Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.olympiad; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jfree.config.L2Properties; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.Announcements; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Player; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Hero; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; /** * @author godson */ public final class Olympiad { private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(Olympiad.class); private static Map<Integer, StatsSet> _nobles; protected static FastList<StatsSet> _heroesToBe; private static FastList<L2Player> _nonClassBasedRegisters; private static Map<Integer, FastList<L2Player>> _classBasedRegisters; private static Map<Integer, Integer> _noblesRank; private static final String OLYMPIAD_DATA_FILE = "config/"; public static final String OLYMPIAD_HTML_PATH = "data/html/olympiad/"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_LOAD_DATA = "SELECT current_cycle, period, olympiad_end, validation_end, " + "next_weekly_change FROM olympiad_data WHERE id = 0"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_SAVE_DATA = "INSERT INTO olympiad_data (id, current_cycle, " + "period, olympiad_end, validation_end, next_weekly_change) VALUES (0,?,?,?,?,?) " + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE current_cycle=?, period=?, olympiad_end=?, " + "validation_end=?, next_weekly_change=?"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_LOAD_NOBLES = "SELECT olympiad_nobles.charId, olympiad_nobles.class_id, " + "characters.char_name, olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points, olympiad_nobles.competitions_done, " + "olympiad_nobles.competitions_won, olympiad_nobles.competitions_lost, olympiad_nobles.competitions_drawn " + "FROM olympiad_nobles, characters WHERE characters.charId = olympiad_nobles.charId"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_SAVE_NOBLES = "INSERT INTO olympiad_nobles " + "(`charId`,`class_id`,`olympiad_points`,`competitions_done`,`competitions_won`,`competitions_lost`," + "`competitions_drawn`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_UPDATE_NOBLES = "UPDATE olympiad_nobles SET " + "olympiad_points = ?, competitions_done = ?, competitions_won = ?, competitions_lost = ?, competitions_drawn = ? WHERE charId = ?"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_GET_HEROS = "SELECT olympiad_nobles.charId, characters.char_name " + "FROM olympiad_nobles, characters WHERE characters.charId = olympiad_nobles.charId " + "AND olympiad_nobles.class_id = ? AND olympiad_nobles.competitions_done >= 9 " + "ORDER BY olympiad_nobles.olympiad_points DESC, olympiad_nobles.competitions_done DESC"; private static final String GET_ALL_CLASSIFIED_NOBLESS = "SELECT charId from olympiad_nobles_eom " + "WHERE competitions_done >= 9 ORDER BY olympiad_points DESC, competitions_done DESC"; private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER; private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_CURRENT; private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_SOULHOUND; private static final String GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_SOULHOUND_CURRENT; static { final String defaultBase = "SELECT characters.char_name FROM %nobles_table%, characters " + "WHERE characters.charId = %nobles_table%.charId AND %classId_check% " + "AND %nobles_table%.competitions_done >= 9 " + "ORDER BY %nobles_table%.olympiad_points DESC, %nobles_table%.competitions_done DESC LIMIT 10"; final String normalBase = defaultBase.replace("%classId_check%", "%nobles_table%.class_id = ?"); final String soulhoundBase = defaultBase.replace("%classId_check%", "(%nobles_table%.class_id = 132 OR %nobles_table%.class_id = 133)"); GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER = normalBase.replaceAll("%nobles_table%", "olympiad_nobles_eom"); GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_CURRENT = normalBase.replaceAll("%nobles_table%", "olympiad_nobles"); GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_SOULHOUND = soulhoundBase.replaceAll("%nobles_table%", "olympiad_nobles_eom"); GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_SOULHOUND_CURRENT = soulhoundBase.replaceAll("%nobles_table%", "olympiad_nobles"); } private static final String OLYMPIAD_DELETE_ALL = "TRUNCATE olympiad_nobles"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_MONTH_CLEAR = "TRUNCATE olympiad_nobles_eom"; private static final String OLYMPIAD_MONTH_CREATE = "INSERT INTO olympiad_nobles_eom SELECT * FROM olympiad_nobles"; private static final int[] HERO_IDS = { 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 131, 132, 133, 134 }; private static final int COMP_START = Config.ALT_OLY_START_TIME; // 6PM private static final int COMP_MIN = Config.ALT_OLY_MIN; // 00 mins private static final long COMP_PERIOD = Config.ALT_OLY_CPERIOD; // 6 hours protected static final long WEEKLY_PERIOD = Config.ALT_OLY_WPERIOD; // 1 week protected static final long VALIDATION_PERIOD = Config.ALT_OLY_VPERIOD; // 24 hours private static final int DEFAULT_POINTS = 18; protected static final int WEEKLY_POINTS = 3; public static final String CHAR_ID = "charId"; public static final String CLASS_ID = "class_id"; public static final String CHAR_NAME = "char_name"; public static final String POINTS = "olympiad_points"; public static final String COMP_DONE = "competitions_done"; public static final String COMP_WON = "competitions_won"; public static final String COMP_LOST = "competitions_lost"; public static final String COMP_DRAWN = "competitions_drawn"; protected long _olympiadEnd; protected long _validationEnd; /** * The current period of the olympiad.<br> * <b>0 -</b> Competition period<br> * <b>1 -</b> Validation Period */ protected int _period; protected long _nextWeeklyChange; protected int _currentCycle; private long _compEnd; private Calendar _compStart; protected static boolean _inCompPeriod; protected static boolean _compStarted = false; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _scheduledCompStart; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _scheduledCompEnd; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _scheduledOlympiadEnd; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _scheduledWeeklyTask; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _scheduledValdationTask; protected static enum COMP_TYPE { CLASSED, NON_CLASSED } public static Olympiad getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } public Olympiad() { load(); if (_period == 0) init(); } public static Integer getStadiumCount() { return OlympiadManager.STADIUMS.length; } private void load() { _nobles = new FastMap<Integer, StatsSet>(); Connection con = null; boolean loaded = false; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_LOAD_DATA); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { _currentCycle = rset.getInt("current_cycle"); _period = rset.getInt("period"); _olympiadEnd = rset.getLong("olympiad_end"); _validationEnd = rset.getLong("validation_end"); _nextWeeklyChange = rset.getLong("next_weekly_change"); loaded = true; } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Olympiad System: Error loading olympiad data from database: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } if (!loaded) { L2Properties properties; try { properties = new L2Properties("./" + OLYMPIAD_DATA_FILE); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Olympiad System: Error loading olympiad properties: ", e); return; } _currentCycle = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("CurrentCycle", "1")); _period = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("Period", "0")); _olympiadEnd = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty("OlympiadEnd", "0")); _validationEnd = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty("ValidationEnd", "0")); _nextWeeklyChange = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty("NextWeeklyChange", "0")); } switch (_period) { case 0: if (_olympiadEnd == 0 || _olympiadEnd < System.currentTimeMillis()) setNewOlympiadEnd(); else scheduleWeeklyChange(); break; case 1: if (_validationEnd > System.currentTimeMillis()) { loadNoblesRank(); _scheduledValdationTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ValidationEndTask(), getMillisToValidationEnd()); } else { _currentCycle++; _period = 0; deleteNobles(); setNewOlympiadEnd(); } break; default: _log.warn("Olympiad System: Omg something went wrong in loading!! Period = " + _period); return; } con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_LOAD_NOBLES); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { StatsSet statData = new StatsSet(); int charId = rset.getInt(CHAR_ID); statData.set(CLASS_ID, rset.getInt(CLASS_ID)); statData.set(CHAR_NAME, rset.getString(CHAR_NAME)); statData.set(POINTS, rset.getInt(POINTS)); statData.set(COMP_DONE, rset.getInt(COMP_DONE)); statData.set(COMP_WON, rset.getInt(COMP_WON)); statData.set(COMP_LOST, rset.getInt(COMP_LOST)); statData.set(COMP_DRAWN, rset.getInt(COMP_DRAWN)); statData.set("to_save", false); _nobles.put(charId, statData); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Olympiad System: Error loading noblesse data from database: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } synchronized (this) {"Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System...."); if (_period == 0)"Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period"); else"Olympiad System: Currently in Validation Period"); long milliToEnd; if (_period == 0) milliToEnd = getMillisToOlympiadEnd(); else milliToEnd = getMillisToValidationEnd();"Olympiad System: " + Math.round(milliToEnd / 60000) + " minutes until period ends"); if (_period == 0) { milliToEnd = getMillisToWeekChange(); "Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in " + Math.round(milliToEnd / 60000) + " minutes"); } }"Olympiad System: Loaded " + _nobles.size() + " Nobles"); } public void loadNoblesRank() { _noblesRank = new FastMap<Integer, Integer>(); Map<Integer, Integer> tmpPlace = new FastMap<Integer, Integer>(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(GET_ALL_CLASSIFIED_NOBLESS); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); int place = 1; while ( { tmpPlace.put(rset.getInt(CHAR_ID), place++); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Olympiad System: Error loading noblesse data from database for Ranking: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } int rank1 = (int) Math.round(tmpPlace.size() * 0.01); int rank2 = (int) Math.round(tmpPlace.size() * 0.10); int rank3 = (int) Math.round(tmpPlace.size() * 0.25); int rank4 = (int) Math.round(tmpPlace.size() * 0.50); if (rank1 == 0) { rank1 = 1; rank2++; rank3++; rank4++; } for (int charId : tmpPlace.keySet()) { if (tmpPlace.get(charId) <= rank1) _noblesRank.put(charId, 1); else if (tmpPlace.get(charId) <= rank2) _noblesRank.put(charId, 2); else if (tmpPlace.get(charId) <= rank3) _noblesRank.put(charId, 3); else if (tmpPlace.get(charId) <= rank4) _noblesRank.put(charId, 4); else _noblesRank.put(charId, 5); } } protected void init() { if (_period == 1) return; _nonClassBasedRegisters = new FastList<L2Player>(); _classBasedRegisters = new FastMap<Integer, FastList<L2Player>>(); _compStart = Calendar.getInstance(); _compStart.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, COMP_START); _compStart.set(Calendar.MINUTE, COMP_MIN); _compEnd = _compStart.getTimeInMillis() + COMP_PERIOD; if (_scheduledOlympiadEnd != null) _scheduledOlympiadEnd.cancel(true); _scheduledOlympiadEnd = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new OlympiadEndTask(), getMillisToOlympiadEnd()); updateCompStatus(); } protected class OlympiadEndTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.OLYMPIAD_PERIOD_S1_HAS_ENDED); sm.addNumber(_currentCycle); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(sm); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Olympiad Validation Period has began"); if (_scheduledWeeklyTask != null) _scheduledWeeklyTask.cancel(true); saveNobleData(); _period = 1; sortHerosToBe(); Hero.getInstance().computeNewHeroes(_heroesToBe); saveOlympiadStatus(); updateMonthlyData(); Calendar validationEnd = Calendar.getInstance(); _validationEnd = validationEnd.getTimeInMillis() + VALIDATION_PERIOD; loadNoblesRank(); _scheduledValdationTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ValidationEndTask(), getMillisToValidationEnd()); } } protected class ValidationEndTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Olympiad Validation Period has ended"); _period = 0; _currentCycle++; deleteNobles(); setNewOlympiadEnd(); init(); } } public boolean registerNoble(L2Player noble, boolean classBased) { if (GlobalRestrictions.isRestricted(noble, OlympiadRestriction.class)) { // TODO: msg return false; } SystemMessage sm; /* * if (_compStarted) { * noble.sendMessage("Cant Register whilst competition is under way"); * return false; } */ if (!_inCompPeriod) { noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.THE_OLYMPIAD_GAME_IS_NOT_CURRENTLY_IN_PROGRESS); return false; } if (!noble.isNoble()) { sm = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.C1_DOES_NOT_MEET_REQUIREMENTS_ONLY_NOBLESS_CAN_PARTICIPATE_IN_THE_OLYMPIAD); sm.addPcName(noble); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } /** Begin Olympiad Restrictions */ if (noble.getBaseClass() != noble.getClassId().getId()) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_CANT_JOIN_THE_OLYMPIAD_WITH_A_SUB_CLASS_CHARACTER); sm.addPcName(noble); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } if (noble.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_JOIN_OLYMPIAD_POSSESSING_S2); sm.addPcName(noble); sm.addItemName(noble.getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } if (noble.getInventoryLimit() * 0.8 <= noble.getInventory().getSize()) { sm = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_PARTICIPATE_IN_OLYMPIAD_INVENTORY_SLOT_EXCEEDS_80_PERCENT); sm.addPcName(noble); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } if (getMillisToCompEnd() < 600000) { noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.GAME_REQUEST_CANNOT_BE_MADE); return false; } /** End Olympiad Restrictions */ if (_classBasedRegisters.containsKey(noble.getClassId().getId())) { FastList<L2Player> classed = _classBasedRegisters.get(noble.getClassId().getId()); for (L2Player participant : classed) { if (participant.getObjectId() == noble.getObjectId()) { sm = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.C1_IS_ALREADY_REGISTERED_ON_THE_CLASS_MATCH_WAITING_LIST); sm.addPcName(noble); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } } } if (isRegisteredInComp(noble)) { sm = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.C1_IS_ALREADY_REGISTERED_ON_THE_NON_CLASS_LIMITED_MATCH_WAITING_LIST); sm.addPcName(noble); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } if (!_nobles.containsKey(noble.getObjectId())) { StatsSet statDat = new StatsSet(); statDat.set(CLASS_ID, noble.getClassId().getId()); statDat.set(CHAR_NAME, noble.getName()); statDat.set(POINTS, DEFAULT_POINTS); statDat.set(COMP_DONE, 0); statDat.set(COMP_WON, 0); statDat.set(COMP_LOST, 0); statDat.set(COMP_DRAWN, 0); statDat.set("to_save", true); _nobles.put(noble.getObjectId(), statDat); } if (classBased && getNoblePoints(noble.getObjectId()) < 3) { noble.sendMessage("Cant register when you have less than 3 points"); return false; } if (!classBased && getNoblePoints(noble.getObjectId()) < 5) { noble.sendMessage("Cant register when you have less than 5 points"); return false; } if (classBased) { if (_classBasedRegisters.containsKey(noble.getClassId().getId())) { FastList<L2Player> classed = _classBasedRegisters.get(noble.getClassId().getId()); classed.add(noble); _classBasedRegisters.remove(noble.getClassId().getId()); _classBasedRegisters.put(noble.getClassId().getId(), classed); } else { FastList<L2Player> classed = new FastList<L2Player>(); classed.add(noble); _classBasedRegisters.put(noble.getClassId().getId(), classed); } noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_BEEN_REGISTERED_IN_A_WAITING_LIST_OF_CLASSIFIED_GAMES); } else { _nonClassBasedRegisters.add(noble); noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_BEEN_REGISTERED_IN_A_WAITING_LIST_OF_NO_CLASS_GAMES); } return true; } protected static int getNobleCount() { return _nobles.size(); } protected static StatsSet getNobleStats(int playerId) { return _nobles.get(playerId); } protected static synchronized void updateNobleStats(int playerId, StatsSet stats) { _nobles.remove(playerId); _nobles.put(playerId, stats); } protected static FastList<L2Player> getRegisteredNonClassBased() { return _nonClassBasedRegisters; } protected static Map<Integer, FastList<L2Player>> getRegisteredClassBased() { return _classBasedRegisters; } protected static FastList<Integer> hasEnoughRegisteredClassed() { FastList<Integer> result = new FastList<Integer>(); for (Integer classList : getRegisteredClassBased().keySet()) { if (getRegisteredClassBased().get(classList).size() >= Config.ALT_OLY_CLASSED) result.add(classList); } if (!result.isEmpty()) { return result; } return null; } protected static boolean hasEnoughRegisteredNonClassed() { return Olympiad.getRegisteredNonClassBased().size() >= Config.ALT_OLY_NONCLASSED; } protected static void clearRegistered() { _nonClassBasedRegisters.clear(); _classBasedRegisters.clear(); } public boolean isRegistered(L2Player noble) { boolean result = false; if (_nonClassBasedRegisters != null && _nonClassBasedRegisters.contains(noble)) result = true; else if (_classBasedRegisters != null && _classBasedRegisters.containsKey(noble.getClassId().getId())) { FastList<L2Player> classed = _classBasedRegisters.get(noble.getClassId().getId()); if (classed != null && classed.contains(noble)) result = true; } return result; } public boolean unRegisterNoble(L2Player noble) { SystemMessage sm; /* * if (_compStarted) { * noble.sendMessage("Cant Unregister whilst competition is under way"); * return false; } */ if (!_inCompPeriod) { noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.THE_OLYMPIAD_GAME_IS_NOT_CURRENTLY_IN_PROGRESS); return false; } if (!noble.isNoble()) { sm = new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.C1_DOES_NOT_MEET_REQUIREMENTS_ONLY_NOBLESS_CAN_PARTICIPATE_IN_THE_OLYMPIAD); sm.addPcName(noble); noble.sendPacket(sm); return false; } if (!isRegistered(noble)) { noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_NOT_BEEN_REGISTERED_IN_A_WAITING_LIST_OF_A_GAME); return false; } for (OlympiadGame game : OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGames().values()) { if (game == null) continue; if (game._playerOneID == noble.getObjectId() || game._playerTwoID == noble.getObjectId()) { noble.sendMessage("Can't deregister whilst you are already selected for a game"); return false; } } if (_nonClassBasedRegisters.contains(noble)) _nonClassBasedRegisters.remove(noble); else { FastList<L2Player> classed = _classBasedRegisters.get(noble.getClassId().getId()); classed.remove(noble); _classBasedRegisters.remove(noble.getClassId().getId()); _classBasedRegisters.put(noble.getClassId().getId(), classed); } noble.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_BEEN_DELETED_FROM_THE_WAITING_LIST_OF_A_GAME); return true; } public void removeDisconnectedCompetitor(L2Player player) { if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGame(player.getOlympiadGameId()) != null) OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGame(player.getOlympiadGameId()).handleDisconnect(player); FastList<L2Player> classed = _classBasedRegisters.get(player.getClassId().getId()); if (_nonClassBasedRegisters.contains(player)) _nonClassBasedRegisters.remove(player); else if (classed != null && classed.contains(player)) { classed.remove(player); _classBasedRegisters.remove(player.getClassId().getId()); _classBasedRegisters.put(player.getClassId().getId(), classed); } } public void notifyCompetitorDamage(L2Player player, int damage, int gameId) { if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGames().get(gameId) != null) OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGames().get(gameId).addDamage(player, damage); } private void updateCompStatus() { // _compStarted = false; synchronized (this) { long milliToStart = getMillisToCompBegin(); double numSecs = (milliToStart / 1000) % 60; double countDown = ((milliToStart / 1000) - numSecs) / 60; int numMins = (int) Math.floor(countDown % 60); countDown = (countDown - numMins) / 60; int numHours = (int) Math.floor(countDown % 24); int numDays = (int) Math.floor((countDown - numHours) / 24);"Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in " + numDays + " days, " + numHours + " hours and " + numMins + " mins.");"Olympiad System: Event starts/started : " + _compStart.getTime()); } _scheduledCompStart = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isOlympiadEnd()) return; _inCompPeriod = true; Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(SystemMessageId.THE_OLYMPIAD_GAME_HAS_STARTED);"Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started"); Thread olyCycle = new Thread(OlympiadManager.getInstance()); olyCycle.start(); long regEnd = getMillisToCompEnd() - 600000; if (regEnd > 0) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Announcements.getInstance() .announceToAll(SystemMessageId.OLYMPIAD_REGISTRATION_PERIOD_ENDED); } }, regEnd); } _scheduledCompEnd = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (isOlympiadEnd()) return; _inCompPeriod = false; Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(SystemMessageId.THE_OLYMPIAD_GAME_HAS_ENDED);"Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Ended"); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (OlympiadGame._battleStarted) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(this, 60000); } else { saveOlympiadStatus(); init(); } } }, 0); } }, getMillisToCompEnd()); } }, getMillisToCompBegin()); } private long getMillisToOlympiadEnd() { // if (_olympiadEnd > System.currentTimeMillis()) return (_olympiadEnd - System.currentTimeMillis()); // return 10L; } public void manualSelectHeroes() { if (_scheduledOlympiadEnd != null) _scheduledOlympiadEnd.cancel(true); _scheduledOlympiadEnd = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new OlympiadEndTask(), 0); } protected long getMillisToValidationEnd() { if (_validationEnd > System.currentTimeMillis()) return (_validationEnd - System.currentTimeMillis()); return 10L; } public boolean isOlympiadEnd() { return (_period != 0); } protected void setNewOlympiadEnd() { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.OLYMPIAD_PERIOD_S1_HAS_STARTED); sm.addNumber(_currentCycle); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(sm); Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance(); currentTime.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); currentTime.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); currentTime.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.AM); currentTime.set(Calendar.HOUR, 12); currentTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); currentTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); _olympiadEnd = currentTime.getTimeInMillis(); Calendar nextChange = Calendar.getInstance(); _nextWeeklyChange = nextChange.getTimeInMillis() + WEEKLY_PERIOD; scheduleWeeklyChange(); } public boolean inCompPeriod() { return _inCompPeriod; } private long getMillisToCompBegin() { if (_compStart.getTimeInMillis() < System.currentTimeMillis() && _compEnd > System.currentTimeMillis()) return 10L; if (_compStart.getTimeInMillis() > System.currentTimeMillis()) return (_compStart.getTimeInMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis()); return setNewCompBegin(); } private long setNewCompBegin() { _compStart = Calendar.getInstance(); _compStart.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, COMP_START); _compStart.set(Calendar.MINUTE, COMP_MIN); _compStart.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 24); _compEnd = _compStart.getTimeInMillis() + COMP_PERIOD;"Olympiad System: New Schedule @ " + _compStart.getTime()); return (_compStart.getTimeInMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis()); } protected long getMillisToCompEnd() { // if (_compEnd > System.currentTimeMillis()) return (_compEnd - System.currentTimeMillis()); // return 10L; } private long getMillisToWeekChange() { if (_nextWeeklyChange > System.currentTimeMillis()) return (_nextWeeklyChange - System.currentTimeMillis()); return 10L; } private void scheduleWeeklyChange() { _scheduledWeeklyTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { addWeeklyPoints();"Olympiad System: Added weekly points to nobles"); Calendar nextChange = Calendar.getInstance(); _nextWeeklyChange = nextChange.getTimeInMillis() + WEEKLY_PERIOD; } }, getMillisToWeekChange(), WEEKLY_PERIOD); } protected synchronized void addWeeklyPoints() { if (_period == 1) return; for (Integer nobleId : _nobles.keySet()) { StatsSet nobleInfo = _nobles.get(nobleId); int currentPoints = nobleInfo.getInteger(POINTS); currentPoints += WEEKLY_POINTS; nobleInfo.set(POINTS, currentPoints); updateNobleStats(nobleId, nobleInfo); } } public FastMap<Integer, String> getMatchList() { return OlympiadManager.getInstance().getAllTitles(); } // returns the players for the given olympiad game Id public L2Player[] getPlayers(int Id) { if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGame(Id) == null) return null; else return OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGame(Id).getPlayers(); } public int getCurrentCycle() { return _currentCycle; } public static void addSpectator(int id, L2Player spectator, boolean storeCoords) { if (getInstance().isRegisteredInComp(spectator)) { spectator.sendPacket(new SystemMessage( SystemMessageId.WHILE_YOU_ARE_ON_THE_WAITING_LIST_YOU_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_WATCH_THE_GAME)); return; } if (GlobalRestrictions.isRestricted(spectator, OlympiadRestriction.class)) { spectator.sendMessage("You can not observe games while registered for event."); return; } OlympiadManager.STADIUMS[id].addSpectator(id, spectator, storeCoords); } public static int getSpectatorArena(L2Player player) { for (int i = 0; i < OlympiadManager.STADIUMS.length; i++) { if (OlympiadManager.STADIUMS[i].getSpectators().contains(player)) return i; } return -1; } public static void removeSpectator(int id, L2Player spectator) { try { OlympiadManager.STADIUMS[id].removeSpectator(spectator); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } public Set<L2Player> getSpectators(int id) { try { if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGame(id) == null) return null; return OlympiadManager.STADIUMS[id].getSpectators(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } public Map<Integer, OlympiadGame> getOlympiadGames() { return OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGames(); } public boolean playerInStadia(L2Player player) { return player.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_STADIUM); } public int[] getWaitingList() { int[] array = new int[2]; if (!inCompPeriod()) return null; int classCount = 0; if (!_classBasedRegisters.isEmpty()) { for (FastList<L2Player> classed : _classBasedRegisters.values()) classCount += classed.size(); } array[0] = classCount; array[1] = _nonClassBasedRegisters.size(); return array; } /** * Save noblesse data to database */ protected synchronized void saveNobleData() { if (_nobles == null || _nobles.isEmpty()) return; Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement; for (Integer nobleId : _nobles.keySet()) { StatsSet nobleInfo = _nobles.get(nobleId); if (nobleInfo == null) continue; int charId = nobleId; int classId = nobleInfo.getInteger(CLASS_ID); int points = nobleInfo.getInteger(POINTS); int compDone = nobleInfo.getInteger(COMP_DONE); int compWon = nobleInfo.getInteger(COMP_WON); int compLost = nobleInfo.getInteger(COMP_LOST); int compDrawn = nobleInfo.getInteger(COMP_DRAWN); boolean toSave = nobleInfo.getBool("to_save"); if (toSave) { statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_SAVE_NOBLES); statement.setInt(1, charId); statement.setInt(2, classId); statement.setInt(3, points); statement.setInt(4, compDone); statement.setInt(5, compWon); statement.setInt(6, compLost); statement.setInt(7, compDrawn); nobleInfo.set("to_save", false); updateNobleStats(nobleId, nobleInfo); } else { statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_UPDATE_NOBLES); statement.setInt(1, points); statement.setInt(2, compDone); statement.setInt(3, compWon); statement.setInt(4, compLost); statement.setInt(5, compDrawn); statement.setInt(6, charId); } statement.execute(); statement.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { _log.fatal("Olympiad System: Failed to save noblesse data to database: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** * Save file with current olympiad status and update noblesse table in database */ public void saveOlympiadStatus() { saveNobleData(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_SAVE_DATA); statement.setInt(1, _currentCycle); statement.setInt(2, _period); statement.setLong(3, _olympiadEnd); statement.setLong(4, _validationEnd); statement.setLong(5, _nextWeeklyChange); statement.setInt(6, _currentCycle); statement.setInt(7, _period); statement.setLong(8, _olympiadEnd); statement.setLong(9, _validationEnd); statement.setLong(10, _nextWeeklyChange); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Olympiad System: Failed to save olympiad data to database: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } /* FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("./" + OLYMPIAD_DATA_FILE)); Properties properties = new L2Properties(); properties.setProperty("CurrentCycle", String.valueOf(_currentCycle)); properties.setProperty("Period", String.valueOf(_period)); properties.setProperty("OlympiadEnd", String.valueOf(_olympiadEnd)); properties.setProperty("ValidationEnd", String.valueOf(_validationEnd)); properties.setProperty("NextWeeklyChange", String.valueOf(_nextWeeklyChange));, "Olympiad Properties"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Olympiad System: Unable to save olympiad properties to file: ", e); } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } */ } protected void updateMonthlyData() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement; statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_MONTH_CLEAR); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_MONTH_CREATE); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.fatal("Olympiad System: Failed to update monthly noblese data: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } protected void sortHerosToBe() { if (_period != 1) return; if (_nobles != null) { for (Integer nobleId : _nobles.keySet()) { StatsSet nobleInfo = _nobles.get(nobleId); if (nobleInfo == null) continue; int charId = nobleId; int classId = nobleInfo.getInteger(CLASS_ID); String charName = nobleInfo.getString(CHAR_NAME); int points = nobleInfo.getInteger(POINTS); int compDone = nobleInfo.getInteger(COMP_DONE); logResult(charName, "", Double.valueOf(charId), Double.valueOf(classId), compDone, points, "noble-charId-classId-compdone-points", 0, ""); } } _heroesToBe = new FastList<StatsSet>(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement; ResultSet rset; StatsSet hero; FastList<StatsSet> soulHounds = new FastList<StatsSet>(); for (int finalElement : HERO_IDS) { statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_GET_HEROS); statement.setInt(1, finalElement); rset = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { hero = new StatsSet(); hero.set(CLASS_ID, finalElement); hero.set(CHAR_ID, rset.getInt(CHAR_ID)); hero.set(CHAR_NAME, rset.getString(CHAR_NAME)); if (finalElement == 132 || finalElement == 133) // Male & Female Soulhounds rank as one hero class { hero = _nobles.get(hero.getInteger(CHAR_ID)); hero.set(CHAR_ID, rset.getInt(CHAR_ID)); soulHounds.add(hero); } else { logResult(hero.getString(CHAR_NAME), "", hero.getDouble(CHAR_ID), hero.getDouble(CLASS_ID), 0, 0, "awarded hero", 0, ""); _heroesToBe.add(hero); } } statement.close(); rset.close(); } switch (soulHounds.size()) { case 0: { break; } case 1: { hero = new StatsSet(); StatsSet winner = soulHounds.get(0); hero.set(CLASS_ID, winner.getInteger(CLASS_ID)); hero.set(CHAR_ID, winner.getInteger(CHAR_ID)); hero.set(CHAR_NAME, winner.getString(CHAR_NAME)); logResult(hero.getString(CHAR_NAME), "", hero.getDouble(CHAR_ID), hero.getDouble(CLASS_ID), 0, 0, "awarded hero", 0, ""); _heroesToBe.add(hero); break; } case 2: { hero = new StatsSet(); StatsSet winner; StatsSet hero1 = soulHounds.get(0); StatsSet hero2 = soulHounds.get(1); int hero1Points = hero1.getInteger(POINTS); int hero2Points = hero2.getInteger(POINTS); int hero1Comps = hero1.getInteger(COMP_DONE); int hero2Comps = hero2.getInteger(COMP_DONE); if (hero1Points > hero2Points) winner = hero1; else if (hero2Points > hero1Points) winner = hero2; else { if (hero1Comps > hero2Comps) winner = hero1; else winner = hero2; } hero.set(CLASS_ID, winner.getInteger(CLASS_ID)); hero.set(CHAR_ID, winner.getInteger(CHAR_ID)); hero.set(CHAR_NAME, winner.getString(CHAR_NAME)); logResult(hero.getString(CHAR_NAME), "", hero.getDouble(CHAR_ID), hero.getDouble(CLASS_ID), 0, 0, "awarded hero", 0, ""); _heroesToBe.add(hero); break; } } } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("Olympiad System: Couldnt load heros from DB", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public FastList<String> getClassLeaderBoard(int classId) { // if (_period != 1) return; FastList<String> names = new FastList<String>(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement; ResultSet rset; if (classId == 132 || classId == 133) { if (Config.ALT_OLY_SHOW_MONTHLY_WINNERS) statement = con.prepareStatement(GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_SOULHOUND); else statement = con.prepareStatement(GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_SOULHOUND_CURRENT); } else { if (Config.ALT_OLY_SHOW_MONTHLY_WINNERS) statement = con.prepareStatement(GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER); else statement = con.prepareStatement(GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER_CURRENT); statement.setInt(1, classId); } rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { names.add(rset.getString(CHAR_NAME)); } statement.close(); rset.close(); return names; } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("Olympiad System: Couldnt load olympiad leaders from DB", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return names; } public int getNoblessePasses(L2Player player, boolean clear) { if (_period != 1 || _noblesRank.isEmpty()) return 0; int objId = player.getObjectId(); if (!_noblesRank.containsKey(objId)) return 0; StatsSet noble = _nobles.get(objId); if (noble.getInteger(POINTS) == 0) return 0; int rank = _noblesRank.get(objId); int points = (player.isHero() ? Config.ALT_OLY_HERO_POINTS : 0); switch (rank) { case 1: points += Config.ALT_OLY_RANK1_POINTS; break; case 2: points += Config.ALT_OLY_RANK2_POINTS; break; case 3: points += Config.ALT_OLY_RANK3_POINTS; break; case 4: points += Config.ALT_OLY_RANK4_POINTS; break; default: points += Config.ALT_OLY_RANK5_POINTS; } if (clear) { noble.set(POINTS, 0); updateNobleStats(objId, noble); } points *= Config.ALT_OLY_GP_PER_POINT; return points; } public boolean isRegisteredInComp(L2Player player) { boolean result = isRegistered(player); if (_inCompPeriod) { for (OlympiadGame game : OlympiadManager.getInstance().getOlympiadGames().values()) { if ((game._playerOneID == player.getObjectId()) || (game._playerTwoID == player.getObjectId())) { result = true; break; } } } return result; } public int getNoblePoints(int objId) { if (_nobles.isEmpty()) return 0; StatsSet noble = _nobles.get(objId); if (noble == null) return 0; int points = noble.getInteger(POINTS); return points; } public int getLastNobleOlympiadPoints(int objId) { int result = 0; Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement; statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT olympiad_points FROM olympiad_nobles_eom WHERE charId = ?"); statement.setInt(1, objId); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); if (rs.first()) result = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("Could not load last olympiad points:", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return result; } public int getCompetitionDone(int objId) { if (_nobles.isEmpty()) return 0; StatsSet noble = _nobles.get(objId); if (noble == null) return 0; int points = noble.getInteger(COMP_DONE); return points; } public int getCompetitionWon(int objId) { if (_nobles.size() == 0) return 0; StatsSet noble = _nobles.get(objId); if (noble == null) return 0; int points = noble.getInteger(COMP_WON); return points; } public int getCompetitionLost(int objId) { if (_nobles.size() == 0) return 0; StatsSet noble = _nobles.get(objId); if (noble == null) return 0; int points = noble.getInteger(COMP_LOST); return points; } protected void deleteNobles() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(OLYMPIAD_DELETE_ALL); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("Olympiad System: Couldnt delete nobles from DB", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } _nobles.clear(); } /** * Logs result of Olympiad to a csv file. * * @param playerOne * @param playerTwo * @param p1hp * @param p2hp * @param p1dmg * @param p2dmg * @param result * @param points */ public static synchronized void logResult(String playerOne, String playerTwo, Double p1hp, Double p2hp, int p1dmg, int p2dmg, String result, int points, String classed) { if (!Config.ALT_OLY_LOG_FIGHTS) return; SimpleDateFormat formatter; formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss"); String date = formatter.format(new Date()); FileWriter save = null; try { File file = new File("log/olympiad.csv"); boolean writeHead = !file.exists(); save = new FileWriter(file, true); if (writeHead) { String header = "Date,Player1,Player2,Player1 HP,Player2 HP,Player1 Damage,Player2 Damage,Result,Points,Classed\r\n"; save.write(header); } String out = date + "," + playerOne + "," + playerTwo + "," + p1hp + "," + p2hp + "," + p1dmg + "," + p2dmg + "," + result + "," + points + "," + classed + "\r\n"; save.write(out); } catch (IOException e) { _log.warn("Olympiad System: Olympiad log could not be saved: ", e); } finally { try { if (save != null) save.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } public static void sendMatchList(L2Player player) { NpcHtmlMessage message = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); message.setFile(Olympiad.OLYMPIAD_HTML_PATH + "olympiad_observe2.htm"); FastMap<Integer, String> matches = getInstance().getMatchList(); for (int i = 0; i < Olympiad.getStadiumCount(); i++) { int arenaId = i + 1; String state = "Initial State"; String players = " "; if (matches.containsKey(i)) { if (OlympiadGame._gameIsStarted) state = "Playing"; else state = "Standby"; players = matches.get(i); } message.replace("%state" + arenaId + "%", state); message.replace("%players" + arenaId + "%", players); } player.sendPacket(message); } public static void bypassChangeArena(String command, L2Player player) { if (!player.inObserverMode()) return; String[] commands = command.split(" "); int id = Integer.parseInt(commands[1]); int arena = getSpectatorArena(player); if (arena >= 0) Olympiad.removeSpectator(arena, player); else return; Olympiad.addSpectator(id, player, false); } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final Olympiad _instance = new Olympiad(); } }