Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2014 nohana, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.laevatein;

import android.content.Intent;

import com.laevatein.internal.entity.ActionViewResources;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.AlbumViewResources;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.CountViewResources;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.ErrorViewResources;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.ErrorViewSpec;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.ItemViewResources;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.SelectionSpec;
import com.laevatein.internal.entity.ViewResourceSpec;
import com.laevatein.ui.PhotoSelectionActivity;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Fluent API for building photo select specification.
 * @author KeithYokoma
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since 2014/03/19
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // public APIs
public final class SelectionSpecBuilder {
    public static final String TAG = SelectionSpecBuilder.class.getSimpleName();
    private final Laevatein mLaevatein;
    private final Set<MimeType> mMimeType;
    private final SelectionSpec mSelectionSpec;
    private ItemViewResources mItemViewResources;
    private AlbumViewResources mAlbumViewResources;
    private ActionViewResources mActionViewResources;
    private CountViewResources mCountViewResources;
    private ErrorViewResources mCountErrorSpec;
    private ErrorViewResources mUnderQualityErrorSpec;
    private ErrorViewResources mOverQualityErrorSpec;
    private ErrorViewResources mTypeErrorSpec;
    private boolean mEnableCapture;
    private boolean mEnableSelectedView;
    private int mActivityOrientation;
    private List<Uri> mResumeList;
    private Class<? extends PhotoSelectionActivity> mPhotoSelectionActivityClass;

     * Constructs a new specification builder on the context.
     * @param laevatein a requester context wrapper.
     * @param mimeType MimeType set to select.
    /* package */ SelectionSpecBuilder(Laevatein laevatein, Set<MimeType> mimeType) {
        mLaevatein = laevatein;
        mMimeType = mimeType;
        mSelectionSpec = new SelectionSpec();
        mResumeList = new ArrayList<Uri>();
        mActivityOrientation = -1;

     * Sets the binding cell of the grid view with the specified layout resource for photo list.
     * @param layoutId a layout resource id.
     * @param imageViewId an id for the image view.
     * @param checkBoxId an id for the check box.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder bindEachImageWith(int layoutId, int imageViewId, int checkBoxId) {
        mItemViewResources = new ItemViewResources(layoutId, imageViewId, checkBoxId);
        return this;

     * Sets the binding cell of the list view with the specified layout resource for album list.
     * @param layoutId a layout resource id.
     * @param imageViewId an id for the image view.
     * @param directoryNameViewId an id for the text view of the album name
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder bindEachAlbumWith(int layoutId, int imageViewId, int directoryNameViewId) {
        mAlbumViewResources = new AlbumViewResources(layoutId, imageViewId, directoryNameViewId);
        return this;

     * Sets the binding appearance resources of the count view.
     * @param textColorRes a text color resource for the count label.
     * @param backgroundColorRes a background resource for the count label.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder bindCountViewWith(int textColorRes, int backgroundColorRes) {
        mCountViewResources = new CountViewResources(textColorRes, backgroundColorRes);
        return this;

     * Sets the layout resources for use as action view on the preview activity.
     * @param layoutId a layout resource id.
     * @param checkBoxId an id for the check box.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder useActionLayout(int layoutId, int checkBoxId) {
        mActionViewResources = new ActionViewResources(layoutId, checkBoxId);
        return this;

     * Sets the limitation of a selectable count within the specified range.
     * @param min minimum value to select.
     * @param max maximum value to select.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder count(int min, int max) {
        return this;

     * Sets the error view specification for the error of count over.
     * @param type error view type.
     * @param errorMessageId an error message resource id.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder countOver(ErrorViewResources.ViewType type, int errorMessageId) {
        mCountErrorSpec = type.createSpec(errorMessageId);
        return this;

     * Sets the flag to determine whether the list of which image has been selected should be shown or not.
     * The flag is set as false by default.
     * @param enableSelectedView the flag of visibility.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder enableSelectedView(boolean enableSelectedView) {
        mEnableSelectedView = enableSelectedView;
        return this;

     * Sets the error view specification for the error of quality un-satisfaction.
     * @param type error view type.
     * @param errorMessageId an error message resource id.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder underQuality(ErrorViewResources.ViewType type, int errorMessageId) {
        mUnderQualityErrorSpec = type.createSpec(errorMessageId);
        return this;

     * Sets the error view specification for the error of quality un-satisfaction..
     * @param type error view type.
     * @param errorMessageId an error message resource id.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder overQuality(ErrorViewResources.ViewType type, int errorMessageId) {
        mOverQualityErrorSpec = type.createSpec(errorMessageId);
        return this;

     * Sets the error view specification for the error of type validation.
     * @param type error view type.
     * @param errorMessageId an error message resource id.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder invalidType(ErrorViewResources.ViewType type, int errorMessageId) {
        mTypeErrorSpec = type.createSpec(errorMessageId);
        return this;

     * Sets the limitation of a selectable image quality by pixel count within the specified range.
     * @param minPixel minimum value to select.
     * @param maxPixel maximum value to select.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder quality(int minPixel, int maxPixel) {
        return this;

     * Sets the Activity instead of PhotoSelectionActivity
     * @param photoSelectionActivityClass an Activity called on photo selecting
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder photoSelectionActivityClass(
            Class<? extends PhotoSelectionActivity> photoSelectionActivityClass) {
        mPhotoSelectionActivityClass = photoSelectionActivityClass;
        return this;

     * Sets the default selection to resume photo picking activity.
     * @param uriList to set selected as default.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder resume(List<Uri> uriList) {
        if (uriList == null) { // nothing to do.
            return this;
        return this;

     * Determines whether the photo capturing is enabled or not on the camera photo grid view.
     * This flag is false by default.
     * @param enable whether to enable capturing or not.
     * @return the specification builder context.
    public SelectionSpecBuilder capture(boolean enable) {
        mEnableCapture = enable;
        return this;

    public SelectionSpecBuilder restrictOrientation(int activityOrientation) {
        mActivityOrientation = activityOrientation;
        return this;

     * Start to select photo.
     * @param requestCode identity of the requester activity.
    public void forResult(int requestCode) {
        Activity activity = mLaevatein.getActivity();
        if (activity == null) {
            return; // cannot continue;


        ViewResourceSpec viewSpec = new ViewResourceSpec.Builder().setActionViewResources(mActionViewResources)
        ErrorViewSpec errorSpec = new ErrorViewSpec.Builder().setCountSpec(mCountErrorSpec)

        if (mPhotoSelectionActivityClass == null) {
            mPhotoSelectionActivityClass = PhotoSelectionActivity.class;

        Intent intent = new Intent(activity, mPhotoSelectionActivityClass);
        intent.putExtra(PhotoSelectionActivity.EXTRA_VIEW_SPEC, viewSpec);
        intent.putExtra(PhotoSelectionActivity.EXTRA_ERROR_SPEC, errorSpec);
        intent.putExtra(PhotoSelectionActivity.EXTRA_SELECTION_SPEC, mSelectionSpec);
                (ArrayList<? extends android.os.Parcelable>) mResumeList);

        Fragment fragment = mLaevatein.getFragment();
        if (fragment != null) {
            fragment.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
        } else {
            activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);