Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Attackable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Creature; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Npc; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Object; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Playable; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.mapregion.L2MapArea; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.mapregion.L2MapRegion; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.mapregion.L2SpecialMapRegion; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill; import; import; import com.l2jfree.util.concurrent.L2EntityMap; import com.l2jfree.util.concurrent.L2ReadWriteEntityMap; public final class L2WorldRegion { private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(L2WorldRegion.class); public static final int MAP_MIN_X = -131072; public static final int MAP_MAX_X = 228608; public static final int MAP_MIN_Y = -262144; public static final int MAP_MAX_Y = 262144; private final L2EntityMap<L2Playable> _playables = new L2ReadWriteEntityMap<L2Playable>(); private final L2EntityMap<L2Object> _objects = new L2ReadWriteEntityMap<L2Object>(); private final int _tileX; private final int _tileY; private L2WorldRegion[] _surroundingRegions = new L2WorldRegion[0]; private L2Zone[] _zones = new L2Zone[0]; private L2SpecialMapRegion[] _specialMapRegions = new L2SpecialMapRegion[0]; private L2MapArea[] _mapAreas = new L2MapArea[0]; private volatile boolean _active = Config.GRIDS_ALWAYS_ON; private ScheduledFuture<?> _neighborsTask; public L2WorldRegion(int pTileX, int pTileY) { _tileX = pTileX; _tileY = pTileY; } public L2Zone[] getZones() { return _zones; } public void addZone(L2Zone zone) { _zones = Arrays.copyOf(_zones, _zones.length + 1); _zones[_zones.length - 1] = zone; } public void clearZones() { _zones = new L2Zone[0]; } public void revalidateZones(L2Creature character) { // do NOT update the world region while the character is still in the process of teleporting // Once the teleport is COMPLETED, revalidation occurs safely, at that time. if (character.isTeleporting()) return; for (L2Zone z : _zones) z.revalidateInZone(character); } public void removeFromZones(L2Creature character) { for (L2Zone z : _zones) z.removeFromZone(character); } public boolean containsZone(int zoneId) { for (L2Zone z : _zones) if (z.getId() == zoneId) return true; return false; } public L2Zone getZone(L2Zone.ZoneType zt, int x, int y) { for (L2Zone z : _zones) if (z.getType() == zt) if (z.isInsideZone(x, y)) return z; return null; } public void onDie(L2Creature character) { for (L2Zone z : _zones) z.onDie(character); } public void onRevive(L2Creature character) { for (L2Zone z : _zones) z.onRevive(character); } public boolean checkEffectRangeInsidePeaceZone(L2Skill skill, final int x, final int y, final int z) { final int range = skill.getEffectRange(); final int up = y + range; final int down = y - range; final int left = x + range; final int right = x - range; for (L2Zone e : _zones) { if (e.isPeace()) { if (e.isCloserThan(x, y, range)) return true; if (e.isInsideZone(x, up, z)) return false; if (e.isInsideZone(x, down, z)) return false; if (e.isInsideZone(left, y, z)) return false; if (e.isInsideZone(right, y, z)) return false; if (e.isInsideZone(x, y, z)) return false; } } return true; } public void addMapRegion(L2MapRegion mapregion) { if (mapregion instanceof L2SpecialMapRegion) _specialMapRegions = (L2SpecialMapRegion[]) ArrayUtils.add(_specialMapRegions, mapregion); else _mapAreas = (L2MapArea[]) ArrayUtils.add(_mapAreas, mapregion); } public void clearMapRegions() { _specialMapRegions = new L2SpecialMapRegion[0]; _mapAreas = new L2MapArea[0]; } public L2MapRegion getMapRegion(int x, int y, int z) { for (L2SpecialMapRegion region : _specialMapRegions) if (region.checkIfInRegion(x, y, z)) return region; for (L2MapArea region : _mapAreas) if (region.checkIfInRegion(x, y, z)) return region; return null; } private final class NeighborsTask implements Runnable { private final boolean _isActivating; public NeighborsTask(boolean isActivating) { _isActivating = isActivating; } @Override public void run() { if (_isActivating) { for (L2WorldRegion neighbor : getSurroundingRegions()) neighbor.setActive(true); } else { if (areNeighborsEmpty()) setActive(false); for (L2WorldRegion neighbor : getSurroundingRegions()) if (neighbor.areNeighborsEmpty()) neighbor.setActive(false); } } } private void setActive(boolean active) { if (_active == active) return; _active = active; if (!active) { for (L2Object obj : getVisibleObjects()) { if (obj instanceof L2Attackable) { L2Attackable mob = (L2Attackable) obj; mob.setTarget(null); mob.stopMove(null, false); mob.stopAllEffects(); mob.clearAggroList(); mob.resetAbsorbList(); mob.getKnownList().removeAllKnownObjects(); mob.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); mob.getAI().stopAITask(); } if (obj instanceof L2Npc) ((L2Npc) obj).stopRandomAnimation(); } } else { final L2Object[][] surroundingObjects = getAllSurroundingObjects2DArray(); for (L2Object obj : getVisibleObjects()) { if (obj == null) continue; if (obj instanceof L2Attackable) ((L2Attackable) obj).getStatus().startHpMpRegeneration(); else if (obj instanceof L2Npc) ((L2Npc) obj).broadcastRandomAnimation(false); obj.getKnownList().tryAddObjects(surroundingObjects); } } } public boolean isActive() { return _active; } // check if all 9 neighbors (including self) are inactive or active but with no players. // returns true if the above condition is met. public boolean areNeighborsEmpty() { // if this region is occupied, return false. if (isActive() && !_playables.isEmpty()) return false; // if any one of the neighbors is occupied, return false for (L2WorldRegion neighbor : getSurroundingRegions()) if (neighbor.isActive() && !neighbor._playables.isEmpty()) return false; // in all other cases, return true. return true; } /** * Immediately sets self as active and starts a timer to set neighbors as active this timer is to avoid turning on * neighbors in the case when a person just teleported into a region and then teleported out immediately...there is * no reason to activate all the neighbors in that case. */ private void startActivation() { // first set self to active and do self-tasks... setActive(true); // if the timer to deactivate neighbors is running, cancel it. synchronized (this) { if (_neighborsTask != null) { _neighborsTask.cancel(true); _neighborsTask = null; } // then, set a timer to activate the neighbors _neighborsTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new NeighborsTask(true), 1000 * Config.GRID_NEIGHBOR_TURNON_TIME); } } /** * starts a timer to set neighbors (including self) as inactive this timer is to avoid turning off neighbors in the * case when a person just moved out of a region that he may very soon return to. There is no reason to turn self & * neighbors off in that case. */ private void startDeactivation() { // if the timer to activate neighbors is running, cancel it. synchronized (this) { if (_neighborsTask != null) { _neighborsTask.cancel(true); _neighborsTask = null; } // start a timer to "suggest" a deactivate to self and neighbors. // suggest means: first check if a neighbor has L2Players in it. If not, deactivate. _neighborsTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new NeighborsTask(false), 1000 * Config.GRID_NEIGHBOR_TURNOFF_TIME); } } /** * Add the L2Object in the _visibleObjects containing L2Object visible in this L2WorldRegion <BR> * If L2Object is a L2Player, Add the L2Player in the L2ObjectHashSet(L2Player) _allPlayable containing * L2Player of all player in game in this L2WorldRegion <BR> * Assert : object.getCurrentWorldRegion() == this */ public void addVisibleObject(L2Object object, boolean addToKnownLists) { if (Config.ASSERT) assert object.getWorldRegion() == this; if (object == null) return; if (object instanceof L2Playable) { _playables.add((L2Playable) object); // if this is the first player to enter the region, activate self & neighbors if (!Config.GRIDS_ALWAYS_ON && _playables.size() == 1) startActivation(); } _objects.add(object); if (addToKnownLists) { for (L2WorldRegion reg : getSurroundingRegions()) { for (L2Object element : reg.getVisibleObjects()) { element.getKnownList().addKnownObject(object); object.getKnownList().addKnownObject(element); } } } } /** * Remove the L2Object from the L2ObjectHashSet(L2Object) _visibleObjects in this L2WorldRegion <BR> * <BR> * If L2Object is a L2Player, remove it from the L2ObjectHashSet(L2Player) _allPlayable of this * L2WorldRegion <BR> * Assert : object.getCurrentWorldRegion() == this || object.getCurrentWorldRegion() == null */ public void removeVisibleObject(L2Object object, boolean removeFromKnownlist) { if (Config.ASSERT) assert object.getWorldRegion() == this || object.getWorldRegion() == null; if (object == null) return; _objects.remove(object); if (object instanceof L2Playable) { _playables.remove((L2Playable) object); if (!Config.GRIDS_ALWAYS_ON && _playables.isEmpty()) startDeactivation(); } if (removeFromKnownlist) { for (L2WorldRegion reg : getSurroundingRegions()) { for (L2Object element : reg.getVisibleObjects()) { element.getKnownList().removeKnownObject(object); object.getKnownList().removeKnownObject(element); } } } } public void addSurroundingRegion(L2WorldRegion region) { _surroundingRegions = Arrays.copyOf(_surroundingRegions, _surroundingRegions.length + 1); _surroundingRegions[_surroundingRegions.length - 1] = region; } public L2WorldRegion[] getSurroundingRegions() { return _surroundingRegions; } public L2Object[] getVisibleObjects() { return _objects.toArray(L2Object.class); } public L2Playable[] getVisiblePlayables() { return _playables.toArray(L2Playable.class); } public String getName() { return "(" + _tileX + ", " + _tileY + ")"; } /** * Deleted all spawns in the world. */ public synchronized void deleteVisibleNpcSpawns() { for (L2Object obj : getVisibleObjects()) { if (obj instanceof L2Npc) { L2Npc npc = (L2Npc) obj; npc.deleteMe(); L2Spawn spawn = npc.getSpawn(); if (spawn != null) { spawn.stopRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(spawn, false); } } }"All visible NPC's deleted in Region: " + getName()); } public L2Object[][] getAllSurroundingObjects2DArray() { final L2Object[][] result = new L2Object[_surroundingRegions.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < _surroundingRegions.length; i++) result[i] = _surroundingRegions[i].getVisibleObjects(); return result; } }