Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.util; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.BitSet; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.sql.PlayerDB; import com.l2jfree.sql.L2Database; import com.l2jfree.util.logging.L2Logger; /** * @author NB4L1 */ public final class IdFactory { private static final L2Logger _log = L2Logger.getLogger(IdFactory.class); private static final class SingletonHolder { static { try { INSTANCE = new IdFactory(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } public static final IdFactory INSTANCE; } public static IdFactory getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } private static final String[] REMOVE_LEFTOVER_QUERIES = {}; private static final String[] REMOVE_EXPIRED_QUERIES = {}; // even if they could overlap theoretically without issue, let's ensure they don't :) public static enum IdRange { // TODO CLANS(20 * 1000000, 40 * 1000000), PLAYERS(50 * 1000000, 100 * 1000000, "players.persistentId"), ITEMS(200 * 1000000, 400 * 1000000), MISC(500 * 1000000, 1000 * 1000000); private final int _minimumAllowedId; private final int _maximumAllowedId; private final String[] _tablesAndColumns; private IdRange(int minimumAllowedId, int maximumAllowedId, String... tablesAndColumns) { _minimumAllowedId = minimumAllowedId; _maximumAllowedId = maximumAllowedId; _tablesAndColumns = tablesAndColumns; } public String[] getTablesAndColumns() { return _tablesAndColumns; } public int toBitIndex(int id) { return id - _minimumAllowedId; } public int toId(int bitIndex) { return _minimumAllowedId + bitIndex; } public boolean isInRange(int id, String action) { if (_minimumAllowedId <= id && id <= _maximumAllowedId) return true; _log.warn(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + action + " of ID: " + id + " failed, because it's out of range [" + _minimumAllowedId + ".." + _maximumAllowedId + "}"); return false; } } private final RangedPersistentIdFactory[] _rangedPersistentIdFactories; private final RangedObjectIdFactory[] _rangedObjectIdFactories; private IdFactory() throws SQLException { PlayerDB.setOfflineAll(); removeLeftover(); removeExpired(); _rangedPersistentIdFactories = new RangedPersistentIdFactory[IdRange.values().length]; for (IdRange idRange : IdRange.values()) _rangedPersistentIdFactories[idRange.ordinal()] = new RangedPersistentIdFactory(idRange); _rangedObjectIdFactories = new RangedObjectIdFactory[IdRange.values().length]; for (IdRange idRange : IdRange.values()) _rangedObjectIdFactories[idRange.ordinal()] = new RangedObjectIdFactory(idRange);"IdFactory: Initialized."); } private static void removeLeftover() { int removed = 0; Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); final Statement st = con.createStatement(); for (String query : REMOVE_LEFTOVER_QUERIES) { removed += st.executeUpdate(query); } st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); }"IdFactory: Removed " + removed + " leftover entries from database."); } private static void removeExpired() { int removed = 0; Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); for (String query : REMOVE_EXPIRED_QUERIES) { final PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query); ps.setLong(1, System.currentTimeMillis()); removed += ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("", e); } finally { L2Database.close(con); }"IdFactory: Removed " + removed + " expired entries from database."); } private static abstract class RangedIdFactory { protected final IdRange _idRange; protected final BitSet _occupiedBits = new BitSet(); protected volatile int _lastReturnedBitIndex = 0; private RangedIdFactory(IdRange idRange) { _idRange = idRange; } public synchronized final int getNextId() { final int bitIndex = _occupiedBits.nextClearBit(_lastReturnedBitIndex); final int id = _idRange.toId(bitIndex); if (!_idRange.isInRange(id, "requesting")) { // FIXME there are no more free ids } _occupiedBits.set(bitIndex); _lastReturnedBitIndex = Math.max(bitIndex, _occupiedBits.length() - 1); return id; } } // LOW compaction capability private static final class RangedPersistentIdFactory extends RangedIdFactory { private RangedPersistentIdFactory(IdRange idRange) throws SQLException { super(idRange); int loaded = 0; Connection con = null; try { con = L2Database.getConnection(); final Statement st = con.createStatement(); for (String tablesAndColumns : _idRange.getTablesAndColumns()) { final String[] split = StringUtils.split(tablesAndColumns, ".", 2); final String table = split[0]; final String column = split[1]; final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT " + column + " FROM " + table); while ( { final int id = rs.getInt(1); loadId(id); loaded++; } rs.close(); } st.close(); } finally { L2Database.close(con); }"IdFactory: Loaded " + loaded + " " +"S$", "") + " IDs from database."); } private synchronized void loadId(final int id) { if (!_idRange.isInRange(id, "loading")) return; final int bitIndex = _idRange.toBitIndex(id); if (_occupiedBits.get(bitIndex)) { _log.warn("IdFactory: loading of ID: " + id + " failed, because it's already loaded"); return; } _occupiedBits.set(bitIndex); _lastReturnedBitIndex = Math.max(bitIndex, _occupiedBits.length() - 1); } } private static final class RangedObjectIdFactory extends RangedIdFactory { private RangedObjectIdFactory(IdRange idRange) { super(idRange); } public synchronized void releaseId(final int id) { if (!_idRange.isInRange(id, "releasing")) return; final int bitIndex = _idRange.toBitIndex(id); if (!_occupiedBits.get(bitIndex)) { _log.warn("IdFactory: releasing of ID: " + id + " failed, because it's already free"); return; } _occupiedBits.clear(bitIndex); // _lastReturnedBitIndex is unmodified for a purpose -> we don't want to reuse this id yet // this is done only for the - almost impossible occasion - that we run out if IDs // so we have to restart from beginning :) } } public PersistentId getNextPersistentId(IdRange range) { return new PersistentId(_rangedPersistentIdFactories[range.ordinal()].getNextId()); } public ObjectId getNextObjectId(IdRange range) { return new ObjectId(_rangedObjectIdFactories[range.ordinal()].getNextId()); } public void releaseObjectId(IdRange range, ObjectId objectId) { _rangedObjectIdFactories[range.ordinal()].releaseId(objectId.intValue()); } }