[] channelIdArray) { int decoderId = source.getDecoderId(); // prefer channel, this channel will always be used before other open channels packetReceiver.preferChannel(decoderId); // update visuals for (int i : channelIdArray) { ClientChannel channel = bundle.getChannel(i); if (channel != null) { if (channel.getId() == decoderId) { channel.getElement().setAttribute("recvp", "true"); } else { channel.getElement().setAttribute("recvs", "true"); } } } radioDecodingList.add(source); radioDecoding = !radioDecodingList.isEmpty(); adjustVolumes(); updateMonitor(); if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); } public synchronized void stopDecoding(AudioDecoder source, int[] channelIdArray) { int decoderId = source.getDecoderId(); // unprefer channel packetReceiver.unpreferChannel(decoderId); // update visuals for (int i : channelIdArray) { ClientChannel channel = bundle.getChannel(i); if (channel != null) { if (channel.getId() == decoderId) { channel.getElement().setAttribute("recvp", "false"); } else { channel.getElement().setAttribute("recvs", "false"); } } } radioDecodingList.remove(source); radioDecoding = !radioDecodingList.isEmpty(); adjustVolumes(); updateMonitor(); if (view != null) view.updateRadioView(); radioIdleTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } }